Chapter 3: The Plane Ride

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Peter P.O.V.

God, I'm already regretting agreeing to this shit.

"New York. Queens. It's a rough borough, but hey, it's home." Flash said in a deep voice.

Please kill me I thought

"Who are you talking to?" the driver named Happy asked.

"No one. Just making a little video of the trip." flash explained. I gave him 'are you serious look'

"You know you can't show it to anyone." Happy said I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I know." Flash said

"Do you really?" I asked

" No one, ask you ros--" he stopped because of the venomous glare I'm giving him."So, uh, why do they call you Happy?" He tried to change the subject. But Happy just raised the limo's partition. I knew I should call shotgun my last thought as I started to drift away.

No one POV.

Times Skip

Peter and flash got out of the limo they walked with Happy to a private jet.

"Come on. I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go." Happy said rushing them.

"Relax dude I carry my own shit" Peter said grabbing his bag. Flash the other hand almost whines Knowing he has to carry his own stuff.

"Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?" Flash asked randomly. Peter gave him both a WTF then a disgusted look. Happy looked really annoyed and gave Peter a silent look asking how do you deal with him. Peter just patted his arm and went inside the jet.

"There's a bathroom on it." Happy said went inside as well. Peter looked around never once on a private plane before, Well one time when uncle Ben and Aunt may but decide to let my mom to go with me on a trip to Disneyland from a contest Peter won once instead.

"Whoa. No pilot? That's awesome." flash announced. Peter walked to the cockpit and noticed there was no pilot then sat down across from happy.

"Is that where you're gonna sit?" happy asked peter.

"Yeah, anywhere away from him" Peter pointed out to Flash sitting next to them. Happy nodded and got Conformable.

"This is your first time on a private plane?" Happy asked Peter.

"Yeah, The Only time Have I ever been on a plane is when I won a trip to Disneyland. I with my Mom. May decide that it would be Nice to get to know her and Have fun with her. She was right she was a wonderful mother always look out for me anyway she can. My Mom told the reason she gave me a away was because of a man name kilgrave has the power to make people do what he wants. When he found out that my Mom was pregnant with me he didn't like that so when I was born he order my mom to put me in a orphanage. a couple of years later I was adopted by the Parkers they were nice people raised me like i'm there own son. Sadly they died in a plane then I was supposed live with my Mom but I'm guessing she was still under mind-control or something because she disappear so live with my aunt and uncle instead. a few more years later my Mom finally show up in our front doorstep. She finally broke his control and thought she kill the bastard then when to look for me with I was 11. all of us were happy for her and I was finally get to live her" Peter stop and felt a tear coming out."It was suppose happy moment after Disneyland. turn Out she can't have custody of me turn out some asshole decided it would be funny to put all of the blame that kilgrave made her do and not aloud to have custody of me. she tried to explained why she did those thing but the police wouldn't listen to her. for god shakes everyone in queens know who kilgrave is how could they not believe her. I went to investigate who the asshole was that caused this." Peter clenched his fist.

"Did you find out who it was?" happy asked curious on how can someone do that?

"yeah, he over there sleeping a like a fucking baby." Peter points to a sleeping flash. Happy was shocked. "You see that asshole somehow find out about my mom. At first he flirted with her wanting to get in her pants. My Mom beat the holy shit out of him and practically embarrassed him in front everyone. let everyone know he is no hero. I agree Flash only does this shit for popularity and fame. I bet you the only reason he agreed to help Tony Stark just so he would be even more famous, trust me."Peter stated.

"And what makes that?" Happy wondering what if flash is really using tony.

"Flash favorite hero is Captain american. so why in the fuck did he agree to fight him?" peter asked. " look all I'm saying is to tell tony and the other is to keep a close eye on flash. Trust me he don't do superhero team up hell even bait on daredevil on a drug bust and then took of the entire thing" peter yawning then close eye to sleep. happy sat there thinking about what peter said and honestly he was wondering if tony made the right choice in recruiting this flash kid.

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