Vines of Freedom

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flashback 15 years ago, Shiozaki POV:

"Sold, for 500 million Berries!" The sound of a gaffle was the last I heard when I realized freedom was no longer a privilege to me. Not long after this, a disgustingly portly man who's head was covered in a bubble came to grab my arm.

"Thank you for your generous object my good man. She'll make an excellent addition to my collection." He came down to my level to smile at me. "Your skin is so smooth. It's almost as if I'm staring at a pericline doll. Not to mention your hair is quite a spectacle. You'll be quite the jewel of my quirked collection."

He tried to place his hand on my head for me to pull away in panic. "N-no! S-stay back!" He gripped his arm tighter before pulling me near him. "I SAID NO!" I slapped the bubble the man had for it to pop and an audible slapping sound was heard. Everyone gasped as I looked to see what I had done.

"You...disrespectful....LITTLE BRAT!" I was thrown on the floor immediately and kicked repeatedly in the face, the stomach and anywhere the man desired. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK DOWN TO ME!? YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FILTHY SLAVE! YOU SHOULD BE HONORED A MAN LIKE ME IS YOUR MASTER! NOW LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!? YOU MADE ME BREATHE THE SAME DISGUSTING AIR AS YOU FILTHY HUMANS BREATHE!" I was barely able to breathe before the man pull me up by my shirt collar clearly enraged still. "Now. Are you going to be a good little doll and come with me, or still throw a futile tantrum. Because if you still do," He held a gun to my head for me to shake in fear. "I have no use for you otherwise. Now I paid good money for you, so the least you could do is be my doll. Understand?" I shook my head yes afraid of what he'd do. Just because I wasn't wanting to go with him and accidentally slapped him, the man wasn't afraid to hit me. I knew he wasn't afraid of killing from that action. "Good. Now let's go home." I was dragged away like a toy with everyone in the room staring at me.

Later that day

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Immediately after heading to the land known as Mariejois, I was brought in a side room where a burning coal was. In it, held a handle that the man took to mark my stomach with a crest.

"There. Now you're mine." I held my side in extreme pain while letting my tears go for this to set the man off again. "STOP THAT DISGUSTING CRYING! YOU DON'T DESERVE THE RIGHT TO CRY!" He kicked me again while holding his cheek. "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT ASSAULTED ME! IF ANYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CRY, IT'S ME!" Understanding now I had no freedom anymore, I held my tears in afraid what he'd do. "Good. Now, I think it's time to put you in your new outfit."

I was dragged into another room where over a dozen children were. Some had mutation quirks, while others had features that resembled dolls. "Now, this little dress and this flower band will look perfect on you. Now, let's get you changed, my new doll." He treated me no different than a toy. He saw no human being, just a material object to even go as far as to change me himself. I've never felt so disgusted or ashamed in my life. I would on occasion ask my mother for help tying my shoes or helping me with a dress I might wear, but this was beyond anything I would do. "There. All nice and pretty. Now if you behave, I'll make sure you're taken care of, if not-"

"Achoo!" The sound of one of the kids on the podium turned the man's attention to them for his face to contort in anger again. He pulled his gun out and immediately shot the child, killing them instantly with a bullet to the head.

"Not to worry, that doll was losing it's interest in me anyway. Now, be a good little doll and remain perfectly still. If you do, nothing bad will happen." I dared not move in fear he'd kill me as well for the man to pull the corpse of the child he killed off and sit me right where they were. "Perfect. Now, I shall return later my lovely little dolls." The man left the room for the sound of his footsteps to for me to shake and cry.

"This...this is wrong. *hic* Why am I here?"

"Don't cry." I glanced over to the person saying this to see a girl with crimson hair and a white sundress with a red bow on. "If you cry, it gives him a reason to kill you."

"He just killed someone for no reason. What reason was there for the person next to you to die?"

"He moved. No matter what, we must never move and he knew that." The girl next to me turned to show a broken look on her. One that held a fake smile. At this point, reality sank in that I'm no longer a human. I'm nothing but a doll. A doll that never speaks, never moves, never shows emotions. Just a doll that used to be a human.

5 years later

Days soon turned to weeks. Weeds turned to months. Soon enough, all track of time was gone to me. My body's circulation was diminishing each day. I couldn't even use a bathroom properly since whenever I would see someone unable to hold it any longer, they'd die. Eventually, I was one of three left from when I was obtained. The girl beside me eventually died from poor living conditions and went unnoticed for a few days. When she was, the man who owned us was enraged. Not because she died, but because she started to rot. Whenever I was alone, I'd rest how I could with my body struggling to even last. I feared that this year would be my end. The other two on this day in particular decided there was nothing they could do and were prepared to die by their own hands. I watched as they pulled a knife from a drawer and took their own lives. I thought a considerable amount about joining them with this also being out of reach. My body was so weak and frail that I couldn't even move anymore. The only thing I could do at this point was wait to die.

'Please....God....I don't....wanna die....not like....this....' As if someone answered my prayers, the door to the room burst open for a man with blond hair and a scar over his one eye came in.

"What is this place?" He glanced over to me before coming closer. He noticed the two on the ground to hold his head in shame. "To think you two took your own lives. Nobody should have to think that's the only way out."

"Pl...ease..." I spoke up as loud as I could for the man to look at the shelf I was on. ""

"Koala! We have a few live ones!" A woman came in next wearing a pink outfit and holding a strange device.

"Just stay perfectly still." She used it on the collar I had to open it before going to the others and taking them off. "Sabo. Grab some of the others and help get the kids out of here."

"I already sent a message through the snail. They'll be here in a minute." The man pulled me off the shelf to feel how my body was and hold absolute rage in him. "Don't worry kid. The Revolutionary Army is gonna help take you away from here. You'll be free again."

'I'' Tears came to my eyes hearing this for my face to show the most emotion I've had in years. ""

Back to present, 3rd person POV:

"So the country betrayed our alliance. No matter. It was hanging on by a thread to begin with." Stussy got into a running stance before charging at the three. "This makes no difference at all!"

"Shambles!" Law used his abilities to teleport him and the girls away before storming over with his hand out creating electricity. "Scalpel!" Seeing the attack, Stussy evaded quickly understanding this was something extremely dangerous before seeing a shadow over her.

"TAKE THIS!" Itsuka gave a fist the size of her with Haki over it. This was a simple block for the CP-0 agent for her to coat her own hand in Haki to avoid damage with ease.

"Did you honestly think a larger fist would-" she was stopped with the feeling of her body being pushed back as if the impact actually did happen.

"200 BRICK FIST!" The attack sent Stussy into the ground with Shiozaki's vines coming from beneath to keep her still. "LET'S SEE YOU BLOCK THIS ONE! MULTIPLE 200 BRICK FISTS!" Itsuka released punch after punch of constant attacks using both Haki and Fishman Karate to increase the damage. As she did, the vines around Stussy slowly weakened for her to break them and grab Itsuka's neck.

"Now look what you've done you incompetent little brat!?" Blood dripping down her face from internal damage done, the Cypher Pol member pulled her finger back prepared to end things. "I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL! FLYING FINGER GUN!" With nowhere to go, Itsuka prepared to take the attack before the Cypher Pol member changed her attack's target. 'If I attack her first, then that means I can catch her off guard and maybe take down Trafalgar as well. This is your faults for going against the World Government.'

Seeing the target, Itsuka panicked and tried to get out of Stussy's grip as fast as she can. "SHIOZAKI! RUN! SHE'S AIMING FOR YOU!"

"TOO LATE!" The shot fired for Shiozaki to try and get out of the way. However, the attack was moving too fast for her to get away for the sound of something hitting it to be heard. "Now that's one down." Dust covered the area for it to be impossible for anyone to see what happened before it cleared and showed a massive boulder with small hole that cracked the entire boulder apart. "What?"

"You forgot you were still in my Room, didn't you?" Panicking and looking back, Stussy saw Law in her grip instead of Itsuka with what looked like a knife made of green lightning in his hands. "Gamma Knife!" He slammed the knife right through her chest for a massive wave of electricity to be seen in the area.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Stussy screamed in pain as her body felt like it was being ripped to shreds from the inside out.

"Woah." Itsuka stood in shock as Shiozaki watched next to her baffled she was witnessing what she was.

"This is the power of the Op Op Fruit. So long as we're in Trafalgar's Room, we're nothing more than patients on his operating table. It's because of this that he was able to defeat over a hundred pirates and give their still beating hearts to the Marines in order to obtain his position as one of the original Seven Pirate Warlords after the War of the Best." Law released his Room and Gamma Knife for Stussy to lay on the ground unconscious and coughing up blood. "This is the power of the captain of the Heart Pirates and one of the most tactical of the Worst Generation."

Law stood and walked towards the two seemingly unphased by what happened. "She's not dead, but she'll need medical help if somebody doesn't come for her."

"Just...what did you do?"

"I used radio waves like how they would cure cancerous tumors and created a knife to inject in her. Thanks to what you showed from Fishman Karate, I could tell that was going to be one of the best ways to handle this. To put it bluntly, I ripped her organs apart without even needing to pierce her skin." A shiver went down both girl's spines as the thought of this came to them. "Now, we've got bigger problems. Three members of your crew as well as your ship is under attack."

Hearing this, Itsuka cracked her knuckles ready to fight. "Where?"

"Easy, we've got other members of the Worst Generation helping out."

With Bakugou

The ash blond was having a bit more trouble with his explosions doing some damage, but not nearly enough for several cuts to be on his body. "So, you gonna take back what you said about me being a fake swordsman yet?" Kaku smiled for Bakugou to wipe some blood off his mouth.

"I'll admit, you're tough...for a fake." Kaku came charging back with his swords attacking at fast speeds. Thanks to his Armament, Bakugou was able to block the attack, but not before noticing it was a trick for Kaku's lengthened head to slam down on him with it coated in Haki. It connected and sent the Explosion quirk user into the ground. 'I...I think he just broke my jaw.'

"You and that captain of yours are nothing but useless fakes. I hope you said your final farewells." Kaku's blade came at Bakugou's neck before it was stopped for some reason. "What the?"

"Repel." Both blades and Kaku were sent back for Bakugou to stand up and see both Kid and Killer walking over towards them. "Seems we got here in just enough time."

Getting up, Kaku stared at both before becoming enraged. "The Worst Generation's here!?"

"That's right. Right now, Straw Hat and his crew are handling helping the Green Demons on their ship, the pro Ryukyu is helping out the girl that your mist friend is facing. As for Midoriya, there's a special person that wanted to help him."

'Did Ryukyu give a call or something?' Bakugou questioned as he got ready for round 2.

With Izuku

As Lucci gave attack after attack, Izuku deflected and attacked as well. Both seemed to be causing damage to one another with neither wanting to give an inch. "You punk!"

"STUPID CAT!" Both clashed with Haki infused blades and claws while on the side, Hawkeye sat listening to their clash.

'It seems you're holding your own. I see no reason to interfere yet.' Using Observation Haki, he watched the battle happen away from eye view and smiled. 'This is but one trial you must face Izuku. Will you be able to handle all others that come your way or will this be where your story ends?' Both clashed again for the sound of their attacks echoing through the empty building.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when the crew tries to take down the rest of CP-0 with the assistance of the Worst Generation, Ryukyu and Hawkeye. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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