Chapter 1

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Ryu pov:
It has been three years since I came to this world and had meet Chris and everyone in the second division especially Tsubasa and Kane the two main singers of the Zwei wings if that was the only suprising thing I also meet Hibiki and Miku at the Flower which is my part-time job I've also been going to the all girl school known as Lydian Music Academy a private school for girls and because of that I'm separate from them, but that really doesn't bother me if anything I like being alone it gives me time on finding new ways to use the power of the riders and I usually didn't have to go to school because all of my straight A's but in the next three weeks will be the day that went wrong in anime but I had changed most of it but will I be able to change the future of Tsubasa and Kanade? For me only time will tell but something tells me that the attack on the zewi wings concert will be different.

???: Hey Ryu snap out of it

Ryu: Oh hey boss you need something?

Boss: Yeah I need you in the kitchen before the lunch rash come in so get cooking.

Ryu: Right!

I made my way into the kitchen as I got ready and did a yukihira thing where I had my cooking headband wrapped around my arm it looked small but when undo it it's come out long as I tie it around my head and walk into the kitchen and got everything ready then I hear the door bell.

Ryu: Welcome. *looks at the people* oh wait it's just you two.

I looked at the door and see a pouting orange hair teenager named Hibiki while a dark hair girl was giggling next to her and her name is Muki the two regulars of the flower.

(This is how they look for those of you who don't know or have forgotten)

Hibiki: Hey I want a refund on that greeting! *pouts*

I just chuckled while more and more costumers came in that was when I let my cooking skill come in and I have to be glad that I again the cooking skills from all of the years of cooking school.

Ryu: So you two want the usual?

Both: Yes!

I chuckled to myself and started to cook up their favorite food when they come here which is Okonomiyaki the best known dish at the Flower.

Hibiki: You know Ryu you should put out advertisements cuz your Okonomiyaki is amazing!!

Ryu: A wise man once said "A truly famous store does not put out advertisements."

Miku: Wow he must be very important if you remember something like that.

Ryu: Hehe you have no idea.

After my talk with Hibiki and Miku I went to make more food for the other costumers after a while everyone started to leave but Hibiki and Miku stayed a while longer to talk after that they left but not before I told them that I would walks them home after school.

Ryu: I'll see you two later.

Both: Bye

3rd pov:

As Hibiki and Miku left the Flower shop while ryu was still cooking for anymore costumers that would come by then as the day went on less and less people came as it was getting late which meant it was closing time as Ryu was cleaning the last table when the owner of the restaurant came in.

Boss: Thanks Ryu you can leave now I'll close up.

Ryu: Thanks I better go and walks the girls back home now.

Boss: Ok stay safe out there.

Ryu smiled at her and left then got on his motorcycle as it was parked next to the shop as it was a silver color with a bit of green on the side as well in the rims of the wheels.

(This is how it looks but just the color is changed a bit).

Ryu: Ok first to drop you off at the house then off to walk Hibiki and Miku to their house

Ryu hop on his motorcycle and drives off to his house which asn't far from the Flower or the school of Hibiki and Miku once he made it to his house he parked his motorcycle then left to walk the girls off as they where waiting for him at the front gate of their school.

Miku: Ryu senpai your here.

Ryu: Hey Miku-chan and Hibiki-chan.

Hibiki: Hello senpai now that your here let's walk home now.

Ryu and Miku smiled at Hibiki as they all walk home while chatting on how their day was going and what they pan on doing in the future when they heard a siren go off in the distance.

Miku: We have to find a shelter.

Hibiki: Is there any close to us?

Ryu grabbed their hands and ran to the closet shelter there was when a strange monster appeared in front of them as it's armor was red and blue as it punched Ryu away from miku and Hibiki.

Miku: Ryu senpai!

Ryu: Miku take Hibiki and get to the shelter I'll meet you two there soon.

Ryu kept on dodging he monsters attack as Miku and Hibiki ran away and throws to a shelter as Ryu smiled a bit as he took out his driker and ridewatch then looked at the monsters.

Ryu: Now with them gone. *equips driver*

Ziku driver: Ziku driver!

Ryu: I can fight back. *takes out two ridewatch* You'll be sorry for trying to fight me.

Ridewatch: Zi-o! Build!

Ryu slid the ride watches on both sides of his driver and thn pressed the button on top of it making if tilt to the right as he got into a poses as he brought his right hand back behind his waist as his left hand was above his right hand.

Ryu: Henshi and rider up!!

Ziku driver: Rider time! Kamen rider Zi-o! Armor time! Best match! Build!

Ryu was in his zi-o form while in front of him appeared armor that resembled the monster but it had bottles on the shoulder pats as well with red and blue in the chest area.

Zi-o b: I got the winning formula!

Zi-o charged at the monster causing it to move backwards with every punch he does as the monster tries to fight back but still seems futile. Meanwhile Hibiki and Miku kept running but stopped in their tracks as they turn around in the direction they came running from then ran back in that direction.

Hibiki: I know he told us to run.

Miku: But we can't leave him by himself.

As the two bestfriend ran to their destination zi-o was about to finish off the monster.

Zi-o b: It's time I end this! *press the button on both ridewatches then on the driver*

Ziku driver: Finish time! Build!

Zi-o spind his driver as it stop once it was back in its original spot as the center screen lights up.

Ziku driver: Voltex time break!!

(2:10 to 2:22 just ignore geiz)

When zi-o landed behind the monster he was about to walk away when he got hit from behind and looked at the monster still standing there without a scratch.

Zi-o: How?!

The monster started to mold into a different one with different colors as most of its body it white.

A-Genius: Genius~!

Zi-o: It was another genius!

The monster now known as another genius started to attack zi-o as Miku and Hibiki had arrived to see them fighting.

Zi-o: *mind* Why are they here I told them to run.

Another genius saw them and made it's way to them as they were both scared while zi-o got up and stopped it from trying to hurt them.

Zi-o b: *face them* Get out of there now!!

Miku: We can we're trying to find ourfriend Ryu.

Before zi-o could say something another genius knocked him away from the girls as a watch was glowing as he runs to defend them

Zi-o b: Your not laying a single finger on those girls!!

Zi-o b pushed another genius away as he went back to his normal form as he noticed at once of the blank ridewatch he had on his wrist as it changed colors.

Zi-o: I guess it's time for a new power up! *takes out the watch and press the button*

Ridewatch: Genius!

Zi-o took out the buil watch and placed the genius watch in its place the spind it but something unexpected happened

Ziku driver: Legendary time! Great! All yeah! Genius! The totally flawless bottle braniac! Build genius! Awesome! Really awesome!

(Just replace the build driver with the ziku driver)

Zi-o G: The law of victory has been decided!!

With the sudden new energy that zi-o has released it had caught the attention of a hidden underground organization that takes care of alien life form know as noises as well as another riders.

Woker1: A huge amount of energy is being detected in sector c21!

(Im just making this up ok so don't get mad at me for it k)

???: Get visual in that sector I don't care how you do it!

A tall muscular male with golden eyes, spiky red hair and a goatee wearing a red dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pink tie tucked into the left chest pocket of his shirt as he has black and blue athletic shoes and his name is Genjuro the head man of the second division

Woker2: On it sir.

Once the workers had got video voltage of the fight between zi-o in his new form and another genius as three female walked in one having brown hair as her hair is tied up in a bundle with a butterfly on it her eye color is a light violet her name is Ryoku the two other two females are Kanade and Tsubasa, Kanade is a girl with red hair and her eye color is copper brown, Tsubasa has blue hair and a ponytail sticking out on her left side while her eye color is aqua blue.




Ryoko: Oh I see someone is fighting the noise.

Kanade: But I thought only a symphogear user can fight off the noise.

Genjuro: He's not fighting a noise he's fighting a another rider.

All three of them were shocked to hear that the armor guy was fighting another rider noise are like small bugs comared to another rider which are evil version of kamen riders who fight for peace but had all disappeared years ago without a trace.

Tsubasa: There's something about him.

Kanade: Like you've been around him before right?

Tsubasa: Yeah but where's Chris?

Genjuro: She still hasn't returned from her mission.

The two girls ran out of the control room as they were heading to the battlefield while zi-o in his genius form was fighting the another genius as he has the upper hand in the fight.

Zi-o G: Now let's end this

Before zi-o could do his final attack a blue energy slash came out of nowhere and hit the another genius send it back a few steps.

Zi-o G: The hell?

Zi-o turned around and saw two girls wearing light battle armor one with blue and white holding a kanata in her right hand as a girl was wearing an orange battle suit with bunny ears antennas on the side of her head while holding a spear standing beside her on the left while zi-o already knew them.

Zi-o G: Shit it's Kanade and Tsubasa

Kanade: Hey there we saw that you were having some fun here and we decided to invite ourselves in.

Both Kanade and Tsubasa started to attack another genius while zi-o watched them fight it off while he was mentally scared for his life.

Zi-o G: If these two find out that I'm Zi-o I'll never hear the end of it!!

Unknown to them someone was watching them from the top of a building as they kept their eyes on zi-o as they were are holding a watch similar to zi-o's watch.

???: They think that your the king of time. What nonsense I'm the true king of time I'll end your life you faker.

The person had left not without leaving the three hero's some extra monsters to deal with as the monster had screen like faces as they started to help another genius.

Kanade: Oh great noise are here.

Zi-o G: You girls had your fun now it's my turn.

Tsubasa: We don't need your help.

Zi-o ignored Tsubasa and walks throws the noise as he started singing.

(Play the song on top)

A flock of birds fly around
in a cloudless sky.

I can't draw the future.

On the temple wall stands a closed heart.

I'M JUST SHOUTING for salvation.

Zi-o punched and kicked any noise that were in his way as they turn into carbon then into ashes as he continued to walk throws another genius as he pressed the button on the genius ridewatch once.

Ziku driver: One side!

After that he pressed the button on top of ziku driver making it till to the right then he spuned it making it do a full 360 locking back into its original place announcing his attack

Ziku driver: Attack time break!!

All of the bottles on zi-o's armor started to glow producing a strange energy then transfers the energy to his right hand as he makes a fist when a noise jumped to attack him, he punched the noise as it breaks down into carbon as the energy that was in his fist was released destroying all of the noise around him leaving another genius by itself.

All dazzling technologies depend on how you use it,

I will take over the days of birth.

Let us begin the EXPERIMENT,
the fight for science.
How can I become stronger
with brawn and IQ, with tears and hope?
Combine them to form the
Law of the Victory,
Yeah (x3)!

MY STORY cannot go forward due to
waves of anxiety about the uncertainty of tomorrow.
In the downward form,
it was impossible to see it's chances.
I'M JUST SCREAMING, mournful and regretful.

Zi-o then sprinted throws another genius as it charges at zi-o while getting ready to punch one another but zi-o was faster than the another genius making it fly backwards hitting a nearby wall.

The dear thoughts and dreams of humanity
I will overcome
my challenges.

By piling up EXPERIENCE
I gain a license to evolve.
The impossible is unraveled
with love, reason, truth
and a hatred of lies.
Combine them to form the
Law of the Victory,
Yeah (x3)!

As zi-o looked at another genius slowly getting out of the wall he knew that he had to finish the fight as the pressed the two ridewatches and the top of the ziku driver for his final attack.

Ziku driver: Finish time! Genius!

All dazzling technologies depend on how you use it,
I will take over the days of birth.

EXTREME fascination
will wake up innocence.
You can overcome yourself with
your intelligence and passion, and build.

Math like equations appeared out of nowhere as zi-o was being lifted up in the air while all of the bottles on his armor started glowing even brighter than an rainbow graph trapped the another genius in place then the energy was released behind him acting like wings pushing him forward throws the another genius.

Ziku driver: Genius time break!!

Let us begin the EXPERIMENT,
the fight for science.
How can I become stronger
with brawn and IQ, with tears and hope?
Combine them to form the
Law of the Victory,
Yeah (x3)!

Once zi-o foot went through another genius making it turn into carbon then into ashes when the two girls were about to catch him but he disappeared into the air and de-henshi becoming Ryu again.

Ryu: That was close I should go home now.

Time skip 3 weeks later

Three weeks have passed since the day that another genius appeared and the same day that Ryu had gain a new power up the genius ridewatch and now he's in line with Hibiki waiting to enter the zwei wings stadium.

Hibiki: I'm glad you came in place of Miku, Ryu senpai.

Ryu: Don't worry about it but it's sad that Miku's aunt got into an accident.

Hibiki: Yay I hope she gets better.

As the line started moving both Ryu and Hibiki moved along with it once they got inside Ryu went to buy some items but on his way of doing that he meet up with the two famous singers that everyone loved.

Ryu: Yo Kanade and Tsubasa.

Kanade: Hey Ryu-kun.

Tsubasa: Ryu-San.

Ryu walked over to Tsubasa leaving her confused until he pinched her cheeks making her smile as Kanade laughs.

Ryu: You need to smile more often your not fully dressed without one.
(If you know where I got that line from put it in the comments)

Tsubasa: *mumbles*

Kanade: She looks cute.

Ryu left go of her cheeks as Tsubasa rubs them as Genjuro walks in front of them.

Genjuro: Ah Ryu-kun nice to see you there.

Ryu: Hey there old man today is the day right?

Kanade: Yup that's why Tsubasa-chan was so tight up.

After the three talk Ryu left to join up with Hibiki as the lights in the stadium went off.

Underneath the stadium is a hug underground laboratory with a bunch of scientist were examining an old relic that they have found and incased it in a separate room with a glass window to see it on how it reacts to the singing from Kanade and Tsubasa from the surface.

Scientists 1: phonic gain is within estimated range.

Ryouko: I call this a sucess! Good work everyone.

All of the scientists were excited that all of their hard work had paid off but then that's when everything went wrong for them

Genjuro: What's wrong!?

Scientists 2: The safety isn't holding against the internal pressure of the rising energy!

Scientists 3: At this rate, the relic will activate... No, it'll go out of control!

There was an explosion both underground and on the surface scaring everyone while Ryu knew what was going to happen and left the stadium in order to transform.

Kanade: The noise are coming.

A transparent green flying noise appeared in the sky as a giant worm like noise came out from the ground as smaller noise appeared as well then all of the people started running for their lives.

Kanade: Let's fly, Tsubasa. We're the only ones here carrying a spear and sword!

Tsubasa: But the commander didn't say anything...

Kanade: *runs off the stage*

Tsubasa: Kanade!

Kanade now in her gunergear out her arms together as the arm gulets combined together and shot out from her arms then formed a spear with a red stained like glass in the center then she started attacking the noise while in the underground laboratory was crumbling down as some of the scientists were killed from the ruble as Genjuro has lift up a massive piece of ruble.

Genjuro: Ryouko are you ok?

Genjuro shouted out wondering if the female scientist was alive when a flash of light caught his attention as he turns his head to look at it.

Genjuro: The Armor of Nahushtan...

The armor kept on glowing as it started to change shape while more ruble falls down as Genjuro escapes the destroyed laboratory making it outside of it while Kanade and Tsubasa kept of fighting the noise as they didn't notice that a little girl was about to be attacked by the noise.

Little girl: *scream*

Kanade: Oh no!!!

As the noise where closing in on the little girl some magenta colored bullet killed the noise shocking both Kanade and Tsubasa seeing that zi-o was the one who shot the noise.

Zi-o: You ok little one?

Little girl: *nods*

Zi-o: Good now run along now.

The little girl ran outside of the stadium as zi-o starts destroying every noise in front of him while Kanade and Tsubasa were doing the same thing but unknown to them there was still one person in the stadium which was Hibiki as she has no clue on what was happening in front of her eyes.

Hibiki: What's that?

Zi-o and the two valcures charged at the hug horde of noise killing every single one of them as Kanade's spear started spinning creating a hurricane killing all of the noise in front of her

Zi-o: You girls aren't half bad.

Kanade: The same goes to you.

As they fought the noise the area where Hibiki was standing started to crumble down as Kanade's spear lost it's color.

Kanade: Shit I'm reaching my limit.

Hibiki had screamed as she fell down to the ground scraping her knee while the noise saw her and when to attack her but Kanade destroyed them.

Kanade: start running!

Hibiki got up and started limping as she got out of the way as the noise turned into bullets aimed at Kanade, as she spines her spear defending herself from the attacks as the giant worm like noise started to spread some kind of liquid at her, while her armor started to break as the piece that broke off flew behind when some of the pieces had pierced Hibiki's chest.

Zi-o: Hibiki!!!!

All of the noise surrounding zi-o where turned into ashes as he runs over to Hibiki while holding her in his arms as Kanade is next to them.

Kanade: Open your eyes! Hey don't die you must live on!!

Zi-o put his finger on Hibiki's neck and felt a weak pulse as he sighs

Zi-o: she's alive but needs a doctor.

Kanade sighs then looks at the horde of noise and all of the destruction they brought with them.

Kanade: You know. I've always to try emptying my heart and body.

Zi-o was confused on what she was saying as Kanade picks up her spare off of the ground then looked at the noise.

Kanade: Just singing for all I'm worth.

Then she walked throws the noise as zi-o realised what she was going to do as well as Tsubasa.

Kanade: Look at how many came to listen to me today. That's why I'm going to give them everything I have.

Kanade hold up her spare in the air as Tsubasa knew what she was going to do.

Tsubasa: Kanade no you must sing!!

Kanade: Gatrands Babel ziggurat Edenal.

Zi-o: She's going to sing her swan song I have to stop here.

At that moment another of zi-o's blank ridewatch started to glow changing its color then he ran over to Kanade punching her in the stomach cancelling Kanade's swan song as her symphogear discovered and falls unconscious then Tsubasa ran to catch her.

Zi-o: Look after her.

Tsubasa: But what about the noise?

Zi-o: *takes out a new ridewatch* I'll deal with them.

Ridewatch: Mugen Damashi!!

Zi-o slid the ridewatch on the other side of his drive then spun it around as it locks back into place.

Ziku driver: Legendary time! Burning life to evolve infinitely! Change the power of heart into strength!! The strongest ghost Mugen Damashi!!!.

Zi-o(MD): I'll show you that my life is burning bright!!

Zi-o charged at the noise in his new form Mugen Damashi slashing down any noise at he sees and any that gets closed to Tsubasa, Kanade, and Hibiki.

Tsubasa: *amazed*

Zi-o(MD): I have to finished them off now!

Zi-o press both of his ridewatch and his ziku driver ready to deliver his final attack.

Ziku driver: God Omega Time Break!!

The right foot of zi-o started to glow rainbow colors then he started to float up in the air as an infinite sign appeared behind him when he extend his right legs for a kick after that all of the noise where turned into carbon then into ashes.

Time skip

Ryu was in the hospital outside of Hibiki's room where they doctors where operating on her removing the piece of debris that where in her chest.

Ryu: I wish I could protect her more.

Miku: *phone* It's ok it was out of your control Ryu-senpie.

Ryu: I know talk to you later Miku.

Miku: *phone* Bye Senpai.

Ryu hang up on the phone as he sighs and leaves the hospital as he was still angry at himself for not being able to keep Hibiki safe.

Ryu: I have to get stronger so that no one else gets hurt.

That ends it for the first chapter sorry for the long wait well I'll see you all in the next one by.

Word count: 4194.

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