Chapter 4

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Under twilight's embrace,

Hearts combusting in the darkest of places

A promise bound in threads of love,

Fragile as the stars above.


"Gale," Astarion had said one day while they were above the surface. He had been wandering away from camp this time, taking a stroll through the swamp they had claimed back from Auntie Ethel. Gale was going to make the journey alone, he wanted to do some investigating of the abandoned campsite to search for any valuable items he could devour the weave from. He didn't realize Astarion had once again followed him until he startled him from his investigation.

"Gods, you startled me. What are you doing out here?" He asked, trying to slow down his racing heart. "I didn't even see you sneak by."

"Kept to the shadows," Astarion simply stated as he joined Gale's side. "I thought you could use some late night chatter. I see you are trying your luck looking for magical items, hm? Getting bored of our arrangement?" Teased Astarion as he raced a hand through his silver curls. Perhaps he was out here for a greater purpose too?

"What are you looking for?" Gale responded calmly, rubbing the puncture wounds on his neck. After getting a few side-eyes from some of his companions about the marks in his neck, he couldn't help but once again try his hand at searching for items on his own - he didn't want to become complacent and just be viewed as "somebody's juice box," Wyll had put it with a snort.

"I've found him already," Astarion hummed as he joined Gale's side. He hadn't realized the back of his neck was burning until he glanced down at his hands wondering if he cast firebolt.

"Me?" He breathed out. "Why?"

"Answer why a wizard like you is sneaking around."

"I..." he felt the orb pound in his chest as he clutched the barrels tightly. He could barely stand. "I need to absorb some more magic." Astarion eyed the wizard, flicking a magical ring towards the wizard who eagerly took it and absorbed its magic. The orb in his chest calmed, allowing him to breathe and get back to his feet. "Thanks," Gale breathed.

"Don't mention it, it's Lae'zel's anyways," Astarion mused as Gale realized the horror of what he had done. If Lae'zel found out, she would be LIVID to find a piece of her gear missing.

"Why— don't you know the consequences of stealing from Lae'zel of Créche K'liir?"

"You need the gear more than she does, and besides, it's finally good to get some payback from the frog," Astarion yawned, glancing at his hands in boredom until his mischievous red eyes met his. "I can't believe you tried to hide the fact that you require this stuff?" Astarion pestered, gesturing to Gale as he crossed his arms. "I guess I can see why, I'm going to have to be careful about my gear now if I can't find any more useless trinkets we have no use for. What an expensive diet you have."

"Well, you hid the fact that you're a vampire from me until you sucked my blood! And no. I won't eat your gear," retorted Gale as he placed his fingers faintly on his scar. The scar was circular with even smaller scars that wisped away and a faint one that trailed up his left side of his neck to meet his left eye. He traced the lines of it on his clothing, ashamed of the lengths he went through.

"Spawn. I'm a vampire SPAWN. There's a difference. You and your technicalities, again."

"Still in the category of vampire," Gale responded as he leaned against the barrels. "I didn't judge you for it. I said that I knew the feeling of hunger eating away at you. Now. We can argue all night about me keeping secrets and you keeping secrets, but let's get back to the conversation we were originally having. Why are you out here?"

"When you said that, I thought it was because of your diet... not, whatever this is and what happened to you, but I'll let this conversation go .. for now," Astarion smoothed the curls that hid his face as he leaned forward. "Truth be told, it's a weird question," Astarion started out. Clicking his heels as he moved in front of Gale. "Do you... miss pleasures of the flesh? All this adventuring and everything, makes me realize how much I... miss it."

"Truth be told, after Mystra, I haven't really engaged in acts with mortals. Of course, I HAVE done it with mortals before but this orb in my chest- it, it might blow up if I get too excited," he didn't realize he said that out loud until Astarion took out a magic item he didn't recognize getting on the journey so far.

"And if we fed you these items afterwards? Would it stabilize you?"

"What are you suggesting?" Gale put it bluntly. He was curious, that's for sure.

"Hells, in sex! Sex with you." And after that, it all happened like a blur. Their lips locked as he felt Astarion's finger tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear as the two lowered onto the beach, his back in the sand as the white haired male climbed on top of him. Perhaps it was the morbid curiosity that got to him: would his orb explode if he entangled himself with Astarion? Would the others find out, there was NO way any of them could know, right?

Or did he just crave to FINALLY be enough under someone's touch? He always hated how his body looked. He read all the meditation books he could find, he tried three different diets and LIGHTLY exercised. At one point, he even had the formations of a six pack, only to lose it and stop eating a lot of his rations. Karlach needed strength more than he did - all he needed was a well rested mind. To have someone want him as he was, was... euphoric. Feeling his fingers curl around Astarion made him realize how truly grateful he was. Nobody had ever listened or given him the time of the day.


"So what do we need for this ritual, or are we going to wander around here blindly?" Astarion asked, breaking Gale away from his thoughts as he craned his neck to glance at him.

"Right now, we will need to find a ceremonial dagger to bind ourselves together if you want to go through with the process of this," Gale responded, biting down the thunder that roared in his chest. Soon, it'd be all over. Astarion would be free to walk in the sun. "What would be the first thing that you'd do when you get to walk in the sunlight?"

"Hm, considering I walked in it six months ago for the first time in 200 years, I'm uncertain. But, I do know that exploring Waterdeep would be fun." Gale couldn't help but stare at the vampire in awe. "It's the least I could do since we never did get to."

"Yes," he agreed, feeling a bitterness rise in him. If only he knew the lengths he wanted to go six months ago, but he found himself staring at a precipice of his own making. Astarion, no doubt, only viewed him as a good friend, someone standing by his side while Gale was absolutely star stricken with the vampire spawn. "I think I tried to offer you to come with me, to Waterdeep," Gale responded, trying to come off as more pondering than dry. Astarion had tilted his head to glance at the wizard, and he couldn't meet their gaze.

"'Tried' being the key word there," Astarion said with a teasing lilt, a smirk playing on his lips. "You certainly could have been more persuasive, darling."

Gale felt a flush creep up his neck at the lighthearted banter, his mind racing to keep up with the double meaning. "Persuasive, huh? I'll have to keep that in mind next time I attempt to lure a vampire into the sunlight." Did Astarion know that he was asking him to come to Waterdeep? A part of him sank as the two's shoulders began to faintly touch. It was a familiar rhythm of them coming together, standing side-by-side and facing incomprehensible dangers. But, a part of Gale longed for the vampire spawn to know that he cared. That he loved him.

"Just don't mention the sun in your pitch," Astarion replied, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Gale wondered if Astarion knew he struck a chord, why wouldn't the cynical, all-knowing vampire see that? "Until AFTER this is all over."

"Okay, vampire spawn."

"You finally got it right!"

Gale chuckled softly, his mind returned to the ritual. The dagger, the binding ritual, the potential sacrifice—it all felt heavy on his chest. He shook off the darkness threatening to cloud his thoughts. All that mattered was that Astarion would be happy. That Astarion could have his happy ending. "Let's focus on finding that dagger first."

They continued their walk through the Twilight Realm, the landscape morphing underneath them with every step. Twisted trees shimmered in hues of purple and blue as the air hung thick with the scent of wildflowers that neither of them would spot. Every now and then, Gale couldn't help himself but sneak a glance over at the vampire. His red eyes scanned the environment as his face shone in the soft streaks of twilight. He had never seen anyone ever look more radiant than Astarion looked in this moment.

Silence had a way of developing their conversations. Perhaps it was best to leave everything unsaid, vague and uncomplicated. Gale knew from experience with Mystra that complications led to heartbreak and a year locked up in your wizard tower — he didn't know if he could go through it again and this time, more painfully. He had come to love the vampire spawn more than his Goddess — he forgot all that pain when he was in Astarion's presence.

"With you, I forget my goddess." He held his breath. He felt like his heart was going to combust like it did when he had the orb in his chest. He glanced away, his heavy feelings towards Astarion returning as he tried to push them down.

He doesn't think of you like that, you're just his friend.

You're a means to an end after this ritual.

"A ceremonial dagger, you say?" Astarion mused, glancing around, as if he had grown tired of the silence around them as well. "What does it look like? Should I be on the lookout for something particularly grand or something more... subtle?"

This attempt at a conversation starter amused Gale. The way Astarion had a way for firing off retorts, but not starting a conversation was endearing. "It's said to be a simple blade, forged from enchanted silver and adorned with runes of binding," Gale explained, his thoughts drifting as he recalled the ancient texts. "It should resonate with the magic of this realm to bind us together for the first part of the ritual."

"Enchanting," Astarion replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Nothing like a plain dagger to mark a momentous occasion that will only bind us together forever."

"Not every moment has to be grand," Gale countered, trying to keep his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Sometimes it's the simplest things that hold the most power."

"Would you say anything about this ritual is simple?" Astarion countered, locking Gale up in a box that he gave a chuckle. He couldn't argue against that as during the six months, he had to keep re-reading certain parts that didn't make sense and annotate them to research into THAT part. Now he could say that he was pretty confident in his knowledge of the ritual... to where he could handle MOST hiccups if they were to occur.

"You don't know the full extent of it, so how can you be sure?" Gale teased back, only for a raised eyebrow to go his way.

"Like blood magic? Us binding to one another? Using a dagger that could be unclean? Shall I continue on darling or do you get the picture?" Anxiety flooded out of the vampire spawn's mouth as Gale stood by his side, gently taking Astarion's hand and giving it a squeeze.

Gale met his gaze, the underlying tension palpable. "It's a choice, Astarion. One we make together. We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Astarion paused, studying Gale's expression as the weight of those words settled between them. "Together," he echoed softly, a hint of vulnerability slipping through the brave act he always held on. He didn't realize he had still been holding Astarion's hand until he felt Astarion give him a reassuring squeeze. Gale unlocked their hands and felt suddenly colder than he had before. He wanted to keep their hands together, but that wasn't his choice and he wouldn't force that.

They moved forward, the path winding and narrow, until a soft glow caught Gale's eye. "There!" he exclaimed, pointing ahead. A stone altar emerged from the underbrush, bathed in a shimmering light of purple. Atop it lay a dagger, its blade reflecting the twilight colors as the two hide behind brush to be concealed.

Astarion stepped forward cautiously. "Looks like we've found our prize," he said, voice low. "But why do I feel like it's too easy?"

"Let's be careful," Gale warned, instinctively casting a protective spell around them. "This realm is full of tricks. We shouldn't assume it's unguarded."

Astarion entered a crouch, the rogue-gloomstalker stalked with ease towards the altar as Gale awkwardly tried to mimic Astarion's actions. His knees cracked as his back began to ache as Astarion sent a glare back.

"Gale, tell your body to shush up! We will not be having a repeat of the Goblin Camp raid," he whisper-shouted as Gale gave a quiet chuckle. He couldn't argue with the male there as he thought back to the goblin party.

Crack. His knees gave out as he fell down, getting a disappointed look from Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae'zel. The goblins saw him scramble to his feet as he rounded the corner with the party.

"I don't think they saw."

Only to hear a goblin warcry. Everybody looked disappointed as they reached for their weapons in response.

As they approached the altar, the air around them grew thick and heavy as they made their way — slowly but surely in Gale's case — to the front of the altar. Astarion went to reach for the dagger, until Gale swatted the rogue's hand away.

"What makes you think we can waltz right in here and take the dagger without checking if it's cursed?" Gale proceeded to mumble a Cleric of Mystra spell, only for Astarion to grab the dagger anyways, a sly grin on his face.

"Afraid of some danger, are we?" Astarion teased as the stone of the altar crumbled before them, the ground violently shaking of the half made ruin as Gale shot Astarion a disappointed glare.

A dark shadow appeared where the altar had fallen, its shadowy wisps jutting off of its body as glowing red eyes and a cruel smile manifested in a place where its face should've been.

"Foolish mortals," it hissed. "You think you can claim what is not yours?"

Gale stepped back instinctively, his heart racing, while Astarion did all the talking for them. "We don't want any trouble. We just need the dagger."

The specter laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Gale's spine. It reminded him of the Shadow Cursed Lands and the darkness that plagued the once hospitable place. Gale watched as off to the side of them, limbs shot up through the clouds, their decaying limbs pulling their decaying bodies out of the realm as they cornered Gale and Astarion.

"Prove your worth." The ceremonial dagger disappeared from Astarion's hands, his red eyes narrowing at the specter, who disappeared along with it.

Astarion's daggers gleamed in his hands as he spun them out of their sheaths and the two braced themselves for a fight, Gale had taken his two weapons — the Phalar Aluve and a thunderous magic quarterstaff — out of their places as the undead charged.

The first corpse lunged towards them, his gnarled fingers reaching out as an eye bounced out of his socket. Astarion was faster. He darted forward, his daggers flashing in the realm's wake as he drove one into the decaying skull, twisting with precision before spinning his other blade to make contact with another corpse.

"We can't have anything easy, can we?" Astarion complained. "Let's not disappoint and put on a good show." However, Gale was not listening. The blood swimming in his ears drowned out the vampire spawn's words as his eyes focused upon the dagger. They needed to get up there. He sent a ripple of thunderous energy through three approaching undead, their bones shattering into dust before him.

"Keep them off my back, I got the ones towards the dagger."

"That's the fearless leader that led us to defeat the Netherbrain," Astarion teased, running forward as his daggers slashed through a horde of zombies, their guts exploding all over the vampire spawn, his movements never lingering in one place for long. Soon, there was not one zombie in front of them until the ground shook as more limbs pulled up decaying bodies from the clouds.

"Where in the HELL are all these coming from?" Astarion asked, perplexed. His tone was more curious than annoyed as Gale raised the Phalar Aluve and hummed it to shriek.

But there were too many. More emerged, their decaying bodies moving towards them as Astarion's blade kept sending them back to the grave below.

"Astarion!" Gale called, voice strained from the incantations. The vampire spawn found himself surrounded by undead from all sides. He would not stand for this. He felt his mouth move instinctively, muttering an incantation under his breath as his hands began to glow a fiery red as he curled a ball of fire towards them.

He knew he had killed them when he watched their cooked corpses drop to the floor and the most pungent smell radiate off of them. An unamused Astarion was glaring at them.

"What were you thinking launching that fireball at me! I was RIGHT THERE! Do you have any idea how much that hurt?"

"I'll try to be more careful in the future!" Stammered Gale as Astarion death glared at him, jumping on the back of an undead as he drove both his daggers into their shoulders, the undead collapsing underneath the spawn.

"There will BE no next time. Next time, warn me before you do something so stupid."

The specter's voice echoed in the distance, mocking them. "Is this all you have? You are weak. Unworthy."

Gale grit his teeth. He could feel the strain of the constant spellcasting beginning to weigh on him, but he kept pushing forward as Astarion made his way towards the altar where the blade used to be held. The specter was above them, its eyes full of hatred as Astarion misty stepped in front of the shadowy figure. The undead that backed Gale against the remains of the stone that act as a mini barricade faltered before dropping lifeless.

For a split second, he could've swore he saw something. Something that sent a shiver down his spine as his heartbeat swam in his ears. He didn't realize he had dropped his weapons until a loud clunk sounded off next to him. The hair on the back of his neck stood on edge as he wish he could phase into the wall until—


His eyes focused onto the ceremonial dagger as Astarion jumped down, landing skillfully as he turned a glance at Gale.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." 

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