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       The night is dark, smoke and cloud cover hiding the stars as buildings in the city smolder. The Hero and the Villain stand at the edge of the city on a cliff, both ragged from hours of intense fighting but standing strong. The Villain stands with two triggers on the edge of the cliff.

     Villain chuckles softly, looking slightly down at Hero. "So then, is it your love, or the city?" He readies the trigger for the city, knowing that the hero wouldn't dare risk his love for a single city. "Tell me if you are so noble."

     Hero looks past the Villain. "The city. That's who I'd save." No hesitation. No agony. No remorse. Villain looks disgusted, betrayed for the woman that Hero claimed to love. "She is not your love, you merely were infatuated with having such a lovely flower on your arm, to make you look better. I hope you enjoy your suffering long coming."

     Hero looks confused as Villain pushes the button, not to destroy the city in a grand last act, but a green light flashes in the center of the city. A single scream echoes the night before the city starts to be consumed by a red blaze of fire. 

     Hero looks at the Villain. "You cheater!" He points an accusatory finger at Villain, who chuckles and gains a smirk. "No, I'm not the one doing that." A dark figure rises from the blazing city and Hero flies to the city. 

     A lady, her body wrapped in a flowing dress of black inky midnight and burning reds and oranges, extends her hand to the Hero, pointing a finger at him. "You never loved her. You used her. Used us. And now I will protect her. Burn in Hell." 

     Hero feels his heart sink as he recognizes his lover's eyes, once full of adoration but now full of hate. The voice wasn't hers but that of the one called Nightingale. The demon he thought he had locked away with his gifts and his doting. 

But fake love only causes the fire to burn brighter.

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