Becoming Stronger

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Up top is what Iuzku's hero costume looks like. The outfit is green however instead of black.

Izuku POV:

After obtaining All Might's quirk and giving a few conditions to accepting it, I began to head for class while sending a text message to Ochako, Itsuka, and Kaachan to meet me at the roof when they get their lunch. Walking in the halls, I pass Hawkeye who stopped for a moment. "How long did you have those swords?" I glanced over to him holding my fragments of Shitsuke and Sasageru in his hands. "Give them back! My mother gave me them when I was 10!" He pulls out a fragment to look at the blade. "The fact they were still in tact for more than a few years without breaking is astounding. A shame such quality steel had such errors in it's production." "Yeah, well what do you know!?" He tosses me a steel ingot before walking away. "After classes are over, meet me in the support course for me to teach you how to create swords. It would most likely be challenging for Japans Green Demon to hold only practice blades."

He walks away with me holding the ingot in my hands. 'Tch, I'm only doing it so I can reforge my swords and nothing else. I have no plans to make a relationship with that son of a bitch.' I walk inside the classroom with everyone looking at me. I ignore them and head to my seat. While sitting, I pulled the ingot back out to look at it a bit. 'Reforging my swords huh?' I began to hold the hilts of my practice swords while sighing. 'Better than going through with just practice swords.' The rest of the morning wasn't as unique with the classes being similar to that of a normal college. From what we were told, the hero classes were going to be during the afternoon for the hero course immediately after lunch.

Time skip to lunchtime

While on line, Itsuka, Ochako, Kaachan, and myself began to hear some people talking among themselves. "Hey, isn't that the guy that went against Crossblade?" "Yeah, he lost really badly." "Kinda a shame, but what did he expect going against one of the strongest pros." "Bet he had a few screws loose to begin with thinking he even stood a chance against the strongest swordsman in the world." Kaachan started to have enough of these words and was about to say something. I stopped him however with him looking at me. "It's not worth fighting over. Whether we like it or not, they are kinda right about the fact I stood no chance." He began to get mad before seeing me tighten my grip. "Pride is a good thing to have, but understanding when to swallow it to hold some respect for yourself is just as important." He backed off knowing I wasn't happy of the words either, but didn't try to let them get to me.

"How bothersome this may be for you! A member of class A's swine knocked off their high pedestal like the worms you are!" The one person from Itsuka's class started to pick a fight with me. I ignored him while trying to get my food. "What's wrong, not feeling like fighting me because you're too much of a coward to!? The way you are, even a weak toddler could beat you! HAHAHAHA!" "Monoma! That's enough!" Itsuka started shouting with the idiot still trying to fight. "What's wrong, am I hitting the right spots and making it clear that your boyfriend isn't as great as you originally thought he was!?" He kept laughing until someone finally grabbed his shoulder.

"It is unwise to insult others on their failures. If you would think you can handle what he did better, then allow me to fight with you to see just how well you manage." The guy called Monoma began to laugh while Hawkeye remained silent with a death glare at him. "As if I'm stupid enough to fight a pro hero like you!" "Oh, but I insist. You think you are strong enough to do a better job than Midoriya where it is worth you boasting of his loss, than I would expect you to be stronger than him enough to stand a chance." He started to go pale before backing away slowly. Hawkeye saw this with walking away himself. "To be honest, he was close to being beaten to a pulp by me." Ochako says this while punching her fist out stating she was ready to knock him out. "Let's go. I still need to tell you three something."

After getting lunch and heading to the roof, we sat down for me to say what I needed to. "All Might gave you his quirk!?" "Shhh! This is a secret." The three covered their mouth as I explain it to them. "He asked me yesterday if I would be his successor with answering him today. I also told him I'd accept it on two conditions." Itsuka heard this and asked what they were. "The first was that I tell you three. I'm not keeping secrets from you if I can help it. Though he wasn't proud of this, he agreed to it. The second was that I would only use the power if I needed to protect someone that my normal strength wouldn't be enough to handle the situation. I refuse to use it as a way to gain fame for myself as a swordsman. I obtained my mantle of strongest swordsman in Japan with my own skill and hard work alone, and that's how it will remain. My honor would never allow it."

Everyone seemed to understand with Ochako asking a serious question. "So how did you get the quirk?" "All Might said it was able to be passed on by him willingly giving it to me while I ate his DNA." "YOU ATE HIS WHAT!?" "He gave me a piece of hair for me to eat and I obtained the quirk from that." "Oh, that makes it sound less awkward." I looked at my friend and girlfriends as if they thought something strange before going to my food. "Anyway, All Might said it was a secret and that the less that know it the better. So let's just keep it between us." "Right." "Got it." "Whatever." We continued to eat with the injury from yesterday's battle still fresh on my skin. 'I'm gonna get stronger, just you wait.'

After lunch

We all found ourselves waiting in the classroom for our first hero class for a familiar person to be heard. "I am...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Everyone started to cheer at the fact our class is being taught by All Might. "Hero class, it's what turns young rookies like yourselves into the aspiring heroes of tomorrow. And with that, today's lesson shall be BATTLE TRAINING!" All Might stated this while holding up a card that said what it was. "And what aspiring hero would be complete without their HERO COSTUMES!" He stated this with enthusiasm while having 20 cases come out of the wall. "Change into these and meet me at Ground Beta." We did as he said and began changing to head down to meet our instructor.

While walking out to the field, Ochako came over to smile at my costume idea. "Deku, that costume looks so cool!" "Thanks, I like the way yours looks too. I'm guessing the wrist gear are what we talked about?" "Yeah. I'm so psyched for this! Let's do our best out there today!" I nodded while Kaachan walked past us. "Leave the cutesy stuff for later you two. Let's kick some fucking ass today first, then you can fuck the others ass off." "IT'S NOT THAT TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE!" We shout at him before heading down towards the field with All Might waiting for us so he can begin.

He began to explain how today was going to be a two on two hero vs villain scenario with us drawing lots for our partners. When they were drawn, Ochako and myself were part of a team with All Might showing us as the heroes vs Kaachan and Iida who were the villains. "Villain team can enter first to set up. Hero team will wait for five minutes before heading in. Everyone else, follow me to the monitor room in the basement." All Might left with giving us schematics of the area with us making a plan. "Knowing Kaachan, he'll act like a lone wolf in this. Best for us is to have me face him head on with you going for Iida and the bomb." She glanced at me concerned before asking something. "You gonna be ok with just practice swords?" "Heh, the day I lose to Kaachan is the day I quit being a swordsman."

3rd person POV:

As the members of class A and All Might enter the monitor room, they are met by Hawkeye looking at the screens in a chair with a cup of tea. "Woah, it's the pro hero Crossblade!" "Wait, but why is he here?" "Maybe it's cause he wants to watch his son perform or something. Midoriya did say he was Crossblade's son when I spoke to him a little while back." Yaoyorozu says this with everyone freaking out at this. "HE IS!?" "That is correct. I just wish to see how this boy has progressed and how he manages with what he has at the moment. When the match is over, I shall leave." He takes a sip of his tea as everyone watches.

Izuku and Ochako get the all clear to enter inside with them heading up two levels before Izuku stops Ochako. He unsheathes his two practice swords before charging to duck under an explosion that just happened. Bakugou came out of the corner like a madman with dodging Izuku's counter. "Been a while since we last fought Deku. Let's see if I can finally win this time." Bakugou charged with a right hook for Izuku to dodge and hit him in the stomach with his two practice blades. "Even when we've fought with just practice swords, you've never beaten me once since we were 7. I plan to keep it that way."

As they went at each other, Ochako ran up the stairs with Bakugou speaking into his communicator. "Four eyes, Round face is coming up so be careful." "What? Where are you at this moment?" "Handling Deku, be careful." He cut the feed before looking at Izuku. "So who goes first?" Izuku pulled a coin out to show Bakugou. "We start when this falls to the ground." The coin flipped in the air as the two prepared for it to drop. When it hit the ground, the two charged at the other with Bakugou setting off explosions that missed by millimeters. Meanwhile, Izuku used his practice swords to smack Bakugou's wrists to open his torso area before being pushed back by explosions to avoid getting burned. After the blasts, Izuku came right back at Bakugou for the cycle to repeat again.

"Woah, Midoriya's fast." "He seems slower today though. Did he not get fully healed yesterday?" "Recovery Girl told me that his cut was unable to be healed due to some abnormal ability by Crossblade's sword. Apparently, it has special properties that she cannot heal injuries from." Hawkeye watched Izuku's movements to realize something as well. "He's wearing weights. It's subtle, but I can tell they are on him." Hawkeye states this while sipping some of his tea smirking at Izuku. Eventually, Bakugou had enough of being knocked back to hold his gauntlet that glowed up. "Now it's time to see what this can really do." Bakugou pulled part of his grenade themed gauntlet up for a pin to pop out to get everyone's attention.

"So this was the idea you had. Using accumulated sweat from the palms of your hands to hold it in the gauntlets. When enough is stored, you send out a massive explosion by pulling the pin I presume." "Damn straight." Izuku got ready for what was coming with All Might trying to be a voice of reason. "Young Bakugou, don't. You could kill him!" "STAY OUT OF THIS ALL MIGHT!" Both boys shout this as Bakugou pulls the pin for a massive explosion to head towards Izuku.

 The building shakes with visual on Izuku being gone temporarily. "What happened to Midoriya!?" "Is he ok!?" "*ribbit*!" Everyone was panicking with Hawkeye sipping from his tea unphased. "If he died, he would've never had the mantle he did as greatest swordsman in Japan." He places his tea on his small plate watching smugly. "I have faith he survived that."

As the smoke started to clear, Bakugou waited for Izuku to come at him with nothing to his knowledge from the green haired boy. "I...didn't kill him...right?" He thought this as two practice blades came above him slamming him down face first cracking the concrete. "STRIKE OF THE VENGEFUL TIGER!" Izuku stood with the top half of his hero suit charred off with his injury the day prior opened and bleeding. "*cough* Dammit!" He started kneeling to the ground with one of his wooden blades supporting him. "*pant* *pant* I gotta hand it to you Kaachan, that attack *pant* was something." Bakugou could only groan in pain as his jaw and skull felt as if they were shattered with a mild concussion from Izuku's attack. Before Izuku could get his second wind, Ochako was able to touch the bomb by knocking out Iida and claiming victory for them. "HERO TEAM WINS!"

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

After we finished classes, I told Kaachan, Ochako, and Itsuka that I had something I needed to do in order to get my swords back. They understood and went ahead since I was going to be some time from what I said. I began heading towards the support course with the ingot that Hawkeye gave me in my hand. Once I got near the section, the swordsman was waiting for me patiently. "Come with me." I followed him down a flank of stairs to a basement area with him explaining what were doing. "Swords wielded by any swordsman are worth their life to keep. However, you understand the significance of certain swords when you make quality weapons yourself." We arrived at what looked as if a forge with him asking for the ingot.

"The swords you have are far too damaged to be repaired, so I shall show you how to reforge blades stronger than them in order to replace what was lost." He started showing me the basics by crafting a simple sword after 30 minutes of work. "The one I had made is nothing compared to the katanas that you will make. This process takes 2 weeks of hard work and dedication. If you do something incorrectly, you will have to start over from scratch." He explains what I have to do with getting down to business. The base didn't seem that hard after melting the steel and placing it into a mold. While hammering it into place though, Hawkeye stopped me to notice something. He grabbed the blade he made to slice the work that took me 40 minutes at that moment in half. "Start over."

This angered me, but I began the process again with another ingot he gave me. I repeated the process of melting the steel down and hammering it into place for him to stop me again to do the same thing with this one taking an hour of my time to get to this level. "Start over." He states this again now with my emotions fueled with rage as he did this not once, but twice to anger me to no end. I focused on every hit I made for him to stop me yet again at a two hour mark to do the exact same thing again. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF MAKING THE SWORDS IF YOU'RE GOING TO DESTROY THEM!?" "If they were worth the effort, this blade wouldn't shatter to this flimsy piece I had made." I lost my temper and left. "Come back here tomorrow during sunrise. I shall wait for you to arrive so we can attempt this again." "SCREW YOU!"

Hawkeye POV:

As Izuku left, I grabbed the three failures he had made to inspect them closer. "To be honest, he would have had a better sword than either one of the two he had if he was able to finish them. Not a bad first attempt if you ask for my honesty." I placed the failed swords in a barrel with preparing several steel ingots in case he was unable to make one tomorrow or the  next day that met the base standards. 'I hope for your sake Izuku, you gain a great sword or two by the end of this.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be stuck working his butt off going forward not only trying to get to a new level of skill, but also reforging his swords. See how he handles this along with managing his relationship with Ochako and Itsuka. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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