Therapy Dates

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Izuku POV:

A few days after Izumi's little 'outburst' at the Cafe, things began to take an unusual turn for me. "Hey, Ryugu. You ready?" One of which was me being forced to take Tsunatori and some of my classmates out on an undesired date. "C'mon. We're gonna be late in meeting up with everyone." Pony was dragging me out the door, or trying to in her case as I just grumbled and watched Otama learn how to read and write thanks to Aizawa spending his free time doing so.

"Sorry you gotta waste your spare time doing this."

"Nezu is paying me overtime for this. I also had the privilege to opt out, so you're not exactly 'troubling' me for how I chose to waste my spare time." He mentioned this while correcting Otama's way of writing a kanji. "Besides. The kid seems to be responding well."

I patted Otama's head to smirk at her. "Do well, kid."

"You're going on a date with Pony and some other girls, right?"

"Let's get it right. This is therapy with Hound Dog demanding me to."

"But won't you make everyone sad doing this?" Otama asked with Shyar looking at me from the book she was reading.

'How did this even happen?'

Flashback to the day after the outburst

"You wanna say this one more time? Because right now this is sounding really off." I asked as I was sitting in the main area of the dormitory looking at Hound Dog.

"I want you to go on an outing with Tsunatori and the classmates you're comfortable with. From what I'm told, you're on good terms with Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Ashido and Asui." I glared at him a bit annoyed before saying the obvious.

"So you're asking me to be unfaithful to my fiancés?"

"This doesn't have to be considered a date. This is more a matter of helping you interact with the outside world understanding you are in a positive position. I have also addressed this with every one of your fiancés individually and though some were a little more aggressive with their responses than others." I knew immediately at that point he was meaning Ulti. "They're on board."

"....Nope. Not gonna happen."

"Yes. It will." Shyar came over on Hera looking directly down at me. "Izuku. The goal of you being in therapy is to help your own personal matters. You always say you can't trust humans and that you're not a good person because of that. But you've proven your logic is wrong time and time and time again. You aren't a bad person and humans aren't evil and bound to deceive you for their benefit by nature."

"As Ms. Shyarly addressed, you had fought to get to the position you are at. And currently, you are above your blood sister. This is a situation you've never truly been in. Right now, your mind is possibly trying to process it and how to handle it. This is an ideal moment to work on your more difficult problems because your mind is now open to different ideologies."

I glared at Hound Dog before giving my answer. "I want nothing to do with humanity for all they've done to-OW!" I held my head before looking up to see Shyar glare and begin shouting at me.


"Ok! Ok! I get it. Just don't hit me in the head again.

Back to present

"Keep in mind I would never do this if I wasn't forced to by Shyar." I reminded Tsunatori for her to shrug it off.

"You're still hanging out with us." I stopped trying to argue it with her opening the door and dragging me out to the entrance of UA. Once there, I saw my classmates I was to meet in normal clothing. "Sorry if we kept you waiting."

"It's not a big deal." Tsu mentioned this before turning towards me. "I'm more surprised you accepted this."

"I didn't come here really by choice."

"Yeah. I heard Shyarly got you by the loins." Ashido laughed at this with Yaoyorozu clearing her throat.

"If you wouldn't mind. It would be worthwhile to head towards the shopping mall near here. I have heard they have quite the selection of shops."

"As long as we can get this over with faster." I headed out towards the mall with Uraraka walking next to me. "Why are you walking next to me?"

"I thought you'd like some company with someone walking beside you."

I stared at her for a moment before asking a serious question. "Why do you think I need company?"

"You just seemed like you needed a friend. Also, I think you're really nice and I wouldn't mind staying around you."

"I keep telling you all I'm not nice."

"If you're not nice, then why do you still do the right thing like help the people around you or get mad on someone else's part?" Ashido said this with a smirk for me to give her a death glare. "You're a lot nicer than you think. Even Shyarly knows that. So drop the act that you're 'not a nice person' for a day and just have a little fun." I was getting more annoyed by what she mentioned Shyar to calmly accept this and walk with them.

'Let's just hope this is the most annoying part of the day.'

At the mall

Entering into the building, the girls looked around to see a bunch of shops to get excited over. I didn't bother caring for this before being dragged into a clothing store by one of the girls and was found in the middle of a woman's dress section. "Hey Pony. What are your colors?" Ashido questioned this for Tsunatori to look confused.

"She asked what colors do you prefer." I repeated the question in English for her to understand and answer."

"I like yellow. It fits me really well."

"Then perhaps something flashy." Ashido pulled out a dress that went to Tsunatori's thighs with a bunch of flashy gems and stuff around it. She seemed uneasy with this before Yaoyorozu pulled out a more ball gown like one to put beside her.

"Class is something that starts with how you present yourself. As such, being refined would be the best route to go with this."

"Oh please. That sounds so old school. Get with the times Yaomomo."

"At least I'm not making her wear something that makes it look like she's a prostitute."

"Are you judging my form of fashion?"

"No. I'm judging the style itself."

"Big talk coming from someone hardly wearing anything as a hero costume." The two continued to bicker with it annoying me to look at Tsu and suggest her to bring Tsunatori across the section and go find her a nice top with jeans she likes. When they came back, the two turned to see Tsunatori holding the jeans and yellow top with her smiling.

"I prefer jeans and a nice shirt over a dress." Her comment made me chuckle a bit with Uraraka whispering to me.

"So that feeling of unease and disgust was..."

"Yep. Tsunatori hates dresses." I reassured Uraraka's theory before Tsu came over with a somewhat frilly dress for her. It surprised me seeing before offering the dress to Uraraka.

"Here. Try this one on."

"I umm...I'm ok just looking. I don't need a dress." Uraraka laughed and tried to brush it off with Tsu staring at her blankly.

"Is it a fear of the price?" She hit the nail on the head for Yaoyorozu to comment.

"If it makes a difference. I wouldn't mind paying for you."

"Yaomomo. Please don't. You don't have to do this. I just don't have a reason to have a nice dress."

"Actually, Shyar was talking to me the other day about special event nights. You know. Stuff like maybe a horror night or one that shows a more refined state. I even had a few songs and dishes worked out with Uta, Praline and Sanji for it."

"Really? What types of stuff did you have in mind?" Ashido seemed excited about this for me to point some stuff out.

"Well we were going for a more fight club themed one first to show the quality of being rough and tough."

"EEK! I love it! Can I hear one of your songs?"

I smirked before looking at the girls. "Find some edgy clothes and then we'll talk."

"Deal!" They all practically shouted it before rushing to find some clothes that fit a more intense theme. When that was done, we paid and came out to go find a karaoke bar.

Getting to it, I spoke with the person in the front to get a booth to have everyone in. Once there, I looked for the song that I found a few days back before setting up a snail to record and send to Shyar. "Since this is a song I wanted to show my fiancés before you. I'm gonna have this recorded and sent to her."

"You mind if we record this too?" Tsu asked with me just shrugging.

"Do what you want." I started up the song and started to sing along to it

I took in a deep breath before starting to speak. When I did, my mind went to the situation when I was a child as well as the situations rising up from it. The amount of dedication I have done to grow. Every serious fight I've done to help my people from pirates and bandits came to my mind. How I've been beaten bruised and bloody. Even during these moments though, I knew I wasn't on the peak and I needed to push further. One of my biggest moments of this was when a bunch of Fishmen were burning down homes of people giving blood and I caught them red handed to jump in and save a family. Thanks to this, nobody got hurt with the culprits being able to escape. This was a moment I looked at my life and realized my goal was to help the people of Fishman Island learn they are able to be equal to humanity.

Once the song ended, Uraraka looked at me confused for a moment. "Ryugu. Why do you fight so hard for the people of Fishman Island?"

"It's difficult to answer, but I want to help them." I walked over to sit down with a scar on the top of my head showing.

"What happened to your head? Was that from Midoriya?" Ashido asked with me covering it.

"It's a scar from one of the first moments I've tried to help keep my nation safe. You see, I was around 9 at the time and had some bit of a grip on Haki to be able to use it. It was nowhere near where it is now though."

Flashback about 10 years ago

"HELP!" A human found his way to Fishman Island and was causing problems. From what I was told about the person, he was capturing fishmen and merfolk to sell on the black market. "LET ME GO!"

"SHUTTUP AND JUST ACCEPT YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME RICH YA BRAT!" He was in the process of taking a small child with the members of the Ryugu royal guards handling a situation of a fire that he started before this. The man was walking towards the Fishberly Hills when I came across him alongside Shyar. "Well that's a treat. A shark mermaid."

"Izuku. I think we should run." I wasn't aware of the situation before turning to see the human turn his arm into a tentacle and wrap around Shyarly. "HEY! LET ME GO!"

"Oh yeah. This one's gonna fetch a pretty price."

"LET HER GO!" I charged at the guy and tried to pull the tentacle off of Shyar while he scowled at me.

"Get off of me you little brat!" He smacked me away during this and sent me into a wall. "Now then. I think I've got enough to sell and lay back with the easy life now-"

"I SAID LET HER GO!" I came back to latch onto the arm once more with the human getting more and more angry with this.

"AND I SAID GET OFF YOU BRAT!" I wasn't strong during this time, so I put myself in a lot of danger as he constantly punched and kicked me. During this, I felt as if I had broken a handful of bones with hearing a rib snap. I'm not sure how, but hearing this made the human get more and more excited to keep going. Eventually, he started to get desperate to grab a gun of his to bash me over the head. He did this probably a total of five times as my grip on his tentacle arm weakened enough to start sliding off. "I TOLD YA TO GET OFF AND NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO YOURSELF YOU STUPID PUNK!"

I was fading in and out at this point before biting on his arm as hard as I could before looking at Shyar. "I....I won't let...another person I care taken...." Hearing this and smelling the blood I had coming from me, Shyar lost it to her instincts. The best I could say is she went on a frenzy during this to physically bite off the human's arm. The look in both their eyes as they came to this point was something you could only say is one thing. Role reversal.

"Where's that satisfying tone you have now, human. WHERE IS IT NOW!?" Shyar wasn't in her right mind. She had adrenaline going through her with the scent of blood putting her nearly over the edge. In addition to this, she was ready to kill someone. However, I made a gamble the only way I knew how. I used my Haki to knock her out alongside the human and the other residents of the kingdom he stole. By the time the guards came, I was ready to pass out with the man's arm patched up and no longer bleeding. Since both of us had blood on our mouths, it was hard to tell who did what with me being the only person awake at the time. In that moment, I said probably the best case scenario to help Shyar out.

"I stopped him. I ripped the human's arm off. Just help everyone else first and then deal with me how you see fit." I passed out after this.

Back to present

"I don't get it, why did you take credit for ripping the guy's arm off?" Tsu was confused about this for me to clarify.

"For the Ryugu kingdom, we monitor those that come from the Fishman District a little closer than those that are born into the kingdom's main area. This is because those who are part of the Fishman District tend to have a nature that's more violent than others due to the aspect of constantly being in turmoil. When a human pirate or villain attacks the island in hopes for selling them off, the Fishman District is normally those that are taken by this. It's predominantly a lawless area that will shape those part of it into hardened individuals that don't take to laws and order so easily. This means Shar would've been scrutinized more than me because she was originally from this area. Even if it wasn't her fault per say and she helped people, that fact she was excessively violent towards someone would make red flags. If I took it, it was most likely going to be a slap on the wrists and people would look at me more hesitantly than her. I just...I wanted her not to be judged is all I wanted to happen. She didn't deserve it being a victim like the citizens this guy captured."

"So you took not only the credit, but the frontal image of a violent person because of it." Yaoyorozu confirmed this as I nodded.

"She still feels violently sick remembering the taste of human flesh in her mouth at the time. Shyar didn't eat right for a month after that and it got to the point I started cooking for her as a way to help."

"You know, that's...oddly wholesome of you. Your girl was having problems and you stood by her. Way to go Ryugu." Ashido gave a thumbs up with the rest of the girls smiling at this thought.

"Just understand this, it wasn't cause I was nice. I just wanted to help someone who was having problems cause of my own weakness."

"We know. We know." They laughed at this before laying back down feeling my head hurt a bit from remembering the ordeal.

'At least the sting is an example I care about Shyar more than myself.'

And that finishes this chapter. So a bit of a wholesome bit with Izuku opening up more towards some of the girls. Also a bit about his and Shyarly's building up. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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