Chapter 8

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(Sonic POV)

Me, Silver, and Blaze were in our dorm room. Rouge was also in here while Shadow was doing his own thing. Rouge had her ear to the wall, eavesdropping on team RWBY who was right next door talking to General Ironwood.

Silver: So... what's going on in there?

Rouge: Yang seems to be claiming that she saw Mercury attack her and that's why she did it. Do you think it was blind rage? Hotheads like her tend to get that. I can name a certain red echidna who certainly fits that description.

Sonic: ...

Blaze: Sonic, are you okay? You've been awfully quiet.

Sonic: It's nothing. I've just... got a bad feeling about this.

Rouge: Well, either way, it looks like team RWBY has gotten disqualified from the tournament. Which makes sense. If they weren't then things probably would have gotten worse. 

Silver: So, what now?

Blaze: I suggest we focus on the tournament for now. But... just in case... keep your guards up. 

After Blaze said that, we all got up and left.


Yang was in her room looking out her window when Qrow came in.

Qrow: Hey there fire-cracker.

Yang: Hey Qrow...

Qrow: So... why'd you do it?

Yang: You know why.

Qrow: All I know is that you attacked a helpless kid. So either you're lying, or you're crazy.

Yang: I'm NOT lying.

Qrow: Hm, crazy. Got it.

Yang: Who knows? Maybe I am.

Qrow paced the floor a little.

Qrow: And here I thought your dark haired friend was the emo one.

Yang: I saw my mom.

Qrow stopped and looked at Yang.

Yang: I-I was in a lot of trouble. Took a pretty hard hit. But when I came to, the person attacking me was gone. And I thought I saw... her. Her sword. Like the one in you and dads old picture.

Qrow: Tch. You're not crazy Yang. That was your mom alright. Let me guess. She didn't say a word, did she?

Yang: How did you know that?

Qrow: I don't see my sister very often, but she does try to keep in touch. Whenever it suits her. 

Yang: Wait, you mean you talked to her? That was real?!

Qrow: Yeah, she found me. Had a tip for my most recent assignment, and wanted me to give you a message.

Yang: Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Qrow: I was trying to wait for the right time. And this for sure ain't it. But I guess you deserve to know... She wanted me to tell you that she saved you once. But you shouldn't expect that kindness again. Ravens got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. And she's dangerous. But you're a tough egg, kiddo. Shouldn't let this tournament thing get you down. You had a slip-up. Sometimes bad things just happen. I say it's time for you to move on.

Yang: Move on to what?

Qrow: Well, Raven let some info slip before she took off. If you ever wanna track her down, I think I might be able to help.


(Sonic POV)

I was in the arena ready to see the next fight when I ran into Ruby sitting down confused

Sonic: Hey, Ruby!

Ruby saw me

Ruby: Oh, hey Sonic. I just got done talking to Velvet.  She said Coco saw Yatsu with her in the forest doing their fight with Mercury and Emerald, but he never left the fields. 

Sonic: Hmm. It is weird that both of those had to do with Mercury and Emerald...

I put my hand to my chin and started thinking, which was usually Shadows thing. I finally gave up and sat down next to Ruby. Then I noticed something.

Sonic: Hey, isn't Emerald supposed to be back in Mistral?

Ruby: Yeah why?

Sonic: Then why is she sitting on the bleachers?

I pointed at Emerald on the other side of the Arena. Ruby saw her and seemed a bit shocked.

Ruby: Emeralds here?

Realizing something was wrong, the two of us got up and snuck into the backstage of the arena. We could hear Ooblecks voice from inside.

Oobleck: Alright, it is now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!

We continued to walk to the other side until we saw Mercury walking in front of us.

Ruby: Mercury?

Then we heard Professor Ports voice.

Port: It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas!

Sonic: Alright, what's going on?

Port: And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

I didn't notice it at first, but Ruby had a small fear on her face when she heard that.

Ruby: ... No!

Mercury: Oooh, polarity vs metal. That could be bad.

Ruby reached back for her weapon, but she didn't have it. Luckily I always have mine. I raise my hand to summon Excalibur, but then I realized that the glove I use to summon him wasn't on me. But that shouldn't be possible. I had it on all day. Mercury got into a fighting stance. And so did we. 

Sonic: Looks like this is gonna be one hell of a day.

                                        -To Be Continued-

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