Post-RAW Ride With Lexi and Braun

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On the road, not too long after the last chapter

3rd Person POV

Lexi: So, how long have you known Jace?

Braun: You're callin' him Jace now?

Lexi: Yeah. So? He calls me Lexi.

Braun: Everyone calls you Lexi.

Lexi:...Fair point. Yes, I'm calling him Jace. Now answer the question.

Braun: I've known Jason for...

Jason: Seven years. I've known him and Bray for seven years.

Lexi: What about your "cousins" Roman and the Usos?

Jason: Well my dad used to ride with one of their uncles, Rodney. His ring name was Yokozuna. Rodney used to invite us over to family gatherings and I'd hang out with them since they were the only other kids around. So I'd have to say I've known them for a little over twenty years.

Lexi: Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Braun: He's known Charlotte the longest. She was backstage at one of his dad's first matches and they just kinda became friends.

Lexi: Really?...Did you two ever try the dating thing?

Jason: Me and Ash? Nah. Why do you ask?

As Jason talks, he leans his head back and his eyes shut.

Lexi: No reason. Just curious.

Braun: Yeah. Right. Let's stop by this Wendy's up here.

Timeskip past Braun ordering food

Lexi: Oh, I'm getting called. It's Gionna.

Braun, mumbling quietly: Oh brother.

Gionna: Hey Lex!

Lexi: Hey Gi!

Gionna: Great job on RAW tonight. You did amazing against Keith Lee, Braun.

Braun: Thanks Gionna.

Gionna: Who's the guy in the back wearing the hood?

Lexi: That's Jace.

Gionna: Jace?

Lexi: Jason. The new Undertaker.

Gionna: No. Way. You're Jason the Undertaker!?

Jason, raising his right hand and waving slowly at Gionna: The one and only.

Gionna: I can't wait to meet you in person. I have to warn you though, I'm a hugger.

Jason: I'd love to meet the infamous Liv Morgan. And thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to always brace myself for a surprise hug.

Lexi and Braun laugh, not expecting Jason's answer.

Gionna: What town are you guys in?

Lexi: We just left Atlanta and we are heading to Charlotte, NC.

Gionna: Huh. I thought RAW was supposed to go to Knoxville.

Lexi: They said that we are having the next PPV in Knoxville. They were pretty vague on the reason behind it though.

Jason realizes why they are going to Knoxville for the next PPV and smiles knowingly before pulling out his phone to text someone.

Jason: Looks like I'll see you at the next PPV.

Mystery Person: Yep. It has to be a shocking debut so don't tell anyone.

Jason: You got it.

After finishing his conversation with the mystery person, Jason looks through his messages to find one from his parents and one from someone he hasn't talked to in awhile.

Dad: You did great out there, son. Made your old man and your momma proud. Keep up the good work. And remember, no matter what happens, the soul of the Undertaker will never rest in peace.

Jason: Thanks mom, thanks dad. I'll keep up the good work to ensure the Undertaker never rests in peace.

After the chat with his parents, Jason moves on to talk to one of his friends on the younger side.

Jade: So first you make a surprise debut and then you fight the Fiend without telling me?

Jason: Lol. Hey Jade. How's training with your uncle Shawn going?

Jade: Pretty good actually. You know, some people would find it pretty weird that a 17 year old is texting someone sooooo much older.

Jason: Ok, first of all, I am not sooooo much older than you. Secondly, you're basically my little sister. And lastly, those people would only be bothered by it if we were dating and I almost threw up just thinking about it. No offense.

Jade: None taken big bro. You and Wade are the closest things I have to big brothers and I would never even imagine dating either one of you. I'd rather date someone who is kinda bright, but easy to control.

Jason: You're just like you're momma.

Jade: Being compared to my mother is not an insult at all.

Jason: Good point. Ms. Stephanie is not one to be messed with.

Jade: You don't have to keep calling her that. What do you call Uncle Shane?

Jason: Shane.

Jade: Well why don't you just call my mom Steph or Stephanie?

Jason: Because that'd be impolite.

Jade: You know what, nvm. Well I gotta get back to training. Nice job in your match tonight.

Jason: Thanks Jade. I'll talk to ya later.

Jason looks up from his phone to see Braun staring at him and the rest of the car is completely silent. Minus Lexi's small chuckles.

Jason: What?

Lexi: Gionna asked you who you were texting and why you were smiling when we were talking about Knoxville.

Jason: Oh. I was texting my parents and two people who might as well be my siblings.

Gionna: Who's that? And who are your parents?

Jason: Wade Jacobs, Glenn Jacobs's kid and Jade Levesque, Ms. Stephanie and Hunter's daughter are the two who I consider cousins. My parents are The Undertaker and Michelle McCool.

Lexi: Wait, something doesn't add up. How is she your mom? They didn't get together until awhile after you were born.

Jason: She's not my birth mom, but I call her mom. Although I was practically an adult when she married my dad, she still treats me like I am her son and I treat her like she is my mom. She's only a few years older than me, but she's still my mom.

Lexi: Wow. That's awesome. Since you must've been a baby around the time your dad became the Undertaker, who took care of you when you were on the road with him?

Jason: Uncle Paul, Uncle Vince, and, eventually, Uncle Kane. Shane would usually take me around the backstage area when I was old enough to walk and understand where I was going. There were times when my dad got injured but I wanted to stay on the tour so I'd just hang out with pretty much everyone. Uncle Bret and Uncle Owen taught me how to do the sharpshooter when I was seven.

Gionna: You have a lot of "uncles". Do you have any "aunts"?

Jason: Yeah. There's Aunty Trish, Aunt Torrie, Aunt Lita, and Aunt Stacy. Oh and Aunt Sable.

Lexi: Let me guess, Brock Lesnar is also one of your uncles?

Jason, with a serious face: Yeah.

The car erupts with laughter.

Braun: One of your uncles is the guy that beat your dad at WrestleMania and ended the Streak?

Jason: Yeah. He taught me how to do the F5.

Gionna: Next you're gonna say Randy and John are your uncles too.

Jason: No, they aren't. Orton is a good friend and John is an invisible fruity pebble.

This causes Braun to release a bellowing laugh, making everyone laugh harder.

Gionna and Lexi spend the next few minutes of the car ride trying to figure out who all Jason's "aunts" and "uncles" are.

Gionna: The Rock?

Lexi: Stone Cold?

Gionna: Shawn Michaels?

Lexi: Triple H?

Gionna: The Hardy Boyz?

Lexi: Edge and Christian?

Gionna: Kurt Angle?

Jason: No, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, and no.

Lexi: What about Chris Jericho?

Gionna: Rey Mysterio?

Jason: Yes and no.

Lexi: You're "aunts" and "uncles" are some of the top stars from the Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression Era.

Jason: That's because as I grew up, a lot of them left or my dad didn't want me near them. He usually left me around Hunter since he didn't do drugs or drink. Shawn, Bret, and my dad never really got along with each other back then. At least not Shawn. But they never showed it around me. They didn't want to be a bad influence on me and wanted to show me that wrestling is fun. I remember going to few WCW shows with Uncle Bret after the Montreal Screwjob. Sting was nice to me while I was there.

Gionna: Was there anyone that you didn't like to hang out with or just didn't like at all?

Jason: Hulk Hogan.

Lexi, stunned: You don't like Hulk Hogan? Why?

Jason: He hurt my dad during a match. Botched a move. My dad's neck got messed up a bit. When my dad told Hogan that he messed the move up, Hogan had no form of apology and treated it like it was no big deal. He claimed he deserved to win at Summer Slam 2005 because he was the baby face in the rivalry. Plus the dude said the "n" word. That ain't cool no matter who you are.

Braun: All good reasons to not like someone.

Gionna: Is there anyone outside of WWE that you got to hang out with because of your dad?

Jason: I got to hang out with Chuck Norris.

Braun: Ok, you've gotta be joking.

Jason: I'm not. He was there at ringside when my dad faced Yokozuna in a casket match. I got to hang out with him before the show.

Braun: Let me check this. I still don't believe you.

Jason: Google "Chuck Norris Survivor Series 1994". He was the guest outside referee.

Braun Googles it and has a shocked look on his face.

Braun: I thought you were messin' with me.

Jason: Why would I joke about meeting Chuck Norris?

Braun shrugs.

Man's voice from Gionna's phone: Gi, stop interrogatin' him.

Jason: Is that the mighty King Winters?

King Winters: The one and only.

Gionna: Well, the big guy is getting hangry, so I'll talk to you guys later. See you at the next Pay Per View.

Lexi: See you then Gi.

Braun: Bye Gi.

Jason: Adiós Gionna.

The call ends and Jason leans back once again, closing his eyes.

Lexi: So you learned how to do the Sharpshooter when you were seven?

Jason: Yep. It's always been a part of my move set, no matter where I wrestled.

Braun: Have you always done the Tombstone?

Jason: It depends on where I was working. If they said I could, I did it. If they said I couldn't, I used the last ride.

Lexi: We still have a bit of a drive before we get to NC. Does anyone have any music suggestions or ideas for games?

Braun: Jason, unless you want to listen to Disney songs the rest of the way there, you're gonna need to pick a song.

Jason: I'm guessing by Lexi's reaction, Disney isn't going to be quiet. So let's play a game.

Lexi: What game should *yawn* we play?

Jason: I got a game. It's called "Braun, it's your turn to drive. Lexi, you're going to go to sleep".

Lexi: No. I'm not *yawn* tired.

Jason: Fine. Just pull over at this gas station real quick.

Lexi does as Jason requested and pulls over into the gas station. All three superstars climb out of the car and start stretching their sore limbs.

Jason: Ah ahh owww!

Lexi, running over to the reaper reborn: Jason! Are you o—k!?!

As soon as Lexi approaches Jason, he picks her up over his shoulder, walks over to the car, and carefully puts her in the backseat.

Jason: Braun, you wanna drive or should I?

Braun: You go ahead and get some rest. I'll drive us the rest of the way.

Jason: You sure?

Braun: Yeah. You've been up since half past 4. It's your turn to get some sleep.

Jason: Alright.

The two climb back into the car, Jason getting back into the seat he was sitting in earlier. Unlike earlier, he now has an angry goddess next to him.

Lexi: That was a dirty trick, Jace.

Jason: You wouldn't listen to reason, so I enforced the decision. You need rest, now close your eyes and go to sleep.

Lexi: You can't tell me what to do. But I think I'm gonna go to sleep because my eyelids are getting heavy.

Jason, closing his eyes and leaning his head back: Uh huh. Braun, wake me up when we get there.

End of chapter.

A/N: Thank you once again for reading. Obviously I don't own the picture at the top of the chapter. I don't have much to say this time except I have written over 2k words, which is pretty big for me since I'm newer to this. With that said, I'll talk to y'all next time. Edit: Added some stuff to the conversation with Gionna.

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