Chapter 1: Tropical Resort

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Above the planet Earth, homeworld to it's heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog and the Justice League, a new adventure is set to begin in a gigantic and colorful amusement park floating in space, surrounded by five other planets chained to the park above the Earth.

There appears to be an entrance way to the planetary theme park. This massive resort is simply breathtaking with its colors exploding like fireworks in the sky all while Eggman's voice can be heard from the loud speaker, 'Next stop, the Tropical Resort. There, you'll find breathtaking views from our gigantic Ferris Wheel, amazing deals in the shopping mall, and constant risk of bodily harm.'

In front of the arching gate, a arrow attaches itself to the "Welcome" sign. The green archer figure who launched the grappling arrow using it as a method to swing through the resort. He swings and swings, bouncing off the giant Ferris Wheel to run along a rail before he leaps off to swing some more again.

Down below, blue and red streaks speeds by, smashing through Egg Pawns wielding welcome signs while covered in a blue and red aura, all with a grin on their faces. Up ahead, a woman that looks to be the White Canary grinds on a rail that leads to a breathtaking view of Earth outside. She tricks off the rail when she notices some flying robots approaching her. In a quick instant, she takes out her staff and slices them up as she lands on the ground and bounces off the walls repeatedly as a quick stream of white. A woman with white hair in black and blue slides on ice as she blasts badniks with her powers passing through.

Up in the air, a happy Kryptonian and a man in a suit flies through the skies, avoiding the Spinner badniks while spinning through the Dash Rings to give them an extra boost of speed while shouting, "YEAH-HA!"

On the ground, robots are continually getting rammed by a smirking man wearing goggles riding on a high-tech motorcycle that can transform into a hoverbike, accompanied by a man with a flamethrower gun with a flying two-tailed fox catching up to the others.

The man riding the bike is Cisco Ramon a.k.a. Vibe who looks up to see the speedster hero running through the resort, "How're you liking this place, Barry?"

"WOOOOHOOOO!" The Flash spins through a line of rainbow rings in mid-air that leads him to a spectacular view of the whole park, "This place is AMAZING!" He shouted as he continues to run.

Sonic laughs as he grinds down a rail. "You can say that again!" He cheered as he leaps off to homing attacking more robots.

An excited Sara Lance jumps off a dash panel to perform a few tricks in mid-air. "Good! Great! Awesome! Outstanding!...," She said as Kara flies above and grabs her hand.

"AMAZING!" The Kryptonian, Kara finished.

"You guys are as chipper as ever!" Oliver said as he swings in the air.

"Enough talking! I wanna get this over with and go home!" Mick said as he holds on the the bike as Cisco drives it through the area.

"Hey, wait! We haven't gone over the park rules yet!" Tails shouted while staying close to Cisco and Mick.

"This is going to be fun!" Cisco said as he, Mick, and Tails catches up with the other thrill-seekers in this amusement park in space.

"Welcome to Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park, where you can enjoy five planets for the price of one!" Eggman's voice spoke through the loud speaker of Tropical Resort.

"He loves to hear his own lips flap, but I gotta hand it to the Eggster, this place is epic," Sonic smiled, "Everyone and their brother is gonna want to come here."

"Or sister." Kara grinned as they walk together.

"An amusement park in space...! I'm SO tempted to check out all the rides!" Cisco said excited and eagerly.

"I feel like forgetting about saving the world and hop on one right now!" Ray followed, sharing Cisco's excited enthusiasm.

"As much as I would love to share your enthusiasm guys, we're still in enemy territory. We'll have to be careful." Kara advised.

"Aw lighten up, Kara. This place looks fun!" Barry smiled.

"Since when did Eggman ever since care about building a place where people can have fun?" Oliver said asked the speedster.

"I know it sounds unlikely, but do you see anything suspicious around? This place looks totally harmless." Tails remarked.

"Because Eggman plus built amusement park equals evil plot for us to foil. Lucky for us he's not very good at keeping things hidden." Sonic replied.

"True, it would be really hard to miss giant floating amusement park surrounded by planets." Tails said.

"Still, an evil plot? I don't know." Cisco said.

They stopped for a moment to admire the gorgeous scenery of Earth outside the park. Multiple "wows" and "whoas" were spoken from the heroes.

"Plot or not, you can't be mad at this view." Frost said.

"I know. This place is taking beauty to the next level. I'm just surprised how easy it was to sneak in here." Sonic said.

"Umm, I wouldn't say it that easy." Tails muttered as he thinks back to the elevator ride that took them here.

Flashback to a 15 minutes ago...

Sonic and the League go to the elevator that'll take them to the doctor's amusement park. They ride while listening to Eggman's voice speaking through the PA, "Hello, happy people! Buckle up, as Eggman's Ultra-Accelerating Space Elevator whisks you to an interplanetary wonderland of fun!"

"I can't believe somebody was dumb enough to leave the keys in this thing! It's like Eggman is BEGGING us to sneak in and trash the place." Sonic said.

"I can't wait to see how great this amusement park is." Cisco said excitedly.

"I wonder what kind of rides there are?" Ray said excited as well.

"You two are very excited." Oliver said.

"How about you, Oliver?" Kara asked.

"I've really haven't been to an amusement park in long time, much less one floating in space. I would be a little more excited if I could handle the speed on this thing." He said, starting to feel a little queasy from this elevator ride.

"M-m-man, this thing's got c-c-crazy fast acceleration! Tails said, feeling the terminal velocity of the elevator.

"Hmph. You call this fast?" Sonic taunted.

"Well, maybe the elevator is "2 fast 4 you." Mick teased, receiving a glare from the irritated hedgehog. "It was a joke okay?! No need to give the evil eye!"

"It wasn't even that funny." Barry remarked.

'This amusement park has been constructed entirely out of remorse for my past transgressions and is in no way associated with any sort of evil plot or premeditated misdeeds.' Eggman PA continued.

"Well, that's a relief." Sonic said sarcastically.

"I feel safer already." Barry said with some sarcasm as well.

Flashback Ends

Back to present time...

Tails groans, face-palming after remembering that dizzy event. "Ugh, just thinking about it makes my head feel like it wants to..." The fox was cut-off when a loud noise from an explosion happens behind them. The heroes rush to see Cubot holding a net and Orbot carrying a laser pistol to recapture three of the small aliens that escaped: a white alien with a sphere for a head and three tentacles looping down and a strand of curly blue "hair" on his head between his antennae. The Cyan alien that's shaped like a lightning bolt. And the Red alien that looks like a flaming teardrop with three eyes.

"Yee Haw! Git along, li'l aliens!" Cubot shouted in western accent.

"Your voice chip is stuck on cowboy again! Stop talking and get those aliens!" Orbot ordered his dimwitted partner. He meaninglessly shoots around the aliens but none of his shots come close to hitting them. Cubot continues to speak in cowboy while attempting to net the three aliens but is unsuccessful just as Orbot stopped caring and sighs as he lies on his side.

"I'm not sure what's goin' on, but I'm sure of what we're gonna do! Come on, Mick!" Sonic said as he and Mick zip in closer to where the robots are. The hedgehog quickly snatched the white and cyan while Mick snatched the red one before Cubot could and went back to their friends.


"Hey, what's going on?" Sonic asked the robots. Before anyone could do anything, the cyan alien flew inside Sonic, much to everyone's shock. "Huh?!" The hedgehog started to slowly float with a cybernetic aura and starts glowing cyan before everyone's eyes,

Announcer: LAZER!

"Whoa," Sonic zooms away fast like Cyan Lazer, drastically bouncing everywhere from building to building until he was out of sight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Aaaaand he's gone." Frost broke the silence.

"What the heck just happened?! Is that normal?" Cisco said.

"I... have no idea," Oliver replied. "That alien just went inside Sonic and supercharged him. Turned him into a lazer." He said.

"A super-fast one too!" Barry remarked.

"These creatures possess a strange energy, the likes I never seen before." Kara commented on the innate power of these aliens.

Mick turns to see Egg Pawns coming at them. "Hold that thought, Skirts. The welcome party just arrived." He said as they turn to the robots.

The robots begin shooting at the heroes as they begin avoiding their laser shots. Oliver and Cisco and begin shooting at the bots while Flash runs them down. "What a great way to greet your guests. Blast them to kingdom come." Sara said as she while punching Egg Pawns with Frost blasting them.

Atom and Supergirl in the air fire at the bots in the sky and the ground. Before Mick could trash some more robots, the red alien he saved flies in front of him. "Hey buddy. Get the hell outta here and somewhere safe! I'm trying to burn these walking scrap metals." Mick shouted. The red alien heeds Mick's advice but instead of hiding behind a corner, it flies into Mick. "Hey, W-what are you doing?!" He quipped.

Announcer: BURST!

Mick then transforms into a Red Burst Fireball and starts bouncing around attacking the badniks leaving a trail of fire behind. He then slams down near the bots and explodes, decimates all the robots in a single instant with enough force to knock everything around away.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"AH! That was... AWESOME!" Mick said and groaned as he rubs his head just as the red alien came out of him returning him to his human form while it flew away.

"Whoa..." Sara and Ray stare in awe at the large crater Mick made.

"That was unreal! What kind of power was that?!" Kara asked, shocked as everyone else.

"Did you do that, Mick?" Barry asked the former criminal.

"I... guess?" Mick replied, just as confused as everyone else. They turn to see Tails and Cisco caught up with them, with the two tailed-fox carrying his Miles Electric Tablet.

"We heard an explosion. Who did that?" Cisco asked the group.

"I did." Mick waved his hand.

"What did you do?" Cisco asked.

"I didn't do anything really. It was that red alien." Mick retorted.

"Alien?" Tails remarked.

"Yeah. The thing flew inside and the next thing you know I turned into a fire "burst" ball of mass destruction! Same thing that happened to Sonic when that cyan alien turned him into a lazer!" Mick replied as he's met with the white-sphere alien with the curly blue strand for hair. "Though I don't know what this one does. What the hell are you?" He asked the alien.

"A%5#UA&1AB!" The alien spoke in an odd language that none of them could understand.

"Does anyone know what it's saying?" Ray asked.

"Maybe if Gary was here, he would understand it." Sara said.

"Don't worry. I can recalibrate my handheld to work as a translator. I just need to make some slight adjustments." Tails said as he sits down to tinker with his handheld.

"Like what?" Oliver asked him.

"First, I gotta connect the framistatic capacitor to the maximizing modulationzor..."

"Then you gotta tinker with the radiaomotocur..." Cisco continued.

"That's after you mess with the transocospector module." Ray said.

"Oh right. Was thinking ten steps after you refigure the frentaretracter reactor." Cisco said.

"What are they talking about about?" Everyone else besides Barry thought with sweat drops, confused by all this science techno-babble.

The little white alien starts talking again, too bad they couldn't understand it. "We wish we knew what you were saying, little guy. Or gal. Or whatever you are." Tails said.

Before they knew it, Sonic came back as a lazer and turned back to normal as the cyan alien exits out of his body. "Oh man! That... was... CRAZY!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Sonic, you're back!" Kara said.

"So did you go somewhere?" Tails asked the hedgehog.

"Didn't you see? I absorbed those aliens and got powered up with like, some kind of wild energy! And a few seconds they'd pop outta me!" Sonic explained.

"Same thing happened here!" Mick spoke up.

"I still find that hard to believe." Tails slowly said about them using the aliens to power themselves up.

"Have you forgotten who you're friends with?" Sonic asked since they are just as weird as the aliens they've used.

"True, true." Tails replied as the white alien interrupts the conversation to speak in gibberish again, but no one still quite understands what it's saying.

"Okay, seriously, we need to find Eggman and figure out how catching these aliens fits into whatever heinous plan he's hatching." Sonic said.

"And wreck that plan, right?" Tails said.

"Yeah, that's pretty how we spend our time." Sonic said.

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