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On board the Decepticon flagship, the Nemesis, the two-wheeler Autobot Arcee is brought to her knees.

She looks up and there before her was the second-in-command of all Decepticons and right hand of Megatron, D/N.

D/N: (turns and smirks) Well, well, well. The stealth-specialist, Arcee. What a pleasant surprise... for you. Not many Autobots have the pleasure of stepping foot on a Decepticon command ship. Well... not functional anyway.

Arcee silently looked down.

D/N: Silence? Unusual. You were more than eager to make noise when your beloved partner was slagged by that wretch, Airachnid.

Arcee growls and looks up at D/N.

D/N: And while I love reminiscing about the folly and incompetence of said fallen Autobots, I have a proposition for you. Recently, Soundwave came across an encrypted Autobot signal. And hence it's encryption, that can only mean it has something of great value to behold. Decode the signal, and I will allow you to perhaps leave this ship with nothing less than one functioning optic.

Arcee mumbles something.

D/N: Mumbling isn't much of an answer. Yes or no?

Arcee: Get... fragged.

D/N: (chuckles slowly) Demolisher?

A red and yellow Decepticon with one eye steps forward.

D/N: ...would you please bring out our other guest?

Demolisher then shoved a red Autobot down on his knees next to Arcee, who was surprised as to who it was beside her.

Cliffjumper: Arcee. Been a while.

D/N: You're acquinted! How nice... now, I ask that one of you cease your senseless stubbornness and decode the signal or you will watch the other scream.

Arcee: Scrap him. I barely know the guy.

Cliffjumper: Ouch. Glad I'm not the sensitive type.

D/N looks out the view-screen of the Nemesis and sees the desolate planet they orbit, being none other than their own homeworld, Cybertron.

D/N: Our world is nothing more than blight on our continuous division and fighting. If we are ever to have any chance of either reunifying all Cybertronians or restoring our home, than compromises will have to be made... unfortunately. So... I say one more time: give me the code. NOW.

D/N finishes his sentence by leaning towards Arcee.

Arcee: I'm not afraid of you, D/N. You're no Megatron.

D/N: (smirks) You are correct. Because if I was, I'd have ripped your spark out by now. (to Demolisher and the guards) Take her to the brig. Let's see if Starscream can get anything from Cliffjumper.

Demolisher: (deadpan) Starscream? Really?

D/N: I know. The only reason I'm allowing it is to see if he's actually learned anything after the last time he failed me.

The guards take away Arcee and Cliffjumper as D/N exhales and looks back out to the view-screen.


After several hours, a Soundwave alerts D/N of Starscream's report as the grey Decepticon appears on screen.

Starscream: (on screen) Lord D/N.

D/N: Starscream. I will be amazed if I'm about to hear you've been successful in retrieving the decryption code from one of the Autobots?

Starscream chuckles nervously.

Starscream: (on screen) I'm afraid not, my lord. The Autobots are quite resilient.

D/N: Why am I not surprised? Autobots have always been tolerable to even the most extremities of painful interrogation. (holds his chin) We should just end them, but the signal we intercepted could have something to do with Prime.

Soundwave points out the view-screen towards Cybertron at a large tower they were overhead.

D/N: Hmm. He would be able to get the code from them quite swiftly. But I need him focused on getting the space bridge operational. We never know when our master will contact us for an emergency transport.

Soundwave: (with D/N's voice) ...the signal we intercepted could have something to do with Prime.

D/N: Point made. Starscream! Prepare to take our prisoners to the surface. It seems we will need our key engineer for assistance.

Starscream: (on screen) What?! B-but, Lord D/N, if I am given more time-

D/N: DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME STARSCREAM! I am not in the habit of repeating myself, so follow my instructions or will I introduce you to new methods of painful interrogation for future reference.

Starscream: (gulps) Y-yes, Lord D/N.

Starscream disappears off-screen and D/N huffs in annoyance.

D/N: Why Father ever allowed that useless, cowardly, waste of scrap metal into our ranks still baffles me to this day. (to Soundwave) Inform our friend we have need of his... mental expertise.

Soundwave nods and turns to his console as D/N exits the bridge. He continues down the halls of the ship until he hears a familiar voice.

???: There you are, love.

D/N turns and smiles widely at who was behind him.

Shatter: I've been looking for you.

D/N: (smugly) I would think the bridge would've been the most logical place to start.

Shatter: (rolls optics) I see my sarcasm has started to rub off on you.

D/N: You're a bad influence on me. What can I say?

Shatter: (scoffs) Excuse me?! You are a worse one.

D/N grabs her waist and puts Shatter against the wall, pinning her.

D/N: (whispers) And you love it...

D/N kisses her fiercely, which Shatter reciprocates by wrapping her arms around his neck. D/N grabs one of her legs and holds it against his waist, wanting to feel every part of her plating against him.

???: (clears throat)

D/N and Shatter stop and look to see a black and purple Decepticon standing there, smirking.

Barricade: You two having fun or is this some new submission technique?

D/N: (fuming) Barricade...

Barricade raises his hands, chuckling.

Barricade: Relax, D/N. I just came to inform you the prisoners are ready for transport.

D/N exhales as Shatter and him let go of each other. He was about to say something, but Shatter put a finger to his lips.

Shatter: Do what you need to do, love. I'll still be here. Despite the frustration, you have a duty to fulfill.

D/N leans to her left so that Barricade can't see.

D/N: Wait for me in my quarters and I'll show you just how frustrating I can be...

Shatter bit her lip and watched D/N leave with Barricade.


D/N, Starscream, and several other Decepticons lead Arcee and Cliffjumper through Kaon.

Cliffjumper: So this is Kaon, huh? Love what you Decepticons have done with the place. The ruins are especially, picturesque.

Starscream: Silence!

They continue on until they enter a laboratory and Cliffjumper spots various tools on the table in front of them.

Cliffjumper: (quietly) That's not a good sign.

D/N: Autobots, I truly am not a fond of watching other Cybertronians endure pain. But believe me when I say follow through on my promises and even more so, my threats. So I ask you one last time... tell me the decryption code and you will live.

Arcee: I said it before and I'll say it again: get fragged.

D/N: Then remember this... you've no one to blame but yourselves for what is about to come.

They hear large footsteps and see a large Decepticon enter the room.

Cliffjumper: We might be in a little more trouble than I thought.

D/N: Autobots, allow me to introduce you to the Decepticons' key scientist...

D/N: Shockwave.


Arcee and Cliffjumper were both restrained to tables as D/N paced back and forth across from Shockwave, who was working on his terminal. D/N stops and exhales, looking down and catching the attention of Shovkwave.

Shockwave: Lord D/N, is something wrong?

D/N: I am... tired, Shockwave. Tired of being called 'Lord' when that title belongs to our master. Tired of hoping that anyday, Father shall burst through the space bridge with a means of reviving our world or conquering a new one. You probably thinking I'm being blasphemous or ignorant, but—

Shockwave approaches D/N and rests his hand on his shoulder.

Shockwave: Your father shall return. And if he does not, then the Decepticons will look to you for leadership. I know you feel yourself undeserving of such a position of power, but this is what Lord Megatron raised you for; the heir of his legacy. And Soundwave and I shall be here to guide you should you ever require our counsel.

D/N exhales contently, meeting the eye of his comrade.

D/N: Thank you, Shockwave.

The engineer nods, removing his hand.

D/N: I'll shall leave you to your work. Inform me when you've extracted the code.

D/N exits the laboratory and sees Starscream, who bows.

Starscream: My lord.

D/N: Watch the prisoners. And do not interfere with Shockwave's work. (menacingly) Understood?

Starscream: O-of course!

Starscream steps to the side and quickly heads inside the lab. D/N huffs and returns to the Nemesis. He enters the bridge and sees Demolisher and Barricade conversing with each other, until they see him.

Demolisher: Lord D/N.

D/N: Shockwave is putting his skills to use on the Autobots.

Barricade: Only "logical" after all? (nudges Demolisher) Right?

Demolisher chuckles as Barricade snickers, making D/N roll his optics.

D/N: I've no doubt that Shockwave will retrieve the code. It's Starscream's inability to ignore or to let anything go that is constantly sending me up the wall.

Barricade: Seriously. How was a waste of scrap metal like him allowed into the Decepticons?

Demolisher: Who knows? I try not to think about anything relating to Starscream anyways.

D/N: I concur. He—

A rapid beeping goes off at the console. One the Vehicons responds and turns.

D/N: Report!

Vehicon: The prisoners have escaped, Lord D/N.

D/N: How?!

Barricade: (nudges Demolisher) How much you wanna bet it was our dear, old Scream-y?

D/N: Get the armada ready. We can't let them regroup with Prime at his coordinates. I'll deal with the Autobots myself. Soundwave, open me a ground-bridge.

Soundwave creates one for D/N and he rushes through. He sees Cliffjumper talking to two Decepticons. They see D/N and stand at attention.

Cliffjumper: There's someone behind me, isn't there?

D/N: A good guess, Autobot.

Cliffjumper turns to fight but D/N grabs him and throws him, making the red Autobot ceiling.

D/N gets hit by several blasts, but remains undeterred. He sees Arcee at the control panel for the space-bridge, but she gets blasted away. D/N turns and sees Shockwave with his cannon smoking.

D/N: Fix whatever she did to the space-bridge, Shockwave. I'll handle Cliffjumper.

Shockwave: Yes, Lord D/N.

Cliffjumper rushes at D/N, sending a combo of punches at him which he dodges with ease before kicking him and making Cliffjumper spin and hit the ground.

D/N: Your skills lack conviction. That's why so many of you Autobots perish with ease.

Arcee: How's THIS for conviction?!

Arcee rand across the wall and knees D/N in the face, making him fall to his knees.

She was about to use her blades to finish him off, but takes a blast to the chest that hits her and Cliffjumper.

Shockwave: There is more than one way to nullify a neural-net.

D/N stands to his feet and takes his sword off his back, ready to slice them apart. Arcee quickly aims her blaster at the ceiling.

Arcee: Not this time.

Arcee shot the ceiling and large chunks of metal came crashing down.

D/N: Shockwave! MOVE!

D/N dives out of the way, but Shockwave was too slow. Rubble crashed down on top of him, as D/N watched in fear.


Several Decepticons opened fire, making Arcee and Cliffjumper duck behind cover.

D/N then heard the alarms go off and saw the space-bridge begin to spark and shake.

D/N: The space-bridge is about to explode! Decepticons, fall back!

D/N transforms and flies off as the remaining Decepticons obey and follow.

Once far enough, D/N transforms and looks down at Kaon as it explodes and the ground gives way, collapsing into a large hole.


D/N stood on the bridge, trying to block out how he lost an old friend and mentor. Shatter was alongside him and hugged his arm.

Shatter: He saved your life.

D/N: And yet I couldn't save his. How will I explain this to Father?

Shatter: He'll know that you did everything in your power to fight and protect the Decepticons. And if that isn't enough, you're still the Cybertronian I love.

D/N held her hand tightly to his chest. But unfortunately, their romantic moment was interrupted by screaming.

D/N and Shatter turn to see Starscream get thrown at their feet by Demolisher.

Demolisher: Somebody call for special delivery?

Starscream looks up at D/N.

Starscream: Lord D/N, please! I know I—GAAAGH!

D/N stomps his foot on Starscream's face.

D/N: You know NOTHING Starscream! Because you are NOTHING! Shockwave is dead and now the Autobots have to more soldiers to add to their ranks because once again you've allowed your arrogance to take hold.

D/N removes his foot and grabs Starscream by his face.

D/N: (menacingly) And now once again, you must pay the price...

The Decepticons watch D/N walk off dragging Starscream behind him.

Starscream: N-no! My liege! NOOOOOO!

The door shuts behind them and Shatter stands beside Demolisher.

Shatter: Think he'll kill him?

Demolisher: Unfortunately, no. Lord Megatron will still need his punching-bag when he returns. Besides, that's all Starscream is. Stress relief for the more capable Cons on the ship.

Shatter: (chuckles) True enough.


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