I recognize that color scheme..

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I remember when I first told Windblade about my decision.

I remember the life draining from her beautiful optics when I told her that I was becoming a Decepticon. I knew that she was a proud supporter of the Autobot cause, I just didn't believe in their ways.

It was time to choose a side, and I think I may have chosen the wrong one....

-Earth, 0800-

-Starscream, you alright down there? The comms have been eerily silent without your constant comments.- Skywarp said over the comm link, giggling to himself.

Starscream, who was busy searching the endless dunes of the desert for some blasted relic, groaned and pressed the side of his helm to activate his comm link. -Yes, I'm fine. Now leave me alone so I can concentrate...-

-Alrighty then, just give me a shout if you need me. I'll be in near the scouting ship.-

Starscream cut off the comm link with an annoyed huff and checked his scanners for the hundredth time. He didn't understand why Megatron sent him out here, there was nothing in this barren wasteland! On top of that, he was getting sand in all the cracks and crevices of his armor plating!

He continued walking, his wings flattened to try and keep the heat from warping the metal. It wasn't too hot on planet Earth, but he didn't want to risk harming himself. He grumbled curses under his breath as he tapped the scanner again, looking for anything interesting.

Suddenly, a blinking dot appeared on the screen, identifying an energy signal not too far away from him. He grinned, fluttering his wings excitedly and transforming, soaring off into sky.

He only had to fly a short distance before he spotted where the energy signal was coming from. It was an Autobot cruiser, neatly hidden under a cliff overhang. It was clever, but not clever enough to fool him. His sharp optics could spot anything from miles away.

He transformed, landing on the rocky terrain and crouching down out of sight. He peered around the edge of the sandy outcropping, trying to spot any movement down there. "Come on... I know you Autobots are here..." he mumbled, narrowing his optics.

A few moments later, the hatch to the cruiser began lowering to the ground. Starscream grinned, moving around to the other side to get a better look. One the hatch fully lowered, two Autobots stepped out into the sunlight.

Starscream immediately recognized both of them and froze, his optics wide in shock. One of them was that pesky Autobot scout, Bumblebee. But the other one... the other one brought back deeper memories.

"Windblade..." he whispered under his breath, remembering her brightly colored armor and smooth frame.

They had been friends on Cybertron for quite some time before the war broke out. That's when he joined the Decepticons and left for Earth. Cybertron had gotten to the point where there was no more energon left to sustain them. He could only imagine that Windblade found safety somewhere.

He didn't imagine it to be with the Autobots, though.

Suddenly, he felt like he was being watched. He froze when he spotted Windblade staring right at him. "Scrap! " he exclaimed, quickly transforming and flying off.

"Decepticon! Bee, stay here and watch the ship!" Windblade commanded, transforming and starting to chase Starscream through the sky.

Starscream did all the evasive maneuvers he could think of, but none of them could shake Windblade off his tail. She was the only other bot he'd known to be as good of a flyer as him. Laser bolts sailed dangerously close to him as he tried to lose her in the clouds. One of her shots hit home, smashing into his right wing.

"Agh!" Starscream cried out in pain, transforming in mid air and plummeting towards the ground. One of his wings was destroyed, smoke billowing into the air as he spun towards the earth below.

He smashed into the desert, pushing up sand and dirt. He finally came to a stop in a steaming pile of metal and sand. His optics slowly opened just to see Windblade landing a few feet away.

She drew her purple blade, advancing towards him with caution. When the smoke cleared and she identified who he was, her optics widened. "S-Starscream..?"

Starscream coughed, trying to ignore the terrible pain in his right wing. He was beyond furious, not caring if he was talking to Windblade or not. "Why did you shoot me out of the sky, you fraggin' glitch!" He growled, trying to get up. His systems were too heavily damaged, forcing him to stay grounded for the moment.

"I thought you were another Decepticon! Oh wait.... you are one!" Windblade retorted, sheathing her blade and crossing her arms across her chest.

"It's not my fault! I don't believe in the Autobot way of life!" Starscream hissed, coolant pooling in his optics. "Frag... now you're making me cry!"

"Do I look like I care? You left me for scrap on Cybertron!"

"I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!" Starscream yelled at the top of his lungs, breathing heavily.

"What do you mean?" Windblade asked, a frown still on her face.

"Doesn't matter... not like you'd care anyway.." Starscream growled, managing to push himself up. He started to limp away when Windblade stopped him.

"I-I'm sorry... I've just been so stressed lately and... ugh, forget it." Windblade sighed, glancing at Starscream's wing. "That wing looks really bad.. do you need help?"

"No! I'm fine..." Starscream spat, continuing to limp onward.

Windblade sighed and shook her head. "You've changed, Starscream... You aren't the nice bot I used to know.... But I know that you are still in there somewhere." She mumbled under her breath, taking one last longing glance at him before transforming and flying away. "You've just got to find yourself again..."

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