Uncovered Identity

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*Slowly peeps round the corner*

*readers waiting outside the door*

Random Reader: "Well look who finally decided to update."

Me: "Um...Well..I'm just going to go...and uh.......let you read,"

Random reader: "Are you going to get back to the once a fortnight schedule?"

Me: "Umm no, not exactly.....this was just a once off, I haven't written the other chapters yet."

Random reader: "Sooo you going to write them?"

Me: Uh...Yep...yepyepyep."

*Runs back inside*


Just kidding, I know you guys aren't like that! I'm hoping to get back on track with this story, It's nearly summer holidays so I'll definitely have a lot more time on my hands.

By the way, I typed this on my phone so if there are any mistakes please let me know thx. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Marinette ran over her notes in her head, her eyes darting from page to page as her brain put the pieces together. She had believed it to be true a year ago, and now it all made sense. The drawings, the photos, the plans, the reason Adrien ran away. There was no doubt about it.

Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth.

Marinette paced in her room back and forth in deep thought, it was nearing two months since Adrien's disappearance, and she was even more worried than she could cope. Where was he? She would've thought that with the amount of money in his pocket, he would've gotten a new phone, and at least contacted Nino or perhaps made an appearance by now.

Honestly how could a world famous teenage model still be missing for 2 months with no sightings. Her mind only ever jumped to the worst. It was even harder when she was Ladybug, there were rumours starting to go round that she had given up on the model, or that Chat had kidnapped him.

She didn't believe that Chat Noir would do such a thing, and was absolutely outrageous that some people had even let that thought cross their minds, but the police did have some evidence to the rumour. Adrien's phone was found 2 blocks away from where she first found Chat, he stopped showing up to akuma fights the same few weeks when Adrien disappeared and — he refused to help her in the search for Adrien. This couldn't all be just a coincidence.

Could he?

Could he maybe?

Be working for Hawkmoth?

Was he using Adrien's disappearance as a ploy to stop her from focusing on akumas?

Was he...

"I know that look Marinette, what's wrong?"

Marinette flinched when she heard his voice. She turned her head to face him, while eyeing him sceptically.

Don't be silly Marinette, Chat Noir's too good, too nice, too — Chat Noir, to be bad.

She cursed herself for letting her mind even drift over the possibility. How could she think so low of her partner?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?" Chat asked taking her hands in his.
"No," Marinette replied quietly lightly pushing his hands away.
Chat felt slightly hurt at the gesture. Thinking that he'd crossed her boundaries, he stepped back a bit to give her some space.

"What's going on? You look kinda stressed," he asked, his expression flickering with worry.

"Yeah I guess I am," Marrinette confessed. "It's just the disappearance of Adrien felt a little strange, and the fact no one has seen him for nearly two months just felt off. It left me with so many questions as to why he left in the first place, and I know I shouldn't have medled but I did a bit of research and I found out something rather important."
"And that is?" Chat asked curiously.
"I-I don't think I should be the one to tell you maybe Ladybu..."
"Marinette," Chat sighed placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm a superhero, just like Ladybug you can tell me."

Marinette knew he was right, and she fully agreed with him, he deserved to know, but what if he was working for Hawkmoth, and how would she explain that she just came across the Gabriel is Hawkmoth theory?

"I-I uh....um— well."
"Marinette, tell me," the blonde said sternly, frightening the young hero.

"In French please."

Marinette breathed in sharply before repeating herself
"I think Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth, that's why Adrien ran away."

Chat felt like he'd run into four brick walls at Kings Cross, been rammed over by Luka's bicycle twice and punched multiple times in the gut by Weredad.

This wasn't meant to happen. No one was supposed to know.

How could he be so careless? How did he give it away. His facial expression was struck with shock and worry.

"I know, it was a shock for me too, but everything just makes sense," Marinette explained laying out the photos she'd printed off Adrien's phone.

Chat analysed her work. He had to admit, she was really smart, like Ladybug level smart.

"I just wish I could contact Adrien, I just wish that I knew he was okay," Marinette said wiping a few tears off her face. It warmed Chat's heart to know that she cared so much for him.
"I'm sure he's okay Marinette," the blonde assured her.
"But how can you be so sure!?" Marinette almost yelled.

"I just know."

"You just know," Marinette huffed before leaving the room. Chat sighed, how did things get so complicated?

"Plagg I think it's time I said the truth," Chat though aloud.
"Finally, you're actually making some worthwhile decisions."
"Rude!" Adrien responded, poking his tongue out at his kwami.
"You know she's going to be super mad with you, she'll probably throw you halfway across Paris and then pitch you off the Eiffel Tower."
"Even if that were humanly possible without powers, I doubt she'd be that bad Plagg."
"You have no idea what she can do," Plagg mumbled.

Adrien sighed.

Things had been rather awkward  between him and Marinette ever since he said he might be falling for her. It was dumb. So dumb. If anything he should've waited till he was in civilian form, but then again it would be a little weird for him to go missing for weeks only to confess on her doorstep. Why was life so difficult?

There was the Hawkmoth dilemma too.

Adrien wondered where she even got the starting point, but he was kind of relieved that the truth was out. It felt like a great weight was lifted off his shoulders.
Adrien knew he should've told Ladybug straight up. They could've ended his father's plans long ago, they could've stopped him from potentially letting someone take his mother's place. Yet him finding out that his father was Paris's long term villain wasn't the only thing that prevented him telling Ladybug.

What would he do if his father was taken to jail?
Sure Nathalie could look after him but what about making amends with Gabriel? No matter who his father was, Gabriel was still his father, ever since he resented him Adrien still had a bit of hope that Mr Agreste would finally return to the loving and caring father he knew as a kid.

It was then Adrien realised he kept the secret for his own benefit.

He was nothing like Ladybug she was always willing to help others even when she would risk herself, she cared about others before her.

Adrien didn't notice he was crying until a hand brushed across his cheek, wiping the tears away.
"Chat, what's wrong are you okay?"

The blonde removed her hand from his face and then wiped it with the corner of his sleeve.
"Sorry, something in my eye," He quickly replied, his eyes darting everywhere except in her direction. Why did he have to cry? He had a reputation.
"Chat, it's okay to cry you know."
"But I'm a guy."
"So? you're a living organism, you have emotions, it's okay to let it out no matter your gender, I'm sorry you feel like you can't open up to me, it's okay I'll try harder to be a better friend and..."

"Marinette," he began, wincing at the word friend. "You're great, it's not you."

"Then what is it?"

"Close your eyes."



Marinette hesitated before shutting her eyelids. What could he possibly be planning?

Chat breathed in sharply before exhaling at a slow pace. His hands found their way to his face and he shakily peeled the black leather mask away."
"Marinette...." He paused, was he really going to do this? "Open your eyes."

The bluenette slowly opened her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw what was in front of her, or rather the person who was in front of her.
His blonde hair lopsided covering parts of his face. His eyes shining the brilliant emerald green colour that she had been gawking at for 2 years. His black mask held in his hand taunting her vision.

"Get out."

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