A Fantasy

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After hours of videos later, I notice a moving truck. I get up from my desk and go back to the window. I look out and see the new boy from earlier.

This time, he looks up as well. He smiles slightly and waves. I shyly wave back. He smiles even wider and looks away. Oh, how I wish I could get out of this house and meet him. He seems nice. I really need a friend outside of the internet, too.

I watch the boy walk into his new house. I hope he and his mom like it. That means they'll stay here. And I'll probably get to meet him.

"Jordan," I hear Ashley say from the doorway. I sigh and bang my head against the window pane in front of me, "Yes?" 

"Your Mother wants to know if you've been taking those online classes," Ashley replies, leaning up against the doorframe. "Yes and no," I say, "I've missed a few lessons."

"You'd better start working on them. You don't want me to tell your Mother, do you?" Ashley asks playfully. "You know I don't," I reply, "I don't want to be blocked off of every website except the few online school ones."

Ashley chuckles, "Then get to work. I'll be back in twenty minutes. When I'm back, you better be working on a lesson, not staring at the new boy."

I smirk slightly, "Okay." He then exits the room. He and I have always had a close relationship. It is a little weird. It reminds me of the secret teacher and student relationship Archie and his music teacher had in the series, "Riverdale." Even though we're not together.

I go to my laptop and go on the website Mom signed me up for. I click on my latest math lesson, since math comes easy to me. Maybe because I always count the checkups I get in a month, the amount of worry, and amount of questions. You can tell I'm very sad.

After ten minutes, I've completed the final half of the lesson. I stretch; sitting at this laptop takes a toll on my body.

I look out the window again. No one is outside. I just see the new neighbor's car, green, empty lawns, and a quiet street. If it wasn't for this stupid disease I've been cursed with, I'd be outside. The street wouldn't be quiet. I'd be hanging out with the new boy.

"Everything I do is pointless," I sigh. I'm never going to use this knowledge for anything due because I can't leave this house. Not to mention the fact I'm going to die from this disease sooner or later. Hopefully sooner; I'm miserable.


"I'm back," Ashley says. "Hello," I reply, looking away from my laptop. "Nice to see you on a website where you'll actually learn," he says.

"I'm glad this brings you joy," I tell him, "I find it pointless. I'll be dead soon, anyways." "Jordan, don't think like that," Ashley says, "I don't want to have to put you on suicide watch again."

"I'm sorry, but this makes me feel very depressed," I admit. He comes over and is a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "This will get better, I promise," he says. "I hope so," I reply.

Although, that seems like nothing more than a stupid fantasy.

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