Ryukyu's Hunts

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Ryukyu POV:

Ever since the joining of the Green Demon Pirates, I had put myself to teaching everyone that I could Haki so we could attain success in the future. "Alright. Let's try this again, Nejire."

"Right." Currently, I am attempting to help Nejire learn Observation Haki in order to get her on par with myself. This training consists of her dodging at least 50 of my hits with a large wodden paddle by sensing my attacks. Each one will be less and less for her to have to feel my pressence. She's gotten up to 38 before losing her focus, but I know she'll be able to do it.

"*whoosh* One. *whoosh* Two. *whoosh* Three." 'The fight with Jack, the battle with CP-0, the final exams, Doflamingo's antics and us pushing him to desire acting against us. If we hope to stand a chance against people like this, we'll have to get stronger. And to do that, we'll need to upkeep our base level.' I continued to think of this as Nejire had gotten to 27 attacks by me before tripping on something and falling face first before I had smacked the back of her head.

"Oww! That's mean! I fell and you took advantage of that."

"And? Remember. The people we face won't look away from an opening. It's your job to make sure that opening is well protected even during the worst case scenario. We're done for the day anyway. We have a task we need to accomplish."

"Ok. And what's that?" Nejire asked as she got on her feet pulling the blindfold off to show the multiple bumps on her head from our training.

"Recently, our captain and I have obtained a mission. We must find and capture Daz Bones and Crocodile. In order to find them, we'll need to attain information. But finding them will be rather difficult."

"So how are we gonna find them then?"

"I have informants inside the pirate world." We walked out of my agency and began heading down the street.

"Ryukyu. Who's your informant? Is it a famous pirate? Are they strong? Is their bounty higher than yours and Midoriya's? C'mon! I wanna know!"

"Patience. We are going somewhere rather dangerous in which I must ask you to be careful. You ask the wrong thing to these people and you could die. Most pirates aren't exactly the most 'friendly' type."

We arrived at a door leading down underground. I had opened it and led us down a corridor. Once here, we knocked on it for the face of a woman to look down at us. "Have you come for sweet or sour?"

"Sweet with a touch of sour to it." The door opened fully for us to walk into what seemed to be an underground paradise for sweet tooth fans. Many sang and danced merry songs with accordions playing. It wasn't the type of place I'd expect to see here of all places. I turned to the woman who let us in for her to glare down at us.

"What business does a Warlord have with our family? If you're here to bring us in, then you've got another thing coming."

"I'm just here to get some information that your brother Katakuri might have. I'm not here to cause waves, Custard. Now, would you mind relaying a message to him? Tell him, Ryuko is here to claim a favor he owes me."

Custard scoffed at me before walking away. Nejire and I had waited for a few moments with the woman coming back looking irritated. "You can go in. Big bro's in the room all the way down to the left. But the second he tells me to, I won't hesitate to slice your heads off your necks. YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Noted." We walked off with a bunch of Charlottes glaring at us.

"Hey, Ryukyu. Where are we?"

"An underground pirate ring owned by the Charlotte Family. More commonly known as the Big Mom Pirates. The woman we just met was Custard. One of Big Mom's daughters."

"Big mom...where have I heard that name from?"

"Would you remember if I told you she's an Emperor of the Sea." As I said this, a lightbulb hit on in Nejire's head to realize where she heard it from.

"Oh yeah! She has the most territory out of all the Emperors...wait, why do you know them?"

"Let's just say I helped one of her older sons out and he owed me a favor."

"What did you do?"

I thought about how to explain it before trying to vaguely touch on it. "I...helped him learn about women and how to date them."

"So...did know...." She put a finger between her index and thumb made to look like a circle. "With an Emperor's son?"

"No. NO! God no! It was strictly plutonic! He took me out to a nice restaurant while I explained how relationships work. He's uhh....let's just say he's dating a pro and leave it at that." I tried to avoid it more just because I umm...I don't want my student to think less of me dating someone that would most likely be our enemy. As we reached the room, I turned to Nejire and made one thing clear. "Before we see Katakuri, I want you to know something. He ended up having to get his cheeks from the side of his lips all the way across his jawline wired shut. This resulted in a rather large scar. He's very sensitive about it. Whatever you do, do not say or make any remarks about the scar. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." We began opening the door to see Katakuri midway through a snack. The image was both fascinating and mildly nauseating at the same time.

'Oh yeah, it's three.' I turned to Nejire who just simply looked at Katakuri with shock.

"OH MY GOD, THAT'S A BIG DONUT! NO WONDER YOU NEEDED YOUR JAW WIRED TO SHUT RIGHT AGAIN!" I slammed my head in the side of the door before trying to take back control of the situation to avoid a problem.

'Why did I think this wasn't going to happen?' "I am so sorry for her. My student can sometimes have things blurted out without it meaning to be bad. Don't take what she says too personally to heart."

"*swallow* It's fine. Custard told me it was you, so I could care less." Katakuri finished what was in his mouth before putting the rest of his donuts away. "Tea? The blend my chefs had purchased. It's quite refreshing."

"I'll take you up on that if you're offering." Katakuri walked over to the side and grabbed two tea cups and poured us some of his tea. once we were settled, he had leaned back and waited to listen. "So, what's this about? Not normal for you to come see me. Normally I find you when we organize our meetings."

"Actually, I was wondering if there was any chance you could assist me and my captain in finding a specific duo."

"Your captain? Oh, you must mean the Green Demon. I've seen him fight Jack the Drought. He's quite the insane one. But then again, I shouldn't judge if you live to the next day because of insanity." Katakuri smirked while drinking his tea. "I also heard that Straw Hat assisted his group in training a little while back. Tell me, how is he doing?"

"Well." I drank a bit of the tea to enjoy the taste as Nejire started asking questions.

"Wait, Katakuri knows Straw Hat Luffy? How?"

"A long time ago, I was a notably different man. I did not endulge in careless behavior as I am doing right now and held a picture of the ideal human being for my 86 siblings' case. I had also never shown my face to anyone due to an...incident. But Straw Hat helped me reveal the man I wanted to be. A man that could care less about what I am and enjoy my life."

Nejire listened before having her eyes pop out of her head. "YOU HAVE THAT MANY SIBLINGS!? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK!?"

"Ah, yes. The shock of the unaware when they find out the Charlotte Family's size. You see, Charlotte Lin Lin or Big Mom as she's known, had desired to make a land where all races lived together. However, this fell apart due to her defeat in Wano and thus had the family in shambles. Some attempted to remain in the boarders and keep in safe for their mother's return, others decided to hunt down their mother to help restore the order that was waning and some were like Katakuri who understood the reality. Totoland is done and now they needed a new home before the Marines took place."

"During the time of this incident, we did have a notable few younger siblings. Knowing the Marines wouldn't take them lightly considering how hellbent they were to attain the son of Gold Roger, I took them here. The only place outside of the control of the Marines. Though we don't operate on the exact ends of the law, we still don't bend them enough to break it."

As this happened, Katakuri pulled out a fedora and looked at it with a smile. "So, why don't you feel bad about what the Straw Hats did?"

"Because he was on a path of self destruction. He was literally pushing himself to be perfection just for his family and be some kind of constant pillar of support and reliance for them."

"I wasn't proud of this, but what can you do. Anyway, let's talk about who you want to find? Who was it?"

Fortunately, Katakuri was able to bring us back to what we were trying to come here for to speak up. "Yes. We are trying to find Crocodile and Daz Bones. Would you know anything about them."

"Crocodile. Have heard he was here. From what I was told, he's assisting a group known as the Shie Hassaikai. An old Yakuza organization. He plans to assist in making the world his own here by assisting the young leader Overhaul. Their goal from what I'm told is to create quirk neutralizing bullets and Devil Fruit bullets similar. I can put you in touch with who in my family knows it, but remember our deals for this."

"I know. If the cops ask, I did not get it from you or your siblings. Also,  your underground poker games are fine, but I did see your two sisters' shop. Hard to believe Lola and Pudding had opened a shop making fresh chocolate regularly."

"They're a master of their craft. Anyway, I'll do this for one exception."

"And that is?" Katakuri smirked while getting up and grabbing his scarf. 'Guess he's going out after this.'

"You introduce me to your captain. Though I have known a bit about him through whispers. I want to meet him personally and find out what type of man he is myself. A man that is respected by the Straw Hats. That's definitely a way to prove if Straw Hat's changed at all. Brulee." He spoke up for Brulee to come out of a mirror and present herself to us.

"Hello, brother. How can I help you?"

"Can you help out the Green Demons in explaining what you've learned of the Shie Hassaikai and their partnership with Crocodile?"


Brulee came out of the mirror to lead Nejire out of the room. As I was able to get time to speak personally with Katakuri, he began asking a question of his own. "So why did you agree to be a Warlord and then the Green Demon's doctor? Someone like you isn't the type to get orders from someone under her."

"For being the Warlord, it was to avoid problems. Pirates from your world are flooding into this nation. There needs to be order and the Marines are hardly doing anything to do that. Heroes are becoming overwhelmed and information isn't being properly passed. If pros would attain knowledge that the Marines had, we could help combat the problem more and take out major pieces like Crocodile long before they can do what they've already done in your world."

"Playing the part of a dog in order to protect the people. Somewhat like something you'd do. But why become a crew member of the Green Demons and not push to be a captain of a crew yourself?"

"Quite frankly, because I despise feeling like I should give orders." This surprised Katakuri for me to make a point. "Midoriya isn't one for pushing us to follow his orders to the letter, but he demands the respect he gives. As a person of interest, he's insane. I have no better word to say for some of his actions than just, he's insane. But it's an insanity that makes him good. People like him don't just pop up out of nowhere all the time. And it seems his desire for madness brushes off on his crew. They're willing to sacrifice everything even their own lives to be strong and stand with him."

"so his chaotic good is what makes you stay because it brings out the madness in his crew that pushes them harder. Hehehe. He reminds me more and more of Straw Hat the more I hear about him." Katakuri finished his tea before getting up and heading to the door. "Alright. Let's go see your captain. I'm dying to see what type of crazy son of a bitch he is. Speaking of, I heard his parents are Hawkeye Mihawk and the Green Devil Inko Midoriya. How true is that?"

"Very." I finished my tea and walked out the door with Katakuri behind me. He seemed surprised that out of everyone, Inko was his mother with it no longer phasing me in the slightest. 'I wonder just what type of situation you'd make when you both finally meet, captain?'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when everyone begins to learn of the next ordeal they must do. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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