Marguerite's Paths

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Marguerite POV:

After returning to UA, I began training a little more on my own. I focused more on making sure my Haki was being used to it's limit each day so that I could be stronger. 'Just focus.' I saw something move in the distance to try my skills with Observation Haki. 'A squirrel that has two nuts in it's mouth. One's hanging out halfway.' I aimed my bow towards the eggcorn that wasn't fully in it's mouth. Once I had a clear shot, I released my arrow with it coated in enough Haki to turn it darker in color. I was able to hit the eggcorn and create a massive crater from the raw power I was using. "Nice. Perfect shot."

"You're telling me." I turned to see Midoriya, or at least a girl that looked like him and felt a little embarrassed being watched.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I came because I wanted to see you. I had a question I wanted to ask and I wanted to make sure you were ok since Hancock told me about what happened at the meeting."

"Oh....You heard." I felt a little uneasy before I was patted on the shoulder.

"I appreciate the fact you wanted to be mad for my crew and me. I find it flattering."

"I-it's nothing special. You're all just friends of the Kuja Pirates. So it's only right that we help you." I turned away still seeing some bandages on Midoriya before realizing something. "So why are you a woman?"

"FUCKING IVANKOV IS WHY! THAT ASSHOLE'S LUCKY I DON'T SHOW HIM WHY MY BLADES ARE DEEMED DANGEROUS!" I couldn't help but laugh at this when I saw Midoriya's anger filled face.

"So what did you wanna ask me?" Midoriya began thinking of the words to say before responding.

"Well, I've been taking note of how much you pay attention to us and help where you could. I was just thinking, would you be willing to join my pirate crew." I stopped for a second thinking of what was said.

"You're joking ,right? "

"No, I'm serious."

I began feeling a little irritated that he was offering me this position. "I'm not joining with you. Keep in mind, I'm part of the Kuja Pirates. I cannot and will not join the Green Demons so long as that is the case. I understand you want to have me on your crew and I respect the and admire that. But I can't. I'm not able to because of my allegiance with another crew."

I started to walk away with Midoriya giving one last question. "Are you with the Kuja Pirates because you want to be or you feel obligated to. A pirate lives free and can do whatever they want as long as they have their captain's blessing. You wanted to help us during the attack from CP-0, but was denied your free will to do that. Is that truly you being there because you want to be or is that you being there because you have to be." I didn't know how to respond to this. "Take the time to think of the answer. When you feel as if your answer is no longer forced, give me it and we'll go from there."

I walked away thinking of what Midoriya said. It was true, the Green Demons have been admirable and if under the right circumstances, I probably would take the offer. However, I can't let my sisters down like that. It's an insult to them if done and I would rather die than give them that shame knowing I left them for another pirate crew. 'I need to get this out of my head.' I started going for a jog thinking of several things. My life up till becoming an amazon of my kingdom, meeting Luffy and helping him during his arrival at Amazon Lily, the two years I trained to become a full fledged member of the Kuja Pirates, arriving past Lauph Tale Island, even becoming a training partner for the students of UA. Everything felt a little...difficult to swallow. For the longest time, I never had to question what I was doing because I fully believed I was on the right path. But once I met Luffy, I wanted to see the world for myself. I knew it wasn't right, so I kept those feelings of longing down. But why are those feelings coming back to the surface now?

'A pirate lives free and can do whatever they want as long as they have their captain's blessing.' Midoriya's words echoed in my head making what I wanted to do even harder to determine. Eventually, I came to a question that I was afraid of asking myself.

'Do I....want to leave the Kuja Pirates and live another way?' I shook my head as I came to a fountain on the school grounds. "Don't think like that. They're your sisters. You can't turn on your own family." I wanted things to be simple again. I wanted to know I wasn't going down the wrong path. But..."Raaaah! Somebody just tell me if this is the right thing to do!?"

"What is?" I turned to see Tsu next to me to panic.

"DWAH!" I jumped back before calming down seeing she didn't intend to startle me. "T-Tsuyu. Sorry. I didn't expect someone to be listening."

"Don't worry. Yen for your thoughts?" I sat down near the fountain and explained to her what I was going through. Once I was done, she seemed to think about what I was debating rather seriously. "It's not that I don't want to join your crew, but I don't want to betray my kingdom and friends. My amazon sisters have been no different than family and I feel wrong wanting to leave, but something is telling me I should take this opportunity. You probably think what I'm debating is dumb and I shouldn't bother getting bent out of shape over it."

"Actually, I understand it probably more than you think. You see, I actually have two younger siblings. Young enough where they can't take care of themselves. Growing up, my parents had to work abroad regularly and I was stuck taking care of them. I figured I'd focus more on my studies and raising them instead of making friends since I couldn't do half the things they could do normally. There was even a brief time when I was opting out of following my dream to be a hero."

"What changed?"

Tsu smiled before explaining. "Regrets are something you keep on you for life. My mother told me that. As a way to make sure I didn't have that regret of not having the chance to be who I want to be, she quit her job and willingly stayed home to allow me to follow my dream. Money was going to be tight, but she'd rather that than forcing me to make a decision between my family and my dreams. I felt horrible making her do this, but that's what drives me more to fight to achieve my final goal."

"So you chose something because you knew you'd regret it if you didn't."

"Oh I regret doing this for my mother, so it's not completely guilt free, but I wouldn't change what I've done for the world. It's because of this decision that I met a lot of nice friends and Izuku. I guess...I'm happy I had to live with that regret to the point it doesn't feel as bad knowing what I have now." I saw a smile on Tsu's face to feel moderately happy about this.

"Thanks, Tsuyu. I think I know what I gotta do." I stood up and began walking back towards the Kuja territory.

"Tell Sweet Pea I sad hi and that Aphelandra can see my brother and sister next week when they visit."

"I will." 'I'm sorry Snake Empress, but I may have to leave your crew. All I ask of you is that you give me your blessing and forgive my selfishness.'

Later that evening

Walking towards my captain's quarters, I had bumped into Sonia and Mari. "Marguerite. Just the woman we were looking for."

"Our sister is looking for you."

"She is?" I questioned Mari's comment for them to lead me towards her tent. There, the empress sat looking away from the curtain.

"Sister. We have brought her."

"Good. Please leave us." Both Mari and Sonia bowed before leaving us alone. The silence between us was unnerving with my desire to tell my queen what I wished to becoming all the more difficult. "Marguerite. Do you know why I have asked for you to see me?" I tried to think of a reason for the act I had done on the ship over a week ago to come to mind.

"If this has anything to do with my act of insubordination on the ship, please understand that I had no malicious intent for the amazons or our kingdom, your majesty. It will never happen again." 'Dammit. I can't tell her this now when she's still mad about what had happened. I need to hold in what I want to say.'

"Good. I was thinking though, we should return to Amazon Lily soon."

"Return? As in leave Japan?"

"Yes. This world is not ours and we do not have reason to be here. The only thing keeping us is the Warlord status which can be brought over to our home once again. With that being the case, it will solidify everyone's hearts to make sure they know why our way is the best way. This will also help you. Starting when we return, you shall handle things in regards to our outings on the lands of our people. Never touching the sea ever again." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was going to never leave Amazon Lily again? All I could think at that moment were Midoriya's words of a pirate and how they live. I clenched my fists in anger trying not to speak out against her. "Is something the matter? We are going home, you should be thrilled."


The Snake Empress looked at me for a moment with a cold stare. "You can't? Why?"

I started to cry saying this knowing what I was saying. "I...I want to join another crew. I'm sorry my lady. After everything that you've done for me and our people, this is by far the most shameful thing I could do to you. Please understand though, I don't want to do this because I feel as if you're being improper as a ruler or a captain. I love Amazon Lily. I love our people. And most importantly, I love being a Kuja Pirate. This is what makes this request even harder knowing I'm risking it all, but please." I looked up at Mistress Hancock with tears in my eyes. "Please let me stay and be part of the Green Demons. That's all I'm asking. I don't care if when I return to Amazon Lily again that I-" I was immediately kicked by the Snake Empress to see her enraged at me.

"After all I've done for you. After all our people have done for you. We raised you. We trained you. We gave you purpose. And after all that, you betray us like this!?" I was in fear. Our mistress never lost her temper like this. "Starting now, you are no longer a member of my crew. Get out this instant and never return ever again. Do you understand me!?"I began crawling away with the Snake Empress charging at me with another kick. "GET OUT OF MY TENT THIS INSTANT!" I was kicked out with her foot hitting my jaw and knocked to the ground. I looked around to see everyone staring at me with anger. I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself. The only thing I could do is run. Run and leave my sisters behind. I felt sickened by this and could only cry knowing the shame I had leaving them.

"I'm sorry. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" I broke down crying while running out of the Kuja territory before running into Sweet Pea and Aphelandra.

"Marguerite. I heard you were leaving from the Snake Empress."

"She said it was going to be a quick leave that you wouldn't have time to pack your things, so she asked us to do it for you." Sweet Pea passed me my things with their comments not making any sense.

"What are you talking about? The Snake Empress-"

"She asked us not to say anything, but she left a note for you in your bag and we were the ones that had to give it to you."

I didn't understand anything for my friends to leave saying their goodbyes. Once they left and I was on the barrier between our territory in UA, I pulled out the note and read it.


By now you are probably thinking that me and your amazon sisters have abandoned you. But in fact, that is not the case. We all knew you wanted to leave, but couldn't because of your commitment to us. As such, I had asked everyone when you admitted your heart to me to pretend as if you were no longer one of us. Though we may have shown aggression to you, none of us wanted to have you leave. It hurt us knowing you wanted, but everyone understood it was right for you. I did however ask Sweet Pea and Aphelandra to avoid doing this and sent them to pack your things. I didn't think it was right to make the pretend to hate you as you three grew up together and were no different than actual sisters. Now that you are free though of the Kuja Pirates and Amazon Lily, live your life. Live it as you see fit. This is my final order for you as your captain.

Live long and happy,
Your former captain Boa Hancock

I started to cry again seeing that everyone was doing this for me. I felt happy knowing this and thinking I didn't deserve people like them looking out for me. "*sniffle* Snake Empress! I promise I'll do what you want of me! I'll live my life *hic* like I want to. Free and happy." I couldn't stop crying as I continued to walk towards the dorms of the first years. 'There's still one thing I have to do.'

At the 1-A dorms, 3rd person POV:

Izuku had been siting calmly in a chair happy to be male again and drinking tea while thinking about what he should do to get stronger and become better at Haki. As he did, the door to the dormitory opened and showed Marguerite walking in. "Do you have that answer I asked you about earlier today?"

"Yes." Marguerite wiped any residual tears from her eyes and stared at Izuku with a determined look. "If you will have me, I would be honored to be part of your crew."

Smiling at this, Izuku got up and grabbed two sake cups and a bottle. He poured some of the alcohol into the cups before passing one to the amazon woman. "To our adventures going forward. May they be life long and happy."

"Let's just hope we live long enough to remember them in our golden years." Both laughed at this before clinking the cups together and taking a sip of the drink. Meanwhile, the crew was watching from the side smiling knowing they now have a new crew member.

And that finishes this chapter. So just so everyone's clear, Hancock did what she did as a way to help Marguerite. It's kinda similar to what Dr. Koreha did to Chopper where she gave him no choice but to leave, though knew this was what he wanted and didn't want to get in the way or taint his resolve. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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