chapter 7/Unlocking the 2nd form

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(in this chapter frostbite unlocks his 2nd form but he needs to train it and learn how to use it due to his body only being able to handle the 1st form) 

Frostbite POV

I was with naruko sakura and sasuke. as Kakashi fell unconscious Due to using the Sharingan. as we took him somewhere to rest as We were at Tazunas place as i was at the door and,thinking what i should do to train. 

Frostbite Thoughts; this form i have is powerful but  i wonder if i can evolve this form

a few hours later kakashi luckily woke up as we checked on him and,saw that he's alive. as Kakashi then Starts explaining about the trackers and Senbone As they are taught to know every detail of the human body and etc.

Frostbite; So your saying that this Tracker saved Zabuza

Kakashi: Exactly 

tazuna: Come on your talking none sense 

Kakashi: We need to prepare quickly 

Sakura; How are you going to train us 

As Naruko believes We are gonna beable to Defeat Zabuza as inari didn't believe that. as I give the kid a strange look. as Inari started mentioning about us going back and dying.

Frostbite: Odd Kid hmm 

As naruko was pretty annoyed as she went upstairs and soon heard crying. as She saw inari crying over a picture of someone.

Inari:*Crying* No Daddy no 

Naruko: ....

As it was time for training as Kakashi asked Sakura to explain about chakra.

Frostbite; Huh interesting 

Sasuke; What's the point we already know how to use jutsu anyways 

Kakashi: You don't understand

As he explained how we had to Balance it and etc. as it would just be a joke and etc.

Frostbite: ....

As i never once trained using chakra as I've always Fired that strange energy attacks at my enemies. as Kakashi explains that we had to climb a tree as We watched him climb a tree with just a tree.

Sakura; Wait a minute how does this help us fight zabuza

Kakashi: Frostbite

Frostbite; Hmm

Kakashi: whatever you transformed into is beyond our understanding as it's best to train using the chakra and, maintain it 

As I understood as the others as he explained about applying to chakra. as we were given Kunai to cut the part we get to.

Frostbite;*Practics With my chakra*

As i start trying to draw the chakra to my feet. as it did work for a little bit as i ran up a tree as i was close to the top. as i accidentally Created a Larger Hole.

Frostbite: !?

As naruko had fell down.

Frostbite:*Sees sakura on top of the tree* hmm well I respect that 

Sakura; Hehe

Sasuke; Whatever 

Frostbite;*Starts climbing up the tree*

As i was using the chakra again but failed as i fell onto the ground creating a hole.

Frostbite: Ugh ok that's a nuisance 

As i then kept on doing it but it just end with me Creating more holes in the ground i fall into.

Sasuke; Ok I'm questioning how my brother can create that despite falling into the ground 

Frostbite;*Jumps up*

As i then started climbing up again using my chakra as it was slowly getting a bit stronger.

Frostbite: ok this hurts a lot 

Sakura;*Sees Naruko having trouble*

As she smirked knowing She'll have a tantrum. as She asked sakura for tips which sakura helped with it.

Sasuke;*Falls into the ground*

As for sakura she was with tazuna and,was being a bit snarky cause of her being good with the test. as tazuna didn't believe she was that strong as tazunas friend told him about giving up about the bridge and getting out alive.

Tazuna: Sigh 

As Tazuna explains his reasons as he told his friend that he should just leave. as we cut back to the training as i was having the hardest time ever.

Frostbite; Grr

As I noticed Sasuke and naruko running up the trees. as I power up and, Combine the unknown energy and chakra i have as i start to relax and calm myself as i gained the amount of chakra needed. 

as i started running up and, getting close to the top as I Jumped onto the top as that was pretty lucky.

Frostbite: Huff Huff Huff 

Naruko: Wow how'd you get here..!?


Frostbite; I was just lucky 

As i start flying somewhere to train.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Tazuna was walking through the village. as Sakura saw how poor the village is as she luckily gave a kid some candy to eat as she hoped to help them. as Naruko and Sasuke was having a lot of trouble as Naruko saw Sasuke close to getting the chances as She started remembering how it works and, luckily Got it right as she was close to doing it.  as Sasuke wanted an answer.

Naruko: I'm not telling you

As everyone was busy eating as i was eating a large amount of food. as i got full and did not want to do the something naruko and Sasuke are doing. as Sakura asked a personal question as Inari left. as tazuna explains about things changing involving gato and how everything was taken effected inari. as he explained how Gato had his entire gang killed Kaize and etc as this surprised everyone. as i left to go and,train.

Frostbite; *breathes in*

As i flew around the planet and, started training.

Frostbite; alright so Let's Begin 

As for the entire night, i started training in my 1st form for the next 20 hours.

The Next Day i wake up tired and, noticed my body as I realized I was a bit taller.

Frostbite; Well look at that 

As i went to a nearby lake and,saw i had the horns on my head in a different shape. as i stretch a bit.

Frostbite: Wait what happened..?

As i then Remmebmered what happened during my training as it was an explosion when i unlocked a new power, as i felt my power drastically Decrease as Sakura and Kakashi saw me in my 2nd form.

Kakashi: this is a new form and,you look unnaturally tall 

As i see naruko ontop of the tree.

Frostbite; huh neat 

As Naruko was gonna fall as she tricked skaura only to end up almost falling but i watched as sasuke caught her.


Frostbite; Sakura

Sakura; Yes Frostbite

Frostbite; Stop Simping or i Swear i will kick your ass 

Sakura:*Sweats* hehe ok 

Inner Sakura: Ok i am Really scared of that guy

As we all got back to where everyone I Was back in my more human form as the Second form probably would Make me weaker.  as I've been Eating some Bread an Drinking water as I saw naruko and sasuke returning from climbing the highest part of the tree. 

As Inari started talking smack and was saying it due to rage and sadness cause of what happened to Kaze. as i watched as Naruko got annoyed By inari.


Sakura; naruko You went too far

Frostbite: ...

As i watched her leave as Kakashi talked to  Inari and explained why naruko is the way she is. 

20 hours later i was Busy walking with Sasuke Tazuna Skura and Kakashi through the village. as we were unaware of Zabuza and haku coming.

Frostbite; Hmm 

As Naruko got her jumpsuit on as she left and jumped through multiple trees. as she'd noticed somethings as I  noticed a lot of men beaten and,knocked out.

Frostbite: hmmm

As the kid named inari was helping his mother as i was looking around and noticed the Mist appearing.

Kakashi: Frostbite,Sakura Sasuke get ready

As Zabuza stared at me as he noticed I'm in my human form. as I Smirked seeing multiple water clones as Sasuke took own the clones with ease. as i watche as sasuke was not even trying.

To Be Continued 

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