Chapter 3

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(Blake POV)

I was on a ship, resting my hands on the rails as I stared into the vast ocean. I turned my head to see two kids laughing over a joke. I let out a small smile and looked back at the ocean. 

Captian: Traveling alone?

I jumped up and quickly grabbed Gambol Shroud. I halted after seeing it was just the captain. He held up his hands in a reassuring manner.

Captian: Now now, no threat here. Just here to talk.

I relaxed my posture as he lowered his arms.

Blake: And why is that?

Captian: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more... interesting stories.

I turned away from him.

Blake: Maybe it's just... better for some people to be alone.

Two kids ran behind me and I jumped a bit from the noise. The captain let out a laugh.

Captian: Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.

Blake: ... Who said I was paranoid...?

Captian: No one dear, no one. I'll leave you be. 

He turned to walk away before stopping.

Captian: But uh, fair warning... these trips can be awfully boring.

He went on his way and I stared after him. I then went to look back at the ocean.

Blake: ... Lonely huh...

I reached up to undo my bow. I held the ribbon in my hand, over the railing.

Blake: ...Guess I won't be needing this anymore...

I let go and watched the ribbon fly into the air before landing gently into the ocean. I then turned to walk away... though I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me...

(Shadow POV)

It was snowing around one of Eggman's bases. A bunch of robots were in front of it as I hid behind trees. I ran towards the base as the machines started firing at me. I dashed straight through them, leaving a stream of explosions behind me. I jumped up and spun straight through the roof of the base, landing on the floor inside. I looked around as the lights turned on and the Chaos Emerald was floating on a small panel in front of me. I was going to walk up to it until a large screen appeared on the wall, showing Eggman's face.

Eggman: Well if it isn't Shadow, the other annoying Hedgehog turned human who insists on getting in my way. I don't know how you found this place, but it's the end of the line from here.

Shadow: Hmph. To show your face here... what exactly are you up to?

Eggman: You could say I'm working on a superior version of yourself. One so powerful it could destroy anyone and anything in its path. 

Shadow: And you expect me to sit by and let that happen?

Eggman: Of course not. 

I reached out to grab the emerald.

Eggman: But then again, I never said I'd sit back and let you stop me.

Before I could touch it, I quickly jumped back as a huge burst of water emerged from the ground. It turned to a puddle before taking the form of a bizarre water creature standing on two legs. It got hold of the Chaos Emerald.

Eggman: Shadow, meet Chaos... but not the real thing. This Chaos is an artificial creature made by yours truly. But he is far more loyal and his power is just as good as the original. Now Chaos... get this insolent fool out my sight!

Chaos absorbed the power of the Chaos Emerald and grew a bit in size. I quickly jumped up and swung my arms.

Shadow: Chaos Spear!

I fired spears of Chaos Energy but they went right through his body. I jumped on the wall and dashed at him with a homing attack, but he quickly swatted me away. I quickly flipped and landed on my feet. He then stretched out his arm, releasing another burst of water that sent me flying to the wall and punned me to it.

Eggman: OHOHOHOHO! It's no use Shadow! You can't win!

My eyes turned red as the rings on my arms flew off.

Shadow: Chaos Blast!

I unleashed a giant burst of energy and blew up the entire base until there was nothing but rubble. I stood up from one knee as the Chaos Emerald dropped into my hand.

Shadow: First emerald retrieved... Chaos Control...

I teleported back to Yang's home in the middle of the forest. I walked inside as Yang was sitting on the couch changing the channels on the TV.

Yang: Welcome back...

 I didn't respond as the TV went to the VBC channel, showing Glynda Goodwitch unsuccessfully piecing together a building.

Reporter 01: "...with no end in sight. Try as they might, the local Huntsmen and Huntresses can't seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy."

Yang changed the channel and the next reporter spoke. 

Reporter 02: "...though the fail-safes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT Tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world. Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far—"

Yang changed the channel again and another news segment turned on.

Reporter 03: "...Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation. The council has made it clear that they feel—"

She changed it again. Her eyes widened and she began to sit up a bit as Lisa Lavannder was on screen.

Lisa: "Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament. While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member, Adam Taurus..."

Adam's picture was shown on screen.

Lisa: "...was present for the attack. Any and all attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force—"

Yang turned the TV off and sat there, holding the remote. I turned as the door clicked open.

Taiyang: I'm home!

Yang dropped the remote and leaned her head on the couch, looking up at her father.

Yang: Hey, Dad.

Taiyang came in holding a bunch of boxes. I closed the door behind him as he had a few boxes in his hands.

Taiyang: Guess what came in today!

Yang: What?

Taiyang: I can't wait for you to try this.

He walked into another room to unload then came back with one long white box. I saw the logo for the Kingdom of Atlas then looked at Yang.

Taiyang: Well?

Yang: It's... for me?

Taiyang: For you and you only.

Yang opened the box and found a robotic arm inside. Despite her father's happiness, Yang seemed more distressed than pleased.

Taiyang: Brand new, state-of-the-art Atlas tech. You know, I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in a few favors, but you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

She looked up.

Yang: Huh?

Taiyang: Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this, for you. He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself.

Yang didn't say a word.

Taiyang: Well? You going to try it on?

Yang: I uh... I'm not feeling too great right now. Maybe later?

Taiyang deflated a little. He sighed trying to find the right words to say.

Taiyang: Well... alright.

Yang got up to walk to the kitchen. She paused before turning to him.

Yang: Thanks, dad...

She walked into the kitchen and shut the door behind her.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of my own. Taiyang then turned to me.

Taiyang: Well... anything?

I looked at him and took out the Chaos Emerald I retrieved.

Taiyang: ... You finally got one.

Shadow: Only one...

Taiyang: So, you'll be leaving soon?

I shook my head.

Shadow: The Grimm are growing stronger. And whether I like it or not, Eggman is targeting anyone who can use Chaos Control. While Yang can't use it fully, I saw her channel the power of the Chaos Emerald. And in the state she's in currently... I don't want to leave until I know she can handle herself.

As I said that, I heard glass shatter in the kitchen. I walked towards the door and took a peek inside, to see Yang had another panic attack. She was getting herself under control and cleaning her mess. I closed the door and quietly walked past Taiyang.

Shadow: Whatever happens next isn't up to me.

I then teleported away.

(Blake POV)

I was once again on the side of the ship, looking at the calm ocean. This time, I felt a bit calmer. I watched a Faunus couple pass by and smiled at them. I then went to leave, but that feeling came back to me. Someone was definitely watching me. Not just one person either... but two! I quickly pulled out Gamble Shroud and turned around.

Blake: Who's there?!

I immediately saw a man in a hood turn and make a run for it. I was going to chase after him, but the ship suddenly started rocking. I quickly turned to face the water.

Crew Member: RED ALERT!!!

The alarms immediately sounded as the Captian and his First Mate came running out, looking at the water on the upper deck, just above me.

Captian: By the gods...

We all looked up as a giant Sea Feilong emerged from the water, swinging its head back and forth, spreading its small forearms, and roaring.

Captian: All heads to battle stations!

First Mate: Sir, we've never fought a Grimm this big!

Captian: We've never seen something this big! But we'll give 'er a fight nonetheless!

I quickly sprang into action, running off the boat and into the air. I created one of my clones to give me added upward momentum, flinging Gambol Shroud forward in its kusarigama form. Attached to the ribbon on my wrist, it embedded itself into the Grimm's neck. 

I swung above the Grimm and shot it in the back of its neck. It roared and I landed on the crow's nest while the Captain steered from the bridge.

He kept the ship stabilized in the Grimm's wake and stepped outside to get another look at it while I was still shooting it and it arced back into the water. The side of the ship opened up and the cannons come out.

I continued my assault on the sea creature, once again swinging and shooting as the ship's cannon fired but with little to no effect. I fell back on the deck of the ship, landing on my back and bouncing back to my feet. I immediately noticed that my shoulder was injured. 

Captian: Hold steady men, it's not done with us yet! GET THE HEAVY CANNON LOADED!!

The largest cannon on the ship rose up through a trap door on the deck. It extended and aimed at the Grimm, which suddenly sprouted wings and flew into the air roaring again. Its beating wings sent a gush of wind at the ship, causing me to have to hang on.

Captain: Heavy Cannon, OPEN FIRE!

The heavy cannon started firing at it, but the Grimm easily dodged the shots. It opened its mouth and an electric ball started to form.

I was ready to launch myself at it, but then the hooded figure from before suddenly jumped on my head and used me as a launchpad to jump at it.

Blake: Hey!

The guy's cloak flew off revealing Sun as he created energy clones in mid-air.

Blake: Sun?!

Sun and his clones landed on its head. The clones grabbed its tendrils while Sun grabbed its upper lip.

Sun: Not today, pal!

The Grimm released its blast into the air.

Blake: What are you doing?!

Sun's clones disappeared and he grabbed the Grimm's tendrils.

Sun: Oh, uh, you know, just... hanging out!

The Grimm managed to get a small electric charge, forcing him to let go and fall off.

Sun: Whoa-oh!

I quickly took action again. I jumped onto and off the railing, using Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form on the crow's nest to swing myself around and catch Sun in midair. We landed on nearby rocks with me holding him bridal-style. He put his hand to his heart.

Sun: My hero!

Blake: You shouldn't be here!

Sun: Yeah?! Well, it looks like you can use all the help you can get!

I glared at him then rolled my eyes before dropping him.

Blake: Ugh. Just shut up and fight! 

I ran towards the ship as the Grimm fired electric blasts at it. Sun quickly got up.

Sun: Yes ma'am!

On the ship, the Captian was steering as two of his crew were looking on display.

First Mate: Starboard defenses are down, sir!

Captian: We still got the heavy cannon?!

Crew member: Aye, but it's moving too fast! We can't land a hit!

Captian: Argh. How about the engine?!

First Mate: Fully functional, Captain!

Captain: Well, alright then!

On the deck, I was prepared to counter a hit from the Grimm's electric blast, but Sun jumps in between with a laugh of triumph. He used  Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang to deflect it and landed on the heavy cannon, resting his staff on his shoulder with a crooked grin.

Captain: Huntsmen! If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow, we could take it!

I looked up at Sun.

Sun: I mean, you're the one with the swords.

Blake: Ugh.

Sun spun his weapon back into a holstered position and ran towards the Grimm.

Sun: It's now or never!

He activated three clones and jumped into the air. The first clone sprung me upward to the second clone, which does the same. I was swung to the third clone which swung me to Sun, who was laughing and opening up his arms, but then loses his smile in confusion.

Sun: Huh?

Instead of heading towards him, I directed myself above him and landed on his shoulders. We sunk a few feet while he grunted and I leaped upward off of him. High above the Sea Feilong, I began my descent, avoiding the electric blasts it shot at me. I ran down its right wing, slicing through the thin membrane.

Sun smirked as he waited for me on the rock I was readying to land on and caught me. The impact causes the rock surface to crack around us while he's left holding me bridal style. I smiles at him until he opened his mouth.

Sun: This is the part where you say it.

Blake: Ugh.

The Grimm moved around us, causing the precarious rocky area to collapse. I got off Sun and was on the move again, leaving Sun behind.

Sun: Okay, maybe later!

He jumped off the collapsing rock as the Grimm flew after us, knocking rocks down as it goes. The Captain watched from the bridge through a spyglass before throwing a handle and increasing the boat's speed. It sailed beside the destructive Grimm, keeping apace.

Sun continued to hop around, avoiding the Grimm's attacks until one more move puts him directly in front of its open mouth. I swung in on my ribbon and got him out of its reach. The Grimm prepared a blast to get us both in one shot, but then a bat Faunus hit it with a spinning kick, knocking its head to the side.

Wait, that's not a Faunus... but she was a familiar face.

Blake/Sun: Rouge?!

Rouge: What would you two do without me?

The Grim tried to take a bite out of her, but Rouge quickly landed on the ship, which impaled the Grimm with the bowsprit of the boat.

Captain: Fire!

The heavy cannon fired and blasted the Grimms upper half to bits.

The captain and passengers celebrated their victory.

I smiled with my head low.

Sun: Ha-ha! Up top!

He held his hand for a high-five. I glared at him and, in annoyance and anger, smacked him in the face.

(Rouge POV)

I was sitting on the side of the ship, watching the sunset as Blake was behind me. Sun was getting thanks from some Faunus passengers.

Sun:  Seriously, it was no big deal! Just enjoy the rest of your trip and everything will be cool! We got this!

After waving them goodbye, he walked back towards us.

Sun: You'd think they'd never seen a fight before.

Blake: What are you guys doing here?! Were you following me?!

Rouge: Not necessarily. I was out looking for a Chaos Emerald. My search just so happened to bring me to this ship. Sun, on the other hand... yeah, he was following you.

Blake turned her attention to Sun, who looked a touch abashed.

Sun: I saw you run off. The night Beacon Tower fell. Once we landed in Vale, you made sure everyone was okay. And then you just took off, without saying anything.

Blake: I had to. You wouldn't understand.

Sun: No, I get it! The moment you left, I knew exactly what you were doing!

Blake smiled, glad he understand... then he opened his mouth...

Sun: You're going on a one-woman rampage against the White Fang!

Her smile faded and even I sighed in disappointment a bit.

Blake: What?

You always felt like the Fang was your fight. They show up, trash your school, hurt your friends. It makes perfect sense!

Blake: I can't believe you.

Sun: But there's no way I'm letting you do this alone! It's an honorable approach, for sure, but you're going to need someone to watch your back. And that's where I come in!

He put his arm around her shoulder.

Sun: Us Faunus got to stick together, after all.

She moved his arm off her and turned her back to us.

Sun: What are you...

Blake: I'm not going anywhere near the White Fang. Not yet.

Sun: Seriously?

Blake: I need to sort some things out.

Sun: Then why not do it with your team? Your friends?

Blake: You're one to talk! Assuming Neptune, Sage, and Scarlet aren't hiding below deck!

Sun: You really think I could get Neptune on the ocean? They flew back to Mistral! I told them I'd catch up! It's not the first time I left them to take a boat!

Rouge: ... So, if you're not going after the White Fang, where are you going?

Blake: ... Home... to Menagerie.

Sun: Well, we're coming with you!

Rouge: You saw it yourself. The Grimm are getting stronger, Eggman's forces are spreading, and just because you're not after the White Fang, doesn't mean they won't come for you. 

Sun: Plus we're... kinda already on the boat.

Blake: There's really no stopping you?

Sun: Nope! This is going to be great! Never been to Menagerie before! It'll be a regular journey to the east!

Rouge: Journey to the East hm? ... Yeah... I like the sound of that.

(Aka POV)

I was in the Death Egg, watching on my scroll a conversation between Salem and Master. Salem questioned if Master killed that old man, Ozpin. 

Aka: How annoying...

I turned off the scroll as Orbot and Cubot came toward me.

Orbot: Doctor Eggman would like to see you now.

Aka: Right...

They rolled away and I followed them to Father. He was sitting in the Eggmobile with a smile.

Eggman: You needed me?

Aka: ... Metal Rose... Salem sent her after the girl...

Eggman: I see. And how is her progress?

Aka: ... Good but... she believes... Ozpin is still alive...

Eggman: Is that so? No matter... everything is going exactly according to plan...

He turned to face us as his smile grew with a new kind of evil as his greatest creation yet laid half-finished behind him.

-To Be Continued-

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