Chapter one

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Mary Parker was used to her husband's temper and jealousy problem. Everytime she would talk to a close friend or even just some random guy she saw, Richard would lose it and take it out on her. He had never physically hurt her but the things he said to her when he was angry was awful. "You can't go anywhere with any guy unless I say so," or "Why are you talking to him?" She hated it when it happened but she was willing to put up with it, not because she loved him. 

Her parents were close with Richard's family so after her father passed away, her mother arranged a marriage with Richard. Mary hated how the man only cared about himself and never bothered to use the money he had to help anyone. He was also incredibly rude and didn't care what he said to anyone no matter how hurtful it was. If she wasn't doing this for her mother she would no doubt divorced him a long time ago. But she was, which meant she couldn't leave him. 

So one night after another screaming match about going to lunch with an old friend, Mary left the house not willing to be around her husband any longer. 

"Come on baby, I said I was sorry," Richard said to her as she tried to walk away. 

"You say that a lot but you don't mean it," she replied. She wasn't stupid and knew he was putting on a fake kind act. It what he did whenever he met someone new or when she was mad at him. 

"But I do, I love you," Richard responded and grabbed her arm. She pulled away from him in anger and disgust. She hated being touched by him, he was always so rough and only did it for pleasure. It was why she refused to have kids with him. 

"Don't touch me!" She yelled. "I am sick of you treating me like some object, I am human being and I have rights!" She continued. 

"I am your husband and you can't refuse me!" Richard yelled as she stormed off towards her car. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked following after her. 

"Away from you, don't bother following!" She yelled. 

"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back!" Richard warned but she kept going anyway. This wasn't the first time he had said that to her and every time he did, she decided to stay but not this time. She gave him a burning glare and left without a second thought, as she got into her car she could hear him scream that she would regret this, but she ignored him and drove away. 

After driving around for a few hours, she eventually decided to stop somewhere for a bit so she didn't have to go home. 

"Tony is probably having a party tonight, I hope he doesn't mind if I drop by," Mary said to herself. Tony Stark was an old friend of hers and the man she had been in love with since the moment she first meet him back in college. He was only sixteen and she was nineteen at the time but that didn't stop her from falling for him. However it wasn't because of his money, his looks or the fact that he ran the biggest weapons company besides Shield. It was how he acted, sure on the surface he was a bit bitchy, self centered and a total play boy. But if you got to know him, he had quite to soft spot. She thought about texting him but decided it was better to surprise him.  What she didn't know was that night, would change her forever. 

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