Nightmarish Deal

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As the Sports Festival gets under way, Izuku and his class are faced with events made to face off against one another as well as every other first year in UA. Thanks to his talent and skills, Izuku was able to hold first place in the first event. However, thanks to his former sister Izumi's antics, the second had to be called sooner than expected. Now with only 16 competitors left, the final event shall be revealed to the students to hopefully claim a winner.

3rd person POV:

Doflaminga sat in the booth that her and the family had somewhat irritated. "The kid seemed to be strong. Strong enough to fight without a quirk." A man wearing baby clothes pointed out as a kid with a fish fin on his back and horns began laughing.

"Yeah, but he's so banged up after a single hit like that. Hahaha! He's probably a loser who only survived out of dumb luck!"

"Dumb luck or not, the kid had guts. And that's guts with a capital G!" An older man responded back while making a 'G' with his hands. As they spoke, a woman that looked like a house maid with a massive firearm held up by a sash on her shoulder stared closer to him. "What do you see, Baby 5?"

"The kid. He's that one from all those years ago. No doubt about it, he's mistress Izumi's brother."

"What!? No way. That kid was sold off to some rich Celestial Dragon. He's probably pushing up daisies by now." A larger man with a cape pointed this out as Doflaminga stared across the stadium at a certain booth. She smiled before looking over to a woman that held green hair and a somewhat normal image to her compared to the rest.

"Monet. I'd like you to ask for Izuku Ryugu to come here as soon as he can."

"Understood, young mistress." The woman called Monet left with Doflaminga going for a phone now. He decided to call a number and smile.

"Present Mic. I think it's in your best interest to know there is a special guest in the audience today. One specifically from Mary Geoise." 'If anything, this'll be entertaining at the very least.' The Heavenly Devil began laughing as she explained who exactly the person was.

With Izuku

"There you go, sonny. That sould at the very least fix you up to continue. Though I'd advise against it as a medical professional." Recovery Girl stated this as she healed Izuku enough where it won't zap all his strength, but still have some injuries from his act.

"Thank you. Also, I'm sorry if it may be routy in here in the next few minutes."

"What do you-" As the pro was trying to find out what he meant, the door slammed open with Carrot jumping in first to hug Izuku with Wanda and Reiju behind her.


"We saw what you did and we were worried. We even brought some medical equipment if you were too badly hurt." Reiju showed the bag with some unease in herself.

Before he could comment though, Wanda came over and hugged Izuku into her chest. "You gave us all a fright. We weren't even sure if you tia were going to be alright. Please don't do something so reckless like that again."

"I'm sorry if I scared you all, but I'll be ok. Right now though, I'm at least content I had the worst of that."

Carrot pulled her face up to show her on the brink of balling her eyes out. "You sure you'll be ok?"

"I'm not in serious threat for my life, so I'll be ok."

Carrot immediately grabbed Izuku's neck and sopped into him while rubbing her cheek on his. "IZUKU! WE WERE SO WORRIED FOR YOU! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE! GARCHUUU!"

"Oh my. The joys of being young again." Recovery Girl hopped on her chair and began filling out paperwork she needed to. As she did, Reiju came over with a bento in her hand.

"Here. Since you've helped our fiance, it's only fair that we try and offer you something in return to show our gratitude. It's not much, but Izuku's cooking is always very delicious."

"Oh my." Recovery Girl accepted the bento before opening it and seeing how nicely displayed the set up was. "You're an amazing cook, sonny. Thank you for putting in the effort."

"Figured everyone in my class would like it. It's also a way to maybe get some of class B's girls to hop on and join the Mermaid Cafe to give it a try if good food is offered."

"Smart boy. Well, you're free to go at anytime. Just try not to do something so reckless next time."

"I'll see what I can do." Izuku hopped off the medical bed while carrying a still crying carrot in his arms as she kept hugging and trying to bite his ear. As he left, several members of class A came over to make sure nothing bad happened for Izuku to brush them off and say it wasn't serious. Before he left the area, Carrot calmed down enough to walk on her own to head towards the lunch room to hopefully get something to eat. Before they could, a screen next to them showed Mic announcing on the big screen an announcement.


"SAINT CHARLOS!" A look of horror came to Izuku's face as he backed up into a wall.

"Not him. Anyone but him."

Reiju noticed the fear on Izuku's face to begin placing pieces together. "Izuku. What's wrong?" Wanda and Carrot tried to help how they could, but were suddenly met with a smile from Izuku. One that was without a doubt from his time as a slave.

"I take it you're Izuku Ryugu." Everyone turned to Monet standing a few feet away from them while smiling. "If you would kindly follow me. Donquixote Doflaminga would like to have a few words with you." Trying to regain his composure, Izuku tried to stand up, but refused to look at the screen showing Charlos's face.

"I-I'll be right back. J-just eat without me and I'll catch up with you all later." Izuku walked away with the incident still confusing Wanda and Carrot with only Reiju having some understanding on what might've been the trigger.

Izuku walked with Monet towards a booth where she began knocking. "Young Mistress. It's Monet and I've brought Izuku Ryugu here."

"Come in. I'm just dying to see him after all these years." The door opened for Izuku to see several people in the booth as well as the one woman he despised almost as much as the Celestial Dragons in front of him.

"It's been quite a while, Izuku. Why don't you give your mother a hello?"

"You are not, nor have you ever shown any desire to be my mother." Izuku's comment angered some members of the Donquixote Family before Doflaminga asked them to stand down. "So why did you bring me here? I know it's not to reconcile and if it was, then I want nothing of it and we can end this here."

"Actually, I'd like to make a proposal for you. You see, I genuinely am sorry for what I've done. I was a bad mother to you and I truly am sorry." Doflaminga showed a false bit of sympathy to her lie as she continued. "It took me a few years to figure out that I had thrown away an amazing son as you. However, I do wish to make amends in a way of helping your goal."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, I'm aware of what you're trying to do for Fishman Island and I can pull some strings where the World Government could allow this without them visiting the Reverie. With a simple call, I can make your dream a reality. However, there's one thing I'd like you to do." Doflaminga tossed something to Izuku for him to catch it and notice it's a gun. "I'd like you to shoot and kill the Celestial Dragon that chose to watch the Sports Festival here today. After what he's done to you, I doubt you'll think twice on it. Besides, they're all just as evil, sneaky, conniving and sadistic as the one that's here."

"...So to open up a future to thousands of Fishmen and Merfolk, you want me to take a life of a single man."

"Think of it this way, do you really care if the man up there lives or dies? He's the one that bought you when you were a boy. What good does it do to protect the man who held no sympathy for you? Not only that, but you can live a happy normal life above ground with your wives and family. No hiding under the ocean anymore. All you'd have to do is take this man's life before lunch break is over. I even had it where the guards aren't going to be there during the timeframe. It'll give you ample amount of time to go there, kill the Celestial Dragon and walk away like nothing ever happened. What do you say?"

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mother's wish for the island would come true. He smiled at this comment before placing the gun  in his pocket. "I-I'll think about it."

"Good. I hope you don't disappoint." Izuku walked out of the booth thinking of his options. All the pain he's felt from his past tormentor came rushing back to him with now the opportunity to at least show him the same pain he's had to face for so long able to be repaid.

"They're...the Celestial Dragons. They're monsters. And this is for the betterment of my people....I...I want to do this. I can do this." He began walking towards the booth with intent to do what he planned to.

With Class A

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE IZUKU IS!?" Ulti shouted in anger as Reiju tried to explain themselves.

"A woman from the Donquixote Family had asked for him to go with her and meet Doflaminga. I don't know why, but he also seemed to be notably disturbed by a Celestial Dragon being shown on the screen."

Hearing this, Shyarly remembered a picture of a man shown while coming over. She was in such a state of shock that she dropped her pipe and had gone completely pale. "Yamato. Ulti. Find Izumi Midoriya. See if she knows any of what her family is doing. Class A. Can you please help us fan out and find Izuku? I'm afraid he might do something extremely stupid right now."

"Like what?" Kaminari asked for Shyarly to glare at him. "Wait, don't tell me he'll try to do something to the weirdo up there!"

"This is why I want to find him before he makes a horrible mistake. The amount of stress he's been put under by the Celestial Dragons makes me fear for the worst. People who've suffered by them want blood or struggle to manage against the horrors they've seen as a slave of them to take their own life. I want to make sure Izuku doesn't do the same."

Mina immediately got up and ran along with Ochako and Tsu knowing this. As they did, the rest of the class soon went as well with Momo planning to go towards the area near the Celestial Dragon's booth. Even if it was a hunch, she knew he'd probably go there if he did plan to kill the man.

With Izuku

Izuku stood in front of the Celestial Dragon's booth smiling. The anticipation of shooting the man who had no care for human life was forcing him to shake. 'This is it. One bullet will end it all." He pulled the top piece back to hear a bullet go into the cartrage. he was about to walk in, but stopped when he remembered his mother's teachings.

'Never act in hate or anger. It only breeds more hate and anger that corrupts others.'

'This isn't like the fishmen and merfolk of our island. This man deserves it!' He tried to steel himself before remembering the last time he's met a Celestial Dragon.

'It's true. I want him to suffer. I want him to feel every whip, gunshot, burn and prod he gave our people. I want him to die just as much as you do being part of the people that hurt us. But...IF I STAND BY AND LET YOU DO THIS, WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT THAN THE PEOPLE WHO STOOD BY AND LET MY PAIN HAPPEN AND WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN YOUR TORMENTOR!?'

"Dammit." Izuku gripped the gun tighter remembering each time he was kicked. Each time he was hurt. Each night he went to bed and woke up to yet another slave being dead next to him. He had the opportunity to end the man responsible for so much pain in his life right in front of him. But in his mind, he struggled. "Dammit."

As he was in deep self thought with tears coming down his face and blood coming out his mouth from gripping his teeth too hard, Momo came up the steps and noticed him. "No. I gotta stop him now-"

"DAMMIT ALL!" Izuku threw the gun to the wall before punching it and creating a massive dent in it. "DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!" He repeatedly hit the wall before sliding down slowly to his knees. "Why? Why can't I do this to one person? Someone that deserves it. *hic* I am useless and weak."

"Ryugu!" Momo ran over to make sure he was ok. "Are you hurt?"


Seeing the gun on the ground, Momo began asking questions. "Ryugu. Why did you want to kill the Celestial Dragon?"

"*sniffle* He's the one....that monster is the one that owned me. I wanted it. I really did want to kill him. No matter what happens, I can never ever forgive that man for what he's done. He treated me like I was some kind of tool or toy that he can do with as he pleased and kicked me whenever I didn't do what he wanted. *hic* I hate it. I hate the fact I can't even pull a fucking trigger to end the monster who did this to me. I hate being so weak."

Seeing now the person in pain behind the aggressive shell Izuku puts around himself, Momo kneels down and hugs Izuku. "That's not weakness. That's strength. Your moral will is telling you what you're doing is wrong. I understand the frustration you must feel is unbearable, but this is the right thing. What would've happened if you killed a Celestial Dragon? You'd be hunted by the World Government till you die. You'd have to leave everyone you care about and know. What the man behind that door did was horrible and inexcusable, but you aren't him. You're stronger than any of us. And it's because of that strength, you can be weak for right now. You fought for so long, let yourself show the weakness in you for a small time and I promise you I won't judge it."

Hearing this, Izuku hugged Momo and began sobbing into her. As this happened, she began rubbing Izuku's back in a soothing manner for him to know it's ok. They sat there for a few minutes before Izuku felt a little better to stand and pick the gun up. "Please. Get rid of this. I don't want this in my hands anymore and I'm afraid I'll do this again if I keep it."

"I understand." Momo grabbed the gun and began creating something to destroy the weapon.

Recomposing himself, Izuku stood up and began walking away. "Shyar has lunch boxes for everyone. Make sure to grab one before lunch is over. Also....thank you."

"If it means anything, I won't tell anyone about what happened here."

"Probably better nobody does." Izuku left the area with Momo smiling a little.

'So this is what Shyarly meant when she said he's actually a kind person at heart. To be honest, I don't think I'd be able to do the same thing he did just now if I was in his shoes.'

And that finishes this chapter. So this was more a showing of how Izuku's moral self and main objective would be going against each other to create personal conflict. See how Doflaminga handles the fact her plan failed next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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