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'Son of Krypton, Daughter of Earth' is a fanfiction written for Open Novella Contest 2021. Romance is the secondary theme.

The main prompt is ONC 2021 Prompt--Fanfiction 13:

The original prompt is 'A storm is raging outside, but you're cozy at home reading a good story. When the lights go out, you figure it's the result of the storm, but when they come back on, you've been transported into the alternative aftermath of the book you finished reading. Where are you and what happens?'

As revised for this novella, it reads, 'A storm is raging outside, but Lexy Logan is cozy at her sister, Pris's, Manhattan studio condo, reading a novel featuring Superman, a fictional character in her world. When the lights go out, she figures it's the result of the storm. She is told to evacuate and joins a group that will take her to a hotel on Central Park. Lightning strikes, and when it ends, the sun is shining in the alternative aftermath of the book she finished reading. Where is Lexy and what happens?'

The secondary prompt is ONC 2021 Romance 71:

"This is our last dance, my dear," they said, to which you reply, "Then make it the best dance, my love."'

As revised, it reads:

Lexy stood still. She looked at Clark. "This is our last dance, my dearest Clark."

Clark pulled her close and they began to dance slowly. "We'll make it our best dance, my beloved."

This novella is set between Earth1 where Superman is a fictional character and Earth where he is a metahuman hero. The storm that transports Lexy to Earth is part of a bigger event that will endanger Earth and the United Planets.

Lexy, reeling from relocating on Earth, alone, frightened, wants to return to Earth1 for these reasons and also for a life and death illness of her niece. She knows Clark's identity as Superman from fiction on Earth1, and he helps her with her struggle to get by on Earth while he tries to find out why she and others were transported. He also helps search for a way to send her home. She agrees to keep his alter ego secret, and finds herself becoming more comfortable on Earth. Clark begins to fall in love with her, and out of love with Lois Lane, but decides to say nothing since she must return to Earth1.

The story is my own version of Superman's fictional world and is non-canon, although many of the usual characters and places will appear.

NOTE: I changed Metastorm to Maelstrom.

'Son of Krypton, Daughter of Earth' received 3rd place in the Aeryn Awards 2021 for Fanfiction.

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