Villainous Fanmade Posters (And including of Newest Characters)

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So when the first season of Villainous came out back in October, the crew made these posters for the main cast of the characters.

(I'm still mad at this one)

These were the newest posters created and it gave me inspiration to make my own for Void, but! I didn't stop there!! Over the course of months, I ended up making even more characters for this show and ended up making a ton of VILLAIN OCS!!!!

So, I ended up making and designing Void's class from the BHO Institute.
So here they are!

So, this is what they all looked like as kids.
From the left, we have Void, as usual. (She didn't really interact with her classmates, on the account that Black Hat forbid her from making friends while she was at the institute and because she was too afraid that if she got attached, she would just end up losing more people in her life).
Then we have Lynn, one of the Coyote Ghost Twins. Then we have Abyss, the shadow dude (Abyss was actually the second villain of I made later on before I designed the others).
Next is Vision, she was basically in charge of this little squad when they were younger. Beside Void, she was the smallest.
Then we have Poison, the snake. Next is Jack, who is based off Bill Cypher (His human looks at least).
Venus and her plant Pepe, Romoe, a dead skeleton and Ross, the other ghost twin.
This class was one of the higher up ones and they had less people, but they were a pretty chaotic group, almost everyone at school knew this. They weren't a bad bunch, they just liked to joke and have fun. As adults, Void's classmates went on to live together and became known as The House of Rouges.
Fun fact: Romoe and Venus were actually a couple back in the institute and til this day, they are still together.

And this is what they look like as adults (Well, all expect the twins. I'll explain later).

So first, Abyss:
He is a creature of darkness, like Aku and Black Hat. He was born from nothing but a black, little blob of inky darkness before he became what he is today. Abyss can turn and manipulate the shadows and can enter them like doors. His powers is that he creates warping portals, this is how he eats and how he catches people. He either eats the person and traps them there for as long as he wants. Abyss has a bipolar or split personality disorder, much like Twice from MHA. There are times when he can be extremely monotoned and serious while switching to a more upbeat and peppy version of himself. This sometimes causes him to give out inappropriate reactions at the wrong time but he's basically insane. He's a Chaos Neutral. The little spots on his cheeks are actually freckles. He supposedly has a "thing" for Void, as he has been flirting with her and trying to win her over since they were kids. It is unknown if he actually loves her and just does it to mess with her.
For his Voice Claim: I'm thinking either Deadpool or Twice himself, but I'll keep looking
Backstory: Unknown, works for BHO

Again, Vision is the leader, always has been and makes sure to keep the group in check. (She's basically the mom of the group). She is a Cyclops and she has the power to incinerate something with her eye. When she powers up or is angered, her horns grow and her eye glows before she zaps something (Or someone) and burns/destroys them/it. She is shorter then everyone still. She is also one of my first plus-sized or thicker ocs. (I've been trying to get better at different body shapes). She is also known to have a short fuse but she's working on that, so try not to anger her.
For her voice claim: Megan Taylor
Backstory: Unknown, works for BHO

Venus and Pepe:
Venus is a plant person and Pepe is a Venus Fly-Trap that is attached to her back. She refers to him as "Little Brother" considering he's was born on her back when she was also born. (If they were humans, they would be conjoined twins). Venus can make veins grow and make miniature versions of Pepe to attack while Pepe can grow in size when needed to attack. Pepe is his own person and has his own mindset. Pepe is not dating Romoe, just because he's attached to Venus, does not mean Romoe has to date Pepe too. However, they get along very well and Romoe helps Venus take care of Pepe. Pepe does join cuddle time because he likes attention and cuddles are his favorite, both Venus and Romoe are fine with this.
For their voice Claims: I'm thinking Blue Diamond for Venus and Dark Shadow for Pepe.
Backstory: Unknown, works for BHO

: Hence the name, he is a poisonous snake. Using his eyes, Poison can hypnotize someone and then using his teeth, releases a poison into the person. Poison, however, can control his poison. For example, if he just wanted to knock the person out, he releases a certain amount of poison that's just enough to knock them out. He can do the same for when he has/wants to kill someone or just enough that he can leave someone paralyzed.
For his voice claim: I'm thinking Sir Pen from Hazbin Hotel because yes. Despite having an insane, sounding voice, Poison is actually pretty neutral. He sometimes sits down and talks with Vision while drinking tea.
Backstory: Unknown, works for BHO

He is a dead skeleton, however, he CAN grow, unlike the twins. As you can see, he was the tallest of his class and still is. He is taller then Black Hat himself. Romoe is based off of UnderFell Papyrus but he has no powers. However, because he is a dead skeleton, he can disassemble himself very easily and uses his limbs to unlock doors. He's a great pocket thief, he's known as the big brother of the group. He only has one eye and now wears a hat, he doesn't take it off. He also has sharp teeth for some reason.
For his voice claim: I'm still looking but so far, I think maybe I'll go with Grim because Romoe is Jamaican.
Backstory: Unknown, but it's been said that Romoe used to be alive. What happened to him was unknown, works for BHO

Jack Diamond:
One of the youngest members of the group, he is the child. He's silly, hyperactive and sometimes not very aware or smart. But, you can always count on him whenever you need him, especially when it comes to retrieving things. Jack is actually very flexible and is also great at stealing things, so he and Romoe are in charge of breaking into places without getting caught. Jack only has one eye, it is unknown how he lost his other eye. Jack has two hair colors because he dyes his bangs, his hair is naturally black, which is way his little chin hair is black. Jack is Scottish.
His voice claim: Jacksepticeye because his energy is perfectly matched with Jack
Backstory: Unknown, however, it's been said that he had a normal life before becoming a villain. Works for BHO

Finally, the Twins:
Lynn and Ross are twin ghost coyotes that were once alive before they died as pups. They don't grow unlike Romoe who does. They're pretty playful and the reason they haven't left the Earth and gone to heaven is because they have some unfinished business. They still remember their past lives. Much like the ghost kids from episode one, the twins have a portrait of when they were alive (Who painted it is unknown) but they can go through the picture and that's where they sleep. When angered or feeling overprotective (Whenever someone they care for is in danger), the twins fuse together to make one big, Two Headed, Ghost Hound to attack or scare someone off. To tell the difference between Lynn and Ross, Lynn has two stripes on his tail while Ross only has one.
For their voice Claims: I honestly don't have any for them yet
Backstory: Like I said, the twins were once alive. They used to live happily in the forest with their mother before open season began and the pups and their mother were being hunted down to either be taken away and moved to another area or captured and stuffed. The twins sadly got separated from their mother and were killed while she was captured and moved to a different location. The pups have not seen or found her yet and vouche to see their mother one last time and take revenge on whoever damned them. They also work for BHO

And that's pretty much all I've come up for them, ok still developing them more as I go on. These are the poster I did for them

This is Quasimodo, he is a crow from Spain. Quasimodo's backstory is unknown but so far, he has a horrible dislike towards humans, that was until Void found him out in the rain. Quasimodo has the left side of his face messed up, his break is cracked, he has a scar over his eye and lost his left eye as well. Void ended up giving him a glass eye, he cannot move it. He later becomes her bird companion and becomes faithful to her, always at her side whenever needed.
His voice claim: Scar from the original Lion King.

And that's everything! I'll show more of my new ocs on the next page! Bye bye!

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