Seriously Deep and Intense

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Once again we were sitting on the balcony enjoying the breeze and the sunset and Nat asked,

"When are we going?"

"Going where? We didn't have plans to go anywhere."

"Well I want to get going."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I've got things to do!" Getting a little agitated.

"What things, can I help?"

"I can't advance my things to you."

I thought for a minute and guessed, "You mean, you can't tell me?"


"No, you can't tell me, or no, that's not the reason?"


I shifted around in my chair to face her. "Okay, does that mean, yes, you can tell me?"

"There goes another blue car."

"Uh huh." Last try. "What things do you have to do?"

"Well . . . . . . . . . ."

"Hon? What things?"

"I just want to go home."

"You are home. This is where we live."

"Oh, okay. There goes a red car."

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