Date Time

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Hawkeye POV:

Days continued to pass with the crew of Izuku's becoming a little more intent on doing their parts in training. From what I had gathered from them, the fight with Jack of the Beast Pirates opened their eyes with the concept that they are too weak and must be stronger. Each member is doing what they could to learn Haki as well as increase their own skills to the point of near perfection. It is a good start, but there is still a huge hurdle they must overcome. Makes me somewhat enjoyable for the youth of the world since they all have such energy. "Hey, Drac. You have a minute?" I stopped to turn to Inko and smile.

"What can I do for you?"

"'s kinda a selfish request." I raised an eyebrow as Inko continued. "You see, Izuku's been really injured and he went out today with his girlfriends. Though I trust Ochako and Itsuka to make sure he doesn't do anything dangerous, his injuries in his last fight were umm..." I could tell Inko was worried of our son with some unease still in my mind.

"We can go and hide among the people together so that we can keep an eye on them. I shall put on something a little less conspicuous, but shall keep my weapons on me if worst comes to worst."

"AT LEAST LEAVE YORU! IT'S TOO OBVIOUS IF YOU BRING THAT ONE!" I stop for a second before shrugging my shoulders.

"Fair enough. I shall be out by the gates in five if you wish to wait there."

"Alright." She left with a bit of content in my mind.

'It had been a while since Inko and I have had time to enjoy the peace of the outside world. This may be somewhat enjoyable alongside easing her concerns.'

Half an hour later, Izuku POV:

After getting the all clear from Recovery Girl and Ryukyu, I was able to walk around and fulfill a promise I made to the girls about taking them on a date. "Hurry up, Izuku. We're gonna be late."

"I'm coming, Ochako. I might be able to walk around, but I'm still a mess on the inside." We came to a movie theater where a romantic comedy was being shown for Momo to grab some tickets. "I'm gonna get popcorn and drinks. Anyone want anything special while I'm over there?"



"I'm fine with just the popcorn *ribbit*."

"Perhaps something very sweet."

"Got it." I walked over to the concession stand and ordered drinks and snacks for everyone before grabbing it and walking over to the girls. "Ok, so what theater are we going to?"

"Theater six." Momo mentioned for us to start walking with her. As we did, I glanced over to see what I thought was mom in a different outfit than she'd normally wear with sunglasses and a mustache on. Beside her, I noticed someone that almost reminded me of Hawkeye. '....There's no way that's him. It's too obvious.'

Hawkeye POV:

"Did we have to wear the novelty glasses and mustache? I'm pretty certain you stood out more than me." I pulled the ridiculous disguise Inko had given me off for her to nod at me.

"Yes. We did. Now hurry up or we'll lose them." Inko walked towards the theater the group had gone into for it to be somewhat quiet in the seats. There were a few people inside, but not as many where it would make it easier to hide in. "We'll sit near the back so we can watch them."

"Fair enough." We had sat in the center of the back row close enough near the exit in case they started to get suspicious. "This is somewhat degrading to me. Spying on my own son is unbecoming of someone of my standing."

"Oh, shush you. Don't act like you're not curious about what he and the girls do on their dates." I wanted to argue back, but chose not to. "Come to think of it, we never actually spent time together in quite a long time."

"The longest we have chat is during lunch breaks with only minor conversations for other occasions now that I think about it." A smile came on Inko's face to give me some odd satisfaction seeing. 'Sometimes I wonder if I was still in her life before Izuku was born would things be different.' The movie began with both of us realizing it was some kind of romantic comedy. Personally, I wasn't for the type of heartfelt garbage these give to make me lose interest in it immediately. I began to fall asleep with Inko elbowing my side to get me up. "Ouch." I glanced down to see she coated her elbow in Haki to make sure it hurt to point towards Izuku. When I glanced over, my eyes grew quite a bit. "How bold."

"I know. And here I thought Tsu was a quiet girl and Momo was a refined one." In front of us, Izuku was passionately kissing both Asui and Yaoyorozu to make both of us find interest in the fact he was going this far so early on in their date.

The movie soon ended with Inko motioning us out of the theater before anyone could see us and towards the corner out of the way of everything and easily hidden from the people coming out. "I'm telling you right now, Ochako and I get to sit directly next to Izuku next time. You three were swapping spit half the movie." Kendo spoke up as the group came out to somewhat remind me what I had witnessed in there.

"You can't blame us. You would've done the same thing in there, *ribbit*."

"...Touché." They walked away with Inko pulling me to follow them. After leaving the theater, we had noticed the girls and Izuku walking into a women's clothing store.

"Let's go." I was dragged in feeling a bit uncomfortable being in a place women go to by outfits for themselves only to see Izuku in a more...refined area with Kendo showing him a rather obscene undergarment.

"I swear, women get bolder and bolder by the generation. When I was Izuku's age, I would've never had a woman show me that type of garment."

"Oh really? How about Shibuya 24 years ago." I turned to Inko who was looking at a top for herself. Before going any farther, she went under her shirt and pulled some kind of Velcro off her and gave me a weighed down item that made her stomach look like it lost 40 lbs easily. "You mind holding this for a few minutes?"

"Why do you wear something like this?"

"Easy. It keeps me in shape, and it keeps sickos from trying to pick me up. You'd be surprised how many men would like to and I quote, 'get with a milf'. It also makes people more trusting of me since most wouldn't think a portly petite woman would be threatening."

"What does that phrase you just said even mean?" I asked, not knowing what a 'milf' was.

"Mom I'd like to...." She didn't finish the sentence for me to understand what she meant.

"That's disgusting."

"Where there's a freak, there's a fantasy."

'I'd hope my son was having a nicer time than me.'

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

I felt extremely out of place being in a women's clothing store with the girls trying out underwear and getting me for opinions. From what I can tell though, they wanted my opinion specifically for me to try and find some information about what's happening to text Perona what's happening.

Izuku: Perona. What does it mean if a woman wants your opinion on underwear she wears?

A few minutes go by before a vibration on my side was felt to see her response back.

Perona: Is it sexy or plain looking?

Izuku: Translucent and somewhat skimpy looking. So I'd say sexy.

Perona: They wanna sleep with you. If any are black, they're looking to get laid tonight.

Izuku: And if it's white or colored?

Perona: White means they're looking for a more serious relationship. Color if it's something of one they like, they want something you picked out because you're their lover. Just be honest and for the love of all things holy, DO NOT TELL THEM IT LOOKS FINE! To a woman, that's the same as if you call them fat!

Izuku: But I like Ochako's pleasantly plump body.

Perona: I have the urge to hit you right now. Don't contact me again unless it's important or that you just got laid.

Perona stopped responding shortly after for me to feel a little irritated. 'How does being told you look fine make it seem like a man immediately thinks a girl's fat?'

"Izuku." I turned back to Itsuka to see her open the curtains to show her in a light blue bra and underwear with the bottom half being jet black. The top half that was blue was translucent for me to see her skin underneath. "How does it look?"

"Uhh...." 'Don't say it looks fine. Don't say it looks fine. Don't say it looks fine!' "I-it looks very...nice." She looked a little saddened for some reason before walking over and sitting on my lap.

"Just nice? It doesn't look like" She leaned to my ear with a smile on her face as she whispered. "I was hoping to use this as a way to 'christen' your quarters on the ship~."

"Itsuka! Don't try to get ahead of me!" Ochako came out wearing a rather tight fitting pair of undergarments that were jet black with streaks of pink going down some parts. "You and I agreed that we'd both try and tempt Izuku this round."

"Sorry. I couldn't help it." She laughed it off a little before Ochako came over to put my head in her chest.

"Sorry to act a little jealous, Izuku. We both agreed to try and show you a little more of our seductive side to you and umm..." She blushed a bit before I tried to avoid it going any farther with awkwardness.

"I get it. I have been umm...denying you all so it's only fair you all show me that you do really love me and I need to treat you better."

"I guess you can say that." Tsu spoke up for me to turn and have a nosebleed seeing her in completely green underwear with Momo beside her in dark red translucent ones.

"You have been working really hard though. Perhaps a little bit of a reward from us would help you." A smile came on everyone's face as I was let go of and the girls went back in the changing room for a few minutes. Now having a free second, I tried to think what to do and come up with nothing.

'D-does this mean I'm going to finally cross the line with everyone? If I do, what should I do to try and prepare? Should I get condoms while we're out, or will that make them think I'm expecting it and be turned off? DAMMIT! SOMETIMES I WISH I KNEW BETTER THAN THIS!'

The girls came out with their clothes on and the underwear in their arms before dragging me to the counter. There, they rung up everything with Ochako placing on a type of lubricant of a French brand I couldn't pronounce and Itsuka putting on a set of condoms. "That'll be 15,329 yen(about $120)."

"Right." 'Geez. What is that underwear made of?' I used my card to pay with the girls grabbing the bags and heading to the restroom.

"I give you credit, man. Those girls want it bad." The receptionist started laughing with it becoming uneasy for me before the girls came back out with the bag holding some ruffles in it for me to guess what they did.

"Ready to become a man, Izuku~?" Itsuka locked arms with me for Momo to do the same with my other.

"Don't worry, we'll be gentle~"

'Dear god, please tell me this isn't how my life will change!'

Hawkeye POV:

Upon hearing what the girls were saying, I was rather shocked my son was keeping a mentally sane face. "They're on the move, let's go." Inko pulled me out of the store to follow suit after them and wind up losing them due to being so far behind. "Which way to the nearest motel?"

"Why do you think I know that!?" She ignored me and walked over to a random person. 'Why do I even bother?'

"Excuse me, sir. But do you know where the nearest Love Motel is?" Inko asked a somewhat sketchy guy while not wearing her weights to have the man look down and smirk.

"If you want, I can take you there, baby. Then again, we don't need a motel for what we can do." He started laughing for it to irritate me.

"And what did you plan to do, pray tell?" Inko smirked her normal way to say things were not going well for the man.

"Jeez, to think a fucking bomb like you's got no way to know. Let me just point it out, we're gonna have some fun as I pound your pu-" The man had a punch to the stomach to kneel to the ground in pain.

"Anything else to say that isn't what we asked?"

"R-right down that street. There's like a dozen of them." The man fell down on the ground with Inko smiling.

"Thank you. Let's roll, Drac." We ran towards the area with the fact we were choosing to spy on our own son doing something so obscene during the day feeling somewhat guilty for me. As we turned the corner to the street the man was talking about though, we were met by Izuku and his girlfriends waiting.

"Fancy seeing you two here. Someone care to tell me why you're both trying to spy on us?" Izuku glared at us with Inko immediately made a comment back that irritated myself a bit.

"It was his idea." She pointed at me to earn a glare in it's place.

"I was following you. I had no desire to play this game if it wasn't for you."

"Yet you're the one that wanted to follow along."

"Because you wanted to make sure Izuku was ok due to his injuries."

"To be honest, both of you aren't really in the right for following us for either of your reasons." Uraraka states this for both Inko and myself to stop and understand we did something rather idiotic. "Honestly, we did this gag knowing you two were following us in the store. We mentioned it to Izuku when we were finishing up and leaving for Momo to prank you both." I stared at Yaoyorozu who held a mild smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry. We messed up and intruded on your date. We just wanted to make sure Izuku was ok." Inko bowed with the fact I was tricked still irritating me.

"To be honest, we probably didn't make it seem better since it looked like we were nothing but a couple of horny young adults ready to jump Izuku's bones even though he's still recovering. Not saying we wouldn't wanna, but he's not in the best shape right now where it might actually hurt him."

"Way to make me sound weak, Itsuka." Everyone began laughing at this before a bat came to us holding a message from the Marines. It landed on Izuku's shoulder for him to open it and see the confines of it. "Ok. This is a shock. Says here, our crew's required to take down Gecko Moria."

"Perona may hate that decision." I spoke my opinion with Izuku's phone going off."


"DEKU! GHOST GIRL UP AND LEFT!" Bakugou shouted in the phone loud enough for all of us to hear and understand there's a new problem at hand now.

"And things are now going from bad to possibly worse."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and his crew having orders to take down Gecko Moria. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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