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In order to help his people, Izuku had decided to attend a college above the ocean in order to establish peaceful relationships for the Ryugu kingdom and humans. In one of the first training sessions he had, Izuku was paired with Ochako while facing Bakugou and Iida. In a one on one fight with his childhood bully, Izuku was holding his own and proving himself stronger. With his back against the wall however, Bakugou unleashes a massive attack even though he was highly recommended not to directly at Izuku to make contact.

Observation room, 3rd person POV:

Class A looked in horror as Izuku was engulfed by the explosion. Many feared he might've actually gotten hurt from it with the sound of Bakugou's laughter coming over the mic. "YOU SEE THAT, YOU FUCKING LOSER!? THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOMEONE THAT HAS POWER AND THOSE THAT ARE WEAK AND QUIRKLESS LOSERS LIKE YOU!"

"All Might, should the match be stopped now?" Kirishima asked worried about his classmate with many wondering if this was over the edge for a first official hero class.

'Should I stop the match here? I know principal Nezu said that young Ryugu can handle himself, but that was undoubtedly a very powerful blast that could've hurt him easily.'

"Hey, what's going on with Uraraka?" One of the students caught All Might's attention for him to look at the screen showing Ochako for her to be on the ground holding her head.

"Young Uraraka. Are you alright?"

"I...I don't know. All of a sudden, my head began throbbing with the sound of Ryugu shouting in my head. It hurts."

'I don't care, I need to call this match now so nobody else gets hurt. Anymore and it may hold counter productions for what we're trying to achieve.' All Might was about to press the intercom to stop the match before seeing the smoke clear and have Izuku standing with his arms crossed.



"You think I'm weak enough to fall back to something so minor as that, then you've got another thing coming." As the smoke around Izuku cleared, it showed his body covered with Haki to turn pitch black. "For years, I've protected the Ryugu kingdom and had fought tooth and nail to get to the level of skill I have in Haki. Now, I think it's time to end this fight."

"Haki?" Everyone in the observation room asked for All Might to explain the basics.

"To make it simple, Haki is an old fighting style that is on the verge of dying because of quirk evolution. For one to master it would take an extreme level of skill and talent. From what I am told, young Ryugu is a born natural with Haki."

"YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou was about to pull is second gauntlet's pin before having a punch by Izuku knock the wind out of him. Before he could register and react, Izuku grabbed the unused gauntlet to break it.

"Now how's it feel to be the weakling? Are you scared? Terrified? I'll show you what real fear is while remaining in the confides of what this class is."

"....DIE!" Bakugou let loose an attack with Izuku holding his hand out. The blast was deflected fairly easily before having multiple others come at Izuku. Each one missed and dissolved in front of the green haired man to only enraging Bakugou more. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!"

"You want to see death? Forty Thousand Brick Fist!" Izuku gave a punch to Bakugou's face to send him flying before moving towards the direction in which the ash blond flew. "Now, Forty Thousand...Roundhouse!" A kick knocked Bakugou upwards towards Iida. He broke through the floor, panicking both the engine quirk user and Ochako.

"Bakugou!? What happened to you!?"

"I happened." Izuku jumped out of the hole down to the lower floors for Bakugou to struggle standing. "Aww. You still have some fight left in you. Adorable."

"Fuck you!" Bakugou let loose another blast for Izuku to dodge it almost as if he expected this to come. He continued walk closer and closer to both the ash blond and Iida. In an attempt to help, the engine quirk user tried to attack Izuku with his leg to be met by the area being covered in Armament.


"Not the most ideal thing to do to a Haki user like me." Izuku grabbed iida by the gaps between his helmet and hero suit to hold him close to his face. "I think it's time we have a little nap, shall we?" He activated his Conquerors Haki to force Iida to be knocked out before turning back to Bakugou. "Now where were we?" Bakugou stared at Izuku who held a rather unsettling smile. He knew that there was no chance against Izuku with it both infuriating him and fearing him. In a last ditch effort, Bakugou came at Izuku for him to give one solid right hook and revealing the ash blond's pupils no longer present in his eyes to indicate he was knocked out. Laying on the ground, Bakugou could only fathom the insanity in his own mind for losing to Izuku of all people.

'I...I lost...to the...quirkless....reject?'

"Now that that's over with, you wanna touch the bomb and call that a win for us?" Izuku looked to the door for Ochako to peek her head in.

"You knew I was here?"


"Oh. Right." Ochako walked towards the bomb to tap it with All Might shouting over the speaker.

"Hero team wins!" Izuku let a sigh out before walking away.

"Ryugu. Are you ok? I heard your voice get very intense for a moment."

"I'm fine. Nothing that has to be worried about. All Might. Iida probably has a fracture in his ankle while the idiot blond might have a broken jaw and some other fractured bones. Mind getting some medical robots?"

"They are already on the way." The pro spoke through the speaker as Izuku and Ochako went down to the bottom level. There, they were met with the entire class marveled at Izuku's actions.

"Ryugu! That was awesome man!"

"You were so cool how you just tanked everything Bakugou threw at you!"

"You ok? Those attacks looked kinda intense."

He didn't bother reassuring most of the class as he leaned on a wall and waited for All Might to go over the results. "And the MVP of this training session is young Ryugu. Can anyone tell me why?"

"I believe I can." A girl with long black hair put up in a ponytail called Momo Yaoyorozu raised her hand. "In Bakugou's case, he was adamant about going after Ryugu to not listen to any reason. Iida had not learned from our past test that Ryugu's skill with Haki is and unfortunately met his end due to that. Uraraka's unable to claim this due to being unable to respond and react in  way that helps others. Ryugu had been the only one able to find a weakness in which he was able to create a plan and deliberate it in a way both could be handled in an adequate manner."

Izuku stared at the girl somewhat impressed while remembering what her name was. 'Momo...Yaoyorozu...If I remember correctly, Camie's friend Pappag does business with her parents. Bunch of high class people that probably don't know the first thing of strife.' Izuku decided to sit down and relax while recovering his Haki while watching the rest of the matches go on.

After school, Izuku POV:

Once school got out for me, I decided to make myself some kelp tea as a way to relax. As I did, Asui began walking into the kitchen to grab a pudding she had. "Hey, Ryugu. What type of tea are you brewing? Smells nice."

"Kelp tea. The flavor is from the leaves being dried and introduced to some rather relieving aromatics that grow on the sea floor. Personal favorite at the Mermaid Cafe." Seeing this as a way to ask her, I decided to handle the elephant in the room. "So what's a fishwoman like you doing above ground?"

"....Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Normally the fishmen and merfolk of the ocean aren't allowed to come above ground, yet you were able to. Did you show some kind of talent or something to be allowed up by the World Government?"

"Before we get somewhere wrong, I'm human and I don't have any relationships towards any fishmen. At least as far as I know." She pulled out a phone before showing me a picture of her family. "Both my parents had froglike quirks, so mine came out similar to theirs."

"Hm. I guess quirks up here have strange alterations like that. Makes me now more irritated that the members of the Ryugu kingdom can't get up above sea level."

"Bedobedobedobe. Bedobedobedobe." Remembering the transponder snail I normally have on me, I picked up and started talking into it.


"BROTHER! BROTHER I MISS YOU!" I heard Shirahoshi on the other side with her average way of showing her affection by balling her eyes out.

"Shirahoshi. You don't have to worry. I promise I'll be home when I can to see you again."

"Dang, Shirahoshi. You really know how to let the waterworks go." I heard Yamato on the other side to change my attention to her.

"You're there, Yamato?"

"Yeah. I've been trying to keep her calm knowing she misses her big brother. Then again, she's not so little to begin with to make that comment sound weird. Hahahaha!"

"Please don't make fun of Shirahoshi's size even though it's not meant to be rude. She gets upset easily and I feel bad when she does."

"Fair enough, you're my husband after all."

I began hearing the sound of footsteps running for Ashido to come into the kitchen. "DID SOMEONE JUST SAY RYUGU HAS A WIFE!?"

"Fiancé. And yeah?" Before I could respond, Ashido grabbed the transponder snail and began talking to Yamato.

"You're Ryu's wife, right? Is he always a moody grump or is that weird? Also, how did you two meet?"

"Izuku. Are you really causing your classmates trouble already?"

"....Shyar? You're there too?"

"Of course. Somebody needs to make sure Shirahoshi is happy and also to keep Yamato in line in case she says something she shouldn't."


"Yes. You are." Both me and Shyar answered in unison for Ashido to poke my arm to get my attention.

"Ryugu. Who's the other girl on the line?"

"Shyarly. She's another one of my fiancés and a Mako shark mermaid. I knew her since childhood and she's always been there for me." I sighed happily for this with some of the other members of the class coming in overhearing the shouts.

"You also got the chance to jump her fish bones if I remember correctly." Yamato began laughing at this with robocop now starting up his stupid spheals.


"....Did someone just say that Izuku could get an STD from me?" I could tell Shyarly was extremely irritated by this from the glares the snail was giving. "Whoever said this should understand how they are spread and you cannot contract one by just sleeping with a normal person. They would need to have the virus to begin with and I run a very clean shop where nobody has it. Also, I don't go around sleeping with other men which is the more likely chance you could get it from that, so I would rather you have your facts straight before accusing me of passing on a rather serious virus such as that."

Iida didn't know what to say for him to bow his head. "I am truly sorry, miss. I did not intend to insult you as such."

"I'm over it." I could hear Shyarly inhaling and exhaling from her pipe before Shirahoshi got on the line.

"Brother. Did you make new friends at school?"

"HOLY CRAP THIS CHICK SOUNDS HOT! ANYONE GOT A PIC OF HER!?" I glanced down at the small perverted idiot before kicking him a distance. "I REGRET NOTHING!"

"I think the better term is acquaintances."

"Congratulations, Izuku. If you come home anytime soon, can you bring your friends with you?"

"Uhhh...I don't know. I'm pretty sure most of these people would-"

"You can count on it, Ryubro's little sister! I'll make sure to clear my schedule just so I can come down there to meet ya!" Kirishima butted in with some of the other members of the class joining in.

"You're...*sniffle* YOU'RE SUCH NICE PEOPLE! *sob*"

I gave a death glare at the class as I cleared my throat to continue. "Well anyway, how's everyone else doing?"

Yamato started going down the list of what some of the girls are doing right now for me to know. "Well, Ulti is trying to keep entertained by fighting Jinbei. She normally gets a few bumps on her head with her head face down steaming, Praline is singing at the Mermaid Cafe in your place, Wanda and Carrot are helping out the royal guards since they were Beastkateers when they were on Zou, Reiju is learning about the kingdom's history."

"And what about you?"

"Hehehe. I don't do much."

"She lazes around a lot before going to the Mermaid Cafe to work as a server for a little extra money to enjoy her boring life."

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL HIM THAT, SHYARLY!" Yamato started whining before Shirahoshi took the snail again.

"Brother. Do you know when I'll see you again?"

"I'm not sure, but I promise I'll tell you first before I tell anyone else."


"Promise." I smiled knowing Shirahoshi's doing her best at handling the situation we're in before Shyar got on.

"Well I apologize for calling you abruptly. I hope we weren't disturbing anything."

"None at all. It's nice to hear from all of you. I hope I'll see you soon."

"Thanks you. Bye."

"Click." The snake shut off for me to place it back in my pocket before grabbing my tea and going back to my room. On the way out, I started to hear some of the class talk.

"Anyone else think it's kinda creepy how Ryugu was smiling when he normally scowls."

"I think it's sweet. He loves his family and....fiancés." Ashido mentioned this before a conversation about Bakugou came up. "Speaking of grumpy people, has anyone seen Bakugou?"

"I think he said something about going to see someone in class B."

"You think it's a girlfriend?"

"He does know a green haired girl in class B if I remember. They could be."

I rolled my eyes if that was the case before walking back up. 'If anything, those two were made for each other. Both psychotic and pieces of shit.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku relaxes on the weekend from his first few days of school. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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