part 3: me and remix,s crush

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I was so happy that i made some new friends when i walked to my locker room, before remix came to me,
Hey sonica! how,s class? Remix said with the question,
It was great! I said i met two guys, silver and silver, YOU MET THEM!?! Said remix with a suprise way! Yeah..what? Is there something wrong? I said as she look at me
Silver is the coolest,and knuckles hangs out....with the hotties said whispering in my ear and points at silver and knuckles the hottest? I whisperd back at her. Yeah! She yelled, all girls want them
Look remix,im not really interested in their type,i said getting my books HERE THEY COME! remix grabs me to her locker. When she grabs me to the hall-way and i saw alot of girls screaming and fainted, they blocking our way out, remix it doesn,t matter,i don,t have too see them, i said dusting myself off, I CAN,T SEE!! Remix yelled as she pushes the girls out of her way, move it! She yelled, she saw a werehog walking ,(oh sonic)she blushes look! Sonica she said grabing me throgh the crowds, i was dashing through the crowds and i saw this green hedgehog with the sun glasses, (who is he...) i said in my mind, their single ya know but that werehog is mine remix said with blushing through her cheeks, oh i get it remix!! You can have all of them!! I yelled at her and walk away, HEY WAIT!!! Remix said tries to grab me, i walked away and went to my brother,s locker room, scourge, said the fangirls sqeualing heck a loud,so scourge, what class do you have, said silver walking aside of him, i have running class said scourge with the smirk,
Wow nice your awesome, said silver
Im gonna beat sonic,he,s not gonna beat me, he,s my worst friend, he,s gonna eat my dust, he said as he turns around to meet sonic at the running class,
(Later at the athletics) all right girls your gonna be late, said sonic while stretching, we love you sonic!!!!!!, said the fangirls walking away, when scourge walk towards him, look who,s here, said scourge looking at him, speak of the chilidogs? Said sonic doing push ups says you at least i don,t go around fangirls alot, scourge said crossing his arms, your just jealous, that you don,t have any, said sonic standing up and walk towards the starting line, allright racer,s said victor, sonic vs.scourge, now are you ready,? On your marks,.....get set....GO!!! The flag went down and the other,s ran ahead, ha! A fastest thing alive, nice joke said scourge bumping sonic the werehog, i hope you relize that im not trying, said sonic the were hog, doing the same at him,
Ha, don,t make me laugh he laughs said scourge laughing at him, but sonic run ahead of him

Sonic wins, said vector, sonic smirks and walks towards remix, remix blush and looks at me, i told her to go on ask him, she smile at me and walks toward to sonic, hey..said sonic looking at remix,s beautiful eyes, she blushes and began to speak, hi sonic,she said and blushes, so um remix, will you.....go out with me? Sonic said with the nervous way, remix can,t believe that she been asked out she began to kiss his cheek and actullay said yes to him,sonic smiles and helds her hand,and they walk together, i smile at them as the coach called my name, all right!! Sonica vs. Espio, ok ready vector said as we getting ready, on your marks,get set.....GO!!!!! I ran ahead of him and he accidentlly ate my dust, i ran ahead and made towards the finish line,
And scourge was watching me,(im starting to like this chick)scourge said in his mind,smirking

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