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It was a beautiful night in Royal Woods and everyone was at home..nestled in their beds ready for the brand new day that was going to start in a couple of hours. Everyone except for a family standing right in front of a mansion that was hidden by a couple of trees.

(Pretend that it's night)

"So this is our new home?" A female voice said. She has white hair with a black butterfly clipped to the side.

"Yes. Now kids..make sure that you don't do anything to raise suspension against us. Especially since that made us leave that last town we moved into." A man said. He has brown hair and two different colored eyes. 

"Of course. But we should probably get the others inside before any normal people try to peak inside the van." Another voice said. Like the girl, he also had white hair which was slightly hidden by his hood. His eyes were red and he seemed almost bored since this was his newest home in the span of 4 months.

"Alright. But make sure that none of them try and explore the place. Last we need is a bunch of deaths that will drive attention to ourselves." The man said.

"That'll be like asking them to stop killing people." He deadpanned making the older man sigh.

"Then tell them that you'll take some of ones that look normal out so they can explore their new playing grounds." The man said.

"I'll come with..besides it'll be nice to be among the locals." The girl said with a smile. To anyone would seem like a perfectly normal smile, but to her brother and held hidden intent. 

"Okay. Now let's get everything and everyone settled before anyone wakes up." The man said as they started to unload everything. As they did so..the town had no idea of the terrors that will plague their town for months to come.

But before you go..Remember to lock your doors and windows and hope that there's nothing out there. Because you know what they say...

You never know what's lurking in the dark.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bye 👋

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