Previous Comments From Readers

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I moved these over from the other book because they reflected some wonderful views on what I had entered.

15 days ago - MoonshineNoire - Isn't she a darling? It's so very sweet you writing down all these little mishaps and encounters with such love. I know what it is like to be taking care of someone. I took care of my grandmother for almost two years, she slept in my room and everything because she needed meds and assistance around the clock. Once she was craving Tunisian Couscous and I had to try and make it for the first time. She was nice enough to pretend to like it even though it was clearly terrible xD And she'd embarrass my mum with stories from her childhood. Sometimes the nicest people really are the ones who have the time and have learnt the patience to be.I don't know what Alzheimer's is like but you've given us a very personal insight. Thank you for sharing your story and Nat's.

16 days ago - FadingGenes - haha, did you both finally end up getting 'there' ?

22 days ago - FadingGenes - I feel like I've been leaving an endless trail of comments but I can't help myself haha. She is quite endearing.

a month ago - FadingGenes - Aww, I was awwing to at this point =]

a month ago - FadingGenes - I tend to leave my youtube on autoplay mostly, and this happened to be playing in the background whilst I was reading this. I think every time I listen to this song, regardless of its lyrics, it'll remind me of this collection of moments.

a month ago - FadingGenes - I am not going to lie, this had me welling up - and I don't cry easily. I think the last time I cried was a year ago haha. These are beautiful moments, and she is really lucky to have you, and you her.

a month ago - JillianWallace4 -How sweet she is :) How delightful thank you can find the beauty in her at any stage she is in. Much love and support to you. I care for individuals just like your wife on a daily basis. Today a lady volunteered to go to another lady's apartment and find her watch for her. She came back with a watch but it wasnt her friends and we had no idea where she found it and neither did she :) Eventually we got it back to its rightful owner. But the point is she was so willing to help another in any way she could :D Very endearing.

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