Weakness and Power

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Ok, so this is the first chapter folks. A few quick understandings before we get into this. Izuku knows his father his Hawkeye due to overhearing a conversation Inko had on the phone with Mitsuki. Hawkeye as I mentioned in Story Ideas absolutely clueless Izuku is his son. Instead of All Might he idolizes the most, Izuku idolizes his father and wants to meet him one day before he goes to the quirk doctor. Also, UA is a college so everyone is aged up a little. Enjoy.

Izuku POV age 5:

"Mom, lets go!" Today was a special day. It was the day I was going to find out my quirk. "Alright sweetie, just give me a moment." Mom was putting her shoes on with me running around excited to finally get to find out what I was going to have for a quirk. I would finally be able to find out what my future would hold as a hero. "Alright sweetie, lets head to the car." I ran to the car in anticipation smiling. 'Maybe if it's a strong enough quirk, dad will finally come home and visit. I know mom would like that, and I can show him that I'm gonna be a great hero like him. Please hurry mom! I can't wait!'

At the doctors after the tests

"Sorry kid, but your not getting a quirk." I froze as the doctor said this. "I don't understand doctor, why can't he?" The doctor puts an X-ray of a foot up and starts saying why. "You see, when a quirk manifests, there normally is an alteration in the pinky toe here where there is an absence or addition of one joint. This points out individuality in the way of speaking and normally indicates a quirk. However, you can clearly see that your son has a second joint in his pinky, so it's safe to say he will not get a quirk." I felt my world crumble at this. All I wanted was to be a strong hero so dad can notice us and come back home. I just wanted dad to come home to us for once. I was about to cry, but couldn't. All I could do is just sit there motionless as all the hopes I could have were gone.

That night

When it was close to bed time, mom came into my room to see me watch dad slice a ship in two with his large sword. "Izuku sweetie, it's almost time for bed." I couldn't turn to her, but only cried as I heard dad say something to the villains. "You truly thought this fleet was enough to invade, how foolish. Power will only adhere to power and ignore the weak. You all were a waste of my time." "...Mom, does dad never come home because he thinks were weak?" Mom didn't say anything as I see her reflection with her crying as an answer. "I don't care if I'm quirkless mom. I'm going to become a person dad will have to acknowledge. *sniffle* I'll be the only thing I can be that he will see as someone he can't ignore." I started to cry at my shouting. "I'm gonna become the greatest swordsman in the world and beat dad! He has to notice us if I do that right!?" Mom hugged me as her tears fell on me. "If you want to, then well see what we can do. I'm sorry that this happened Izuku. I'm so sorry." As I cried, I clenched my fist in anger knowing my life would become hard going forward.

Few days later

As the days going forward happened, Kaachan started to pick on me along with everyone else about me being quirkless. I didn't care though. My goal wasn't to be a hero, but to become a swordsman that can beat dad. Mom helped me by looking at dojo's for me to train in. They all were willing to accept me, but turned me down when they found out I was quirkless. I wanted to yell and scream every time someone would change their mind and say no to a point I started to lose it the second we got out of the door. Finally, we came to the 28th dojo that we would visit with the man hesitant to bring me in due to my quirklessness. I saw his face as it went from happy to one of worry. I jumped up from my seat and began to beg him.

"Pleas sir, just give me a chance! I want to be strong so I can become a swordsman, but nobody wants to give me a chance! All I want to do is learn here, so please don't turn me away like everyone else!" I was shaking and clenching my fists in anger as I said this. "Hmmm, normally we don't accept quirkless students since it can be dangerous for them. You will need to put yourself into your training more than anyone else. Understand?" I looked at him with ready eyes and nodded. "Welcome aboard Izuku Midoriya. Training starts tomorrow." He held his hand out with me shaking it. We walked home that day with mom picking up the schedule and showing me when it is.

When the next day and the first day of training started, I was ready to learn and train with everything I had. I put everything into my first day ready to work hard. I was not going to be behind forever. I was going to become the best in the dojo before becoming the greatest swordsman.

Two years later

As the two years after joining the dojo passed, I learned how to fight hand to hand and how to use swords with practice swords master Shitsuke gave me. When I learned the basics of swordplay, I practiced it again and again when I had free time outside the dojo on training dummies until they broke, or I passed out from exhaustion. When the time of my first competition with swords came, I was undefeated and decided to put an addition on with doing what they called 'dead weight' training. I stood strong, but had help. This red haired girl at the dojo helped me a lot with sparing and training. Her name is Itsuka Kendo, and she has been a big help to me. If it wasn't for her motivating me, I don't think I would be half as strong as I am.

Walking back from training, I noticed Kaachan and his 'friends' pick on a brown haired girl. It angered me enough to walk in on them. "What do you think your doing Kaachan!?" He looked at me with a superior grin. "Well if it isn't little Deku. Go home before you get involved in this too." I saw the girl crying and got in front of them. "Don't, your gonna get hurt." "Listen to the round face Deku, you don't have a chance." Kaachan punched his fist to make a small explosion. "Here." I tossed one of my practice swords to him. He picked it up confused. "What's this supposed to be?" "A fair fight. You fight with one, and I fight with the other." This angered him and had him throw it back at me. "I don't want your stupid pity! I can beat you myself!" I caught it and bowed before putting a fighting stance up.

"You think you can beat me? YOUR DEAD DEKU!" He came at me with explosions for me to only dodge him. He comes at me again for it to happen once more. This is how it kept going for a bunch more times with Kaachan getting madder. "STAND STILL AND LET ME HIT YOU DEKU!" I got tired of dodging and ducked under him when he tried to hit me. I charged at him hitting his stomach with my right practice sword and sending him into the two that were with him. They fell back as I walked over and held the practice swords end to Kaachan's face. "You have an amazing quirk that you can use to become an amazing hero. But instead of using it to make the world a better place, you use it to hurt other people. Strength in will and discipline is why I won Kaachan. Learn them and come face me when you do." I walked away after making sure the girl was ok to the training area I agreed to meet Itsuka at.

Katsuki POV:

When the fight with Deku was over, I walked into the woods alone to clear my head. "Stupid Deku! Thinks he's better than me! I'll show him when we fight next time!" I pick up a stick and throw it as far as I could before hearing something. 'Huh?' I started to walk over to the sound to see Deku hitting three bulky wood things. This wasn't what surprised me though. When I looked closer, Deku had some weird weights on his stomach, back, arms, and legs while sweating a lot. "You must be Kaachan. Izuku told me about you." I look to the side to see a girl with red hair in a ponytail walk up to me. "Who the hell are you?" "Itsuka Kendo, Izuku's friend and training buddy." She looked at Izuku and smiled with the round face girl hiding behind her. "So this is that guy that saved me?" "Yup." Round face looked at Deku amazed as it only ticked me off more.

"What's going on here? How was Deku able to beat me? He's a weak quirkless extra!" "Because he works hard like this every day." I looked over to see Deku swinging like he was really to trying to destroy the things. "Izuku wants to become the worlds greatest swordsman, so he trains like this every day. This started about 2 years ago when he joined the dojo were both part of. He put his heart and soul into this and now is the strongest in our dojo. This includes the adults." I watched Deku break the wood things to pieces before walking over to two big boulders with rope around them. He started to tug at the rope to lift one up with one hand and the other with the other."This person is amazing." Round face looked in amazement as Deku did this.

"So why does Deku want to be the greatest swordsman? If he's stronger than most grown ups, he can be a hero instead." "He said it was to have his existence noticed by his dad or something. He will only notice him if he's the best without a doubt, so he wants to be the greatest swordsman because of this." I notice Deku start to yell a little before he begins to cry and scream in pain. "I'm gonna become stronger than you dad! I'm gonna make you see me as your son and force you to accept it! You hear me!? I will become the greatest swordsman and beat you one day!" This shout finally hit me when I heard a conversation with the hag an Deku's mom before. I remember them saying something about Crossblade and how Deku's mom knows him. I didn't understand it until now. 'Deku's dad is Crossblade.'

3 years later Inko POV:

"*knock* knock*" "Coming!" I started running to the door to see Shota on the other side. "Shota. Thank you for coming." "Not a problem, so why did you want to call me here?" I motion him to come inside before I spoke. "I want to get my son a birthday present." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "I didn't know you got married." "I didn't." "....Ok, who's the father then?" "Dracule." "Does he even know this?" I shake my head no. "Izuku was part of an accident me and his father had. It was a one night stand that accidentally made Izuku. I didn't tell Izuku this which may have made things easier on him at this point in time. But as a way to avoid any issues, I never told Dracule about this and just disappeared from his life." Shota looked at me confused before understanding why. "Ok, so why did you want to have me come over?" "I need advice on what type of swords to by Izuku. He specializes with two swords and I thought he would like this better than anything else."

Shota looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Swordsmen make their own swords. It's a rule of thumb with them." "I know, but Izuku's 10. I'm not gonna let him burn himself badly due to him being so young." "Fine. But don't tell anyone I helped you get them if anyone asked." "Deal." Shota headed outside with me following him. I normally would avoid talking with Shota since him, Dracule, and myself were close friends in college. Though we were close, I cut ties with the two of them in fear I may ruin their lives and their friendship telling them who Izuku's father was. But to get a good gift for Izuku, I had to contact Shota for a professional advice. That afternoon was spent looking for the best gift we could for Izuku.

That evening Izuku POV:

As I was walking home after a training session with Itsuka, Kaachan, and Ochako, I was thinking of how to get stronger with the training I'm doing getting too easy. 'Maybe I should start looking for a set of swords to up my game and understand how holding them feel.' After the fight with Kaachan, he apologized to me with Ochako wanting to be friends with me. She formerly introduced herself and thanked me for helping her. Now the four of us train together with Kaachan understanding that strength is more than just a quirk. Though Ochako and Itsuka have been acting weird lately. They both start to get a little feverish whenever I begin to wear a white shirt to train or no shirt at all. I wonder if their getting sick or something a lot of times. 'I wonder if that's normal for girls? Maybe mom will know.'

I open the door to my home with mom in the living room. "I'm home." "Welcome back Izuku. How was training today?" "Normal as always. Quick question. Do girls get sick easily?" "What brings this up?" "Well, whenever we train and with me wearing a white shirt or opting shirtless, Itsuka and Ochako go red and look like they have a fever." Mom starts to laugh at this with it not making any sense to me. "It's them noticing you as a boy Izuku. They aren't getting sick, their just embarrassed seeing you in a translucent shirt or just shirtless." "....I don't get it." "You will one day. Hopefully I get grand babies from one of them, or both." Mom starts to laugh at this while I don't get why."Oh yeah, I have a little gift for you Izuku." Mom gets up and hands me two katana's.

"I asked a friend to make sure they were good. I hope you like them." I open them and look at the craftsmanship a bit to know they were well made. "Their perfect mom. Thank you." "Happy birthday Izuku." Mom hugs me as I hug her back. "I'm gonna put these away and take a shower." "Ok then, see you in a little bit." As I walk up to my room, I look at a little note pad I had with my goals in life.

Find a dojo

Learn swordsmanship

Become the best in the dojo

Become the best swordsman in Mustafar

Become the best swordsman in Japan

Join UA

Defeat Hawkeye Mihawk

The first three were already crossed out with the fourth almost complete. I glanced down at my swords to open them and see my reflection in them. "I'm gonna beat you one day Hawkeye Mihawk. Just you wait, because you will remember the name Izuku Midoriya even if it's the last thing I do. You will acknowledge me and mom, and  you will lose to me. This I swear." I sheath the blades and put them away before heading into the shower.

And that finishes the first chapter. So Bakugou wont be as much of an ass in this because of him being beaten by Izuku and seeing what he does. Instead, he chooses to use this as a rivalry between him and Izuku for who will become the number 1 hero or swordsman(In Izuku's case) first. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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