Demon's Wrath

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half an hour ago, 3rd person POV:

Expecting the worst scenario with how Akainu left, the hero board began talking amongst themselves. "He's not the type to let something like this go."

"But how should we handle this?"

"If we do only pros to protect the Green Demons, then that would immediately cause a rift in the unstable ordeal."

The board kept thinking of this before getting an idea. "What if it wasn't pros, but pirates that did this. As a safety precaution, we could also have one of the Warlord pros at the meeting assist as well in case none want to help."

"That could work, but who do we ask for assistance." The board opened their files on pirates to pull up four names.

"Hawkeye seems to have quite an interest in this group from what we've gathered. He would be a good person to have assist."

"The Straw Hats also have a connection with their captain. They could assist."

"So far, we haven't had any trouble with the Heart Pirates. I'm almost certain they would help as well as they are stationed near the meeting due to it not being out of the way for them."

The last name was shown with the person who pulled it explaining the logic. "If we are to trust the Kid Pirates, perhaps this could be a deciding factor for them."

"From what I've gathered, they also have some connection to the Green Demons to have a form of mutual respect for them." The group agreed with the picks to pick up a Transponder Snail and connect to all four of the groups as well as a pro from the Warlords.

"This is a request from the Hero Board of Japan. As of today at XXhours, the Green Demon Pirates had struck a Celestial Dragon. Due to events transpiring prior, the Hero Board requested not to punish them. However, there is fear that Fleet Admiral Akainu will attempt something. As such, we request all of your assistance helping the group and avoid anymore threat to our treaty with the Marines. If you accept, please go to the meeting area of the World Summit this year." The people listening in began making a judgement call with them all agreeing that this was arguably going to end badly no matter how you slice it. With that, they began their journey towards the meeting and act as backup in case of something happening. Meanwhile, Hawkeye couldn't help but smirk at his son's ordeals.

'So you've proven yourself strong enough to stand against a Celestial Dragon. I wonder what will happen next?'

Back to present with the group on the Maiden

Cannon fire kept coming at the group with Kaminari being connected to a bunch of plugs. "Is this safe?"

Hatsume laughed while typing away at her keyboard. "Would you rather sink on this ship while being fired at?" The conflict between the two was somewhat difficult for the blond to choose before feeling extreme electrical charges being forced out of him. "By the way, you might feel a bit of a tingle."


"WE'RE READY DOWN HERE! START FIRING WHEN YOU HAVE A CLEAR SHOT!" Hatsume shouted for Momo to aim at the nearest Marine ship.

"Oh, you don't have to tell me twice. This is for trying to hurt Ochako before, pricks." Momo fired at the ship with it hitting the side and making a huge hole in the side hull. The ship started to sink with a smirk being on her face. "NOW WHO ELSE WANTS SOME!?"

" she a little too hyped for this?" Hado asked with Tsu hopping on another cannon.

"Let's focus on this when we're not under fire by a bunch of ships."

A cannonball came flying right by Jirou and hit the side railing of the ship for her to cower in fear from nearly having her head taken off. "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!"

"SHUT UP AND RETURN FIRE! UNLESS WE TAKE THEM DOWN, WE GO DOWN!" Momo mentioned while hitting another ship. "FOCUS FIRE ON THE CLOSER ONES! AMAJIKI! TOGATA! PERONA! TODOROKI! LOAD US UP ON FIREPOWER! KYOKA! HADO! GET A CANNON LIKE TSU AND FIRE WHERE I FIRE!" The group did as she asked for them to target and take down a few more ships. However, another cannon caused some hull damage near Momo for her to be knocked back.


"FOCUS ON GETTING THE MARINES! WE ALL DIE IF THEY SINK US!" As they spoke, another ship came to send cannonballs to take down the Marines. Upon further inspection, the group noticed the ship was the Thousand Sunny. It came in front of them with Luffy hopping on the ship.

"Everyone ok!?"

"Yeah. But we gotta wait for our friends. They're still on shore."

The group spoke to the rubber man with four people joining them with their crew beside or on their shoulders in Ochako's case. "Permission to come aboard!?" Law asked while Togata put a board out for them to hop on.

Seeing the group come back, Momo ran over to see everyone but Izuku with them. "Where's Izuku?"

Bakugou turned away while answering. "We...we got separated. I don't know where he is."

"He's fighting another member of CP-0 from what I can tell. The battle isn't going in his favor however." Ryukyu points out with her eyes closed.

"We gotta help him then!" Luffy was about to head out, but was caught by the dragon hero pulling his arm as he kept stretching about a few feet.

"He has someone there to help. However, I think he has other plans from what I know of that man."

With Izuku

Hawkeye stood firmly to the side of both Lucci and Izuku. Not making any significant movements. "Just what is the likes of you doing here?"

"Just simply watching as an onlooker. However..." The swordsman stared at Izuku before speaking up. "What the hell do you think you are doing!?" Izuku and Lucci looked at Hawkeye with surprise. "If you truly think you will become the next world's greatest swordsman and surpass me, then why are you failing to defeat a fool such as this!?"

Lucci was enraged to begin walking towards Hawkeye. "Don't overestimate yourself, Mihawk. You're not exactly free from the-" A slice came from Kogatana to graze his cheek and cut down a building nearby.

"Perhaps you should not overestimate yourself. Also, I was not talking to you." Hawkeye placed his small blade back in its holster before returning to speak to Izuku. "Aren't you the least bit ashamed to lose to this man? He is no swordsman. He is no noble warrior. So why the hell are you accepting defeat from him!?" Izuku struggled to stand up as Hawkeye kept yelling at him. "You are the captain of the Green Demon Pirates as well as the man who proclaimed he will defeat me to claim my title, how dare you lose to him. A captain should stand tall and face the worst of the threat in front of them as a way to show his strength to his crew. A swordsman to surpass me has no right to lose to anyone no matter the cost! STAND AND FIGHT! FIGHT AS THE MAN YOU WISH TO BE!"

In a fit of anger over himself taking this defeat willingly, Izuku grabbed both Kandaina and Chujitsuna and stood up with blood still dripping off his body. "So. You want to keep going, huh? Well, I'm not against finishing this job once and for all."

Before starting, Izuku took both his fists to punch himself in the head. "I'm sorry I had to show you that ugly side of me, Hawkeye. But thank you for getting me out of that slump." With blood coming down his blades, Izuku used Muramasa's curse to light it on fire and coat the blades in Haki. "Now, let's go!"

Izuku charged at Lucci to give a right forward slash. The leopard man dodged this before having Muramasa be lodged into his side and cause a deep burn. "YOU DAMNED BRAT! SIX KING GUN!" The blast slid Izuku back, but he recovered and pushed forward while holding Chujitsune and Kandaina across his body.

"Cross....SLICE!" Lucci braced the attack with Haki before having a knee to the jaw come with izuku twirling his body around as he lunged at the Cypher Pol member. "STRIKE OF THE VENGEFUL TIGER!" This caused three cuts to come on Lucci's forearm through his Haki and be lit on fire. In retaliation, Izuku was kicked through the side of a building and into the other side.


Standing up and visibly raddled by the attack, Izuku started to sway side to side. "An insect you say. Hehehehehe...." He started laughing as a strange radiation of dark energy came off him mixed with OFA. "I take that as a complement. The fact I was able to get so under your skin means that this insect is more dangerous to you than you'd expect. Now prepare for the venom of this bug you think is so beneath you to bear it's fangs." Lucci began seeing three different heads on Izuku with six arms form all holding blades with their eyes looking as if the green haired swordsman was barely conscious.

"Secret Technique: Nine blades of Hell." Izuku stormed towards Lucci while using his first right hand to slice. "Limbo." Lucci dodged it with his first left coming next upward to graze the leopard man's chest. "Lust." His right head came next to slash at Lucci's collarbone and cause a notable slash. "Gluttony." The next attack came from his second left arm came from above down Lucci's chest with it going on a diagonal slash. "Greed." His right second arm came next upwards from the knee up, slowing down Lucci's movements. "Anger." His left head gave the next slash across Lucci's stomach. "Heresy." His final right arm came next with it slicing upwards in a diagonal line. "Violence." Izuku's final left arm came from the shoulder down to the kneecap in a downwards slash next. "Fraud."

In the last moment, Lucci tried to reclaim his footing while giving a final attack. "I REFUSE TO LOSE HERE! SIX KING-" He was stopped as Izuku sent his last blade directly through his chest and appear from the other side.

"Treachery." The blade ignited with Lucci being set ablaze and causing searing pain to him.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Placing Chujitsune and Kandaina in their sheaths, Izuku held his right fist back with OFA activated in it while holding Muramasa with his left.

"This is the end Rob Lucci. No matter where you end up, understand that the Green Demon will never lose to the likes of you. Also, tell Akainu that he ever tries a stunt like this again, I won't hold show mercy to those he sends at me or my crew. Detroit...." Izuku slammed his fist in Lucci's face to send him flying out into the distance with Muramasa being pulled out by the force of the hit. "SMASH!"

With the crew

As the members of the Green Demons returned to the ship and were explaining what happened, Shiozaki looked up to see something coming near them. "I do not want to worry anyone, but there is some kind of large cat coming near us that is on fire." The group looked up to see the large cat as Shiozaki described, flew past everyone and hit one of the Marine ships with the crew immediately trying to put out the fire with them only able to smolder on their own and notice who it was that crashed into them.


Lucci was unable to move with his voice cracking while trying to give an order. "Tell....Aka...inu....the fail...ure..." He passed out after this with everyone of the Marine crew panicking.

"Who could do something like this!?"

"How can one of the most powerful members of Cypher Pol be beaten and put in a state like this!?"

"Whoever did this has to be a demon!"

As the Marines struggled to help their ally, the ships of both the Kid Pirates and the Heart Pirates made their showing to force the Marines to have a full retreat. "Bunch of fucking cowards they are." Bakugou spoke while watching the Marines run. "YOU PUSSIES GOT THE BALLS TO ATTACK US WHEN YOU OUTNUMBER US, BUT THE SECOND WE GET BACK ON AN EVEN PLAYING FIELD YOU TURN TAIL AND RUN! ONLY PUSSIES RUN FROM A FIGHT IF THEY'RE ON EVEN LEVELS!"

"YEAH! COME BACK AND FACE US IF YOU'RE MEN!" Perona shouted while some of her Hollows began looking as if they were flipping off the Marines as she gave them the double bird as well.

'And yet you were one of the few that were panicking the most during this whole thing.' Momo thought to herself as the sudden surge of confidence came from the ghost woman.

Turning to see a figure approaching the ship, Ryukyu noticed Hawkeye come towards the Maiden with Izuku in his arms bleeding heavily. "If any of you could help, this man needs medical assistance!" Ryukyu, Chopper and Law hopped off the ships to help Izuku. Upon seeing him in the state, they confirmed that Izuku had several broken bones, was bleeding extremely from the injuries he sustained as well as having several internal organs damaged in some way to know his fight wasn't going to be over until they can stabilize him. Though even if he was beaten and bloodied, a smile was on Izuku's face. One that showed pride in himself.

"Where do you want to take him?" Ryukyu asked with Law pointing towards his ship.

"He needs a large amount of medical attention. My ship can manage that with the equipment on it. Have Bepo show you the way." Ryukyu went towards the submarine with Chopper beside her in hopes to avoid jostling Izuku too much. As they tried to work on him, Hawkeye smirked while seeing the damage done to Izuku's crew.

Ochako was unconscious from her fight with Piero, Bakugou had several bandages over him with his hands in casts but still conscious, Itsuka sat against a side of the ship with her chest still hurting from the broken rib as well as her stomach from the blows she suffered. Shiozaki though not in at all the worst shape she could be in, felt more ashamed of herself forcing herself to leave this ship. To her, the treachery she had to Izuku and the rest of her former crewmates was horrid. All she wanted to do now was make amends with Izuku for what she did. 'When he wakes, I'm going to apologize. Even if he doesn't allow me back, I will make peace with my former captain.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what the end result of this incident will do for everyone. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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