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One week prior with Ochako, 3rd person POV:

"Alright, allow me to explain a trick I'm going to have you learn. Today, I'll teach you a trick called Gears." Ochako looked completely confused. "What are Gears?" "They're techniques that my darling uses in order to become stronger. The first of his Gears is Second Gear. This is where he increases the size of his red blood cells in order to have his base stats increase. Due to him being made of rubber, this has less strain on him. But that doesn't mean this isn't a double edged sword." Ochako heard this carefully as Hancock explained. "The more he does this, the more time he cuts off his lifespan. For a normal human, this will become even more difficult since their bodies aren't meant to do this." "But why am I trying to if you know it's not going to work?" Hancock looked at Ochako and smiled. "Unlike most humans, you can effect people with your mind. Have you wondered what would happen if you directed that power inwards to yourself?" Ochako never thought about it, but maybe she could use her Devil Fruit on herself in order to make herself different. "Paramecia Devil Fruits must be extremely open to ideas to become stronger due to their power varying."

Back to present

"No matter what you do, this power won't be enough to beat me chuu." Ochako held her left hand up and pulled her right fist back. Not sure what to expect, Chew prepared himself for the attack. "Jet." Too fast for anyone to see, Ochako came at Chew and socked him in the gut. "PUNCH!" The fishman didn't expect this to lose the wind in his lungs. He went flying into the railing of the ship to make a dent into the steel. 'What the hell was tha-" Before he could finish his train of thought, Ochako came at him with a roundhouse to the face. "Jet Sweep!" The hit was strong enough that it sent Chew right off the ship and directly at the Kuja pirate ship. Thanks to the scurmish, the barrier was able to be dropped for him to land directly in front of the pirate empress herself. "Who placed this disgusting beast in front of me?" Hancock kicked the barely conscious Chew to the side for him to finally lose his ability to think. 'What....what's wrong with these women?'

Back on the ship, Itsuka had taken on Kuroobi. "You think just cause you know the basics to fishman karate, you'll be a match to me? You're sorely mistaken!" Both came at one another with Itsuka avoiding the attacks. She came below the fishman martial artist before using Armament Haki to his chest. This acted as a force towards Kruoobi who forcibly was slid a bit away. "So you know some tricks not baOOF!" His speech was stopped by a solid punch to the face. "You probably didn't know this, but I already had a large bit of knowledge on martial arts where fishman karate wasn't as complicated to learn as it would for most." Itsuka came at Kuroobi to give an uppercut to the jaw before hitting his chest with the palm of her hand. This caused a shockwave to knock Kuroobi to the ground with his insides feeling like they were hit by a bus. "T-that's impossible that a human can use fishman karate at this level." Itsuka went over to her naginata before explaining. "It's not just fishman karate I was using. Jinbei told me right off the bat that just that won't do much."

Flashback to one week ago with Itsuka

"Fishman karate?" "It's a martial arts style where fishmen are able to use the water inside their opponent as a weapon against them." Jinbei explained while going over what special about the martial arts. "Most beings are made of almost all of their bodies physical makeup of water. Fishman karate works on creating ripples in this water where even one that is unable to have physical damage done to them, this allows one to injure them." "Amazing." Itsuka looked at her hand before being told one extra thing. "Being human however, you won't be able to use it nearly as well as a fishman since this was meant to be used for fishmen." "So if I'm going to face a fishman that knows it and is at the same level as me, I'm done for." "Not necessarily. For I will also teach you the basics of Armament Haki. Since your background knowledge in martial arts takes half the battle away in learning fishman karate, you'll be able to pick it up faster than most beginning it. But for Armament, it works on a somewhat similar guideline in it's base form. But instead of using your energy to make ripples in the flow of water, consider it more as you're making a barrier with your energy." "Sounds simple in base measures."

Back to present

As Ochako and Itsuka finished up, Momo kept avoiding blow after blow of fishmen trying to attack. "HOW IS SHE DOING THIS!?" She kept avoiding attack after attack to use them or her own attacks to defeat other fishmen. When they went unconscious, Momo held a smile on her face knowing she was able to handle all this. "Yaoyorozu, that was amazing." Tsu looked to marvel at her friends skill as she smiled. "Ms. Robin would be able to do what I did much faster, but this is a start." "What did you do?" Selkie looked around to see no fishman conscious. 'Just what was this she did?' Both women thought as Momo began making ropes to tie up the fishmen.

Flashback one week ago with Momo

"Observation Haki is a very powerful skill as you've most likely discovered by your friends showing in the Sports Festival. However, it requires an immense amount of concentration in order to do this. If you happen to lose your train of concentration, you will be unable to use it." Obtaining a bit of understanding of how to use the power for herself. "What exactly does this power do? I obtained a base understanding from what Izuku used, but I never learned what it initially was." "In short, it uses the natural energy to hear and watch the events around you. You can do it to see the things around you and hear the attacks one will be able to do. You can also use it in an advanced form to see attacks into the future within a few seconds to tell what is going to happen." "That's amazing." "However, the same rule is required for you to need complete concentration with the more advanced needing far more. So this week, we will focus mainly on your ability to control Observation Haki even during stressful moments." Momo understood to nod before following Robin down below deck where they could begin.

Back to present

As things were finished up above deck, Bakugou had begun working on trying to end the battle between him and Hatchan. "Please just leave! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" The octopus man kept attacking and intentionally missing Bakugou. "Moon Walk!" Bakugou used the air under him as a foothold before pivoting his body to target Hatchan's blades to destroy them. "DIE!" The act shattered them and left the fishman unarmed. Trying to finish this, the ash blond held his hand making small explosions to prove he wasn't messing around to Hatchan's face. "Give up takoyaki, before I make you into a roasted octopus." Hatchan began to cry before nodding. "It wasn't supposed to be this way. All Arlong said was that we were going to this world to avoid the World Government and my friends would be free. *hic* I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I just followed to help the people I care about." The tears he had were only outspoken by a shout. "Leave Hatchan alone!"

Bakugou turned around to see the mermaid and starfish behind him. "Camie. Pappagu. Stay back please." The two got in front of the ash blond trying to protect Hatchan. "Hatchan didn't do this because he wanted to." "Yeah. Arlong came to fishman island wanting him to join with Hatchan refusing until he threatened Camie and me. He promised to help get Arlong here if he swore to let us go the second we got here. But unlike our friend, Arlong didn't keep his end of the bargain and kept us hostage even after taking this ship." "Please. Just let them go. I'll go with you if you promise that Cami and Pappagu can go free." Bakugou was in between a rock and a hard place. He knew Hatchan was needed to be arrested for causing problems, but the fishman didn't do it because he wanted to. Not only that, but where do Camie and Pappagu stand in all this? If he would arrest Hatchan, they'd be in this world completely alone with the law taking one of their friends into custody for helping keep them safe. 'What would cigar man do during this?'

Flashback one week ago with Bakugou

"What's my moral compass? Why the fuck do you care?" "everyone in this world has their own moral code. For the majority, we regularly align with the law. But on occasion, it tends to steer differently if it has to. So let me ask you, what does your moral compass point towards? Will you follow what the law says like a dog and damn an innocent victim, or take pity on a crook in the eyes of the law?" Bakugou thought of this before Smoker lit a cigar. "Give it a little time. Not all of life's problems for you can be solved just by following the left or the right. Sometimes to follow your path, you need to see the center as a route."

Back to present

'So this is what cigar man meant by a time when my moral compass points towards something different than the law.' Bakugou sighed before he grabbed Hatchan by the head. "Come with me octopus man." "LET HIM GO!" Camie tried to pull Hatchan away with her starfish pet/teacher assisting. "Let him go kid! He didn't do anything to deserve this treatment! He even tried to help the blue haired girl and frog girl by making sure they were at least eating right!" "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP! I'M NOT TAKING HIM TO BE ARRESTED!" Both stopped when they heard this. The four came back above deck where Ochako, Itsuka, and Momo were finishing up their end. "Oi! Frog girl." Everyone turned to see Bakugou with Hatchan in his hands. "What can you tell me about the octopus? These two here said he helped you both even though he's part of the crew that kidnapped you." Tsu looked at the octopus fishman before answering. "Unlike the other fishmen, he was at least trying to help us. He even fought Arlong on the fact that this wasn't right to do for us and demanded us be let go. He might not be bright, but he's not bad." "Good enough for me."

Bakugou walked to the side of the boat before seeing Smoker's marine ship. "Mermaid and starfish. Hang onto octopus man and make sure to give the guy with the cigars in his mouth this note." The ash blond gave Camie a note before her and Pappagu were held onto by Hatchan. "Wait, there's no boats. How are we gonna-" "GO TO HELL!" Bakugou used an explosion to launch the three into the distance with them screaming. "That might've been a little too much." Itsuka points this out for him to scoff. "Whatever. I'm going to watch Deku kick the sharkboy knockoff's ass."

On the hero ships

The trio of rocketed fishfolk came crashing down into the front deck of Smoker's ship. The crew prepared for the worst as Hatchan got up to see the marines. Smoker got in front with his Plume Plume Fruit prepared for anything. "Ow. That kid really needs to learn how to be nicer euu." Camie got up to see Smoker smoking his cigars to go hopping towards him. "Mr. marine! I have a note from a mean spiky blond haired guy for you!" She gave the note to him that explained the situation and to pardon Hatchan from the situation with him explaining everything later. "Stand down men. Octopus Hatchan wasn't our enemy and joined Arlong for specific reasons." They did this as Luffy and the Straw Hats noticed their old friends. "Hey! Hatchan! Camie! Pappagu! What are you doing here!?" They turned to see their friends and smile knowing they at least found some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. "It's a long story, but we're sure as glad to see you again!" As they reunited, Hawkeye and Inko watched the fight through binoculars to see Izuku holding his own and the fishmen tied up. "It would seem this fight is coming to an end quickly."

Back on the ship

Izuku had came at Arlong with his blades for the sharkman to dodge and try to punch him in the process. This was dodged before getting a solid kick to the stomach to force Izuku to slide back. When he recovered, Arlong tried to bite his head off to sink his teeth directly into the steel rim of the ship and tear a piece off like it was nothing. 'If even one bite sinks into me, he'll bite through my bones like it was nothing.' They stopped when everyone reunited behind Izuku. "It's over Arlong! Give up and surrender peacefully! You're outmatched even if you somehow beat us!" Momo states this to only enrage the fishman even more. "How dare you think that I'll surrender...." His eyes became that of a predator's before shouting. "TO A BUNCH OF INSIGNIFICANT LITTLE HUMAN SCUM LIKE YOU! I AM A FISHMAN! THE GREATEST OF THE EVOLUTION SPECIES! NO HUMAN WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME!" he turned to the group before spotting his prey. "If I can't win, then I'll just have to take one of you down with me."

he lunged to the group for everyone to prepare for him. In his movements, Izuku realized his target to panic. "YOU CHEAP SON OF A BITCH!" Izuku got in front of Tsu for Arlong's teeth to sink directly into his shoulder. "AHHHHH!!" He shouted in pain as him and Arlong went over the side of the boat. In the scuffle, the young swordsman was able to knock Arlong off by knocking his head into the side of the ship and avoid his arm from being ripped off. They fell into the water with everyone running over to where they went down. "Izuku!" "I saw something fall in! What happened!?" Tashigi came over to see everyone look down to the water. "H-he dragged him down." "Who dragged who down!?" Ochako looked in horror as she answered. "Arlong took Izuku underwater." Bakugou immediately took his gear off to prepare a rescue operation. "Don't even try it Bakugou!" Tashigi stopped the ash blond for him to snap. "HE'S DOWN THERE WITH HIS FUCKING ARM BLEEDING! HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE'LL SURVIVE!?" "I understand, but right now the situation is even worse. Where humans can't fight well underwater as they can on dry land, fishmen don't have that problem. Right now, you'd be a sitting duck if you go down there."

Deep in the water, Izuku felt himself sink down with him barely able to get any air in his lungs. 'Dammit. He outsmarted me.' "I knew a pathetic human like you would save your weak kind. All you do is cling to one another like it's nothing and then cast them away when they lose purpose to you." Izuku heard Arlong, but couldn't tell where he was. "Now that you're in the water though, you're CHUM!" He came charging at Izuku's side for him to just avoid a large portion of his gut from being ripped apart. However, there still was a notable gash in his stomach that wasn't helped with him being underwater. "On land, you might've been able to beat me. But we're in the ocean now. So you're not able to use your skills. As for me however." He came at Izuku's calf to slice into that. 'SON OF A BITCH!' "I don't need to worry of that." Attack after attack, Arlong kept charging at Izuku forcing him to feel the pain and avoiding major spots just to make him suffer. "Did you enjoy my insignia on the two humans? Now they'll never be able to escape my crew. They are forever my underlings until the day they die. LIKE YOU WILL DOWN HERE!"

The attacks continued with the amount of pain Izuku was in keeping him from fighting. He tried to get above water to at least breathe, but Arlong knocked him deeper down whenever he tried. Izuku's vision was becoming blurry and the amount of blood he was losing wasn't helping. 'Dammit.....I...can't....breathe....' He started to lose his ability to move again for Arlong to give a finishing blow. "Time to die kid." The fishman pointed his attack to Izuku for his nose to pierce his heart. As he came close however, a strange green flame came out of the blade in Izuku's mouth to swing at him. "What!? We're underwater, that should be impossible-" Arlong stopped to see what looked like the embodiment of a demon behind Izuku.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

For the first time in his life, the fishman felt absolute fear in a human. A man. In Izuku. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" Izuku shouted under the water and charged at Arlong. "W-whatever you did will prove nothing! You're still far below the surface to-" The fishman was cut off by a clash in the water coming directly at him. He felt his cheek to realize it forces him to draw blood. "T-that should be impossible! You should be dying right now!" Izuku swam towards Arlong with the help of OFA to skewer his stomach with his three blades. As he did, the feeling of his blood boiling brought the fishman to an unbearable pain to scream in pain. The force of the lunge brought the two out of the water and into the air for everyone to see. "I REFUSE TO LOSE TO A TINY HUMAN!" Arlong sent another punch at Izuku for it to hit Muramasa and slice his knuckles. As it did this, the blood that trickled down caught fire. "AHHHHH!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING!? WHAT ARE YOU BOY!?" "The man that will become the next greatest swordsman." Izuku pulled Kandaina and Chujitsuna out to cover the blades with his blood. With that as a catalyst, Izuku pulled all three of his blades together for them all to catch fire. "Three sword style special technique." He charged to slash Arlong in the chest to light him on fire and send him into an immeasurable pain. "LUCIFER'S HELLFIRE!"

The attack sent Arlong flying into the air and right into Hawkeye's ship. The fishman was about to hit Inko before she held her hand out to stop him and send him into the flooring of the ship. Everyone who didn't know who she was marveled as they witnessed a seemingly harmless woman knock a brutal fighter into the ground without even touching her. As this happened, Izuku landed back on the ship shaking in his state of pain and blood loss. "Izuku/Deku/Midoriya!" Everyone came over to see him still shaking with the flames catching his wounds to shut them. "I-I r-refuse....I refuse to l-lose..." Izuku pulled the last biter energy he had to scream his final statement. "I REFUSE TO LOSE TO A FISH LIKE YOU ARLONG!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and the group were able to beat Arlong and his pirate crew while saving Tsu and Sirius from them. See how they manage next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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