Chapter 3:Power unleashed

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Previously on "son of Twane" the past is shown has it reveals Katsuki bullying Y/N and Izumi there appears saving him M/N appears and even mocks Inko Izumi broke his heart even confessing to her and after M/N died and right now he was left alone at the end Eobard is seen still in his cell has he then hears the voice of his son hearing his pleads of pain has at the end he remembers the last time he saw his boy swearing at Flash for ruining his son live

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Y/N opens his eyes and moves his body to the right side has he sees his bird alarm clock he lazily with sleepy eyes moves his arm out of the sheets and turns of the alarm

Y/N:*sigh*Why do I still keep this.....oh right it's Dad's Christmas gift well I'm surprised he knew my favorite bird

After that he gets the sheets of him moves out the bed and started doing his regular thing which was change clothes then brush his teeth and after that make some breakfast he was in the kitchen making some beacon and eggs while also listening to the news

Reporter:In other news it has been one year seen the fall of a great hero by the name Psychic Witch she will be missed

Reporter 2:That she will Phil at the time when she was still a hero I love her she was an inspiration to me and to a lot of us and did you know that she has a son

Reporter Phil:Really where's the young lad now Rachel

Reporter Rachel:Don't know but I feel sorry for the poor boy losing a mother and the only family left for him oh I hope his okay

Reporter Phil:Hey his P.W son he'll be fine

Y/N smirk hearing that has he flips the eggs and then turns to the T.V

Y/N:You da*m right am her son

Reporter Phil:And in other news with have one of her friends with us right now actually

Reporter Rachel:Really? Well let's bring them in!

In the prop elevator opens and it reveals to be green psychic and Midnight when Y/N sees them he stop cooking has he puts his food on the plate and sets it on the table but he puts two plates he sites down and glares at the T.V screen

Y/N:Hmph! more like traitors who deserve death

Midnight and G.P sit on the couch close to the two reporters has all four smile at the camera and at themselves

Reporter Phil:Heroes welcome to the news now do you know why your here?

Midnight:Of course we are here to talk about are dear friend M/N

Reporter Rachel:Yes mind telling us a bit about her like who she was before being a hero

Green Psychic:Well she was very shy specially with the boys

Midnight:But ones she grow up she was quite the strict woman oh you wouldn't believe how many times she had to get us out there patrolling when we are relaxing

Reporter Rachel:*giggles*It would seem you two were trouble for her

Green Psychic:Oh you wouldn't believe it*giggles*

Reporter Phil:What about his son do you know anything about him I mean after all seen your her friends I would have thought one of you would adopt him

Both midnight and Green Psychic stop smiling like there happy abs look at each other nervous started sweating bullets has they both put on fake smiles to hide there guilt

Green Psychic:*nervous*Oh you mean Y/N

Reporter Rachel:Aww what a cute name

Midnight:*nervous*Well cute name for cute boy wouldn't you say

Reporter Rachel:So yes is one of you watching him?

They look at each other again and G.P then look at the camera they've been watching him but from a far watching his pain they were told not to intervene and they regret it

Midnight:Sadly we have not adopted the young boy yet

Reporter Phil:Really well do you want to say a few words to see him the boy listens to them


Green Psychic:Y/N!.....if yo—

The T.V changes channel to a movie about a guy who's looking at a grave which has the face of a woman until the the grave exploded Y/N was the one who changed it has he has his arm stretched forward abs in his eyes a little bit of red lightning is seen

Y/N:I will never go with you or the slut


Y/N door bell sound is heard which makes his eyes go back to normal has he places the remote on his table then walks to the door ones he opens it his meet with his best friend

Alexis Kaye

Alexis:Hey Y/N~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N:Ihad to change it seen the one I put in chapter 2 I couldn't find it)

This is Alexis Kaye Y/N's new best friends because we know what happened to the old one they meet actually a long time ago ever seen they were at high school he protected her from the bullies and she help him too she was there to comfort Y/N in his most saddest moments she even b***h slap Izumi for betraying Y/N has said boy smiles seen her has they both embraced each other in a hug and he lets her come in

Y/N:Don't worry breakfast is ready

Alexis:Good because I'm starving

Y/N:Having troubles where your at

Alexis:You could say that

Y/N then notices the joker shirt and she notices his stare


Y/N:I seriously don't understand why your are a fan of that guy of all people

Alexis:I could say the same thing about you in two ways

Y/N:Oh yeah! prove it

Alexis:Your socks are Red and yellow representing reverse flash colors and your wearing the exact same green colored shirt that resembles the green colored suit of green arrow

Y/N's eyes are open wide has he looks down and sees the socks that resemble his fathers colors and then looks at his shirt that says the same

Y/N:Oh come on!!

Alexis:*giggles*Come on let's go eat

Y/N:*sigh...smiles*Yes let us eat

Time Skip brought to you by Y/N punching a tree at maximum speeds until one of punchlines knives stab the tree which makes him stop he looks behind him and sees her with lunch

They eat breakfast and then left the apartment has they decided to walk around the city has they go side by side looking around

Alexis:So how are things

Y/N:Still sad about moms death but have been good doing some jobs here in there helping the neighbors whenever they need my help what about you how's it going

Alexis:Same old same old

Y/N:*chuckles*So nothings changed huh


Y/N:We'll that's what we quirkless people can do has this so called heroes just look down upon us waiting for something to happen

Alexis:*groans*You could say that again can't have five minutes with our either mom or dad saying things about "I wish I was a hero" or "Hey Alexis maybe you should be a cop maybe that way will be able to meet heroes" is super annoying


They stop at a cross round in the city has they turn towards each other

Y/N:See ya

Alexis:Take care okay don't let your mothers death low you down to much


They give each other a hug and Alexis gives Y/N a kiss in the cheek which makes him blush

Alexis:Aww look at you


After that they went there separate ways Y/N walks around the city has on his path was another guy who was looking at his phone and not looking forward has both the guy and Y/N bump into each other making the guy drop his phone in the streets

Y/N:Hey watch where your going!

???:You should be the one watching yourself asshole!!!!

Y/N:*mind*Wait that voice why God why*out loud*What the heck are you doing here dumbass

???:Hey!!! Who you calling dumbass you dum-.....*glares*Y/N

Has the person is revealed to be the one who made Y/N's life a pain

Katsuki Bakugo (age 15)

Y/N:I ask first what's nuclear explosion like you doing in the city at this point I think you might kill everyone here

Katsuki:Shut up you quirkless loser!!!*mumble*Now where's my phone

Y/N then looks to his left and see the phone on the street and smirks

Y/N:On the street idiot


He turn to his right abs saw his phone there but before he could go get it a car ran over it destroying it which shocks Katsuki and Y/N laughs at it

Y/N:*laughing*Oh my God that was priceless

*pop pop pop pop*

He looks int front of him and sees the bulky with a very pissed of face abs with tiny explosion coming out his hands

Katsuki:Your dead!!!

Y/N:Time to run

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After 1 hour of dodging explosion and parkouring around the city

Y/N makes it to a ware house area of the city close to and abandoned one has he doesn't see Katsuki near him he breaths heavily after that awesome escape


Katsuki:Got you now Bastard!!!

He turns around and sees lunching himself towards him has he grabs Y/N by the neck and sends them towards the abandoned warehouse has he burst through the doors he throws him in the ground which makes him roll but got back up has did Katsuki both glared at each other

Y/N:You know I get that you hate me but attacking me and in public you my bully have an obsession

Katsuki:Shut up!! This for what you did to Izumi you b***h

Y/N:Izumi?oh right that green hair traitor you hook up with you know I get your into powerful people but really dude Izumi

Katsuki:I'll kill you!!!

He launches himself towards me he goes for the right swing but Y/N catches his arm puts it over his shoulders then moves Bakugo over him until slamming him down to the ground

Y/N:How you like that!!


He boost himself up Y/N jumps back Katsuki boost himself again this time heading towards Y/N who's dodges his approach has Katsuki land he turn towards Y/N who put chew him in the face abs then knees him in face and kicks him in the chest punching him back

Y/N:Come on Explosion boy you can do better than that!!

Katsuki:Oh I will do better!!

Katsuki boost himself towards him again Y/N gets into a defensive a mata de has Katsuki moves to the side and fired from his right sending Y/N to the left making him crash with a wall he gets back up and sees Katsuki launching himself at him he rolls to the side dodging his explosion he turns towards the bully only to get kicked in the face sensing him away from him and on the ground he tries to get up but Katsuki puts a foot on his face has starts his explosion's

Katsuki:Your going to die here abs now you weak.pathetic excuse of human being I bet your mother is glad she died because now she doesn't need to look at the disappointment she made abs your dad well *chuckle*I'd say his just a pussy for never being there

Katsuki laughs but without him noticing sparks appear out Y/N body(A/N:Immortals song that's above play it now)Has inside his blood stream the things stoping his speed are being destroyed by the negative speed force has Y/N grabs Katsuki foot and using his free legs he swipes his other leg making him fall has he pushes the leg he was holding Katsuki then boost himself up has he gets in a stance and ones he looks forward Y/N is not there

Katsuki:What the!!??

He out of now there gets hit on his right


This continues has Katsuki hets hit from all directions until the last punch hits him in the face sending him towards a wall has he crashed into it he gets back up and sees Y/N with glowing red has and distorted

Y/N:*distorted voice*

Katsuki boost himself towards him

Katsuki:Die you freak!!!

He goes to explode him but Y/N dodges his attack and hits him 30 times sending him towards another wall has ones his stops he continues to vibrate at incredible speeds has lightning started appearing out of him

Y/N:*distorted voice*What is this power?AAAAHhH!!!!

He screams the energy exploded around the area has it takes the power out of the buildings and any other things that work on electricity near by are shot off somewhere else in Star Labs

Inside of teams flash main room a signal appears on the computers

???:Whoa whoa what the he*l is this

Cisco a.k.a Vibe

???:Whats wrong Cisco

Caitlin a.k.a Ice Queen

(A/N:If your asking yourself why Caitlin's here if we got evil killer frost in the harem you'll see what I do up ahead in the story)

Cisco:I just got info about the negative speed force acting up in Japan


Iris West

???:Wait what do mean by Japan?

Barry Allen a.k.a Flash

Cisco:I'm just writing you what I see dude

Caitlin:But that's impossible Twane's in prison why would there be negative speed force in Japan of all places?

Barry:*realization*Oh no


Barry don't say anything he just puts on the mask and runs out of Star labs


Back with Flash he is going at maximum speeds towards the location of the negative speed force after a long run on water he reaches Japan and goes to the abandoned warehouse has he goes inside he sees a very beat up Katsuki on the left and in the middle was Y/N still vibrating he turns around and smirks his eyes fully red has Flash who only stares in shock


Y/N:*distorted voice*Oh hey there Flash nice of you to finally show yourself after all this years of watching my pain

Both speedsters look at each waiting to see what the other one does

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