Friendship Games Pt.1

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🎶 For the first time in forever I finally came back🎶 (sorry I had to do that) After all the editing, watching My little pony Equestria Girls Friendship Games, I've finally did this chapter. And yes Amy and Dash used to be friends in my story and you will see why they aren't friends no more. Onto the story! 🐇

Rainbow's POV

Yes! Today's the friendship games. Sonic wouldn't stop bothering me by begging me if he can tell me about Amy and me when we were eleven year olds. It was something like this.......

Sonic: hey Dash can you tell me about you and Amy cause I want to know about you two?

Dash: No, after the friendship games and then I'll tell you. Fluttershy, Tails, and Cream can be there.

Sonic: pleeeeease??? *puppy eyes*

Dash: Sonic, that only works for Fluttershy, maybe Cream.

Sonic: please?

Dash: No!

Sonic: please?!

Dash: No!!

Sonic: please?! 

Dash: Shut up!!!

Sonic: I don't care if you punch me! I just want to know to now what caused all of this between you and Amy!

Dash: For the last time... Nooo!!!! I'll tell you after the friendship games! You know it's in two more days! You can take it.

Sonic: But I want to know!

Dash: You know what, I'm just going to leave. *Walks out of the room*

Sonic: aww man.

..... And that's what happened. Now I have to get ready cause I'm doing motor-cross! Hopefully! This is going to be so awesome! The bad thing about it is that I have to do it with Sunset Shimmer. If we pass round one

Let me tell you something: you will never want to be her friend. She's the school biggest bully! She's way worse than Amy! It's weird cause Principal Celestia won't give her detention. For some reason Amy got suspended while Sunset is out here bullying students.

I'm here outside the school gates heading to the bus. This year we have to go to Crystal Prep high. I looked inside the bus and saw that Fluttershy, Sonic, Tails, and Cream were in the same bus as I was. I sat next to Fluttershy and across the aisle was Sonic and Tails. Cream was in front of my seat.

"Dash, can you explain to me about the friendship games? I have no clue and coach Armor gave me this paper and told me that I would be in group A. Sonic said looking at his paper. "Can I see?" I asked. "Sure." He handed me his paper and it said his teammates, partner and activity.

It looks like Derpy, Flash, bon bon, Lyra and Thorax. Your activity for the first round is building a tree house." "Aw man! That's a lame one. Sonic complain. "Shut up! If your group passes round one you will be doing motor-cross." I said ticked. "Aw ya! Now we're talking I can't wait for this!" Sonic yelled giving a thumbs up.

Everyone looked at Sonic with a "what the heck? What is wrong with you?" face. "Sorry everyone I was just happy cause of something." Sonic stood up and blushed. 'Why is he so cute when he does that?' I thought to myself. Great I think I now like him. "The thing is, is that your group needs to to pass round 1 that way you can do it." I said. His face looked like he lost a video game against a girl.

"Well let's see who's in your group." Sonic demands. I took my paper out of my pocket and unfolded it. I started to read the names out loud. "Fluttershy, and these other girls named: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and *sigh* Sunset Shimmer." The girl who I hate the most along side of Amy. "I've heard a lot about her and she's really mean." Cream said shuttering. "Yes she is very mean. At one point she even scared principal Celestia." I said, most of the time I think that she has issues at home.

"Well I don't neeed to be reminded that I will need to stay away from her. Tails said.

"Code orange! I repeat code orange!" One of the students yelled. The bus driver wasn't there so the students wouldn't get in trouble for yelling. After the student yelled out code orange everyone sat down scared and worried. The person who entered was none other than Sunset Shimmer.

"Wait is that her?" Sonic whispers to me. "Shh, and yes that's her just shut up right now." I replied. "Ha! You must be Rainbow Crash! You're my partner for the friendship games. Don't worry, you won't have to do anything cause I'm going to win this by myself." Sunset said. "Also, you better not get in my way of winning." She said grabbing me from my collar and shoving me to Fluttershy.

Sunset walked to the back of the bus and sat down in an empty seat, right next to Blaze. I feel bad for her. "Okay can you explain to me what code orange means?" Sonic asked Tails. "Sonic just be quiet. Anyways, code orange means that Sunset Shimmer is coming. You know cause her hair is red and yellow, if you mix that up and you have orange. That's why we call it code orange." Tails explained.

"Oh, Now I get it." Sonic said stupidly. "Ohh, ya now shut up." Fluttershy said. All of us were quiet. We never thought in a million years she would do that. "Is there something I said? She asked. "No nothing, just the fact that you were a little rude to Sonic. Her face was from confused to worried. "Oh I'm sorry I really am sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I'm really am I just-" "shh It's okay. No harm done." I said in a soothing voice.

"But I was mean. I don't want to be like you." She said. I was a little pissed off when she said that. "What? I'm not that mean." "Remember when you were mean to Flash centry for taking your apple." Flutters said. You know I really hate when she's right. "Fluttershy there's times I hate and love you. Mostly love you." (Not in a crush way, you know sister love, sorry Flutterdash shippers.)

It took like forty minutes for us to go to Crystal prep but hey, good thing you have a dj cause Vinyl did pretty good music. I don't even think Crystal prep even has a DJ. 

(A/N: the songs, well one if the songs will be in it. I think you guys have an idea what song it is.)

I got of the bus and saw the massive school, we saw the shadowbolts glaring at us.

"Welcome to Crystal prep!" The principal of Crystal Prep says. It looks like she still wants the shadowbolts to win, like always. "We, Crystal Prep is very grateful that Canterlot high will compete with us in the friendship games. We will still do the same activities from last time with the other students."

I saw principal Celestia and vice principal Luna heading to me. Crap I better not be in trouble. "Rainbow Dash, we know you can win this for us." Principal Celestia said. I was shock, how could I win this? "I'm sorry principal Celestia, but how can I win this, you know that Crystal prep beats Canterlot every time." It's true, the shadowbolts always beat the wondercolts. No point on doing it we lose and we know that they win all the time.

"Rainbow Dash, your mom did the friendship games and she won. It was the first time Canterlot has ever win." Principal Luna said. Dang! My mom is awesome! Can't believe that my own mom would beat the shadowbolts. I thought they were invincible. Well not that invincible. But still, if my mom was here I would go up to her and hug her really tight.

"Okay, I'll do it. I will try to win this for Canterlot, and for my mom." I mumble the last 4 words. "Great. We know that you can do it." Principal Luna said.

Well I'm going to have to make a plan to win. That's going to be hard. "Now, the teams with the most point heads to the next round. Good luck." Vice principal Cadence said. 


Ho! We're gonna take you down

Ho! We're gonna take you down!

Take you down! (Ho! We're gonna take you down!)

Take you down! (Down, down, down)


(Oh oh!) We're here to take you out

(Aw aw!) We're here to take you out (Aw aw!)

Take you out! (We're here to take you out!)

Take you out!


We're not about to let you win, so get out of our way

Think you got us beat, but we're here to stay

United strong, yeah, we'll take you down

You're not so tough, now you're in our town

All of the times we lost before

Not about to give up, we're only bringin' it more

We can smell your fear, we can see your sweat

Hope you didn't spend money 'cause you're losin' this bet!

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Wondercolts!

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Wondercolts!


Talk a little too much for a school that never wins

Maybe you should just stop 'fore you even begin

We are Crystal Prep High and we have a reputation

Every little moment is about our education

Put your ear to the ground

Listen to that sound

You're a house of cards

And it's about to fall down (fall down)

About to fall down (fall down), hit the ground

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Shadowbolts!

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Shadowbolts!


Pressure's on, now we're gonna beat you

Step aside, it's time that we defeat you

Crystal Prep yourself 'cause you're about to go

Down, down, down, down


Pressure's on, you know we're gonna take you

Just give up before we have to break you

Canter-not-a-lot, you're about to go

Down, down, down, down


Take it up to the top

'Cause we know we can win


Maybe you should just stop

'Cause we've seen you give in


We believe in ourselves

And we've got what it takes


And we're not gonna stop

(You can put the song and listen to it and start to sing. That's what I did.)

At the end this student from Crystal prep called Twilight Sparkle won and her group is going to the next round. That name sounds really familiar. Must be nothing. Our team had the most points and is going to the next round. Wait. Yes! Motor cross here I come! With Sunset. Yay.

"Hey Dash!" It was Sonic he snapped me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked. "Can you..... I mean can we, do motor cross since I can't do it here at the friendship games?" He asked nervously. I swear I saw a light shade of pink on his cheeks, is he blushing? He is!

Sonic's POV

Aw crud! I felt my cheeks and they were warm. Do I like her? Yes I do wait what? I'm going to ask Tails. He was sitting down on the bleachers, it looked lile he was daydreaming. "Tails!" I yelled loud. "Huh? What I'm not thinking about Fluttershy! He yelled. Oh, Sonic it's just you. Wait, did I yell that last part?" He asked nervously.

"You did pretty loud. I said, he was rubbing the back if his head in embarrassment. So do you like her?" I said smirking. "N-no! I don't like her, well do you like Rainbow Dash?" He asked blushing. How does he know that! "No I-I don't! We only known eachother for like, 2 weeks! I stammered a little.

"Mhmm keep telling yourself that." He said with a smirk. "To bad my team couldn't go to the next round. I really wanted to do motor cross. I said, I felt my blush fade away when I said that. "So, do you like Rainbow Dash?" Tails asked. "Uh, yah. Just don't tell her!" My fave was gaining its blush again. "Well since you told me your crush I'll tell you mine. I have a crush on Fluttershy."

"Well I'm not surprised there. I said. It's pretty obvious cause you draw her and I have a picture

(I'll show you it cause he knows how to draw little Kawaii stick figures, well I'll draw it and don't judge cause I was in a rush.)

I showed him a picture that I took. He's actually pretty good. Unlike me, I still draw stick figures. "Talis I don't know how you draw like this but you need to teach me." I said. "Sonic you just need to practice. You know what they say. Practice makes perfect." When will he stop saying that?

"Ya ya, practice makes perfect and all that-." "Now that we now which groups that made it and assign them to their activitys, those who aren't participating please sit on the benches outside of the gym. "Let's head outside." Tails said. "Sure, I wonder how it look like out-" My jaw dropped and I felt someone's hand close my jaw and pats my head. "I know, it's that awesome." It was female voice, it was raspy. It has to be Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow, is that you?" "Nopey nope! It's Pinkie Pie! The party planner! I was just using her voice cause I can sound like almost anyone! Said a girl with pink hair, a lighter shade of pink skin. She had a

"Hey Sonic, I see you met Pinkie Pie. Trust me she's crazy. Well good crazy. Said Rainbow Dash. "HELLO!MYNAMEISPINKIEWHAT'SYOURS?OHWAITITSSONICDUHYOUETHENEWKIDDOYOUWANTTOBEFRIENDSYESOKAYILLMAKEABIGPARTYSOWECANCELEBRATEOK! *Inhale kay?" Well she's crazy like Dash said.

"Hey pinks, you know that almost everyone can't understand you." Rainbow Dash said. Pinkie Pie face turned red, or more pink. I don't know since her skin is almost the same color. "Sorry, I get really excited to make three new friends. It's cause I never really had friends when I was little." Pinkie's face dropped to a frown.

"Oh, I'm sorry." "No, it's fine, I don't need pity. I don't want your welcome party to become into a pity party." Pinkie said. "I think we should head in our places." Dash said grabbing a helmet.

"Okay good luck!"  "Thanks Sonic!" 

Sunset Shimmer's POV 

I saw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie leaving Sonic and Tails alone. I'm surprised that Fluttershy wasn't with them. You see I came from this place called Equestria. Where pegasus, unicorns and earth ponies unite in harmony. You know all that sappy stuff. 

A few years ago, like 5, Princesses Celestia ordered me to bring back a girl named Rainbow Dash. I don't want to make a mistake and bring another Rainbow Dash. I thought I saw Twilight Sparkle. It must've been her counterpart. It looks like everyone from this world has a pony version of themselves. I actually want to see how my counterpart acts like.      

Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty and her element was glowing. Which means that she is still alive. I really wish that I did'nt have to do this. With all that five years, *sigh* I could've been the queen of Eqestria. You never know. Princess Sunset Shimmer. That would suit me. I could raise the Sun and make a beutiful sunset.

Anywho, I- "Hey. You." Someone interupted my train of thought. It was Blaze. (Almost wrote Blaze the cat.) "You must be Sunset Shimmer, look I know what you really are." I wans'nt scared at all when she said that. Well maybe a little. "If you really know what I am then tell me." "Your Sunset Shimmer, one of the most powerful ponies next to Twilight Sparkle.

"How did you know that?" She took something out of her pocket. It was the element of loyalty. "I know that you are looking for Rainbow Dash. I will help you unless you get Amy unsuspened. Or else I'll brake this."

She took the necklace and was going to break it. "So? What's you answer? She asked evil like. I was a little nervous. I told her, "If you break that necklace, my home world can get destroyed. Maybe this world to!"  "Okay, so what's your choice." Give it to me then."

She struggled to give me the element of loyalty. "Okay! I'll give you this stupid element unless!" "Unless what?" I asked frustrated. "You'll help me un-suspend  Amy. "....... Fine, I'll help you. Only cause I want to bring Rainbow Dash. I need to go." I ran away from that creep. How did she get that element? I thought.

"Was walking to my motor-cross. This girl named Rarity made me and outfit.  No one ever gave me a present, not even my parents! Nobody knows this but I hate being the school bully.  Some think that I can rule the school and be the teacher's pet, while on the other side the other people think that you have problems at home. 

Okay my little pom poms! I'm finally done with this chapter! Yay! Know go hate on me! The reason I couldn't update is cause:

1) I had writers block. 

2) I had camp

3) Prison I mean school

4) Homework

5) After camp I got a boyfriend but his parents found out 

And that's it!!!!!!!  hope ya like it and I'll try to update part 2 fast!!!

peace see yall later  

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