Undead Army

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Ochako POV:

After Izuku and everyone that went into Thriller Bark left, the rest of our group began sitting patiently around until something could happen. In my boredom, I decided to try out just how weak I am to water thanks to my Devil Fruit. I placed two of my fingers into the ocean to feel some weakness before placing half my hand to have a sense of nausea with the weakness to pull them out. "DAMMIT! THIS IS BORING! WHY WASN'T I ALLOWED TO GO ON THE SHIP INSTEAD OF BEING TRAPPED ON THIS SHITTY PONTOON BOAT!"

"Because of that attitude specifically." Itsuka pointed this out for Kaminari to start laughing.

"STOP LAUGHING, YOU STUPID BATTERY! Uraraka. Make me float."


"So I can get a look at the top of the gate."

"Midoriya said-"

"I know what Deku said, Jesus nut. I'm saying make me float so I can see just what we're up against. If there's some kind of problem, we can be ready to leave on a moment's notice. There could also be a small lever for a manual opening on top that Deku's group could've missed. It wouldn't hurt to check and see."

I thought about what Bakugou said and it was actually smart sounding. The worst thing we could do is waste time trying to understand something's wrong or if something's coming out, we could prepare for it. Not only that, but we could open the gates if needed to help out everyone. I decided to agree to float Bakugou up towards the gate's top. When he gave me the all clear, I released it's effects for Bakugou to use his quirk to land on the top. "WHAT DO YOU SEE!?" Itsuka shouted up top for our comrade to look out.


"DO YOU SEE A LEVER OR SOMETHING UP THERE!?" Bakugou looked around to answer Amajiki for a strange opening sound to be heard.

"The gate's opening! Let's start going in!" Hatsume had us go into position with her taking the front shouting for us. "Stroke! Stroke! Stroke-"

"GRAB AN ORE AND START PADDLING YOURSELF!" Itsuka shouted in anger for Bakugou to look down at us. "I'M GUESSING YOU DID THIS!?"


"WE'LL MEET YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE THEN!" We paddled into the ship's port area with something moving from the corner of my eye. Looking up, I didn't see anything with Bakugou not being on top of the gate anymore.

"Anyone have an idea where Bakugou went?"

This confused us all to have everyone look up and Togata think of a possible reason. "He might've went towards shore."

"The ash blond's a pain in the ass, but he's not stupid. He wouldn't go off on his own like this without warning us. I've got a bad feeling we're rowing into a trap." I didn't put as much merit in Itsuka's words, but she was right. What we might be doing is falling right into a trap Moria built for us specifically.

Momo POV:

"Dang it. How much longer? We've been walking for almost an hour now and we have no idea where we're even going." Jirou began questioning our treck with it becoming darker and darker to the point we could barely see where we were going.

"Just keep going and I'm sure we'll find something." We continued to walk with Marguerite turning on a flashlight I made for her.

"So any ideas what this should look like?"

"I'm not certain." I passed another flashlight made by my quirk to Jirou before continuing. "If we're looking for a lever, it's most likely in a confined area like a shack or something. I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to leave such a thing out in the open."

"Hey, what's that up there?" Jirou pointed towards something with fur for us to stop. When it stared back at us, it presented itself as a large dog about the size of us with three heads sown together in a rather unclean fashion.

"Umm...what the heck is that thing?"

"It appears to be some kind of three headed dog?"

"They're wolfs. Except for the one on the left. That's a fox head. I think it was meant to look like a Cerberus or something." The monstrosity in front of us heard my comment to immediately panic and begin getting angry. It charged at us with Jirou panicking.


"*BANG* *BANG* *BANG*!" I pulled out my gun and planted three rounds in each of the heads of the Cerberus.

"Ok. Two things. One is WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!? Also, what the heck, Yaomomo!?"

"That thing was a zombie brought back from the dead thanks to the Shadow Shadow Fruit. Actually, it's sorta brought back to life I think would be the better way to say it." I explained what Nami put in her log book about Thriller Bark. "Thanks to Hogback, the shadows that inhabit them can move around freely. That is, until they have salt exposed to them." A massive shadow came out of the Cerberus zombie's mouth and went up into the air.

"How did-"

"I prepared for the worst case scenario before leaving, Marguerite. My bullets are coated with a thin layer of salt that I tested myself. A single bullet should free any shadow trapped in one of these corpses." As I spoke, I noticed the gates towards the entrance start to open. "Strange."


"Did they find some kind of lever or something on the top of the gates? Jirou, can you-" I turned towards Jirou to notice she disappeared somewhere. "Where'd she go?"

"She was here a second ago."

I glanced into the forest to try and find out what we were dealing with for some eyes to begin looking back at me. "Stay close. We're being watched. We'll reunite with everyone on the boat and then go find out where Perona is. If we can't find her, we'll focus on finding Jirou or the Maiden if the first two fail. Once we do, we don't leave the ship under any circumstances."

"I'm not against a fight, but I'm with you there. This place is starting to give me the creeps."

'I'm more worried if we start getting picked off one by one than anything. We're already in the trap, so it's best not to spring it more than it already is.' Marguerite and I continued walking towards the boat we came on with sounds from the forest worrying me more. 'I don't think I'll sleep well tonight.'

Izuku POV:

Getting closer to the main castle from what we could tell, my group began walking towards a graveyard. "So is this supposed to be something like out of an old zombie apocalypse movie or something?"

"If this is Nejire, then it's a cliche knockoff." Ryukyu seemed somewhat irritated walking through the cemetery for something to start moving to the side near a headstone. "And we continue with the cliche zombies rising from their grave scene."

"You have a thing against zombie movies or something?"

"They're for the most part the same. Someone makes a stupid virus or medicine to do the unthinkable or someone tries to play god to inadvertently create a zombie apocalypse. Either that or the reasoning is never touched on why and we're led to believe this just happened to make it more garbage."

"Raaaahhhhh." A zombie came out of the grave with its upper half shown. I calmly walked over to place my hand on his head and push it back into the ground before it popped back up in anger. "DON'T JUST THINK YOU CAN DO THA-"

I shut the thing up by pulling Chujitsune to slice his head and arms off. "So noisy. You're also too slow." Placing it back in my sheath, several zombies started to encircle us to keep us from going anywhere.

"You think you can beat us. Unlike humans, we can keep going until you're all tired and weak. Take them down, zombie allies-" In no time flat, Hado, Ryukyu and I were able to destroy the zombies and turn them into a couple of piles of odd end pieces. "HOLY CRAP THESE GUYS MEAN BUSINESS!"

"Alright. Since you're one of the few that seem to be the most talkative, I'll be asking you a few questions." I walked towards the zombie to hold his head up to my eye level. "Where's Perona and where can I find Gecko Moria. You do both of these and I'll be sure to avoid using your head like a soccer ball. Get the picture?"

"And what makes you think I'll-AH!"

I held Muramasa towards the zombies head to show I wasn't playing games. "Killing you may be out of my capabilities right now, but how traumatizing will it be to have your head cut into and burn until your body finally becomes nothing? Let's test that."

The zombie gulped before screaming out in fear. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! SOMEBODY GET ME AWAY FROM THIS MONSTER!"

10 minutes later

We arrived at the front of the castle with Hado and Ryukyu looking a little sickened. "We're here."

"Hopefully what that zombie said was true and Perona is inside along with Moria. I'd rather not see you go back for that zombie for lying to us." Ryukyu started shaking as I remember some torture methods I used that would be unethical if the thing was actually a human being.

"Try and avoid thinking of that thing in human standards. Though it may have once been a human, it's nothing but a walking and talking corpse now."

"That still doesn't make that scene we saw anymore scary." Hado gave a scared smile while crossing her arms in fear. "I think I peed a little seeing how inhumane you handled that interrogation."

"Once again, zombie. Not even human to begin with and not even worth trying to give morals to such a thing." I started walking in to see a large main hall. It somewhat resembled a Renaissance style castle with what looked like portraits and novelty things on the walls sown together.

"So how big are the chances that these things are zombies as well?" Hado asked for me to stare at a pig head calmly. I didn't look away for it to start sweating a bit. I remained focused on it before grabbing a small rock and hitting it right in it's snout. "Was that really necessary?"

"ACHOO!" The pig sneezed out the rock for it to stare at us.

"You're not fooling anyone. Get down here so I can ask you a few questions. You do this willingly, and we don't have to make this violent."


All at once, the zombies in the portraits and on the walls came to attack us with the pig laughing at the fact he 'had us'. I took out Chujitsune and Masamune to slice the zombies to bits. "Two sword style: Mantis Warfare." The zombies fell to the ground in pieces with the pig in awe. "I'm not asking again. Get down here and answer our questions. Understand me?"

"....*SQUEEEEEELLLLL*!" The pig hopped off the wall and began running as fast as he could.

"GET BACK HERE!" I stormed towards him with Ryukyu and Hado joining after. "YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THIS WORSE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU KEEP RUNNING!"



"That sounds weird coming out about a pig."

Ryukyu mentioned this for me to think on the choice of words. "You have a point there." As we ran, I noticed someone out of the corner of my eyes that was human without any doubt to stop.

"What's wrong?"

"Get the pig. I just saw someone that was human. When you have him, get out towards the entrance and I'll find a way out of the castle to reunite with you." I ran as fast as I could and avoided any room for argument between both my companions. 'I saw pink hair and pale but living skin. If this is who I think it is, then I can get my answer right here and now.'

I turned a corner to see Perona sitting in a chair with several zombie animals around her. "You couldn't just leave this place, could you." Before I could say anything or react, a dark specter came behind me to ensnare me. "This is your own fault for coming here. Don't blame me for any of this since I tried to warn you." Perona got up and turned to walk away with her abrupt exit annoying me.

"Perona!" I shouted for her to stop. "Tell me the truth. Are you leaving my crew?

This comment I could tell was hard on her with Perona turning to me with an arrogant smile on her face while hiding what looked like fear. "I was never part of your crew wholeheartedly to begin with. I have and always will be a member of the Thriller Bark Pirates. It was a waste of time coming here, and now you and the rest of your crew will die because of your stupid decision to try and find me and ignore any logical reasoning." She walked away with the shadow thing pulling me out the window and towards some building behind the castle.

"Dammit. Perona! I know that's a bunch of crap! TELL ME WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO DO, DAMMIT!"

Meanwhile on the shoreline, 3rd person POV:

After arriving on the shore, Itsuka and Ochako's group met up with Marguerite and Momo with both groups having some confusion. "Wait, Momo. Wasn't JIrou with you?" Tsu asked for both to be extremely worried.

"We honestly don't know where she went. She disappeared after we met one of the zombies on this island that inhabit it from what Nami's log book said. I'm worried this might be a trap."

"Speaking of missing people, wasn't Bakugou with you guys?"

"The same thing. Here one minute, gone the next. But thanks for opening the gate for us." Ochako smiled with both Momo and Marguerite looking at her in confusion. "You guys opened the gate, right?"

"To be honest...we thought it was you." Momo glanced at the woods now even more in fear of what they were getting into before shaking herself away from the fear. "We should get to the Maiden. There, we'll make a plan as well as take countermeasures in case someone else could be targeted."

"Right." The group agreed to set off towards their ship. As they did though, several zombies watched them in hopes to attack when they're guard is down.

"Before we do though, step away for a moment." Everyone did this for Momo to fire five rounds into the woods and show rats that looked like they were sown on spiders fall to the ground. "WHO ELSE WANTS A SALT COATED BULLET IN THEIR SKULLS!?" There was a silence in the woods for Momo to shout again. "DIDN'T THINK SO!"

The group continued with everyone that bared witness to the even a little shaken up. 'This girl can be scary when she wants to be.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and his crew on Thriller Bark. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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