Chapter 4 - fears and be on your guard

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Sonic, Seelkadoom, Manic, and Tails just warned them about Fiona and Scourge as Knuckles gasped. Sonic felt like he was gonna puke as he can only imagine the torment of his own step-brother as much as Seelkadoom is. That's when Sonic and Seelkadoom hugged as Sonic said in fear, we stand up to him if we weren't too terrified of Scourge to try. Sticks said, I feel your pain you two. Manic shook his head and said, you two have been afraid of him when you two were five. Tails teased, well I thought you were afraid of water Sonic. Seelkadoom said in defense, actually he's not entirely afraid of the water itself he just can't swim due to the incident, his condition and our step-fathers death. Knuckles looked at him and said, what condition? Sonic said, well there was an incident when I was at the beach with my brothers and sister and I were having an okay time but when I was in the water I had a really bad stroke. Manic said to finish, and since the incident we took him to see Doctor Jean Quill and she said that Sonic shouldn't be in water due to the stroke he had...I think she said the water caused him to have a stroke if he stays there for 5 or 3 hours. Knuckles thought, so that explains that ocean incident when Sonic still hasn't overcome his fear or should I say his condition.


Knuckles and the others were annoyed that Sonic still hasn't faced his fear. After the eagle left Sonic said, look you won't understand why I hate water. Knuckles said in an annoyed tone as the others left, look Sonic it's just water it's not like it's gonna swallow you. Sonic said in frustrated tone, you wouldn't understand why I hate water. Knuckles said in an angered tone, well you need to's just water and there's nothing to be afraid of. Sonic trembled as he said, don't...under...stand...*gasped* that's when Sonic stopped moving as his eyes became dilated. Knuckles realized his tone and said, look I...I'm sorry I I didn't mean to lash out I...huh?...*he looked at Sonic in concern* uhh?...Sonic are you alright? Then his eyes widened as Sonic collapsed. Knuckles rushes to him and said, OH NO SONIC!!!...*he kneels down and sees him not looking good* what happened?...*realizes* oh man I...I think Sonic had a stroke... Knuckles never knew how to deal with a situation such as this but he picked Sonic up and rushes to Tails house and places him on the couch then Knuckles uses Sonics scarf as the closes wash rag he can find and washes it and places it on Sonics forehead. Sonic regained consciousness as Knuckles said in a little panicked tone, Sonic?....Sonic are you okay? Sonic whispered, huh?...wh..what happened? Knuckles let out a sigh of relief and said, I think you might have had a stroke recently I'll go and get you some help okay? Sonics eyes widened in shock and thought, shoot...I can't let Doctor Jean know about this...I can't let her or my mom find out about this...I gotta think of something fast... before Knuckles can go Sonic grabbed him and sat up and said, no don't...I'll...I'll be fine I just...*then gets dizzy a little before laying down again* Knuckles in concern said as he placed his wet scarf on his forehead, Sonic I think your really pushing yourself too hard about I go get Tails in the mean time just lay there and wait. Sonic nodded and said, okay... that's when Sonic turned red and sweaty. Sonic thought, okay...but should I? he can't know about my past...until I have the courage to tell him I can't tell anyone about my past...if my sister finds out she will lecture me like she always does... when Knuckles came back with Tails. Both noticed how sick Sonic is. Knuckles felt his head and said, oh my gosh Sonic your burning up. Sonic sickly and whispered, what?...shoot... Sonic mumbles, must of the side effects of having a water stroke. Knuckles couldn't help but hear him and said, uhh....what was that Sonic? Sonic whispered, it's...nothing... Knuckles was concern as Sonic went to sleep slowly. Knuckles place the blanket on him and walked to Tails who was also concern. Knuckles looked at Sonic still asleep with concern for him.

<flashback ends>

Everyone was quiet until Sonic said in shame, when Sonia found out about it she was furious at me for going to the water she didn't care why but she knew that I wasn't supposed to. Tails said, that is rare...about you I having a water stroke... Knuckles said, said something about an incident what kind? Seelkadoom explained, before the incident with Sonics stroke Sonic and I were playing around when Scourge tried to drown him....he kept Sonics head down as he laughed. I couldn't stand was the only time I stood up to Scourge...I pushed him away and got Sonic out of there just in time...I was lucky he didn't drown on that day...Scourge had been nothing but trouble to us since...

<flashback when Sonic and Seelkadoom were six>

Scourge was keeping Sonic in the water when Seelkadoom said as he pushed him, GET OFF OF HIM!!! Seelkadoom pulled Sonic out on time and reached shore as he pat Sonics back and said, it's's okay....your's okay... Sonic said as he cuddled to Seelkadoom, oh Seelkadoom... later they explained what Scourge did. luckily Manic, their mother and step father believed them about Scourge trying to drown him.

<flashback ends>

Knuckles said, I...I don't know what to say anymore... Sonic cried on his chest and said, I was so scared...and I'm still scared of him... Seelkadoom said, we need to beyond the look out for that nut job. Manic said, Seelkadooms right we need to be on our guard. Tails and the others nod before heading out. Leaving Knuckles and Sonic alone. Knuckles held Sonic who was still crying. Knuckles said, listen know those times when we thought you were really afraid of water?...*Sonic nods* well knowing that your afraid of someone like him...I'm not sure if... Sonic cuts him off and said, look Knuckles...I know what your trying to say but...I'll try whatever I could to face my fear of Scourge along with Seelkadoom if he hurt any of you I wouldn't forgive him for what he did. Knuckles smiled and said, my love... Sonic said as he blushed, my darling. They blushed as they gazed into each other's eyes but as they attempted to kiss again an evil laugh echoed into the halls.

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