Free Path Forward

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Ryukyu POV:

"It's been two hours without any word from them. Are they alright?" Togata asked somewhat curious on the situation as a whole.

"I'm sure they're fine. Though Midoriya isn't the greatest, he won't lose as easily." I tried to calm the unease for Eri's sake more because she seemed more self conscious of it compared to everyone else. I decided to pat her head and give her some comforting words. "Our group is a strong one. We won't be beaten that easily. I promise you that."

"A-are they going to really be ok?" She squeaked this out with my own smile to her keeping her calmer.

"I'm certain." Though I was holding out hope for her, the reality was still there. We're not facing run of the mill pirates. We're facing major underworld bosses now. These are people that know how to work around and undermined even the most simple aspects that would make it easy for us. Simply going in and attacking right at someone wouldn't be the easiest. We need to expect there to be damage and injuries.

"Hey! We're back!" We all heard Midoriya's voice for us to hold out the plank for them to walk up and see the group beaten up with Midoriya even having a stab wound on his stomach. What shocked me more wasn't his injuries though, but the fact that everyone had the Yakuza boss Kai Chisaki and Crocodile along with the earlier underlings in their hands.

"JUST WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!?" I was shocked beyond belief as this was something nobody really planned before they threw the group on top of Daz Bones who was conscious at the time.

"What the!? BOSS!?" He seemed worried as Crocodile regained consciousness and looked at us.

"So. You won? Congratulations you punk. You even seemed to think ahead and put Sea Prism Stone handcuffs on me. Smart for a sword wielding fool."

On cue, Overhaul had woken up along with this to glare directly at Eri who was hiding behind me. "Eri. Get back here. You know you're cursed and only bad things will happen to you if you even try to get involved with people."

"Eri is not a-" Uraraka attempted to speak before Midoriya put his hand out.

"A child that's cursed and will only make bad things happen. I think that's a perfect fit for us. We could use a small cabin girl to help learn how to help take care of little things. What do you say, little miss? You wanna prove him wrong and instead be a demon like us?" Midoriya smirked at this with Eri fearing a bit.

"I...I just don't wanna hurt people. I hate this power and I wish I didn't have it." She began crying with Izuku walking directly up to her and kneeling to her level.

"Eri. Let me ask you something. Are you gonna throw in the towel for life because you were dealt a bad hand?" He went to his weights on his body to pull them off and show markings of words such as 'useless', 'quirkless' and 'worthless' on them. "Words tie you down. But they can also make us stronger. I'm strong not because I was born strong. I didn't wake up one day and find my power. To be honest, I worked. I worked harder and harder and when I couldn't work so hard anymore, I pushed myself to be better. People thought I couldn't do anything good in this world, but look at me now. A strong and proud captain of a crew of crazy freaks just like me that build off one another. If you're too much of a curse for us, then that just means we'll have to counter your bad luck with our own insanity. Sound like a fair trade?"

I could go without being called a 'crazy freak', but this was probably the best choice of words he could use for someone in Eri's situation. She nodded and reached out for Midoriya's hand. "I...I want to....believe you." She hesitated saying this before being brought up on Midoriya's shoulders for him to speak up to everyone.

"Alright. Time to welcome our newest little member! Everyone, Eri's our cabin girl and she's gonna be just as much of a crazy son of a bitch like the rest of us!"

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted for joy with Eri looking amazed. She saw a group of people that actually wanted her even with her curse as she called it and witnessed Midoriya give her the type of motivation she needed to pick herself up. She began to cry tears of joy with everyone going over and making sure she was alright.

"Hmph. You're bringing yourself into a path of destruction, you know that?" Overhaul spoke as he looked directly at me. "That girl is doomed to forever be damned in this world. What makes you so certain she won't do the same to you?"

"Unlike you, we're focusing on doing better. And for Eri's case, she's probably found the best place among people just as equally insane as her emotional issues are because of you."

"What a joke." Overhaul added this as the Marines showed up. Apparently, they sent an Admiral for this collection. This one was honestly one of my more favorite of the three due to him not being as much of a problem for us.

"Forgive my late entrance and introduction. Seems this is the ship of the Green Demon Pirates?" Fujitora walked on with several Marines behind him.

"Isshou Fujitora. I've heard quite a bit about you. As a person who cares about order and fairness, I have to give you respect." Midoriya spoke as Fujitora towered over him.

"Izuku Midoriya. Green Demon of Mustafar. The fact the Pirate Warlord system was reinstated here is something I personally dislike. However, people like you are ones that I do have to begrudgingly respect. You try not to take the ways of the world in your own hands as best as you can and always hold the people around you and their best interest in what you do. Shame someone like you was unable to join the Marines."

"Like I'd wanna join a bunch of hypocrites who only show an image of order but hardly enforce it where it should be."

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT US LIKE THAT!" A Marine spoke up while aiming a gun at him.

"Trust me when I say this won't end well if you do this. I'd recommend you put that down before someone gets hurt. And trust me when I say this, it won't be me." The Marine held his hand on the trigger with Midoriya going for his blade.

"Enough! We didn't come here for a fight. Put your guns down. Our objective is to take in the people here." Fujitora pointed towards Crocodile and Overhaul. "How much are both their bounties worth Captain?" He asked a man beside him while looking at the bounties.

"As a whole, they are owed a check for about 190 million when you count up everyone's bounties."

"I see. Well give the man the money he's owed and we'll be on our way." The Marines were pulling everyone away as Eri moved slowly out from behind Midoriya's leg to look at the Admiral. "Well hello there, little girl. How can I help you?" Fujitora spoke for her to hide behind Izuku.

"Hey. If that girl's part of this situation, she should be taken into Marine custody!" The Captain spoke up with some anger in his voice for Midoriya to respond.

"She's our cabin girl. She was picked up from a bastard who wanted to harm her and since she made a bond with us, she'll be under our care. The poor girl has a lot of issues and putting her in your foster system or the Marines would do nothing to help it. So I'd recommend you leave her to us."

"Does she now?" Fujitora looked down to Eri and gave her a smile while opening his eyes slightly to show he really was blind as the reports state. "I hope you have the best life thus far little lady and get the help you need." With that said, Fujitora left with the Marines giving Midoriya the check and heading out. Once they were away, Kaminari spoke up.


"Just what was that about? Why did they let a blind guy become a Marine Admiral?" Jirou quesioned this for me to explain.

"Fujitora was brought in during a draft when the War of the Best ended. The Marines needed more troops and he was able to be promoted to Admiral in just 2 years. He does see people and things, but the way he does is with Observation Haki. He's able to see and fight no different than anyone else. Adding to that, his Gravity Devil Fruit is something we can't overlook either."

"Yep. Fujitora is one tough cookie that also knows about the hypocrisy in this world." Midoriya walked to the side and laid down with a deep sigh of relief. "Wake me up when we get docked in UA."

"YOU LAZY PUNK!" Jirou, Kaminari and Shiozaki shouted in anger with a few other members laying back and sleeping as well.

'Guess it was mentally and physically exhausting for most of the crew.' "Hatsume. Can you send us to UA?"

"You got it!" She walked to the helm and took the wheel before turning us and heading out of the area and towards the campus. During this, Eri laid on Midoriya with Fluffy laying beside her for the rest of the group to relax and enjoy the ride until we get to the shore.

2 hours later, Izuku POV:

I began feeling the lift for UA's ship docking to wake up. As I did, I noticed Eri on top of me hugging my torso. I found it rather adorable to pet her hair. Once I did, I noticed it seemed kinda dirty before smelling something. I sniffed her to understand something serious. 'She needs a bath...really badly.' The final docking happened for me to lift up Itsuka and Ochako and put them on my shoulders while holding Eri in my free arm.

"Huh, what the heck?" Itsuka woke up first to realize she was being carried to look at me. "You wanna explain what you're doing?"

"Eri needs a bath really badly and I need your help for that."

"That's what that smell is!?" Ochako spoke up for Eri to shake herself awake. "Wait, won't she need clothes?"

"Good point. You have anything she can wear for now before we give her clothes, Ochako?"

"Not really that would fit her so well. Maybe a shirt that's somewhat small on me, but not so much."

"Why not ask Momo to make some clothes." Itsuka points this out for me to shrug and agree. We walked into the dorms with everyone looking at us confused before Ashido shouted at us.


"Nope. Watching her. She's also our new cabin girl. But she does need a bath." We walked into the bathing area where I put Ochako, Itsuka and Eri down for the two to take our newest member in and bathe her. While that happened, I went into the kitchen to start making something for her to eat with it being somewhat difficult for me to decide. 'Considering she's not had the best nutrition, what would be the best method of helping her? Adding to this, she's a kid so she might be picky about what she'll eat and what she won't. Should I look for something high in carbs or should I try and give her something light and easy to digest first?' I kept questioning this before a hand was felt on my shoulder to turn and see Sanji from the Strawhats.

"I heard you've got yourself a new member that needs a well balanced diet. Since I was here, I figured I'd give you a hand since you don't have a cook."

"Thanks. I appreciate the help." The two of us began cooking with him explaining what would be the best course of action for helping.

"Considering the girl hasn't eaten well from what your doctor said, a nice and easily digestible meal might be helpful as a start. When that's done, we should give her a good amount of veg that are rich in vitamins would help assist in replenishing what she's been lacking. Some protein is also important in this however it would be best for her to take something hearty in that dish in order to help her gain weight to become what she should be."

"Sounds simple enough." Sanji started having a stew set up that had mushrooms and softened carrots in it with it all being in a creamy broth. For the veg, we decided to go some toasted greens and blend up and cook some broccoli stems for it as a way to increase the nutrients. And lastly, the meat was a nicely tendered piece of hamburger steak that we added some seasonings to that increased it's flavor with a sauce dripped on top of it.

"Hey, that smells really good." Hagakure came in and drooled at the smell for Sanji to smile while responding.

"I made plenty to make sure that you're all able to eat up. But make sure the little missy in the bath eats first so she can have a decent meal in her." As he said this, Eri came out with some clothes I asked Momo to make with Itsuka putting her in a chair that had a few books on it to let her see over the table. "Alright little lady. I heard you haven't eaten that greatly, so I made certain to whip up something special just for you. A nice warm soup to start with a filling richness, followed by a veg platter of firm yet crunchy veg to give you nutrients, and of course a nice and seasoned hamburger steak that is served with a sauce that is enjoyed by young and old."

Eri looked at it all before looking at us with unease. "This is all your food, Eri. Eat up before it gets cold." I spoke to her as she started with the soup to take a spoon and have some problems holding it. 'She's really in a bad spot.' She finally got a grip of it to take a spoon full before  Sanji stopped her.

"It's hot, so you might wanna blow on it." She did that to take the spoon in her mouth before holding her head down and cried. "Was it still too hot?"

She shook her head before speaking up. "It's....good." She lifted her head while having her cheeks flushed. "I...I really like it. It's just...the first time something tasted so nice to me." She kept eating with all of us smiling as she kept crying and eating through her tears.

'It's the starting line for her, but we all need to start somewhere.' I smiled at this before going to get some soup myself and noticing Ashido and Hagakure trying to take the entire pot of it. "Hey! Don't eat the whole thing you gluttons!"

"Sorry. It's just really good." Everyone laughed at this as Eri kept eating until she was done with everything and slept off her full belly with a look of relief on her face.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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