Ulti's (forced) Date

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Izuku POV:

Waking up after a talk I had with Reiju last night, I felt a painful pounding in my head. 'What happened last night?' I moved my head a bit to feel a soft sensation on my face. Turning to see the sorce, I noticed Reiju with nothing covering her. I looked up at her face to see she was smiling and slowly waking up.


I stared blankly at her before asking the obvious question. "What the hell happened last night?"

"To make it simple, we had a little fun and you enjoyed your fiancé to the fullest~" I stared blankly at her with little fondness in how it was addressed. "We can both pretend that never happened if you want. It's not like I'm against the idea."

"It's not that. I just...I'm sorry I can't remember anything about it."

"Well to be fair, I didn't play as fair and gave you a little liquid courage that ended in a less desirable way. So let's call it even." She seemed happy about this for me to feel more guilt. Considering how it was, I moved my head up to kiss Reiju's lips with it somewhat surprising her. "Izuku."

"I'm not the type to just screw and walk away. If you're on forgetting this ever happened, that's you. But I'm not the type to. So please don't make me feel worse by thinking nothing changes for me." This comment made Reiju smile before the sound of the door opening to have us all turn to see Ulti walk in.

"Izutan, why are you sleeping naked with the FLUSY!?"

"Because he liked the way my insides felt~"

"Why instigate her?" I glared at Reiju a bit with Ulti now charging for us.

"PREPARE TO GET YOUR HEAD BASHED IN YOU FILTHY TRA-" She was stopped midway by her leg being grabbed by Shyar. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"Such hypocrisy calling Reiju a flusy when you're in no better of a situation than her."


"I didn't say I was fond of that situation. But you calling any of us tramps or anything along the line of that is hypocritical." Shyar then turned to Reiju with a bit of an irritated grin. "Did you handle the problems you told me of before?"

"I did. The items are sent to my father. But the method of transport would most likely be damaged."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Reiju explained the situation to me about her father. Apparently he wanted a genetic sample of me specifically for the research he does in cloning only for her to damage the samples she took from me to make them useless. "So that's what brought about last night."

"I apologize. I took a cowardice way. If it makes it better, you can take this out on me however you wish."

"I'm not going to hurt you for this, but I'm not overlooking this if it happens a second time." She seemed somewhat happy with this idea before my arm was grabbed by Ulti to get hoisted up.


"Since when did I agree to this-"

"Let her enjoy herself Izuku." Shyar spoke up with it seeming to not bother her. "She doesn't want to be left out of having attention from you."

'When did this become my life?'

Few hours later

Being somewhat dragged by Ulti, we started heading into town. As we did, I noticed she decided to wear a nice outfit with a matching mask. "I hate to ask this, but why do you decide to wear masks? You don't exactly hit me as the germaphobe type."

"I'm not scared of germs. I just do this to match Pay Pay."

'So that's why. She just wants to match her little brother.' We kept walking with the situation feeling more awkward with the forced scenario. "So what do you want to do?"

"Dunno yet. I heard you're going to a training camp, so I wanna grab some things for the outdoors."

"You do know that it's only me going to that with you, Shyar and everyone else are staying here, right?" Ulti looked at me confused for a moment. "It's a trip only for UA students. You can't come along."

"WHAT!? HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!?" Ulti started crying like a child at this for everyone to start looking at us. "WAHHHH!!! I wanted to spend time in the outdoors with Izutan!"

"L-look. You have the day with me so please stop crying. You're making a scene." I tried to help Ulti for her to wrap her arms around my neck and strangle me.


"CAN YOU PLEASE REPHRASE YOUR WAY OF TALKING BEFORE SOMEONE GETS THE WRONG IDEA!" I pulled Ulti into a shop that was in the area before bringing her down an isle to give us some privacy. "Look. I get it. You're upset about this, but there's nothing that we can do. This isn't a matter of I can magically put things where I can bring you girls along. What about the cafe too? It needs people to run it. You can't just jet away from these things without some kind of responsibility for it being in place."

"Then why not ask if one of us can come!?"

"I did. they told me it wasn't something they could do. I pulled a few strings that I could just to get Otama to come with us so you girls don't have to watch her without me. If there's anything I could have done more, I would have. But these are the pieces we have and I played them the best I could without causing more problems than it's worth down the line." This seemed to oddly calm Ulti down for her to nod.

"Alright. I understand." I was taken back a little with her not shouting, wanting to bash my head in or some mixture of the two. She instead turned to look at the isle we were in with a somewhat neutral look to her. I almost didn't believe it was Ulti as I looked at the isle as well to see we went into a convenience store.

"You want something to drink from here?"

"I'm good." She didn't even turn to answer to make this even more out of character. I decided to try and put this off as we continued to travel around the area.

"This outfit looks nice. What do you think? Maybe this could look cutesy on you." I showed an outfit I kinda expected Ulti to like knowing her type of taste to try and be cute when she wants to be for her to look at it and turn away.

"I think maybe I should stop trying to be cute." This really took me back a bit knowing how she's always looking to be cutesy.

"Then how about something nice for a way to show cute charms you have?"

"Hmmm....No thanks." She didn't look my way again for this to be insanely out of character for her.

'Is she trying to avoid eye contact?' "Then what type of outfit do you think would work best for you?"

"I don't know. Maybe just something basic like a hoodie and sweatpants." Knowing her type of outfits, this was a big red flag.

"Ok, what the hell is up with you right now?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Izuku. I'm merely trying to be less of a child right now."

"That's my point. You're normally quick to show your emotions and ready to hop off the handle at a snap of a finger. So what the hell is this?"

"I figured you'd like a more...controlled woman. You like Shyarly and slept with Reiju, so I figured that you don't like me when I'm rowdy." I didn't actually argue with her form of logic since her over activeness does bug the crap out of me, but this is something entirely different.

"Ok. I like Shyarly and have a strong relationship with her because we've been through a lot. That has nothing to do with me liking her more than you or anything like that."

"Liar. You do like Shyarly more than the rest of us. There's no use hiding it. We all know that and we know that if the situation with Fishman Island wasn't a thing, you would've just been happy marrying Shyarly and becoming a happy family with her making half fishman or merfolk babies."

Ulti kept away from me with the fact she thought this finally hitting me. "....I'd be lying if I said having all of you around me as my fiances didn't piss me off a lot. But the truth is well....the way you piss me off I honestly came to accept and I'm kinda happy about it. It's true that if things were different we probably would've never met or had anything more than just an acknowledgement we exist. But the truth is well....I honestly enjoy seeing you all. The fact that I hear you bicker with everyone, get overly excited and is quick to headbutt someone that's talking back to us. It makes me happy having someone so quick to jump into a fight for me on my side. Ulti. I really don't say this a lot, but I actually...well I..." I kept finding issues saying what I needed to with Ulti speaking up.

"You don't have to say it if you don't mean to or can't."

"That's the thing. I need to say this because you're hurting. I hate that I have to say this and to be quite frank, I'd rather you not say this to anyone else. But the truth is....I...came to....respect and cherish you all....in your own ways. Does that mean I want to see you jump up and prepare to pick a fight with someone just cause they said something unkind, no. But I am touched that you're quick to come to my side even when you shouldn't just because 'I'm your fiance'. To me, that's a gift that I can't ever replace and I thank you for that." There was a silence between us as Ulti turned towards me.

"So....do you really like me?"

"....Yes. I...I might be going over my head right now by saying I umm....I love you." Ulti stopped her stern look as she pulled her mask down to ask me in all honesty concerned what she was going to do next.

"So....you actually do care about me as much as you do Shyarly and Reiju?"

"The whole thing with this is, it's hard for me to show I actually do care about people. I...I do care for you all as much as each other and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. So...yes. I...love you as much as Shyarly and Reiju. At least, as much as I am able to." There was a silence between the two of us with Ulti having tears in her eyes. 'Ah, shit. I fucked up somewhere, didn't I?'

"IZUTAN!" she immediately tackled me and hugged me while knocking over a display case. Thankfully nobody got hurt as my head was stuffed into her chest. "I WAS SO WORRIED YOU'D HATE ME AND THAT YOU DIDN'T LIKE ME THAT I FELT EVER EVER SO ICKY! I'M SORRY I COULDN'T SAY THIS TO YOU RIGHT!" I was struggling to breathe a bit before Ulti finally let me go to breathe.

"Look Ulti. I do care about you girls but-" I was immediately cut off by Ulti pressing her lips against mine. The more messed up part about this was that she pushed her tongue into my mouth for it to start making me lose acknowledgement of the people around us. As her hand went down towards my pants I immediately sprang back to the reality of our situation to stop her and pull away. "Public! PUBLIC!"

"Whoops. Sorry Izutan I was a little out of place there." She laughed it off with some onlookers staring at us and a person that works for the store we went into looking at the display and held a deadpan look.

"I'm so sorry about the display sir."

"Not a problem. But if you're looking to do something dirty, can you please do that in your own homes. I don't want public indecency to come back towards me if it happens in the store while I'm working."

"Fair enough." I picked Ulti up to get on our feet before bringing her out alongside me. Once we did, she wasted no effort hugging my arm into her chest and bringing me towards an Internet cafe. "Any reason why we're going here?"

"This is a place I like to visit. It's got great drinks and the manga they have is also great."

"Huh. Didn't know you liked to read manga."

"I like it more cause it's easier to read stories outside of text on text. I don't know how people can sit and be a book worm like that."

'You're talking to a said book worm.' I kept this comment to myself as we walked inside. When we did, the front desk person smiled and greeted Ulti casually to confirm what she said that she goes there regularly.

"Here with a friend today, Ulti?"

"My fiance." She held my arm happily as the person smiled at her.

"Alright. I'll get your normal room assigned to you." The desk person typed away and gave us a key. "Have fun you two." We left to go into the room with Ulti grabbing several mangas. We opened the door to see the room rather simple. A table with two chairs and walls all around for privacy.

"This is rather nice."

"I know right." Ulti sat down with a bunch of her manga to start reading them. Considering the fact that it was a rather quiet place, I decided to take the time to read some stuff she was reading. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea as most of it was sappy romance stuff, but it made Ulti happy and it was worthwhile to at least look at. While reading though, I noticed Ulti take her mask off entirely and smile while reading. She was happy in this area while also showing several other emotions that made me believe she was reacting to what she was reading. I won't lie...it was entertaining more to see her reactions than anything else.

'To be honest, I never really expected Ulti to show emotions so easily while reading something.'

2 hours later

Leaving the internet cafe and heading back, Ulti seemed to be more calm than she ever was from what I've seen. "So how often do you go to this place?"

"Every now and then in my free time. It's weird, but I do enjoy reading the manga and feeling the emotions people feel while reading them. It kinda makes me feel...normal." Remembering back to what I was told of Ulti's upbringing, I recalled her say that her and her brother Page One were brought into the Beast Pirates as kids and struggled to survive. Being in a pirate crew like that as an adult is probably an issue alone. Being a kid and being in it would probably be worse. Knowing this, I guess I never acknowledged how much of her childhood was most likely missed out.

"You know, this really made me remember how charming you can be. I'm glad to know you can be cute."

Ulti looked at me with rather innocent eyes to make me see her now as a woman. However, this was met immediately with a headbutt directly on my forehead. "DON'T JUST SAY I'M CUTE! YOU KNOW I'M ADORABLE!"

I winced at this before accepting her method of talking. "Alright. You're right. You're more than cute. You're adorable." She smiled at this before holding my arm close again as we walked back home. 'I wonder how Page One handled her growing up or is this a new thing?'

And that finishes this chapter. So I wanted to do a chapter that showed Ulti as a more caring woman. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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