Chapter 5:The new reverse flash

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Previously on "son of Twane" Y/N and Foash began there fight has they ran around the city and traded blows but it was Y/N who took the win and has he was about to finish off Foash his father stop him with link he and his son had after explaining things Y/N went to the prison that hind his father and got him out plus his allies and one them was the joker after getting there gear and Eobard and Y/N put on there new clothes they meet outside there they saw three heroes and will they sound cocky Y/N and Eobard didn't mind has they charge at them without a care in the world
Eobard:*distorted voice*Let us teach this so called heroes a lesson Y/N!!

Y/N:*distorted voice*Right!!

Both father and son charge at the heroes an there police back up has Y/N karate kicks Kamui wood sending him back then quickly goes to kick M.T lady only for her to grow big a little and block it has she then grabs his leg and move him up abs brought her close to her face

M.T lady:Hmm~Now that I look at you closely your kinda of a cutie~

Y/N:Sorry but I already got eyes for someone and there not you and I don't think my dad would approve you anyways isn't that right?

On time Eobard speeds runs right up to her face and uppercuts her in the chin making her almost lose her balance Y/N vibrates out her hand and then kicks her in the face making her fall to the side has both speedsters meet back on the ground

Reverse Flash:*distorted voice*On that we can agree

Has the cops were about to open fire five of them were turn into ice has Captain cold freezes sone of them with Prisoners running behind him

C.C:Come on guys let them have there father son bonding time what you say joker you think we should move the locals away

Joker:Your right on that Snarty old pal Hahahaha!!!

Joker throws bombs towards the cops abs then takes out his revolver has he fires at both of them exploding them in the air making them unleash sone time of gas that hits eight of the cops who started laughing but without stop has they fall to the ground

Y/N:*mind*So that's the famous joker toxin Alexis working on

Y/N then dodges Death arm's punch has he then punches him in the face D.A regains back and goes to punch him again Y/N speed dodges and the hero punches the ground cracking it has Y/N goes behind him and tries sky punches him in his back until he goes over him grabs his head abs slams his face on the ground

Y/N:*distorted voice*Whoa you guys seriously suck at being hero can't even stop a bunch of supervillains and one of there son who just started this gig makes you wonder if you can even save people

Death Arm:Shut up!!!

Death arm gets up sending a punch which Y/N dodges has the fake hero charges at him again going for punch only to be block by a grey hand has Grundy steps in between them Bronze Tiger jumps in punches him pushing him back

Y/N:*distorted voice*He's all you're dudes

He speeds out that fight and goes to his father who's fighting Kamui Wood who is trying to hit Eobard but can't has he's too fast for him Recerse Foash spotted his son running his direction and nods to his father he nods back has he ran faster around hero who is looking around he sees Reverse flash reflection and follows it

Kamui Wood:I got you villain!!!

He send four tree branches has his arm extended towards where he thinks Reverse Foash would be only to get hit from behind which stops his attacks he looks around only to see now two blurry figures running around outside of that fight M.T lady is getting up and one she sees the commotion she started to grow big only to get punch and sending back far the cause of this was superwoman who floats in front of her

Superwoman:You a hero ha! I see you more has a prostitute if you ask me

M.T Lady:Talk all you want bich but I'm still going to beat you

M.T lady gets up but before she could do anything she gets blasted from behind making her scream has she looks behind her she sees Livewire

Livewire:*smirks*Well do you think you can beat both of us

M.T Lady:grr you hear that I will!!!

Has she grows into a bigger size which breaks the bridge but she stands on the ground below the water

Superwoman:Oh please woman your just a knock off copy of Giganta so stop playing and—

Superwoman fires her laser has M.T lady dodges it but then gets hit on the right side of her face sending her to the side has she regains her position she charges at the two villains

Superwoman:Get serious!!

Superwoman charges at her with Livewire who teleports behind her and fires electricity back with the speedsters both father abs sun run out the circle and punch Kamui Wood who both tries to dodge and attack but fails

Y/N:*mind*I got and idea to end this faster

Reverse Flash:*mind*Whats your plan kiddo

Y/N:*mind*Boost me around him and I'll get all the hits and will end it with double attack

Reverse Flash:*mind*Decent plan

Y/N:*mind*Well we are going to use it on a decent fake hero

Has both father and son laugh in there minds has time seem to slow down Y/N runs out the circle and charges at Kamui wood who sees this and has he goes to hit Y/N he dodges he's attack and hits him in the chest has he moves back to the circle Recerse Flash comes in abs pushes Y/N back in using that has a boost he charges at Kamui wood again hitting him in the back of the head he goes back to the circle but Reverse Flash pushes him back has this continues with Y/N making the hits and Reverse Flash pushing him back in has he returns to the circle going on the opposite side where Reverse Fkash both leave the circle and double punch kamui
Wood in the face abs then hit him with lightning punch sending him flying off the bridge in another fight Bronze Tiger slashes Death Arms chest abs then double kicks him back towards Grundy who grabs him and dies a suplex on him smashing his head on the ground has for M.T lady she's being electrocuted by Livewire has Superwoman laughs at her

Superwoman:Oh and another thing~*glares* if you ever flirt towards that boy again

Livewire:*glares*Your days on earth would end okay? okay now enjoy the swim

Livewire releases her making her fall onto the water has they flew back with the others with Captain cold abs Joker there just killing of the Bach of cops has Joker slice the ones neck after a small chuckle C.C meets up with him abs so those the other group has the speedsters appear

Y/N:Heroes are just to cocky for there own good

Bronze Tiger:Tsk you could say that again to think three was enough where's Endeavor or All might

Livewire:I don't care where those bastards are but I believe is time for us to leave

Reverse Flash:Livewire right let's us go

Captain Cold:So kid got any plan of escape

Has everyone looks at Y/N hoping he has a plan he just laughs nervously abs scratches his neck

Y/N:Well you see I didn't knew that was breaking you guys out so I just thought it was only him who was escaping so we could have just run off but seen you guys are involve and heroes are probable on there way I got nothing


??? 1:Then let me help you there Y/N

Everyone looks to the side and to there surprise they see

Lex Luthor

Lex was standing there smiling at them with a portal behind him letting to someone where dark

Bronze Tiger/Reverse Flash:Luthor?


Y/N:Mister Luthor!!

Lex:*chuckles*Long time no see Y/N

Reverse Flash:Wait Y/N you know Luthor

Y/N:I think we should talk about this in a more safer place


Lex:Alright then follow me

Has they all go through the portal before Reverse abs Y/N go in they hear familiar voice behind them

??? 2:TWANE!!!

Both turn around and see Flash running towards them with a glare on his face Y/N smirks and walks through the portal Reverse Flash waves at Flash and walks backwards through the portal has he got in it started closing abs ones Flash was 6 feet away from it the portal closed and Flash ran through nothing has he falls on the floor on rolls on it but gets back on his feet has he started ti breath heavily until he scream in anger at the sky back with the villains the walk down the Ricky path has Eobard with his mask down Y/N with his mask down and Lex walk forward has he then places a hand on Y/N shoulder

Lex:It is great to see you again Y/N

Y/N:Likewise mister Luthor

Eobard:So mind explaining how you know Luthor here Y/N

Y/N:well when I still at school we had a science fair and they told us early on that Mister Luthor here would be the judge and it shocked and also made me determined to build something incredibly and wouldn't you know it I actually won heck he even bought the device I made

Captain Cold:Oh? and what would be this great device that even Luthor wanted

Y/N:Well I'm just gonna say what it is that it was gravitational device but that's all I can say

Lex:Yes I had the project go into complete secrecy so no one would steal the boy's idea and here we are home sweet home


Has in front of them was the base of all villains a place you can call home for them the hall of doom

The mouth of it opens abs it appears ramp to get in Y/N could only look in awe at the place he was going to enter

Y/N:I only heard rumors from people but to see it right in front of me I'd incredible

Eobard:Fan of the villains

Y/N:Fan of them and the arrow

Bronze Tiger:Arrow?

They walk up the ramp and went inside the hall has they go inside Y/N looks in surprise and sees multiple super villains walking around some flying and others are just fighting for no reason

??? 3:Luthor I see you have returned with allies and a new recruit I see

Lex:That I have

Has two people stand well one's flouting beside the other one has they reveal themselves to be

Gorilla Grodd


Sinestro Floats in front of Y/N his ring glows and Eobard started vibrating his hand

Y/N:If your looking for my fear Sinestro it has already passed has I have lived my life with fear but now I am free from said fear 

Sinestro:.......hmmm you intrigue me young one I see potential in this boy

He floats back beside Grodd who reads Y/N and see what he's been through

Grodd:You poor child hurt from the start of your life

Y/N:I've learn to move past that life

Lex:And that is good because I believe that your father here will train you

Eobard:And that I will

Y/N:While I have different path after I finish my training if you ever need help tell that the legion of doom has Y/N L/N Twane on there side

Grodd:*chuckles*I'll hold you up on that boy I do not like broken promises

After that they left si did the other heroes but before Y/N abs Eobard can go start training Superwoman and Livewire kiss both of his cheeks which makes blush

Superwoman/Livewire:Call us~


They leave swing there hips which makes him blush more Eobard chuckles at his son has he pats him on the head making him disappear his blush

Eobard:Quite the ladies man you are Y/N I'm I gonna have grandchildren soon?~


Eobard keeps laughing abs ran away has Y/N with a blush still on his face follows him has they run around the hall

Time Skip brought Y/N doing speeds push ups with Superwoman on his back and sitting on her lap is Eri who's eating and apple

Training day 1
Y/N:*narrating*In the first day of training Dad wanted to test how fast I could run abs what we expected wasn't expected by everyone else who saw has my Dad uses a treadmill that tested to see how fast he goes and my speeds is incalculable it has no percentage so I'm faster then my father and Flash himself who is supposed to be the faster then atone in the world and we'll hehehe I may have destroyed the treadmill and may have crashed in the world

Y/N is seen on the wall stuck with Grundy helping to get him out has he gets the young speedster out abs both fist pump

Training day 2
Y/N:*narrator*training day 2 we practice my vibrating has I ran through objects and vibrated killed a corrupted organization that kidnapped women to trade them for perverts so I basically killed every single one of them by vibrate stab and I also can somehow make shockwaves when I snap my fingers abs that told me that he ones save the universe by just vibrating his hand and if I'm faster then him will I be able to save the multiverse and I can somehow control people like ghost

Y/N is shown stabbing the boss of the organization has he gets his hand out his heart area he drops him of the building and leaves the building

Training day 3
Y/N:*narrating*My next lesson was that I can take someone's time so to test this ability we look for very very very bad person has they shows Parasite went to him and took his entire time making him only dust and bones

Y/N is scene standing in a sell below him was the remains of Parasite purple dust beside the bones that are grey for some reason oh no there white like normal humans after that he ran out the cell going back to the hall of doom

Training day 4
Y/N:*Narrating*My last lesson time travel

Y/N is in the training room in front of him is his father he puts both of his hands on his shoulders looking at him straight in the eye

Eobard:Son time travel is an ability that you can only use has a last choice move has messing on time could bring many consequences

Y/N:How bad our we talking?

Eobard:You could change time forever make people forget about you destroy reality completely or worse get chanced by the definition of death

Y/N:Grimm reaper?

Eobard:Yes but imagine him has the flash and in black

Y/N:Oooohhhhh okay then I promise I will only use that ability if is absolutely necessary


Day 5
Y/N:*narrating*Training was done abs I was ready for the world I was now in the entrance of the hall my father was there too say goodbye to me I already said my goodbye to the others specially Livewire and Superwoman leaving my phone number to them

Eobard and Y/N hug each other one last time they separated and the father holds his sons shoulder has he smiles at him

Eobard:It's time for the world to meet the new Reverse Flash

Y/N:Yeah so what's next for Professor Zoom will stay with the legion or are you going to plan something against the Flash

Eobard:I don't know but who knows maybe I'll go visit Barry I think I deserve some payback after everything is done to me and my family

Y/N:*chuckles*Goodbye father

Y/N runs out a portal appears in front of him has he goes through he has returned back to Japan he quickly takes out his phone has looks at his ranger app which listens to cop emergency calls and reports has he hears an emergency on the streets reports say Firfly is Turing everything on fire with Kid Flash and Elongated man are on him

Y/N:Firefly is not part the legion and he is a psychopath who likes to burn anyone sssoooooo*runs towards the action*

On the battle fire is all around the buildings around the area the sound of a trustee is heard has a man with silver suit flies right pass a yellow abs red blurr is going after him and abs arm is stretched at a light poles has it reveals

Elongated Man

Elongated Man:Stop right there Firefly!!

He uses both light poles has slingshot has he lunches himself towards the silver suit man who turns around and aims his flamethrower revealing the villain to be


Firefly:I ain't stoping hero!!

He opens fire at Elongated man but he dodges the fire and send out his arms has he grabs his leg and slams him on the ground has he lands on the ground has Elongated man gets his arm back and runs towards towards Firefly who gets up abs it's about to fire but gets punch by the yellow and red blurr has he stands beside Elongated man revealing to be

Kid Flash

Kid Flash:End of the line Firefly your flames ain't hurting anyone else

Firefly:That's what you think

He throws fire explosives both heroes dodge it but didn't realize the car with a family in them Kid Flash see this and was going to go save them but he knows he won't make it on type but then a red blurr runs pass all three of them and gets out the civilians out the car putting them in a safe place then goes back  grabs the bombs and tosses it at the three has it explodes besides the heroes and Firefly sending them flying back/there sides had they quickly back up and see Y/N with his arms crossed in his reverse flash suit

Kid Flash/Elongated Man:Twane?

Firefly:Reverse Flash?

Reverse Flash:I am not Twane I am his son and I'm the second Reverse Flash or the new reverse flash

Kid Flash:Twane's son?

Reverse Flash:*looks at K.F*You should talk to Flash about that after all he caused my rise*looks at firefly*and now Firefly I believe it's time for your days on earth to end

Firefly:*points his flamethrower*Like he*l it is!!

He opens fire at R.F but he quickly dodges the attack has he goes to his left and knocks the flamethrowers off his hands he then punches him in face and then continually punches him the faces and body has with each punch he breaks his helmet has he punches him in his nose breaking it has he sends him back making fall on the ground Firefly grabs his nose and groans he then looks forward and sees Reverse Flash in front of him

Reverse Flash:So is the only thing that you do is shoot fire or do you do anyt-

Firefly:*screams in fear*

Firefly started flying away screaming in fear what he doesn't realize is that Reverse Flash following has he runs on the side of building near by he punches himself above Firefly he spins around in the air and fires and electric blast which shits Firefly sending him back to the ground R.F lands on the grounds and approaches Firefly grabbing him by the shoulder and turning him around Firefly looks at him abd notices the vibrating hand

Reverse Flash:People like you don't deserve to live

He stabs Firefly in the chest killing him Kid Flash and Elongated man appear on the scene and are shocked with what happened Chas Y/N takes a hand out and started walking away

Kid Flash:Wait!

Reverse Flash stops and turns around seeing Kid Flash approaching him abs Elongated man went to check on Firefly

Reverse Flash:What?

Kid Flash:What did you mean Flash caused your rise and why did you kill Firefly?

Reverse Flash:For the first question you can ask Flash that has for the second one*sigh*look I get that your jobs has heroes is to basically save people especially save villains from themselves but people like Firefly and many others don't want to be save so if they don't want to be save then I guess I'll have to put them down for good

Kid Flash:But wouldn't that make you worse has them

Reverse Flash:hmmm I mean you could say that but unlike them I'm doing it to keep people safe not to kill them every time they escape jail

And with that Reverse Flash runs off leaving a surprised Kid Flash to think has Elongated Man approaches him

Elongated Man:Firefly's dead he ain't coming back from that and I don't think his Phoenix so his not going to rise up again

Kid Flash doesn't answer which makes Elongated man worried of the talk he and Reverse Flash had has he places a hand on Kid Flash shoulder getting his attention

Elongated Man:Hey you okay dude

Kid Flash:Yeah just thinking what trouble Barry has gotten himself into now

Has the police and ambulance arrive Reverse Flash is seen on top of a building looking down at them has he turns around and runs off into his next journey

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