18. Resurrection

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I watched, panicked, as the Vetis carrying Levy seemed to rip a hole through the sky. It was a portal to the Underworld, and I could feel the Hellfire from even as far away as I was. They're taking her to Lucifer. "Damn it!" I snarled, slicing the Vetis in front of me in half with my blade. I pushed as hard as I could against the air with my wings, flying faster than I ever had before. But it still wasn't enough. I was several feet behind them still, and they were disappearing into the portal. "Levy!" I shouted, hoping she would hear me-that she would know I was coming for her.

The portal snagged one of my wings as I barely made it inside. I cursed, examining the damage quickly. It wasn't serious; I would be able to fly for a while with it. Unfortunately, that meant I only had so long to find Levy and get her the hell out of here. I have to figure out a way out, first.

Angels never went to the Underworld, we didn't have to with the Guardians watching over it, so I had never been taught how to get back to the mortal world. This would be easier if I had gone back for the others. It was too late for that, now. I hadn't had time to go back. The thought actually hadn't even crossed my mind. My only concern had been getting to Levy.

"That would be a little easier if these bastards would get out of my way!" I grumbled, slicing through a few lesser demons as they foolishly attempted to attack me. An angel in the underworld. I was practically a glowing neon target for demons.

I kept the Vetis carrying Levy in my view as I dealt with the demons around me, and continued following after them. I fell more and more behind with every passing second, though, and I was growing more and more frustrated.

"Damned Angel!" A Vetis snarled, blocking my view as it attacked me, its poisonous claws aiming for my chest. I dodged them-just barely-and plunged my sword into its throat. It made a gurgling sound before falling out of the sky and to the barren ground below us. It was red, and had no plants, not even grass. It looks like a battlefield, charred and soaked with blood, I thought, remembering all of the human wars I had witnessed over my many years of living.

Continuing in the direction Levy had been taken, I pushed passed the pain in my wing and flew a little faster. Levy, I'm coming!


I can't move, I thought, swinging limply from the shoulder of the Vetis carrying me. I had blacked out for a few minutes after entering the Underworld, and when I had regained consciousness, I still couldn't move.How long will it take for the demon's paralysis venom to wear off? I wondered. I couldn't even move my eyes to look around. I suddenly felt very sympathetic towards children's baby dolls, knowing how they must feel. The Vetis wasn't being very gentle with me, and I continuously hit my face against its scaly back. I'm going to kill this damned thing as soon as I can move!

"Have you found her?" Came a gravelly voice from somewhere off to the side. We had finally come to a stop, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Although, it was extremely difficult to breathe at all now, despite the venom beginning to wear off. The heat was so intense that it nearly stole my breath, and I had to take short, rapid breaths before they finally evened out and I became used to the air.

"I believe this is the one," the Vetis said, its voice a low growl.

"Our master has grown tired of waiting," said the gravelly voice once more. "He will not tolerate another failure."

"This is the descendant," the Vetis replied, sounding nervous now.

"Take her to his chambers while we prepare the blade."

I didn't like the sounds of that. Had I been able to move, I would have attempted escaping then, but no matter how hard I tried, my body wouldn't listen. I could move my eyes now, and turn my head slightly, so I took that as a good sign. I just hope it wears off in time...

The further we walked, the hotter the flames grew. Even the Vetis was breathing heavily as we came to a stop. He laid me on top of a metal table that seared my skin from the heat. I knew it would leave burns if I was left on it for too long, but I was afraid that was the least of my problems. The table had no middle, so my tail and wings hung down loosely. My wrists and ankles were strapped to the upper and lower corners of the table, as well as my hips to the top of the bottom section of the metal-just below the large gap where the table cut off. I don't want to know what this is used for, I thought, trying to focus on anything but the burning metal running along the back half of my body.

"It is time, Poltergeist," a large demon said, stepping forward. He held a longsword in his hand, and I gulped at the size of the blade. It was as long as my entire body and as wide as my leg. If he's going to do what I think he is, I'm definitely done for. Unfortunately, as he raised the blade over his head, I realized he was going to do just that.

I didn't have time to think as he swung it down. I just closed my eyes, praying that it would be over soon. I suddenly felt an intense pain in my abdomen as the blade made contact with my flesh, and I screamed as the pain intensified. I swore I could hear Gajeel's voice, but I couldn't focus on anything but the excruciating pain that was slowly becoming my entire existence. I'm going to die.


"Get out of my way!" I snarled, slicing through another Vetis. The heat from the flames were stronger now, and it was becoming more difficult to fight. Luckily, I cleared a small path after killing the last Vetis, and I was able to fly a little faster. I knew I was getting closer just by the feeling of evil coming from up ahead. Finally, I arrived at a large door that was standing open and unguarded, so I slipped inside. This must be where they hid away Lucifer's seal, I thought. The room was larger than I had expected, nearly the size of a small concert arena.

I froze when I spotted Levy, strapped to a strange-looking metal table, her eyes still glazed over from the paralysis venom of the Vetis that had clawed her side. That initial shock wore off as soon as I saw the large demon standing beside her, holding a longsword over her. I shot forward just as he brought the blade down, sending it straight through her stomach. She screamed, and I shouted to her out of reflex. Three Vetis rushed towards me, but all I could see was the demon with the sword as he twisted the blade, causing her to scream again.

Levy's blood poured from the gap in the metal, falling to the floor below her. It seemed to soak into it, and the evil feeling increased with every drop that the ground absorbed. Shit! This is bad! I quickly disposed of the demons attacking me, and moved to the one holding the sword in Levy's stomach.

I stabbed him with my blade, furious as he actually smirked before falling to the ground. "It is too late," he gasped. "Master Lucifer shall be free once again!"

I ignored him, pulling the sword out of Levy's abdomen before cutting her wrists and ankles free from the restraints. There was barely any blood coming from the wound now, and that worried me. She was pale, and felt cold to the touch despite the heat.

I have to get her back to Lucy, I thought, cutting the last restraint around her hips before pushing hard with my wings and taking off into the air. I went back the way I had come, speaking quietly to Levy as I flew, encouraging her to stay with me.

When I reached the spot we had entered from, I was surprised to see another open portal. Not taking the chance to think about it, I shot through it, back into the mortal world.

"Gajeel!" Erza gasped as I practically flew into her. The others were all behind her as well, staring at me. They must have heard the Vetis attack us earlier, and came to help. They probably guessed where they had taken Levy, so were on their way there themselves.

"What the hell happened?!" Cana shouted, being the first to spot Levy.

"I was too late," I said, grimly. "She's in bad shape."

"Lay her down," Lucy instructed, pointing to a nearby roof. "I'll do what I can."

I did as she said, a suffocating weight in my chest growing as I watched Lucy and Jellal both go to work on her. My wing was throbbing, as was the rest of my body. I felt incredibly weak, and found it difficult to keep my eyes open. It must be the effects of the Underworld. Divine beings couldn't last there long, and I had added to the stress on my body by doing a lot of fighting while there.

I can't pass out now! I have to wait for Levy to wake up. I felt myself fall over, and heard the concerned shouts of the others, but I couldn't bring myself to answer them, or even to lift my head, as the blackness slowly engulfed me. You can't die...Levy.

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