Ride Along & The Hotel Room

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Monday Night After RAW

3rd Person POV

Adrienne waits for the Resurrected Badass next to his car. Once she sees him, she is shocked to say the least.

Adrienne: Jason, what are you doing!?

Jason, carrying both Adrienne's and his own bags: Square dancing! What's it look like I'm doing!? Can you get the trunk for me?

Adrienne laughs at Jason's comment before opening the trunk.

Jason: Go ahead and get in.

Adrienne: Do you want to drive or am I driving?

Jason: After riding with Lexi behind the wheel, I don't think I'll be able to ride with other people driving for awhile.

Adrienne: I know what you mean. Do you need any help with those?

Jason: No, I got it. Thanks for asking.

After loading all of their bags in the trunk of the car, Jason closes the trunk, pulls out the keys, and hops into the car himself.

Jason: You ready to go?

Adrienne: Ready as I'll ever be.

While driving the two new partners decide to get to know each other a bit better.

Adrienne: Do you wanna play a game?

Jason: Depends on the game.

Adrienne: How about Would You Rather?

Jason: Sure. That works.

Adrienne: Ok. Would you rather: face your dad in a Hell in a Cell match or face Mankind in an I Quit match?

Jason: As much fun as it would be to face my old man and prove (looks at the camera) that I'm the true badass, I'd have to pick facing Mankind.

Adrienne: Really? What if he uses thumbtacks?

Jason: The Last Ride doesn't require me going down into the tacks. Now, would you rather: face Charlotte in a Career vs. Career match or face Lita in a No DQ match?

Adrienne: Both could wind up with a career ending but I'd have to say Lita. Although if Charlotte chose me to face her in a match to force her into retirement, I would be honored to do that for her.

Jason: That's real nice of you.

Adrienne: So would you rather: compete in the Mixed Match Challenge with me or win a world title at WrestleMania?

Jason: Both sound good but I'd rather win the Mixed Match Challenge.

Adrienne: Really?

Jason: Yeah. A charity of our choosing would get a bunch of money.

Adrienne: And you said I was nice.

Jason: Yeah yeah yeah. Don't tell anyone. It's supposed to be a secret. Now, would you rather: win the Royal Rumble or the Money in the Bank?

Adrienne: Royal Rumble. It's a guaranteed title shot at WrestleMania. I'm gonna ask you the same question: Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank?

Jason: Money in the Bank. The element of surprise and the mind games I could use on the champion. Besides, I could keep waiting until WrestleMania or for almost a whole year and cash in after they forgot that I had the contract.

Adrienne: That's smart.

Jason: I know.

Adrienne: Do you want to play a game with the guys in the other car?

Jason: Sure. But Braun and I are going to win.

Adrienne: What about Bray?

Jason: Either way, my team will win.

Adrienne calls Lexi and they establish the teams for the game. It's car vs. car with Lexi as the mediator. The game: trivia.

Lexi: Question 1: Who is the best there is/was/ever will be?

Jason: Bret Hart.

Braun: Unfair advantage. That's his uncle.

Jason: That has nothing to do with it. It was his catchphrase for years.

Lexi: Next question: Who was presented the NXT Women's Championship by Asuka?

Jason: Ember.

Braun: I swear this guy is cheating. I got a question: who is the beef king?

Adrienne: That's you, Braun.

Jason: All hail the beef king.

Lexi: Well that's trivia and the meat castle business out of the way. Who has any interesting stories from the road?

Braun: Have you told Ember about the sharpshooter?

Jason: No I haven't.

Adrienne: When did you learn to do the sharpshooter?

Jason: Learned to do the sharpshooter at seven. I can also do Hell's Gate, the F5, a moonsault, and a shooting star press.

Adrienne and Lexi: You can do what!?

Jason: A moonsault and a shooting star press.

Adrienne: Why didn't you do them in the PC?

Jason: No one suggested that I do it. I usually only did it off of ladders. Rarely off the top rope.

Lexi: Why?

Jason: I always had this fear that I'd wind up like Brock.

Adrienne: So you thought that the higher up you were would decrease the chances of ending up like him?

Jason: It made me less worried about hitting my head. Plus it added to the match. I won the matches I did them in so I guess I should bring them back.

Adrienne: Definitely. I'm sure the WWE Universe would love that.

Jason: I'll do it next time I'm in a ladder match.

Adrienne: TLC is this Sunday. Maybe your match against the Fiend will be a TLC match.

Bray: I'm up for that.

Jason: I guess we're having a TLC match this Sunday.

Lexi: We'll see you two at the hotel. We are stopping to eat 'cause someone is hangry.

Adrienne: Ok. We'll see y'all later.

Jason: See ya.

After the call ends, Adrienne and Jason continue talking about whatever they can/want to.

Adrienne: Any interesting stories from the indies? Or from growing up with the deadman for a dad?

Jason: How much time do you have?

Adrienne: Enough time for a few stories.

Jason: Ok. My dad was rarely out of character when he was in public. I had some kinda Thanksgiving play or something one day in first grade. He said he was going to be there. The only thing was that order to keep the mystique of the Undertaker alive, he had to show up in full Undertaker gear and had to bring Paul Bearer with him. So there's little Jason on stage dressed up and in the audience there's a pasty guy with an urn and a giant guy in a trench coat, hat, tie, and gloves that keeps growling at people when they spoke to him. When the show was over, he slowly applauded while Paul could be heard over everyone going (in a great Paul Bearer voice) "ohhhhhhh yesssssss! Braaaaaaavooooo!! Gooooooood jobbbbbb, Jasssonn!!!"

The two start laughing at Jason's impersonation of the late, great former manager of the Undertaker.

Adrienne: I'm not sure what I was expecting but that wasn't it.

Jason: My dad did a lot to keep the Undertaker character alive. Including coming to my graduation in his attire and we left in a hearse.

Adrienne: I thought you went to all your dad's shows.

Jason: I went to most of them. But I still went to school. Dad always told me that if I dropped out of school or started failing that not only would I have to stay home instead of going on the road, I'd be the next person to rest in peace.

Adrienne: Got any stories of you and your friends? Or your "uncles" and "aunts"?

Jason: One time I accidentally knocked Corbin out.

Adrienne: You did what?

Jason: Call Corbin. He'll tell you.

Jason can tell that Adrienne doesn't believe him, so he pulls his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it, and hands it to her. Adrienne calls Corbin and, after a few rings, he answers.

Corbin: Hello?

Jason: Hey, did we wake you?

Corbin: No. You didn't.

Jason: Ember doesn't believe that I knocked you out by accident.

Corbin: Accident? It wasn't an accident.

Adrienne: Really? What happened?

Corbin, after laughing a little: In my early heel days, I pushed around a few people. Just to try to assert my dominance and see where the line I'm not supposed to pass was. Jason was there visiting some friends of his. I wanna say one of those people was Becky.

Jason nods along, confirming that he was visiting her among other people.

Corbin: I know he went to talk to Hunter for awhile. Well, something in my brain made me think "I can take the Undertaker's son if we were to fight." I was wrong. I pushed him around, made a few jokes while he was far away. Then he got closer to me.

Jason: You also tried to push around Becks, Bliss, and a few of my other friends.

Corbin: Oh yeah. Well when I messed with him, he responded with sarcastic comebacks. But once I pushed his friends around a little, he started getting pissed. So he stood up and walked over to me. I looked up at him and tried to push by him. Got turned around and met his right hand. I woke up in the trainer's office with Jason nearby. All he told me was "I told you. if you kept pushin' people around I was gonna knock you out." Then we have been friends ever since.

Jason: You damn right. We'll talk to you on Sunday. Say hi to the birds for me.

Corbin, laughing: Alright. Bye.

Adrienne: Bye.

Jason: See? I knocked Corbin out. We are almost to the hotel.

Adrienne: Finally. I can't wait to just fall asleep.

Jason: Uh oh. Is the war goddess sleepy?

Adrienne: The deadman isn't?

Jason: Not really. I can't go to sleep until I give you a present.

Adrienne: You got me a present?

Jason: Yep.

After pulling into the parking lot of the hotel, Jason parks the car, gets out, grabs something out of his bag, and gets back in the car.

Jason: Here you go.

Adrienne opens the box Jason gave her and pulls out a t-shirt and a shirt-like top that is meant to go over your wrestling gear when you make your entrances.

Adrienne, reading the t-shirt: Deadman Inc. Welcome to our yard. (Flips over shirt) Ember Moon. (Reading the entrance top) Deadman Inc.

Jason, in his Undertaker voice: WWE Universe, welcome the newest member of Deadman Incorporated, Ember Moon.

Adrienne puts the shirt on over the shirt she was currently wearing while Jason speaks. Then she notices Jason wearing a similar shirt.

Adrienne: Are we matching shirts?

Jason: Yes, only my shirt says "Big Evil" on the back.

Adrienne pulls out her phone and takes a selfie with all of Jason in the picture. Jason, wearing a black bandanna and sunglasses holds up a fist. Adrienne posts the picture along with the one she took before they took their trip to the PC with a caption that reads "Mystery person reveal. #deadmaninc." Meanwhile, Jason gets back out of the car and unloads their bags. As the two approach the counter, the episode of Ride Along ends.

Adrienne: There should be two rooms under Jason and Ember Moon.

Receptionist: I'm sorry Ms. Moon, there is only one room booked with both names on it.

Jason, whispering to Adrienne: Bruce must've done this to keep the storyline going.

Receptionist: We are sorry for the inconvenience. Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay.

The two take the elevator up to the top floor where their joint room is.

Jason, opening the door: After you.

The two enter the room and find two separate beds, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a closet. All decent size. The bathroom is big enough for maybe four people to stand in there at once and that's without anyone standing in the bath/shower. In between both beds is a rather large tv and a mini fridge is not too far to the right of it.

Jason: This place ain't half bad. You pick your bed and I'll take the other.

Adrienne just nods her head before going to sit on one bed and shooting right up.

Jason: What's wrong?

Adrienne, with a disgusted face: It's wet.

Jason: Take the other bed.

Adrienne: What about you?

Jason: I'll figure something out. Take the dry bed.

Adrienne reluctantly nods her head and moves over to the other bed. Jason on the other hand grabs the chair next to the desk and pulls it near the beds, setting up in a corner.

Jason: If you want, you can use the shower first.

Adrienne: I showered back at the arena. I do need to take off my makeup sometime before I go to sleep.

Jason: Well I need to shower. As long as you don't peek, we'll be fine.

Jason gets his change of clothes and a towel before heading towards the shower. After a few minutes of Jason being in the shower, there's a knock on the door. Adrienne, who was about to go to the door and see who it was, is stopped by Jason, who is wearing a pair of black pajama pants. Jason walks towards the door and opens it, only to find room service. The guy couldn't have been older than a teenager. The young boy was around 5'8", pretty skinny, and was definitely not expecting the giant, shirtless reaper to answer the door.

Room Service Teen, nervously: Room service.

Adrienne: That's for me!

Adrienne walks up next to Jason in the doorway and smiles at the young man.

Adrienne: Oh. Don't worry about him. He's a big softy.

Jason: Unless I'm hungry. Or if you piss me off.

Adrienne, lightly hitting Jason: Quit trying to scare him. (To the room service teen) Don't listen to him. He's just protective.

The teen just nods, still nervous.

Jason, grabbing onto the food and handing it to Adrienne: Just a little tip for ya, kid: do what you love. Nice guys don't finish last. The way you treat people separates a badass like you from assholes. Here's $20. Have a good night.

After closing the door, Adrienne and Jason set the food on the table.

Adrienne: I ordered stuff for both of us.

Jason: You didn't have to.

Adrienne: I know. But it's the least I could do to repay you for your gift.

Jason: Take what you want and I'll get the rest.

Adrienne: You're not sleeping in that chair, are you?

Jason: I'm planning on it.

Adrienne: Just sleep in the bed with me.

Jason: Nah, I'm good.

Adrienne: I'm not letting you sleep in that chair.

Jason: You aren't letting me. I'm sleeping in that chair.

Adrienne: Ok ok. (Sees Jason walk towards the chair and put on his sunglasses) Are you going to sleep right now?

Jason: Maybe. Depends on what's on TV.

Adrienne: Well just come over here and watch TV. I have the better view anyway.

Jason gets up and sits on the corner of Adrienne's bed, turning on the TV.

Adrienne: Impractical Jokers is on!?

Without missing a beat, Jason turns on Impractical Jokers.

Adrienne: Lay down, Jason.

Jason: Fine.

Reluctantly, Jason lays back near Adrienne. They watch the Jokers punish each other until Adrienne falls asleep. Jason tucks her in before getting up and sitting down in his chair. He looks through the TV guide and decides to watch Die Hard. Eventually, he also falls asleep. Halfway through the night, Adrienne wakes up a little and finds Jason in his chair, shirtless, sunglasses and bandanna on, arms crossed, and definitely asleep.

Adrienne: Goodnight Jason.

Jason, quietly: Goodnight Adrienne.

End of chapter

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took awhile to release, but it's done now. I don't have much to say so I'll talk to y'all next time.

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