The Weeping Blade

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At Marine HQ, 3rd person POV:

"So the boy was able to defeat Rob Lucci. That's not an easy feat." An old man with a long beard states with four others that were up there in years.

"If he becomes a problem, we may have to send an Admiral or two after him."

"I also heard that he's on mutual terms with both the Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates as well as Hawkeye Mihawk."

"If those lot get involved, we could have an all out war."

"Should we abolish him as a Warlord?"

"Are you insane? If we were, that would make it fact that we are deeming him an enemy and may actually look into making a declaration of war."

"We can't look over his treatment of a Celestial Dragon however." The five kept discussing among themselves before one that was bald holding a blade came up with an idea.

"For now, we'll have to treat him as a possible enemy in the future. We'll increase bounties of him and his crew as well as give a starting point for those that don't. If we pull the Warlord status, that could give reason for him to start attacking the Marine ships as well as the Hero Board thinking he has merit to do so." Akainu heard this and was floored that they were allowing Izuku a get out of jail free pass basically.

"The boy's bounty should be at least 300 million. If he's able to defeat Rob Lucci, he has enough to easily rival most pirates who have that bounty or higher."

"Perhaps, Fleet Admiral. However, he is also young and going so high on someone his age may be deemed overkill by most."

"He should at least be above 100 million if we are honest here." A man with a beard that held a scar on one side of his face pointed out for the entire room to agree. Meanwhile, Akainu seemed to be far more angered before lighting a cigar and thinking to himself.

'If things weren't important for you to hold this title, I would have your head Izuku Midoriya. Yours and your crew's'.'

Meanwhile, Ochako POV:

I started to wake up and start moving out of the room to see Fluffy try to pull me back to the bed. "You shouldn't be up! You're still really hurt and the crew hasn't found Recovery Girl to help you yet!"

As I read his mind, I picked up the Laphan and walked out the door. There, I noticed Momo talking with Hatsume and plotting a course. "What's going on?"

Seeing me, Momo walked up and tried to motion me back in bed. "You shouldn't be up and moving so much. A lot of damage was done on your shoulder."

"Wait, where's Izuku?"

"Out." Bakugou spoke while sitting above us on a ledge. "Him, Icyhot and Frog girl went to get a new sword for him at some temple. Apparently, his one broke while fighting that leopard bastard. He was told of a cursed blade in a temple nearby by the dragon hero Ryukyu. Kinda her way of paying for being part of the crew."

"Itsuka had also left with Jirou and Ryukyu to get herself a new Naginata from a mountain near Mt. Fuji. I'm currently plotting our course for UA so that we can help you and Bakugou." Momo pointed this out for the idiot above us to shout at her.


"With the cost of shattering your hand." Perona came over and hit Bakugou where it hurt on him. Reality. "I mean honestly, if you thought with half the brain power you should have then you'd know that you're-"

"IF YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE, I'M GONNA KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS, GHOST GIRL!" He immediately shouted for it to scare Perona to have her run and hide in fear. "That's what I thought."

"Anyway....We've got this from here. Why don't you go and rest and we'll bring Recovery Girl to you." Knowing both Fluffy and Momo were accurate with what they wanted, I accepted this and went back to bed.

Covering myself with covers, I started to think what Izuku's doing now. 'I wonder if he found the temple he needed to yet?' I started to fall asleep with Fluffy hopping up to nuzzle next to me.

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

As we walked through a forest path, I started making a conversation with Tsu and Todoroki. "So Tsu, I heard you were learning a little bit of Fishman Karate from Jinbei. How's it going for you so far?"

"Really well actually. Thanks to my Frog quirk, I'm able to use it almost as good as a Fishman."

"That's amazing. Guess you and Itsuka are gonna be sparing partners next." I started to laugh a bit with Tsu looking at her hands.

"It's just surprising in all honesty. All my life, I thought my froggy abilities are a drawback for me. But it turns out they're something that allows me to use a form of martial arts to it's fullest." I smiled at this before wrapping my arm around her.

"I never thought your frog-like abilities were bad. I honestly thought they made you...kinda cute if you ask me." Tsu blushed at this before shooting her tongue out to pull my lips to her's. When she let go I pulled back a bit and smiled. "You cute little frog girl, that was a bit of a dirty trick."

"So was calling my frog traits cute." I was gonna argue this, but realized it kinda was.

"Huh? Looks like all of us have bounties now." We looked at Todoroki who held his phone out.

Green Demon Izuku: 120 million
Dragon Queen Ryukyu: 250 million
Battle Fist Kendo: 33 million
Human Bomb Bakugou: 38 million
Gravitational Uraraka: 30 million
Human Factory Yaoyorozu: 20 million
Frog Girl Asui: 15 million
No Touch Lumillion: 70 million
Chimera Sun Eater: 68 million
Energy Nejire chan: 56 million
Holy Vine Shiozaki: 50 million(alive)
Ghost Girl Perona: 10 million
Human Battery Kaminari: 10 million
Sound Girl Jirou: 10 million
Mechanic Hatsume: 10 million
Thermos Todoroki: 10 million
Meat Loving Fluffy: 50

"Huh. They even gave Fluffy a bounty. Weird that it's only 50 though....they probably thought he was just a pet or something."

"Why does Shiozaki's say alive?" Tsu asked with the thought of her being a former slave being the reason why. "She's also got one of the higher bounties."

"It's probably because she knows things we don't. These bounties tell the level of danger you pose in power or knowledge." I ignored this to keep walking towards the temple.

Upon arrival, I noticed the temple had several Buddhists praying in front of a statue outside looking somewhat ashamed of something. "Umm. Excuse me?" One that looked like the head priest noticed me to greet us.

"Why hello. My name is Haji and I am the head Buddhist at this temple. How may I be of service to you?"

"I was informed of a cursed blade in your possession and was wondering if there was a chance of possibly holding it as one of my weapons." I pulled out Kandaina's sheath to open and reveal the broken blade. "You see, I had recently been in a battle that had taken one of my blades because of my own lack of skill. If there is any chance I could hold the blade as my own, I would be honored."

"Ah, you are another who wishes to use the blade as your own. I would be happy to help you, but be warned of this. None who have sought the blade prior to you have lived to tell the tale. We had just finished praying for salvation for its most recent victim to bring the sword's death count to one hundred." The head Buddhist bowed his head while apologizing to me. "I apologize, but if you value your life. Leave this place now."

"Please. Save me." The sound of someone speaking in my mind was heard to confuse me. "Take me with you. Let me be free." The voice spoke with it sounding like it came within the temple.

"You know, that doesn't work for me. If I die here, then so be it. But I'm pretty sure my luck will beat out the curse."

The head Buddhist bit his lip before nodding. "Very well. I will show you to Masamune, but only you. Your friends must stay out here." I glanced back at Tsu and Todoroki who nodded.

I went close so only Todoroki could hear me before whispering in his ear. "Something in my gut is telling me there's more happening here than we know. Just keep your head up and don't let your guard down." He nodded before I turned to face the head Buddhist. "Haji, right? I'm ready."

"Right this way then, sir." He led me inside with him asking me to take my shoes off at the entrance as well as leave my blades with them since we were entering a place where violence was prohibited. I didn't find an issue to do as he said to agree.

"So can you tell me a little more about this sword? What made it cursed?"

"This blade was deemed one of the smith Masamune's greatest and most damned blades of all. Before it was forged, the steel had come from a mining area that had been plagued with their grief. As such, the blade is destined to forever heal its owner. However, the blade must deem you it's master for that."

"He deceives those he speaks to. Do not trust him." The voice came once again before the Buddhist opened the door and allowed me into an open room. Once I came in, I glanced around to see it was a rather spacious room with the blade on a stand at the other end.

"So tell me something, Haji. What are you afraid of?"

"Excuse me?"

"You've been shaking and silently praying while we've been walking." I walked towards the blade to stand in front of it. "Is the curse you speak of with the blade true?" I grabbed the blade before hearing the voice one final time.

"They are coming. Run away. I don't want my blade soaked with another bearer's blood."

"I won't die like the rest. You have my word, Masamune." I turned to the Buddhist to suggest the truth. "Or is it for those that are about to come through those doors?"

Hearing this, the Buddhist fell to his hands and his knees in tears. "Please. I never wished for any harm. I wanted you to leave this place the second you came."

"Who is making you do this?"

Haji looked at me with tears while answering. "The Beast Pirates." Immediately after saying this, several people with horns on their heads smiling creepily came at me.

"Well. Well. Lookie what we got here boys. Some wannabe swordsman who thinks he can take our sword." I pulled a sash out of my pocket to wrap around the opening of the blade while the pirates began laughing at me.

"You think you're gonna beat us!? Hahahaha!"

"Gifters! Attack!" The Pirates came at me to duck under one and knock him out by hitting his gut with Masamune's handle. I then threw him into a couple other before coating the blade's sheath with Haki and knock two more out by hitting them in the face.

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW, BRAT!" One of the pirates nearly hit me to force my body to jerk in the wrong direction and open up a wound from my fight with Lucci.

"Son of a...." I held my stomach in pain with the pirates around taking advantage of this.

"TIME TO DIE, BRAT!" As they came close to me, I decided to grit my teeth and bare the pain. I held a stance with Masamune held by both my hands and cleared my mind.

"One Sword Technique." In a flash, I went forward to take out one of the dozen remaining before using the wall to push myself off and attack another and repeat this process twelve times. "Twelve Apostles' Judgement!" The pirates fell to the floor unconscious as I looked at Masamune with a smile. "You're free now. You don't have to sully your blade with your master's blood anymore."

"....Thank you." The blade seemed happy to hear this before I held my side and noticed I was bleeding. "Master, unsheathe me and place my blade to your wound." I did as Masamune asked for the area touching my wound to light with blue flames and closethe opening and heal the injury itself back to normal.

"That's...that's Masamune's sacred flames. The flames of of purification. If Masamune is held to its master's injury, it can heal them from even life threatening injuries." Haji spoke up before holding his head down. "P-please sir. Forgive me. I had no desire to deceive or harm you. Kaido's Disaster Jack the Drought had ordered us to soak the blood of Masamune's new masters in hopes to make a more useful curse that could plague those it touches. We had no choice but to follow him. Jack would've killed us all and destroyed this temple if we didn't obey. I take all responsibility for this and if you wish for anyone's head, take mine and leave the rest of the temple be."

I stood up after hearing this and walked out of the room. "Come with me." He did as I asked with something being realized by him.

"Swordsman. You were hurt before coming here. Why did you tie Masamune up with its sheath unable to come off?"

"This is a holy place as you said. Violence is frowned upon here, so I restrained myself for that reason. I'm sorry I couldn't follow it to the letter though." Understanding I tried to stay by his word, the head Buddhist began crying knowing I was true to my word and avoided more violence than needed.

Once we came out, Todoroki and Tsu had a few other members of the Beast Pirates on the ground unconscious. "The Marines are coming to pick up the Beast Pirates."

"Thank you, Todoroki. Now for what you all had done." The Buddhists held their breaths as I went towards the Torii Gate. I used OFA to jump up and tie a replica of my flag on top of it. "You all did what you did because you had no protection from the Beast Pirates. So from this day forward, this flag will give a warning to everyone that sees it that you are protected by the Green Demon Pirates. Not only that, but due to my Warlord status, you are also protected by the Marines. As payment, I shall take Masamune as my own sword and the luxury of defeating Jack the Drought myself. If you have objections to this, then get out of this temple!"

The Buddhists realized what I was saying to immediately bow their heads in unison with tears in their eyes. "THANK YOU, CAPTAIN OF THE GREEN DEMONS!" The Marines soon came after this to hear the speech before taking the Beast Pirates present into custody.

I jumped down short after and walked to the front of the temple with Haji following me. "Sir, what are you doing?"

I slammed the sheath of Kandaina into the ground so it wouldn't go anywhere. "I'm laying this dead sword to rest here. I think it's a fitting final resting place for it if you ask me." I payed my respects before walking back to the gate to see Tsu and Todoroki ready to leave.

"Wait! Mr. Green Demon!" I turned to the Buddhist head who seemed extremely uneasy. "...Why? You have no obligation to help us, but you took out the Beast Pirates who put themselves in this temple. Not only that, but you also freed us of future troubles. So why?"

I smiled before walking away and answering. "Because I thought it was the right thing to do." Hearing my answer, the head Buddhist bowed to me again thanking me for everything as me, Todoroki and Tsu went back to UA.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Itsuka and her group in their journey to gain Fujin. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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