Chapter 2

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Beneath blood-red skies,

And scars of night,

Two souls drift,

Bound by shadow and light.


Sleep did not come for the wizard all that well. He tossed and turned on the plush of his bed as thoughts from the six months journeying together consumed his thoughts.

At first, he didn't really like the rogue and didn't appreciate having a knife held to his throat as they tussled on the ground. The thought of incinerating the male had always been an option and he was willing to take his chances with Shadowheart right there, but he saw a small light in the scared male, who only wanted help... and eventually he joined the pack. He was always getting the crew into trouble because he found something "funny" or doing a kind action was too much work for him when Gale insisted that they should be diplomatic.

And yet, he found himself thinking back to the night in the Blighted Village, rummaging through boxes and dead goblins for ANY sign of magic in the veil of night. He had told Astarion SOME stuff about his past: his goddess (Astarion wasn't a big fan of her), Elminister, his talent and causing mayhem through some of his choices when he was younger; however, the orb in his chest that could level the size of the city of Waterdeep was another. The arcane hunger. None of it. He didn't want to weigh the group down by exposing a secret he had only told his trusted tressym, Tara. Having someone carry a burden such as his would be too much to ask. He struggled to get ahold of some of the magical items the companions discovered and it was hurting his health. He thought about stealing, but he couldn't bring himself to it. He didn't have the guts.

"Hm, unexpected," he heard a voice coo from the darkness, startling him from his expedition. At first, he didn't recognize the deep hum of the voice until his mind focused harder - Astarion. The orb quivered in his chest as he had to find an artifact soon and if Astarion was going to be there for it, then he would have to take his chances. He pretended not to hear the person he didn't get along with that much until Astarion made himself known beneath the moon's light. So far, there was nothing. "Tell me, Gale of Waterdeep, what brings you out in darkness? Are you not afraid of what the Gur hunter said – that there is a vampire spawn that lurks here?"

"Please, I'll take my chances," he remarked. He had more important things to do: like finding a magic artifact to ingest. A vampire he could handle, but if the orb blew up? Everything would be disintegrated. Everything would be gone. He just had to keep looking. "Besides, the vampire can be anywhere. I'll be on the lookout though if you're so hellbent about me being bit if you want to head back to camp."

"...Vampire spawn," Astarion had corrected. He usually enjoyed their conversations but he cannot get sidetracked. His life and everyone's life was on the line. Yet, in the midst of his arcane hunger, he couldn't help himself but indulge in the facts. He loved the facts.

"Still a part of the vampire tree. Now, they may not have the grand lair nor the loyal swarm but a vampire spawn is still part of the vampire family. Technically."

"Don't play technicalities, Gale," Astarion tutted as he gracefully skulked towards him. "Doesn't deny the fact that the vampire spawn could be very hungry, now does it?"

Annoyed, Gale tried his best to ignore the pale elf who had crept closer to him. "What are YOU doing out here?" He knew elves don't require sleep, so nighttime must be very boring for them, but he didn't want to be questioned or probbed when he was in a state of arcane hunger. He was starting to think irrationally that he frantically rechecked the last of the goblin bodies for anything... nothing. The village had been purged of all of its magic. His heart plummeted from his chest as he dropped to his knees, rechecking the goblin. No... no. He couldn't end this way. A silhouette cast shadows on the dead goblin he was in front of, his hands shoving themselves into his lap as his mind swirled with places he could check; however, his tired mind couldn't think of anything. He felt the orb quiver violently in his chest as he let out a pained, choked snivel as he swore his chest was going to be torn to shreds. His hands went to his temple as he tried to get a grip of his surroundings until his eyes snapped shut, arms wrapping themselves around his stomach.

"What in the bloody hells?" Astarion kneeled down, resting a hand on the wizard's shoulder as the wizard's words fell out of his mouth. "Magic... I need a magical item. Please... if you have any." He should've been smarter about his magical items. Should've looted more bodies. He was suffering for it by being vulnerable towards someone who he was positive didn't like him.

"And what do I get in return?" quipped the elf as he slid a ring off his finger. A tint of mischief glinted into his eyes as he held the ring in the moon's embrace, bragging about the very thing that could save his life. This was why he didn't want to tell anyone about his infliction. Why he felt like he couldn't come forward. He knew his companions would want something in return - something he most likely couldn't afford. Pain flooded his veins as heat began to cloud his vision. He couldn't afford NOT taking the deal or everybody would be dead because of him. He didn't want their blood on his hands, he wanted to live, gods!

"Whatever you want," he hissed betwixt his teeth. The pain bubbled as his eyes snapped open, facing the smirking individual who knew he struck out. "Whatever you want." He felt the ring flung at him, landing in his purple sleep shirt as he fumbled for the ring, slamming it against the scar that was exposed on his chest as he absorbed the magic from the weave, allowing a subdued hum to leave his lips. The world had finally stopped spinning as he glanced up to meet the elf's curious gaze.

"Is magic like some kind of narcotic for you?" Astarion asked as he focused on his breathing. 1,2,3,4... 4,3,2,1...

"No, it's very much a lifesaver. Thanks..."

"Don't thank me yet, darling," the elf cooed, he felt a finger swoop under the wizard's chin that sent a shiver down his spine as the finger tilted his eyes to meet Astarion's. "Because you still owe me, what was it? Whatever I want?"

"Gods, you're ridiculous," Gale scoffed as the pale elf grew closer, his breath softly blowing on his face. He wanted to recoil, and yet the scholar in him found this situation curious. Curious. He felt himself entranced. The way Astarion shone of danger had... started making him think irrational thoughts about what Astarion wanted from someone like him. Astarion just wanted gold, right? The person who most likely wanted his innards spilled on the floor wanted him dead, right?

"And what do you want me to do? Leave you alone? You take my gold and belongings and laugh at me? To spill my guts? Do you want more ideas? As you know, I can talk for hours and hours, it's quite handy for stalling."

"You. I want you." the words shook his core. He couldn't believe what he was hearing as his mouth hung open as the taller male started to tiptoe forward until they stood face-to-face-face.

"Do you want to say that again, this time in my ears?" Gale asked. He found himself glancing away, unable to hold his stare, only for Astarion's finger to slide under his chin and tilt his head back to meet Astarion's red gaze.

"I want to taste you," Astarion whispered, the words weighing heavily on Gale until he realized what was just said.

"Excuse me?" a flash of fear glinted in his eyes. It all made sense now. His companion's pale complexion, his behaviors in certain areas and– Astarion flashed two canines at Gale, his tongue tracing the edges of his sharp teeth. He must've stalked Gale out here and they were so far away from camp. The thought dawned on him that nobody would be coming nor near where they were."I want to taste your blood."

"I assure you, you do NOT want to try that—" the vampire spawn with a simple finger pushed Gale down towards the cobbled stones that dug into his back and strategically situated himself between his thighs.

"Darling, I am growing very weak from the lack of blood, even though your cooking is delicious. This is what I want. Are you okay with that?" To say he was scared would be a lie, he was more — Gods! He flushed.

"I said anything you want and if that is me, then, hell, who am I to refuse. I am a wizard of my word." Astarion's lips etched themselves into a smile against his flesh, content with carrying through drinking his blood. He felt Astarion's tongue make contact with his flesh as a shiver erupted down his whole body until - the clasp of teeth made contact with his flesh and a breathy moan followed by his hands sliding up Astarion's back, feeling the ruffles of cloth that he never expected to touch. He squirmed as Astarion brought his knee, spreading him out and savoring the moment. Until — until the weave flowed through his veins instead of blood, poisoning the moment. Literally.


"Mr. Dekarios, where are your manners?!" Tara had jumped on him, waking him up from his restless slumber. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep and conjured up a clock that told him it was 2pm in the afternoon. "Your guest has resorted to snooping around your tower due to your poor hosting skills! Why didn't you tell me you were having a friend over? This place is in such disarray. You're having a friend over with that scraggly hair on your face too? Bad taste for someone of your stature."

"Thank you, Tara," he scratched under her chin as he pushed her off of him. "The moment this beard is shaved is the day I shave all your fur off and let's hope that it doesn't come to that, hm?" He asked Tara to leave him so he could change into his scholarly robes as he adorned even more deep purple fabric as he hustled out of his bedroom and went to find dear old Astarion with a dark red book in his other hand. The conversation from early this morning played in his mind as he felt his heart tremble. It felt like old times all over again where he was pining after the vampire spawn. Where he wished that Astarion hadn't cut him off and... and agreed to live with him in Waterdeep.

Perhaps, he was being senseless, dramatic, obsessive but nobody held a candle to his dear friend. The one he had been researching for and had waited six months for him to come visit. And now, he was inside his tower! And was snooping! Oh... he was snooping. Gale peaked his head inside of now opened doors, searching for any side of the silver-curled man, only to find him lounging around in the purple robe he had given him in the early hours of the morning as the curtains covered the tall windows that let the sun in. The flowers around Astarion drooped and dulled in color as Astarion seemed to steal the light of the world from them.

He knew he was breathlessly staring at Astarion when the male's red eyes cut through him as his sharp, sardonic tone emerged from his throat. "Bloody hells, I thought you might have died in your sleep!" Complained Astarion, as he sat up out of the compromising position he was in. "Maybe I should've just broke inside in the early hours instead and startled you!"

"I assure you, you would've gotten a fireball from me or Tara if you startled us," laughed Gale, as he made his way towards the velvet chair across the couch as he began to run his hands over the book's choppy pages.

"Not before my fangs found a way into that pretty neck of yours, which, since it seems like you're not exploding, surely you're back to normal?"

"Oh yes, I forged the Crown of Karsus and was able to win Mystra's favor back, but I'm done with her. I'll use the Weave but I won't sleep in the stars with her."

"I'm surprised you didn't go back to her, considering how pouty you were when we talked about her," Astarion noted, a grin sliding across his lips as his fangs became visible.

"Well... I talked about them with you before on my feelings for Mystra, so I won't bore you with the boring stuff. I'm sure you were asking this question because a curiosity fluttered over you, hm?"

Astarion waved his hand up and down. "That obvious?"

Gale rolled his eyes as he agreed, "maybe later, but I think I owe you an explanation."

"Ah yes, the real reason I was dragged out of Baldur's Gate, traveling by night to get to your city, which it ISN'T BAD but does smell of magic desperation."

Gale rolled his eyes yet again. Thank Gods the old rumor of if you roll your eyes a lot, they'd get stuck in place was a myth to get children not to backtalk. "I think Waterdeep is a wonderful city, one that you might enjoy if you have given it a chance."

A long pause of silence developed between them as Astarion's gears spun. Without realizing that he had alluded to the docks those six months ago, he clapped his hands, startling Astarion out of his thoughts. "But that conversation is for another time, hm?"

"Hmm..." Astarion pressed his lips together, crossing his left leg over his right as he swirled a glass of water in his hands. "Well, shall we get on with it?*

Gale nodded in agreement. "Like I alluded to in the brilliant letter, I think I found a way to allow you to walk in sunlight. A forgotten Ancient Vampiric Magic that can manipulate the very essence of life and death. All we have to do is go to the Forgotten Realm of —"

"Slow down, why did you look into all of this?" Astarion cut him off as he waved his hand dismissively. "How do you even know it's going to work? What Cazador did was between him and Metistophiloses. Where did you get this .. fanfiction?"

"It's not!" Gale argued. "Kanchelsis is the Demigod of Vampires and Blood Magic, everything is from him." He stayed quiet about the reason he looked into it as he gave a shrug. "If a scholar can help a friend in need, wouldn't you?"

"Absolutely not," Astarion shook his head, which let out an amused chuckle from the wizard himself.

"And how did you get this... 'forgotten book'?" Mocked Astarion as Gale crossed his arms.

"If you must know, I borrowed it from Elminster when he wasn't paying attention. I thought you'd be more enthused and excited about the possibility of feeling the sun on your skin again!"

"So you stole it?"

"For God's sake— yes! I stole the bloody book." Astarion gave a smug grin as Gale flipped open the ancient tome. "The Eclipse of the Eternal Sun will be able to allow you to walk in both worlds."

"Wow, maybe I've really rubbed off on you," Astarion responded impressed. Gale couldn't help but roll his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"And what does that entail, exactly? It's always the terms and services that get you, yanno."

Gale hesitated as he shut the tome. "... I was hoping you wouldn't go down this route but I guess it's only fair you know what is going to happen. You must find a living being that has a strong connection to The Weave and your life so that your blood and their magic can intertwine so you're symbolically united."

"And what does THAT mean? Symbolically united?"

"Well, according to the old manuscripts in this book—"

"Lay it flat, darling. I don't need an elaborate setup for bad news. Are you sure this is going to help anything? Right now, it seems like it's complicating everything."

Gale sighed, resting his hands on the book's worn cover. "It means... when our blood and magic intertwine, we're not just performing a spell. We're forging a bond—one that ties us together. Forever."

Astarion raised an eyebrow, his voice skeptical as he let out a lil "hah!" Before saying: "forever? That sounds... dramatic, even for you."

"If you go through with this, our souls will be bound together so the ritual can work," Gale answered, he didn't even feel himself softly take Astarion's hands into his own until the coldness of Astarion's skin tickled his own warmth. There had once been warmth there, taken from him by Cazador and it only solidified his resolve. He needed to give Astarion this chance—this freedom, even if it cost him everything. "And what's the downside to this?" Astarion asked, raising an eyebrow as Gale's lips spread in a tight smile.

"Nothing," he lied. He knew that if he played all the cards he held in his steady hands, then helping Astarion wouldn't be an option. Not with the cost of said ritual. A long silence fell between them as the weight of what Gale was proposing was like clockwork on Astarion's face. Trying to figure out any angle and he only started up at Gale, confused. Gale's gaze softened. "I will say this, however. This isn't just some complicated spell, Astarion. It's a choice. A bond we can never undo."

"And you're willing to just... tie us together with your magic and our blood... why?" Astarion asked, skeptically.

Gale closed his eyes as the true words he wanted to say were muddied in his throat. He wasn't someone who threw around that word all the time, but he wished he could say it. "If it means giving you the life you've wanted—one without shadows, without the curse—I'm willing to make that choice." He reached out, placing a hand on Astarion's arm. "The question is... are you?"

The silence after Gale's question stretched like a fragile thread, ready to snap at any moment. Gale couldn't help himself but think back to his lie — the weight of it heavy in his chest like a dull ache that spread with every beat in his heart. He hadn't revealed the full truth — couldn't, wouldn't yet. The thought of what needed to happen next was a bitter poison he swallowed down but he was willing to risk it for his friend. The person he cared about so much. Was it foolish? Sure. Did Astarion not like him back and would appreciate him more because of this? Most likely.

Astarion's red eyes were still locked on him, searching for answers that the wizard refused to give. He could see each color of Astarion's face as he shifted through confusion, distrust, and disbelief. But who could blame the vampire spawn? After all, the wizard DID just propose something that could bind him all over again; however, this time, it wouldn't last long. The unbreakable bond of magic entwined with blood, ancient magic held together by the binds of an ancient book that Astarion had considered 'fanfiction.' Tch. The ever-pragmatic cynic Astarion had every right to be skeptical. Every right to walk away.

But he hadn't. Not yet.

Gale felt the air shift between them, as though the very Weave itself was holding its breath. He lingered on their hands being held for a moment longer until he felt himself pull away, trying to mask the flood of emotions that threatened to spill on his face. He watched as the vampire spawn tilted his head. "And of course, we don't need to rush into this decision. You've lived centuries in the dark, you don't have to go through with making a decision now if you're uncomfortable."

Astarion's eyes narrowed. "You're hiding something, Gale. I can feel it." Gale's breathing hiccuped for a second. Silly of him to think that Astarion was a fool and wouldn't catch on. His ability to read between the lines had always been razor-sharp, a trait that he found endearing and inspiring in the high elf.

"The ritual is complicated, yes, but it wouldn't change the result of the offer." He wanted to say more. To say the words he wanted to say, but he couldn't. Would he be taking advantage of his friend if he said everything? Would Astarion run away if he became vulnerable and admitted to everything. Was he greedy to be thinking about any of this?

Astarion raised an eyebrow. "And you're willing to give up so much—just like that?" His voice was edged with suspicion, though something softer flickered underneath. "I'm not used to... generosity without strings attached."

Gale's heart clenched. If only you knew the price. He wished he could say it, wished the words could spill from his lips, but he knew that once spoken, there would be no going back. The sacrifice, the death—it would end any chance of Astarion accepting the ritual. Gale wasn't ready to lose that hope yet. He wasn't ready to lose him from truly wanting what he wants.

He would choose the sun over you in a heartbeat. The phrase echoed over and over in his mind. There would be no them in the future. No happy marriage that Gale found himself daydreaming of on hard nights when he felt like he wasn't enough. There were times where he wished that he hadn't been cured of the orb in his chest so he could go down into the darkest parts of the Underdark and combust. He'd doubt anyone would care about him anyways, they've proven that much by not reaching out to him when he attempted to.

"Sometimes," Gale paused. "We do things for those we care about without expecting anything in return. I'd do it in a heartbeat."

There was a soft flicker in Astarion's eyes as he leaned forward off of the couch, closing the small gap between them. "Gale, I know you well enough to understand that you don't do anything lightly for those you care about. If I remember correctly, that powerful Karsus Weave in your chest was because you were returning what you thought was a piece of Mystra back to her, hm? Fortunately for you, she didn't kill you outright."

"Yes yes, I remember the tale all too well. The only person that cared was Tara." if it wasn't for Tara, he wouldn't be standing here.

"What are you not telling me, darling?"

Gale's throat tightened, the lie lodged there, painfully prickling away at his vocal cords. He wanted to tell him, wanted to bare the truth right here, but he couldn't. If Astarion knew the cost, he would walk away. Gale couldn't risk that.

So instead, he lied again, burying the truth. "All you need to know is that I want to help you. I can help you." And the words seeped into his mind as he gazed into Astarion's unreadable expression.

Because I love you. 

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