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(This is a collab between me and TwilightGalaxies! Hopefully this goes well for the fandom and that this will be pretty successful. This is gonna also have my partner's OC Shadow as well so credits for her! Now let's begin! :3)


As the sun slowly starts to set down on the land of Equestria, Ponies start getting ready for bed and any nightly plans for when the kids are asleep.

The night is supposed to be peaceful and calm with a pinch of noise when it comes to late at night parties. Other than that it's the best time to get some sleep or do any other late plans. Tonight though is a very special one. Tonight is the beginning of a relationship that hasn't even started yet. The meeting is a very important part to a long relationship. If it doesn't go well, you don't have much of a chance unless a miracle happens. Sadly though, this meeting might not start off well due to some... Distractions as we say. Brutal distractions really if anyone can even say that. Let's see how this goes..

Low cries of help can be heard near the home of one pony. Two big stallions smirk as they pound the helpless pony to the ground, making her scream in pain. The helpless one was all covered in bruises and blood, her mane messed up and pulled. The two stallions continued ganging up on her with all their strength. They loved hearing the little pony screams of pain so much that they continued. It was around midnight so nobody can possibly be up to help. She thought she'll die here. She thought everything she wished she can do will be over tonight. She didn't care though. Her death wouldn't matter to anyone but her two family members back at the city. No one else would care and no one else would even know about her death. It's not like anyone will notice that she's gone, or will they?

A whistle was heard from behind the three ponies. The two stallions looked behind them and yelled at him, telling him to back off. The mare looked over at the whistling stallion and whimpered in pain. The stallion was a dark blue grayish color with a majestic long black mane. His wings were spread out completely, making him look more threatening. He walked over to the three and warned them to leave the mare alone or there will be consequences. The two stallions laughed and started charging at him to fight. The savior sighed in disgusted and easily beaten up the two. He walked over to the mare and helped her up, widening his eyes of how soft she was even if she was covered in blood and bruises.

The stallion put her on his back and took flight up in the clouds so they can be out of sight properly. He laid down on the cloud and sighed once more. He looked at the hurt mare and nuzzles her head to check if she was alive. The mare responded with a light blush and nuzzle back. The stallion nods and looked out at the small town of Ponyville. Why would anyone want to hurt this mare? She didn't look harmful at all. She didn't even look threatening! She looked adorable for that matter...

"Who are you?" The stallion asked the mare. "How come those idiots hurt you?"

The mare sighed and looked out to the side. "My name is Harmony..." She said in a shy tone. "I...I don't know why they hurt me. I was just t..taking a midnight walk around when they came over and asked me for bits and other nasty stuff. I obviously s..said no, but they didn't take n...no for an answer. They proceeded to beat me up."

The stallion growled and shook his head to get some hair away from his face. "These ponies have no idea what they're doing anymore. They're honestly just idiots.."

Harmony looked at the stallion and rubbed his mane. "They're not idiots stranger, they just have messed up minds. All they need is a reminder of friendship! I mean that is why we have been living for this long haven't we? Friendship was our motto and is how we lived. Now some ponies just forgot about that.."

The stallion yawned and laid his head down on the cloud. "I guess you're right Harmony... Also I'm not stranger, I'm Shadow thank you very much.."

Harmony giggled and laid down on him completely, wincing of the pain she was still in. "Sorry Shadow! Now... How long are we gonna be up here?"

Shadow sighed. "For the whole night. I don't feel like going back down here. I'll heal you tomorrow OK? For now just sleep..."

Harmony nods and nuzzles his back, never meeting someone so fluffy before or has ever been on another pony's back before. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep... Leaving all her pain behind for once in her life and just slept through the night peacefully with her savior.


The next day the two ponies entered the Ponyville hospital to treat Harmony's injuries. Shadow felt kinda bad about bringing her after the whole battle took place, but no pony wants to stay overnight in a hospital no matter how good it is. He could tell Harmony was the weak type after all. There's nothing bad about it though, it just means she can't handle much things. As Harmony was taken to the examination room, Shadow asked if he could stay with Harmony if she needed to stay for a couple of days.

"I'm sorry Shadow... But only family members or those married to the patient are allowed to stay." Nurse Redheart said, getting Harmony on the patient bed.

Harmony was sadden that she won't be able to be with her savior. She never been to the hospital before so this was a scary situation. Luckily she had a secret weapon that sometimes works on ponies. The ultimate power of extreme cuteness... When the nurse laid her down on the bed to take some X-rays, Harmony started whimpering a bit, causing the nurse to ask what was wrong. Harmony looked at her with a irresistible sad face, making Shadow blush which is something he rarely does.

"P...please let Shadow stay with me m..Miss. He did s..save me after all. I think he should b..be able to stay with me to m..make sure I'm extra p...protected. And besides, if you want me to be safe and happy here, you'll listen to my request."

Shadow blinked in surprised. Who knew a shy little made can be such a good persuader. Nurse Redheart also had a slight blush as she sighed, telling her that he was allowed to stay only if he helps her when she is in hospital. Shadow agrees and the nurse begins to check Harmony's injuries while some doctors come inside and get her X-rays. They both know this was gonna be a long day, but at least they have each other. Who said strangers can't connect easily?


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