Song of Change

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A/N: So this is a little different from what I normally write, but I suppose that's a good thing??? Anyway, this one-shot for @CJ_Callahan 's contest was inspired by the song above. Thanks goes to @Stars_Alight for posting it in her random book I believe it was... I cried when I first heard it. :'( 

A gentle breeze blew throughout the Tree's branches, gently pushing and pulling them back and forth in the cool air. The wind played happily, making the leaves rustle in musical laughter. The Tree smiled as he listened to the natural song that filled the atmosphere, a song hoping to be heard by those who may walk on the ground beneath.

One did hear the joyous melody, and he too smiled--the tree saw-- at the tune as he began to climb out of his window and onto the branches.

Mae govannen, hir nin, the Tree whispered to the elven prince as Legolas placed himself on the Tree's rough bark that covered its branches.

Mae govannen, mellon nin, the prince answered but his voice was tired, more so than what had become normal for the wood elf. The tree frowned at the lack of energy in the firstborn.

What troubles you, mellon nin? The tree asked as the prince settled himself, leaning his head against the trunk.

Evil still prevails, Legolas answered with a sigh. Gollum has not been found and I fear the evil that may come of that. We have been tracking him for weeks, but I fear the Orcs he escaped with are long gone.

The tree frowned again, looking at the Prince with sympathy. What will be done? He knew the Prince would entertain a feeling of guilt for the situation for Strider had placed his trust in his realm, and Legolas had allowed, though not directly nor intentionally, for the creature to escape.

I have revived permission from my father to ride to Imladris to inform Mithrandir. I will be leaving at first light.

The Tree continued to look upon him, The other trees tell me of the dangers that lay beyond our borders, my Prince.

This time it was the Prince's turn to smile, though it was a forced and tired one. I well am aware. I will be on my guard and will not be traveling alone, worry not for my well being.

The tree laughed. I am aware of the great strength you possess, elven Prince, a hint of amusement in his voice, but that will not cease our worry. You are dear to us, you and your people are the reason some of us are not yet under the control of the shadow. Do not forget your worth and place yourself in danger that could be avoided.

The Prince smiled, I will not forget, and I will not be away long. I hope to return within a few weeks, or perhaps a month. 

That is good, the tree replied. I will look for your coming, but for now, rest. You have a long journey ahead of you on the morrow.

Legolas nodded and leaned his head back against the tree, quickly falling into a peaceful slumber...

Months passed and fall turned to winter, the snow covering the Tree's branches in a white blanket.

He had not heard from the Prince in that time and could only hope the elf had decided to rest in the protected realm for a time. But something told him that was not the case, for war was coming; seeping through the cracks, waiting to explode over the darkening forest until one day, it did. Orcs charged through the forest, hacking down elves as they spread fire among the trees. 

The screams of the burning trees echoed in the Tree's head and he trembled in fear until the snow no longer covered his branches. 

None of the first born passed near the Tree to offer comfort in those days, for no one had reason to pass under the Prince's window. The Tree soon found himself missing the elf who would climb out of the window and into his awaiting branches. For while the other trees gave good company from time to time, or in this case; comfort, Legolas could offer something that felt different, a sense of security rather than the empty words of the trees around him.

As time passed slowly, the elves pushed the evil forces back and the fires either died or, whenever possible, were put out by the work of the wood elves. The screams gradually abated, turning the forest silent in mourning. 

The Tree had mourned with the rest of the forest before, as have any elf or human done at some point in his lifetime, but this seemed so was much worse. Much of the forest had burned and many elves had lost their immortal lives. And the Tree once again found himself longing for the presence of the elven prince. 

The leaves ruffled in the branches, swaying to the music of the breeze. The Tree hummed in harmony to the sweet song that drifted in the pure forest air. The war was now officially over, and mourning had turned to rejoicing when their King had given the forest a new name: Eryn Lasgalen, The Wood of Green Leaves, for the shadow was gone and all was new and clean.

The tree smiled softly to itself at the thought. But a single thought struck him and his mood changed. It had been more than a year, but there was still no word of the Prince. He still lived, the tree was nearly sure of that. But he wondered if other places had captured the firstborn's attention, keeping him from returning home to them. The thought pained him.

The tree pushed the thought aside, the music continued in its lively manner and the tree once again became absorbed in it, blocking out his earlier musings.

Sometime later, he felt the presence of one of the firstborn and his smile widened when he recognized the Prince he had missed so much. But the smile turned to a frown as the blond haired elf failed to walk with the normal grace that one of his kind posses and the harmony was interrupted.

The intruder was aware of the disturbance he had cause and sighed softly, taking his place amongst the roots at the Tree's base. Goheno nin mellon nin, I did not mean to interrupted. Saes, continue. Perhaps, it will...

The Prince's words trailed off and the sound of the Tree's music filled the air once more. The Tree frowned and he reached out to the elf he had waited for so long to return. What troubles you mellon nin? Are you injured? You are not at ease as you usually are, resting amongst my roots and branches... 

But he did not receive an answer for the prince had fallen into a fitful sleep. The Tree's frown deepened, Legolas had never had much difficulty finding peace here. But now... now the prince seemed so guarded. What has happened to him while he was away to upset him so?

The tree sighed, puzzled at the prince's exhaustion and unrest, but let the elf be. The tree let its mind drift over the last hundred years. The prince had found him as a young sapling, bent so it would not grow tall. Legolas had found him in a thicket, to dense for the sapling to grow, and had moved him directly under his own chamber window, and for that, the Tree would be eternally grateful. 

Then the Prince began to stir, bring the Tree out of his musses. The Tree knew that although the Prince had slept, he was still drained. But it was not his body that was suffering, he realized, but his heart and mind. The Tree called out to him again, Why do you guard yourself from me? What troubles your heart mellon nin?

The prince sat up against the trunk and smiled sadly. I saw something... out there. He pointed to the south, as if his whole world had been uprooted because he had been chosen to travel in that direction. It called to me... It still calls to me, but I cannot go, though I want nothing more than to run and embrace the cool waves on the shore. But I cannot and I can no longer find peace... The last sentence he whispered, almost to himself.

The truth hit the Tree in full force without warning. Legolas, the one who had cared for him until his roots were deep enough to draw nourishment on their own, had the sea-longing. The Tree had heard from the older and wiser oaks of some elves sailing over the great sea, never to return to the shores of middle earth. But those had always been naught but fairy tales to the young Tree. But now... 

The thought of the elf prince no longer finding peace in his company tore at something within him. His branches tensed and he realized the music had stopped and the prince was looking up at him, his eyes sad, full of a longing the Tree had once been able to fulfill, but no longer, he realized, could he achieve such. 

Saes, the prince pleaded, goheno nin. I have no control over it. I fight it for I must. I cannot leave these shores for many a year. But I have always fought, and I become weary at times...

The tree was quick to note the desperation in the Prince's voice. He could not be angry with him, for if what the Oaks had said was true, than the elf before him spoke the truth when he said he had no control. So gathering his courage, the tree spoke softly, My prince, I have not seen nor lived half as long as you and I will not pretend to know what the sea-longing like, but until you leave these shores, I will be here. Do not ask for forgiveness for something you have no control over.

Legolas smiled, a flicker of joy lighting his eyes for a moment before dissolving once more. Hannon le, he whispered and drifted off into the far off land of elven dreams. But, as the tree was pleased to notice, the one at his roots was a little more at peace than he had been before. The music once again filled the sweet summer air, the leaves falling into harmony and dancing with the breeze. 

But the sleeping elf's heart, was dancing to a different beat than that of the forest...


Mae govannen-- Well met.

Hir nin-- My lord.

Mellon nin-- My friend.

Saes-- Please.

Goheno nin-- Forgive me.

Hannon le-- Thank you.

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