Chapter 2

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Jupiter's P.O.V.

We had just finished breakfast and I went back to my room and picked up a dagger and started whirling it in my fingers. "Hey Jupiter," My boyfriend Atlance said behind me. "Hi Atlance how are you," I said turning around to look at his beautiful face. "Oh i'm fine," Atlance said coming up to me and putting a hand on my cheek making me blush "Aw you look so cute when you turn that beautiful shade of red,". "Atlance stop," I said while laughing "You know what happens when you do that,". (For context even though I have no proof of this. When Jupiter feels strong passionate emotions he goes into a "trickster" form who only feels love and passion and his color scheme of sea foam green and black changes to red and pink etc. Usually happens when Atlance is in the room). I transformed into my trickster form and started kissing Atlance all over his face which brought back memories of mewberty.


The last thing I remember was Atlance hugging me to he said something but I couldn't hear him. Then, a bunch of webs with my cheekmarks on them put me in a giant coucoon and I fell asleep with Atlance embracing me. The coucoon broke and I woke up and saw Atlance. I spread my mewberty wings and flew up into the sky and looked around and saw who knows how many guys but I floated back down and saw Atlance. I fluttered toward him I saw tears in his eyes. I picked Atlance up and kissed him he kissed back and the rest is history.

end of flashback

I couldn't stop kissing Atlance's face and I pushed him to the floor and pressed my lips against his. "AAAAHHHHH!!!" We heard Aquario yell and I changed back to normal and got off of Atlance and we ran to Aquario's room. I opened the door and saw Aquario's eyes and cheekmarks glowing. "Aquario just calm down your emotions are causing this just calm down please," I said. Aquario tried to calm down but instead he made a giant sword and it launched at me and Atlance. I created a shield but the shockwave knocked me and Atlance backwards. "Aquario just focus," I yelled. "I can't," He said in an echoy voice.

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger I just had to leave you on a dramatic note. Love you my demigods <3  

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