Two Family Failures

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In an effort to gain members for the Mermaid Cafe, Shyarly brings mermaids from Fishman Island to help serve the guests. Meanwhile, Izuku is able to hire two members of Big Mom's group to the cafe with a third promising candidate to add to the staff. However, once Reiju has noticed him, she reveals that the man known as Sanji is her biological younger brother to which the man becomes enraged and leaves the school. In an effort to help and gather information as to what exactly happened to Sanji, Izuku brings Reiju alongside him to find out the story of him and the Vinsmoke family.

3rd person POV:

Izuku and Reiju began walking down the street noticing where Sanji went after he left the cafe. Fortunately for them, there was a home address on his resume in case they did lose him to possible head there. As they walked, Izuku glanced over at Reiju to get some understanding of the situation. "So you wanna tell me why a brother of yours as you mentioned was so angry at you that he left the cafe?"


"Try me." Izuku didn't want to deal with this as an excuse for her to accept the fact she had to come clean.

"Are you aware of how I'm not exactly 'normal'?"

"You said it was something cause you were created to be strong leaders of the Germa kingdom. So you were trained to be soldiers?"

"It's a little more complicated than that. You see, me as well as my brothers were altered genetically. I was after my birth, but my four brothers were done before their birth. Our father, Judge Vinsmoke had found a way to make us as children strong enough to be able to defeat grown adults who were efficient soldiers in childhood. He was also able to devoid us of emotions relating to fear and sentimentality. This was far more in my brother's cases than mine due to him being able to find more efficiency during our childhood. However, our mother rebelled against this and took a poison that destroyed the nervous system. As such, she was able to succeed in saving Sanji from our life, but indirectly damning him to become a failure and freak in our family."

"Born normal in a group of abnormal people is bound to make you the odd man out."

"It unfortunately got worse. Our brothers. Yonji, Nishi and Ichi, deemed it their personal goal to beat up Sanji. I'm ashamed to say this, but I'm somewhat responsible for not standing up for him. Eventually, our father found out that it was absolutely pointless to continue with Sanji. As such, he locked him up and pretended that he was dead for the kingdom to make everyone believe there was no longer a weak link in the leaders. Unfortunately, he spent his days leading up to a moment in the East Blue when we were going to battle wars in a cage, holding a iron face covering to make it impossible to see him. Sadly, our brothers didn't at the very least let him be knowing he was all but entirely disowned from us to continue beating Sanji up with no remorse."

Izuku continued walking while hearing this to feel notable anger. "Your family sounds like scum. No wonder he hates you."

"It gets even worse. When it came time for his escape, I tried to help him by telling him where the lock to his face covering is in our father's quarters. There, he met our father and told him this." Izuku stopped for Reiju to tell him with all his attention on her. "I will not stop you. However, I will ask for two demands when you leave. No matter what, you must never tell anyone of your lineage and you must never tell them who your father is. You must know by now, but having you for my son is my greatest shame." Izuku heard this to glare at Reiju.

"You let your own brother get picked on, thrown into a jail for being weak, AND SAID BY HIS OWN FATHER THAT HE IS A SHAME HE MUST LIVE WITH!?" Izuku gripped Reiju by her clothing and glared at her in the eyes. "How do you sleep at night knowing this was happening?"

"...I don't easily. I'm still disgusted how much we've done to our own brother. It's shameful and I bare no excuse for it. However, Sanji though treated like an outcast among us is probably the perfect example of what our mother wanted to save."

"Which is?"

Reiju never stopped staring Izuku in the eyes while answering. "Humanity. Something that you still hold even to this day even when you think you despise everyone around us." Izuku heard this to let go of Reiju. "Sanji was not physically strong, but he was emotionally strong enough to take a leap that many children our age would've never been able to do. Something we as the Germa kingdom's next in lines would never be able to do. He was deemed nothing in the Germa kingdom, but was bound for something greater outside the world. In a sense, I see much of him in you. You and him are ones that are born for greatness, but unable to do so where you started at."

Izuku was a little uneasy hearing this, but chose to walk the other way. "Let's find your bother and try to get back before it gets busy."

"Right." The two continued down the street to see Sanji enter into a coffee shop. Understanding if Reiju entered in with Izuku that it would be bad, he asked her to wait outside. Once he entered, Izuku saw Sanji at the front counter with a coffee being given to him.

Izuku went up and sat next to him. "I'll have what he's having."

Sanji glanced at Izuku before looking down at his coffee. "I'm not working with that woman if that's what you're here to do."

"Honestly, I'm not here to ask you to reconsider. At least, not completely." Izuku was given the coffee before taking a sip and having a bit of a bitter note to make him hold a distorted face.

"You put a pinch of salt in coffee and it counterbalances the bitter notes to help emphasize the flavor of the roast itself." He grabbed the salt to add a bit in Izuku's coffee before giving a spoon for Izuku to stir it a little.

Taking a sip, this made the flavor a little better for Izuku to place it down. "Thanks."

"So what are you really here for?"

"Look. I get it. Family is a pain in the ass." Izuku let out a deep sigh while explaining. "To be entirely honest, I'm probably the few people that probably understands you the most. Reiju told me about your past to understand you're not much different than me." Sanji looked at Izuku as he unwrapped his bandages on his hands to reveal the scars. "Sometimes, being normal doesn't help and instead it makes you more of an outcast. Shame that the both of us were born into families that the abnormal was the norm. We were born weak compared to our family and we had to work hard to be as strong as we are. Unfortunately, that doesn't amount to anything in our blood family. To them, we're just failures who's existence is an insult itself."

Sanji glanced at Izuku surprised before a loud banging was heard. They turned to the source to see a guy holding a woman at gunpoint. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! JUST STAY DOWN AND NOBODY HAS TO GET HURT!" Seeing the woman scared with tears falling down her eyes, Sanji noticed this to feel rage.

"YOU BASTARD!" Sanji disappeared immediately before showing up under the gunman with the sole of his foot kicking the man's jaw hard enough to send the guy flying into the ceiling. "DON'T YOU DARE EVER HARM A LADY IN FRONT OF ME! ANY MAN THAT REFUSES THAT GOLDEN RULE TO AN INNOCENT WOMAN IN FRONT OF ME IS GETTING A FOOT TO THE FACE! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" This surprised Izuku a bit. He knew Sanji had to be strong going around the Grand Line to the places he did, but he didn't expect him to be that fast to react.

'To think this guy was able to do something so quick in the heat of the moment. That's exactly what we need in a cook. Good with his work, but not afraid to bust some heads when need to.'

"You punk!" An accomplice in the cafe shouted while aiming a gun at Sanji for Izuku to come in front of him and give a solid punch to his stomach.

"4 Thousand Brick Fist!" The attack sent the man flying into a wall with his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. Izuku smirked at this with Sanji somewhat impressed as well.

"Guess you can hold your own in a fight."

"Thanks. Likewise."

"DAMNED PUNKS!" A third thug with four arms came in prepared to attack the two with Sanji and Izuku prepared to attack as well. However, the man looked pale before falling down to the ground. It was only after this that they noticed Reiju in her raid suit holding her leg up to indicate what happened.

"You didn't kill him, right?" Izuku asked not really caring for the villain's well being, but more to avoid problems.

"He'll live. He's just paralyzed. Once he has it naturally flushed out of his body, the fool will be normal again. But he'll be limp for at least a few hours."

"Good to know."

Reiju looked at Sanji while deactivating her suit. She let out a sigh before giving a claim. "Dad has nothing to do with the Mermaid Cafe. The only reason I'm here is because the Ryugu kingdom made a deal with Germa. I was actually offered as one of Izuku's fiances."

"Sanji. I'm not going to say amending with family is the better option here. If your situation's anything like mine, you're far past that point and there is no chance of it. But I'm willing to at least offer you a chance to practically not see Reiju if needed. It might be difficult, but we do need help. If you accept, I'd rather get an experienced person than a random off the streets." Sanji pulled out a cigarette to smoke it before even thinking to give an answer. "If it makes things easier, I can ask Shyarly for you and Reiju to be put in two different shifts where you almost never see each other. I don't wanna make issues if I can, but I'm willing to make accommodations if I can."

Sanji let out a puff of smoke before answering. "I want nothing to do with that family anymore. But I do want to work with the Mermaid Cafe. The food I had on Fishman Island was good and I honestly wanted to learn what you guys do to make it more special." Sanji then turned to Reiju. "Personally, you're probably the one person in that family right now that I hate the least. As such, I'm willing to put my personal grudges aside just to work. But don't think this is me wanting you in my life again. This is just me putting my personal opinions to the side for a job."

"I can live with that."

Izuku gave a sigh before speaking up. "Ok. Let's get back to the cafe before it gets busy. Oh, and I should also point this out as a way to get you to understand." Izuku explained to Sanji. "We are an entertainment group. However, we aren't a brothel. Any forms of sexual acts done to our girls is strictly prohibited while they're working. If the girls are willing to make a relationship with a customer or staff member outside, it's fine."


Later that night

After service ended for everyone, the girls began sitting in the booths to relax from the hard day. "That was a little smoother than it originally was when we started."

"Amazing what happens when you've got kitchen staff to help push food out faster." Reiju smirked while responding to Mina who laughed at this.

"I wonder what Ryugu said to the blond guy to make him come back, ribbit?"

"It's not important." Sanji came out with a few pans alongside Chiffon, some of the class A and B guys and Pudding with Izuku behind them holding a stack of plates. "All you need to know is I'll be working here." He pulled to the side after placing the food in his hands on a table.

Yamato jumped up from her seat and practically tackled Izuku for a plate for food. "Awesome! I always love eating your food, Izuku!" Sanji smiled at this with Izuku able to prevent falling over thanks to Wanda behind him holding him up. "SWO GWOOD!"

"Seems she's an eager woman. I always liked a woman that isn't afraid to say what she likes."

"Yamato is a character." Ochako laughed at her remark to Sanji before going for a plate. It could be shown on her face that she was in pain. Izuku saw this to go over and grab her plate.

"What do you want to eat?" He didn't show any emotion whatsoever for it to confuse everyone. "What?"

"Don't what us? You're normally a hardass to people. Why are you so content with helping her right now?" Tokage points this out while Izuku made Ochako's plate and placing it to the side.

"What happened to her during the Sports Festival was partially my fault since Midoriya did this just because she wanted to get under my skin. This is me doing this as a form of apology."

"Aww, that's sweet. You really are a nice person, Ryugu." Pony smiles at this for Izuku to stare at the horned girl blankly.

"I'm not a nice person. I'm just doing what I should when it's my fault.

Izuku sat to the side for Shyarly to smile at this. 'So Uraraka is another girl that's getting him to show his true colors. Perhaps I can get Ashido to make a note of those who like Izuku more.'

In Wano

"Are you telling me that Joker's daughter tried to kill Yamato's fiance!? NOT ONLY THAT, BUT TRY TO PICK A FIGHT WITH YAMATO AND ULTI!?" Kaido slammed a sake bottle into the side of the wall while King explained the situation to him. "I'M NOT GOING TO STAND FOR THIS AT ALL!"

He got up and cracked his neck while walking out to the exit. "What do you want done about it, sir?"

Kaido grunted while right in front of the exit. His body began to turn blue as he spoke to King. "Tell Doflaminga and Izuku I want a word with both. I'm not having these problems happen on my watch. I DON'T CARE HOW IMPORTANT THE SIMLE FRUITS ARE OR HOW GOOD THE SAKE IS FROM FISHMAN ISLAND! I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS!" Kaido began to transform into a gigantic chinese dragon and flew off towards Japan with King notably scared of the incident.



And that finishes this chapter. See what happens when Kaido talks with Izuku and Doflaminga. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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