chapter 1

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(Sonic pov)

It was a perfect day at the beach spending time with friends tails and cream and Amy are building sand castles Silver and blaze are playing with Knuckles and Rouge on volleyball Omega is watching  shadow is teaching Maria how to surf it was a peaceful day in till Eggman showed up interrupted and he told us about his plan he captured tails and cream to his base and went there stop him

Knuckles: sonic have you found tails and cream yet I don't know how long I can keep this up there are too many to fight (still fight with shadow , silver

Sonic: not yet but keep searching

(Tails pov)

Me and cream are lock in this cell
I don't know why egghead took us

Tails: eggman what are you planning to do to us

Eggman: your going to help me with this invention I'm working on if you don't I will hurt the rabbit robot grab the rabbit (grabs the rabbit)

Cream: let me go
(In pain)

Tails: (See's her going to get hurt)
Stop I do it but please let her go
(Cries a little bit)

Cream: Nooooo don't do it tails
(Gets drop on the floor) ow

Tails: sorry cream I have to or you'll keep getting hurt

Eggman: excellent (evil laughing)
Now come

Tails nods

They started working on it at the end
Their friends came in but Eggman machine started turning on

Eggman: time to put the power source
(Gets all 7 emeralds)

Sonic: eggman where did you find all 7 emeralds

Eggman: just my Lucky day
(Puts them on the machine seconds later it overloads)
Oh no it is overloading rrruuunnn

Sonic: everyone let's get out of here
(Everyone runs out but two people are missing) wait where's tails and cream

Tails: sonic (caring unconscious cream)

Sonic: (See's tails suck in the explosion) TAILS

Amy: come on let's go before we get suck in the explosion

In a matter of seconds suck in the explosion and everyone disappeared

(In the other dimension pokemon)

(Zero pov)

(Alola region)

Today is a nice day we were training
For half an hour we are at the beach right now we'll ash and Serena are at pokemon school while me, thunder, arrow,flare,Ashley,Mari,noir,kai, Luke ,stone and Razor are taking some time off, an I notice something wrong in the sky the wind is changing into a vortex some objects fail through it

Thunder: woah are those machine parts

Arrow: yeah wait there's something else falling like animal as people

Zero: ok let's go thunder, arrow, razor
Your with me everyone else stay here

Everyone nods
(They left to investigate the crash)

(They got to the crash site)

Razor: man who's ever on this thing they must  hurt let's search for any survivors. (they search for survivors)

Arrow: guys look I see something
glowing their

(Sonic pov)

Sonic: Thanks silver for saving us

silver: You're welcome I'm tired

Tails: Wait do any of you guys know where we are

Amy: No looks like we're at the beach
But it does look beautiful here

Shadow: I sense something nearby

Maria: like what shadow

Shadow: like them
(Pointed at zero arrow thunder Razor)

Arrow: well been spotted

Sonic: finally a fight probably just one of Eggman robots

Zero: hey I not a robot but I will fight you come at me if you dare

(Sonic rush him with spin dash
He blocks it with aerial Ace)

(Shadow fights arrow)
Knuckles fights Razor a few minutes later thunder stop the fight)

Thunder: wait I just notice you know what we can say

Tails: yeah I guess so wait what do you mean exactly

Thunder: I'll will take about that later

Arrow: all of you explain of how you got hereUntil we get back to the house
Come on

(Everyone follows)

Blaze: wait where are you taking us

Razor: to are home so guys can explain your selfs

(Back with the others)

Flare: man where are the there taking long they should be here buy now

Mari: don't worry flare there are right

Stone: look there they are

Luke: wait who are those guys

Thunder: hey guys were back and we brought a few new friends

Maria: wait there's more of you guys

Razor: awkward

(To be continue)

Hope you guys enjoyed it

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