Last Forms.

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Ice Release Form

Silver form (locked)

Evolved silver form  (locked)

Meta frostbite (locked)

Meta frostbite 5th form(locked )

Overheat form (locked )

Omega Frostbite (locked )

Core form (locked )

True Frostbite (locked )

Powers and Abilities.

Supernatural Condition

Nanite Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate Nanite machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometre.


Heat Nullification

Ability Creation/Power Destruction: Nanites can change their composition or change the molecular/atomic structure of their wearer to create and destroy powers .

Artificial Element Manipulation

Artificial Energy Manipulation

Architecture Manipulation

Atomic Manipulation

Antimatter Manipulation

Ionic Manipulation

Plasma Manipulation

Scalar Wave Manipulation

Nuclear Manipulation

Self-Atomic Manipulation

Thermal Manipulation

Wave Manipulation

Sound Manipulation

Vibration Manipulation

Kinetic Energy Manipulation

Bio-Energy Manipulation

Classical Element Manipulation

Elemental Recomposition

Disintegration by breaking down matter at the subatomic level.

Elemental Manipulation

Metal Manipulation

Liquid Metal Manipulation

Fire Manipulation/Ice Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Force Field Manipulation

Mechanical Energy Manipulation

Quintessence Force

Electromagnetism Manipulation (Master Level)

Health Manipulation

Interface Manipulation

Interface Creation

Internet Manipulation

Manipulate the properties of nanites.

Micromachine Generation

Matter Manipulation

Biological Manipulation

Matter Creation

Nanite Negation

Nano-Active Blood

Nanite Constructs

Artificial Life Manipulation

Artificial Life Creation

Mechanical Intuition

Mechanical Constructs

Constructs Creation

Enhanced Crafting

Enhanced Inventing/Supernatural


Technological Constructs

Contaminant Immunity

Object Manipulation

Rapid Fabrication


Ultimate Regeneration nanomachinery able to copy, recreate and improve damaged or destroyed biology at the atomic level.

Total Conversion

Technology Manipulation use nanites to create and interact with or take control and manipulate technology within reach.

Data Manipulation

Personal Database

Digital Constructs

Technology Augmentation use the nanites to upgrade any technology

Technological Assimilation

Technological Psionics

Metal Manipulation

Reactive Adaption: through science, he's capable of adapting seeing how it's given him capabilities to adapt through tough situations.


Very Strong Destructive Ki Blast


Chakra absorption

Energy absorption

Iron manipulation

Heat manipulation (in the overheat mode he burns his opponent through physical contact ) 

Technology Manipulation

Calamity Embodiment:  The user of this power can embody calamity, the concept of the damaging disastrous event. The user can even cause damage on a cataclysmic level which may be considered an act of misfortune.

Disaster inducement

Destruction manipulation 

other: In this form, he will no longer become himself if overuse of the form but it's possible to train it so the user won't lose themselves.

Weakness: In his metal form the core will be vulnerable to attacks as destroying the core will destroy all the Clones of Frostbite

Big gete star.

Powers and abilities.

Creating powerful robotic bodies

Ability to give what it creates the ability to cheat death

Chakra Empowerment; he starts absorbing the chakra of, the opponent with the wires through physical contact.

Chakra Absorption: It's slow and absorbs whatever chakra is given when the robots are taking damage.


His Guide Robot

 His Final Forms.

Obsidian Form.

 Ultimate Evolution Form(locked) 

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