Sonic's good surprise

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Sonic's POV

I carried Dash bridal style to the nurse's office. I didn't know where it was until I saw a big sign that said "nurce". "Bingo." I was going to dance in victory but I was going to drop Dash.

Good thing that I used my head this time. Not like the other time. *flashback* "Sonic thanks for helping me. I though I was going to be beaten up good by the bullies if it wearn't for you." "No problem lil bro. I can't find the nurse's office tho."

I saw a cardboard sign that said nurce. Yes! found it.  I did my victory dance fir two seconds until I realized something dropped on my feet. Well more like a someone. "You may want to celebrate later. The least that you can do is to help me get up." Tails said glaring at me. "Sorry." I lifted him up and took him to the nurse's office.

Good thing that I used my head or she would've been worse. I opened the door and saw Cream?! "Cream what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh, hi mister Sonic. I never thought that you would would be at Canterlot high. Why are you here?" She asked with her nice sweet voice.

I left there cause you guys wearn't there and cause it was boring." I responded. Dash was still in my arms. "You may place her there." The nurce points to a bed. "Okay."l placed her on the bed gently.

"Cream, why are you here?" I asked to make sure she didn't get that hurt. She's like a delicate flower. "I'm here cause I asked the nurse if I can help her with the other student who were hurt ir sick. She's so nice too, not like the one in Emerald high." She said. I don't know why but she always wears a headband with peach bunny ears. I like Cream cause she's so nice to all the people she meets.

"Sonic? Crud it was Principal Celstia. Sonic, you forgot your schedule. She hands me my schedule. "Oh ya, I guess I was in a rush." Another note to self: check if you got your schedule before you rush out of the office.

"Sonic, before Amy gets suspend for two weeks, she would like to talk to you." Principal Celestia said. Crud Amy wants to talk to me? This can't be good. 


Sorry it was way to short. I will do another part later this week. I promise that the next one will be like 2000-3000 words. I pinkie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. See I would never break a pinkie promise.

Thank you Darkel Lin for being my second follower!

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