24. So You May Live

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{Hey leafs! So we are getting close to the end! Should be one more chapter after this! Be sure to give the wife some love!}


I cradled Levy against my chest as I flew, the heat growing with every foot we came closer to Lucifer. I soaked in the feel of her skin against mine-her scales, the way her wings sat nestled against my arm, her small frame fitted perfectly against mine-knowing it would probably be the last time I would ever hold her again.

"Gajeel," she murmured, quietly, as I landed outside the room containing Lucifer's seal.

"Yeah?" I asked, still holding her against me.

"This is going to work, right?"

I met her eyes, nodding. "Yeah."

"And since I'm the last of my bloodline, that means he won't ever be able to break the seal again, right?"

Once more, I nodded. "This will be it for him."

She sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder. "Good."

"You don't have to do this," I told her, trying once more to talk her out of it.

"You know I do," she said, smiling sadly as she placed her small hand on my face. "Lucifer is bad news-even for most demons-so he must be stopped. If this is the only way to do it, then I will. I can't just let you all die when the solution is right in front of me."

"Since when has a demon cared about us angels?" I teased.

Her smile grew, and she giggled. "Since she fell in love with one."

Hearing her say those words made what I was about to do only more painful. I kissed her, allowing my lips to linger on hers for as long as I dared. The others were beginning to gather, having caught up to us, so I knew it was time.

"Levy, please," Cana begged, taking her friend's hands as I placed her on her feet.

"I'm sorry," Levy said, hugging her. "I love you Cana, so I have to do this."

"I love you too, Levy," the succubus sobbed. "You're my best friend."

"We need to act now," Laxus said, pointing to a large group of demons that were quickly flying towards us. "Once they get here, the spell will be difficult to cast."

"Cerberus and I will stay here to guard the entrance," Erza announced, standing beside the large canine.

"So will I," Jellal added. "That's a lot of demons, so you can't face them alone."

Erza scoffed, "I can take down three times as many while injured. That group won't be a problem."

Levy chuckled. "Just let him help, Erza."

The guardian mumbled something under breath, but agreed, staying behind with Cerberus and Jellal as we rushed inside. "It's so hot," Lucy gasped.

Indeed, the heat was far more intense than the last time I had been in this room. Because of Lucifer's broken seal, his magic was beginning to seep out, making the room almost unbearably hot. The only one who didn't seem effected by it was Natsu, being a fire demon himself. He wore a maniacal little grin, and met my eyes. "Now I'm all fired up."

"Don't get too excited," Gray warned, pointing to several large demons standing beside the seal.

"We can take 'em," Natsu chuckled, rushing forward.

"Idiot," Gray mumbled, following after him, along with Juvia.

"Go," I told Lucy, watching as she stared after the others, her hand on her blade's hilt.

She looked at Levy, obviously not wanting to leave her, but wanting to help the others.

"Go," Levy smiled. The blonde gave her a tight hug before running after the other three and joining the fight.

"Now what?" Laxus asked.

"Now we get to the seal while those demons are distracted. We have to be practically touching it for the spell to work."

"Then let's get moving," Laxus nodded.

Picking up Levy, I ran passed our fighting comrades, stopping once we reached the seal. The heat was even beginning to affect me now, and I had to struggle for air as I put Levy on her feet. "Are you alright?" She asked, gasping for air as well.

"Fine," I murmured.

"So, how do we do the spell?" Cana asked.

"I say the words, focusing my powers on the seal while adding Levy's blood to it."

"How are you going to do that?" She asked, frowning.

"The table," Levy suggested, putting her hand on the already blood-stained table. It was the same one they'd had her strapped to before. "If we open up my wounds while I'm on this, the blood will travel to the seal. That's what they did before, so I know it will work."

"Are you still sure about this?" I asked her, one last time.

She cupped my face in her hands, pulling me down so she could kiss me tenderly. "I'm sure," she said, determination in her eyes.

"Alright," I nodded. Looking at Laxus and Lily, I pointed to the table. "You'll have to hold her down during the spell. I cut all the straps last time, and she'll need to be held in place."

"I don't like this," Cana grumbled as Levy climbed up onto the table.

"Me either, but it's the only way," I sighed. To Levy, I asked, "are you ready?"

She nodded, laying down as Laxus and Lily held her feet and hands down to the table. I took a deep breath as I drew my sword, holding the blade over her stomach. "Do it," she told me, meeting my eyes. Never taking my eyes from hers, I brought the sword down, piercing her all the way through. I had to close my eyes as I pulled it back out and she screamed, the agonized cry echoing off the walls around us. Quickly, I thrust the sword into the remaining seal, allowing it to soak in the blood from the blade as Levy's blood began pouring to the ground.

"Levy," I heard Cana whisper, followed by quiet sobs. I fought the moisture in my own eyes as I recalled the sealing spell I had learned centuries ago. Here goes nothing.

"I command and charge you, O evil spirit! That you immediately depart, abstaining from all noise, terror, tumult, and stench. And if you refuse, I will damn you both in body and soul. And abstain from harming any creature or thing, and depart immediately to the place which justice has appointed for you. Depart from my sight and flee from here." A wave of heat shot out of the open space in the seal, knocking me backwards off my feet. A demon howl soon filled the room, chilling me all the way to my soul.

"What the hell is happening?!" Cana shouted, her voice barely audible above the howling.

"It's working," I answered. The magic power from inside Lucifer's seal was already beginning to weaken, signaling that the seal was growing stronger.

Knowing what that meant, I rushed to my feet, going to where Levy was lying on the table. Laxus and Lily were no longer holding onto her, and she was laying too still. Laxus had his arms around Cana, who was sobbing into his chest. I stared down at Levy's still, pale form, sorrow washing over me, burning hotter than Lucifer's flames ever could.

"Levy," I murmured, stroking her cold face gently. As I looked at her small form, an idea suddenly came over me. It was a long shot, but I had to try.

"Lily, move Levy," I instructed, taking off my shirt and wrapping it around her middle to stop the blood flow. She's still alive. We can still save her if we act now.

"But if she's moved, the seal won't complete-"

"Just trust me," I told him. "Take her and get the others, then get the hell out of here. Erza can open up a portal for us before she returns to her guardian duties. I'll catch up to you as soon as I can."

"And what are you doing?" Laxus asked, frowning.

"Go," I said, putting every ounce of power into my voice as I could. Looking reluctant, he nodded, grabbing Cana's hand and running from the room with her. Lily called to the others before picking up Levy and leading the others after Laxus.

"Let's hope this works," I sighed, picking up my sword. I sliced my palm and placed it on the seal, repeating the sealing spell in my head and praying a little to Mavis that this would work and complete the seal. I can't let Levy die, so it has to work.

A dark feeling crept over me, and it felt as though something gripped my wrist, pulling my hand through the seal as my blood began draining way too fast. "I may be sealed again, but I will make sure you follow me, Gabriel!" Lucifer's voice rang inside my head.

I was already too light-headed to fight back. As I sank to my knees, I noticed a flash of white beside me, and felt my arm free from Lucifer's grasp. "That will be enough. You have done well, Gabriel." The voice sounded so familiar, but I was sinking into unconsciousness to fast to recognize it. As I fell to the ground, my eyes closing, I thought of Levy, praying she would be alright. Even if I die, at least she'll live.


I arrived just as the group reached the seal. I had come as soon as the other warriors had been dispatched to fight the demons which had begun escaping from the underworld and onto the surface. It was an odd sight, watching as these demons and angels fought beside one another as comrades. Gabriel led them, carrying a small Geist in his arms as tenderly as he could.

Even more interesting, was the way he looked at her. And, to my shock, the way he kissed her. It full of so much love that I could feel it from where I watched, silently, in the doorway. The sealing ceremony would be the only way to stop Lucifer, and I knew Gabriel was aware of this. The little Geist with him had decided to become the blood sacrifice to re-instate the seal, willingly sacrificing herself for the others.

A demon sacrificing herself for angels?I hadn't seen anything like it, not since her ancestor had done the same, centuries before. A small smile crept onto my face as I watched the odd group exchange their goodbyes. I was moved by their love for each other, especially the love that the Geist and Gabriel shared.

I continued watching in silence, feeling a sense of pride in my precious angel as he sent the group away with the Geist, bandaging her wounds just in time to save her. They passed through me out of the room, unaware of my presence as they followed Gabriel's orders.

"Mavis, please let this work. Let my blood be strong enough to complete the seal so that Levy may live. I can't lose her. Even if I die, she has to live. Please, she has to live." I heard Gabriel's pleading voice in my head as he added his own blood to the seal.

My smile was replaced by a frown when I felt Lucifer's power increase, and Gabriel's being drained. I shot forward, grabbing Gabriel's wrist and pulling him from Lucifer's grasp. "That will be enough," I told my angel, "you have done well, Gabriel." As he fell into unconsciousness, I used my own power to finish the seal, strengthening it. "You will never be free again, Lucifer," I said, "not while there are still people willing to fight against you."

Turning to Gabriel, I knelt beside him and touched his hand, transporting us to meet up with the others. It is time we all speak. Face to face.

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